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Round 1 Complete: 2014 Photo of the Year - $10,000 Cash Prizing

Feb 15, 2015
by Pinkbike Staff  
We've finally narrowed down the nominees to 32 and we are ready to get started. (Yeah we know, a little late, but we've been pinned with the move of our HQ to Squamish!), So without further adieu, here are the photos vying for the $10,000 in CASH as well as $20,000 in prizing from our sponsors: Specialized Bikes and SRAM.

Check out the voting page

The 4th annual Pinkbike Photo of the Year Contest voting is underway. The winner will join John Wellburn, Toby Cowley and Sterling Lorence in the PB Photo of the Year Hall of Fame and they could walk away with $5,000 and a Specialized Enduro 27.5 kitted with a full SRAM groupo.

How Does it Work?

From thousands of nominated photos, 32 have been selected to pit against each other in a college basketball bracket-like showdown. At this point it is up to you, the users, to vote on the match ups. The photos with the most votes will move onto the next round. So 32 photos will narrow down to 16, then 8, 4, 2 until there is a single photo deemed the 2014 Specialized Photo of the Year Powered by SRAM.

Specialized 275 Enduro
  Who from the top 32 will be taking this beauty home: a Specialized Enduro 27.5 with full SRAM build kit.

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Mike Zinger
Bunny Hop

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Rupert Walker
Table under the bridge

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Daniel Roos
POY submissions

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Peter Lengyel
POY submissions

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Steve Riffel
Dylan styling out this air on steam shovel Sun Peaks raddest dirt jump trail. I shot this with my 14mm 2.8 fisheye standing on top of the landing. The rider to camera distance was very small I usually always know were Dylan is going to be so I have no problem putting myself and my gear in the line of fire when we capture nugs like this

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Christoph Laue
It s all about the moment in sport photography - Photo Christoph Laue

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Rikard Lindby
Early morning ride down from Gornergrat. Great trails and great light. Shot with Mamiya 7ii on Kodak Portra 400

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Margus Riga
Exploring trails off the Dempster Hwy.

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Dave Trumpore
I ve taken a ton of photos over the past few months a countless number of which I am extremely proud of yet this photo of Jared Graves out for a training ride in Nevados De Chillan may be the one I would place at the top of the list. Not only is the photo beautiful so much so that you almost don t notice Jared bar dragging through the corner but the entire experience of this location the trail and the time of year is something I will never forget. Chillan at the height of fall with all the vibrant colors popping was simply breathtaking.

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Reuben Krabbe
Dylan Sherrard in Kamloops BC

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Michael Overbeck
Ollie with a table heading in to a rockface last fall on a fairly wet day in the coast mountains.

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Sam Needham
Deep down in the misty woods Chris Akrigg came out to play.

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Bruno Long
While recovering from a shoulder injury in the fall we experienced a cloud inversion for almost two weeks. Sitting at home one afternoon I had a feeling I was missing out FOMO or FOMAS and rallied to the top of one of our trails. As I reached the top I saw the most amazing light display I had ever seen. Without anyone to shoot and the light quickly fading I only had a few minutes to set up the tripod and remote trigger which I ended up triggering in my mouth . Pretty happy with the results and the next day I returned with a rider and experienced the same light this time for almost an hour. A few of the resulting images ended up gracing the pages of Bike Magazine including the closing spread of the Photo Annual.

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Sean Lee
It s just ticked over 100 days of no rain in Perth so cornering at mach chicken turns out a bit like a Michael Bay movie. Shooting wide open at f 1.4 was a bit of a gamble but it paid off

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Laurence Crossman-Emms
Matt Jones with a dumped 360 at the late Woburn Sands jumps for Dirt Magazine Run to the Hills - Laurence CE - www.laurence-ce.com Find the full slideshow here https vimeo.com 86129923

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Joakim Andreassen
A warm and sunny day turned all epic on us when a couple of skies suddenly dropped some heavy summer rain. Hafjell post Hillbilly Huckfest 2013.

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Adrian Marcoux
So very Lost at this point in time

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Toby Cowley
Just a coupla guys riding their bicycles down a really big sand dune.

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Harookz Sherpas Cinema Graham Agassiz - Iceland

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Paris Gore
Graham Agassiz flipping the August 11th Super Moon during the 2014 Deep Summer Photo Challenge. Shot with a Nikon D4 amp 600mm F4 Lens Processed in Lightroom for basic color correction.

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Thomas Woodson
After surviving the Cordillera Huayhuash Joey Schusler Sam Seward and I set out to explore our base town of Huaraz during our final days in Peru. We biked the dirt alleys around this field of laundry all morning before temptation won us over. The owner still washing clothes across the creek whistled and waved in attempt to scare us off. If only she could have seen our grins. No laundry was hurt during the making of this photo.

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Robb Thompson
To me this shot helps to show how in control top guys like Troy are with being almost out of control. They ride that super fine line between total disaster - and spetacular speed and success. I think the level of commitment and compensation with body position that is required to ride out sketchy situations at ridiculous speed is evident here.

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Ewald Sadie
Matthieu Hamel dropping into the natural granite bowls. web www.esphotography.co.za insta ewaldsadie

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Ale Di Lullo
Epic night riding around Lake Garda with bretttippie

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Dan Milner
storm dodging at dusk after a 1300 m hike-a-bike climb to reach the trail. That s 1300m descent in twilight too.

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Tim Koerber
POY submissions

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Chris Pilling
Craig makes the final few turns before finishing off a technical rocky descent along Hwy 1 near Canmore AB.

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Francesco Barnes
It took about a year before I could get the right conditions to take this picture. Then two hours driving from Rome thirty minutes of attempts and 27 seconds of exposure to catch the beauty of the Milky Way while my brother s bike was marking the landscape with its front light. Less than a mile away some campfire and night partying was taking place in the woods resulting in a distant and misterious orange halo. To read the entire story go to http www.theimagestory.com story francesco-barnes-piana-di-campo-felice

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Sterling Lorence
Matt Hunter enjoying bicycle riding.

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Stef Cande
Horizontal turn

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Chris Prescott
by Chris Prescott

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Jacob Gibbins
Photos to go up with the video from our trip to the island of Madeira at the start of 2014.

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What's at stake? $10,000 Cash and $20,000+ in Prizing

Winner will receive a Specialized Enduro 27.5 complete with the newest SRAM kit and a check for $5000
• Runner-up will receive a check for $3000
• Other semi-finalists will each receive $1000

New for this year, a prize pack for nailing the voting
The user that votes the closet to the correct bracket could win a SRAM X01 Drivetrain (crankset, cassette, chain, shifter, derailleur and an x-sync direct mount chain ring)
*if multiple users have the same voting brackets, then a random draw from the matching users will be drawn

Thanks to Specialized Bikes and SRAM.

Vote Here

2014 Photo of the Year

Mentions: @SramMedia @Specialized

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pinkbikeaudience avatar

Member since Jul 22, 2013
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  • 268 2
 I was just scrolling through going, yep that's it..... wait no, that's the one... holy crap, they're all incredible.
  • 46 2
 Just split the money apart and also give each person a different component of the bike cause they're all great pics!! Smile
  • 27 0
 maybe that's why it's 2 months late
  • 6 5
 Honestly though... I'm from socal and drive by the bridge in pic #2 every so often. Is it really enough for a poy nomination? I guess so.
  • 7 1
 Specialized just give all of them a bike and call it a winners' day.
  • 6 0
 i have no idea what to do now
  • 2 0
 can i choose 8 please?
  • 9 1
 ....tough choice but thanks PB for the voting fomrat, having to choose my top 16 by pairs was much easier than picking one.. good job, if a little late!
  • 6 4
 Hard to beat Dave Trumpore or Sean Lee's photos. Those are so raw!
  • 3 1
 Michael overbeck=POY
  • 1 0
 All was some awesome pictures! the voting format was nice cuz its more easy to vote for 16 pic than only 1 pic!
this competition looks awesome!

Cheers! Pinkbike! Big Grin
  • 34 0
 This is the most difficult day at work I have had in a month.
  • 1 0
 I was agonising over it, then clicked the link and it's a bracket competition so you only ever choose between two. Phew, it would have been a paralysing decision otherwise.
  • 4 0
 I cried trying to pick the first one.. then the second and twelfth..
  • 1 0
 sean lee's mtb's version of powder
  • 2 0
 Paris Gore just captured the new cover for E.T 2!
  • 52 0
 I don't know about the rest of you, but I decide by asking this one question: If this was a photo of me, would it be the one and only displayed at my funeral?
  • 14 2
 Based on that, I'm going for the Toby Cowley photo because it would conjure up memories in my friends: "Oh yeah, that was that trip to Africa for a round of the World Cup and then we went to Namibia to ride in the desert. We hired a van that looked fine but when Davo leaned his bike on it his bar went through the paint because it was so rusty. And Phil nearly got arrested at customs in J'burg because he packed his hex wrenches in a carry-on. Good times..."
  • 2 0
 thats a good call @iamamodel its something that's really been troubling me at the moment, I don't have a photo of me biking at the moment I'd like shown at my funeral... need to get on this
  • 2 0
 I'd go with Margus Riga's if that were the case, its a great picture. but they all are incredible, they are of different things. yes, they're all of people biking, but it shows a different type of biking in each.
  • 2 0
 By that criteria I'd go with Steve Riffel's, that picture has really captured the fun of riding. I'm leaning toward Daniel Roos' for making a mundane location look so amazing - looks like Giza and the reflection is nice too!
  • 4 1
 @iamamodel how ironic would it be to die while trying to get a sick shot to show at your funeral
  • 2 0
 That is funny Stig.We all know the easiest way to make someone crash on something they've ridden a million times before is to tell them they are being filmed/photographed.
  • 2 0
 oh man reminds me of when my friend got a gopro... every time the camera was on, one of us would eat sh*t because you gotta go all out to make it look good Wink
  • 27 0
 It's better later than never Wink
  • 44 0
 Smile Been a busy month. We do apologize getting this up late, we've been pinned! Photos could be the best yet though.
  • 3 0
 But in the final you do a great work guys congrats Smile
  • 18 0
 PinkBike, why you gotta make me choose!?
  • 15 0
 Dontcha know I'm human too.
  • 2 0
 Exactly. Voting in this thing will be painful.
  • 1 0
 The third match up was impossible too choose
  • 2 0
 I'm gonna vote here anyway
  • 2 0
 Vote for that pic, vote for it anyways.
  • 14 0
 no offense to other years, but I think this is the strongest year yet
  • 1 0
 A very good many of these photos make me grit my teeth with barely repressed urges to yell like a barbarian, they make me so stoked.
  • 7 0
 Thinking Cristoph Laue, Reuben Krabbe, Sean Lee or Ale di Lullo, because they've really captured what mountain biking is to me. Of course they're all great pics... Now the hard job, picking just one.
  • 7 0
 And here comes again the struggle to pick one awesome picture over an equally awesome piece of art
  • 6 0
 Despite loving every single one of'em I have to go with Ale Di Lullo's one ; It has been my wallpaper for tooooo looooong. Sorry Frown
  • 4 0
 Noticed a large portion of photos are coming out of Kamloops/BC. Is it just a particularly beautiful place, with a large amount of talent both sides of the lens, or do people from Kamloops/BC just care that bit more about having their photograph taken? Yes.
  • 9 1
 maan this is tough
  • 7 0
 Shredhard in a couple of the photos! Nice work
  • 6 0
 voting on this is like trying to choose which one of your puppies you love most.... if you had puppies
  • 3 0
 My god, a lot of these are truly incredible... Best batch, ever? And it's very interesting how many of my decisions came down to composition, photo 'rules' and a polished look. But hey, I could be biased just because I love @timkoerber's photo so damn much.

Bravo on the pickings, guys. You made the decision tough!
  • 2 0
 I'm gonna complain a bit about the format too. I like the college basketball style bracket format but that tournament works really well because everybody is seeded worst vs. best so the good teams don't end up eliminating each other before the later rounds. In this case many of the best shots (IMO at least) are matched against each other. Perhaps its just a bias, but I'm looking for photos that actually include some awesome riding, not just pretty picture (and some of those are very pretty!) that happens to include a guy on a bike in it.
  • 4 0
 Did anyone else notice that the second round of voting brackets got moved back one day from the 15th to today (the 16th)?

Sly move Pinkbike, sly move.
  • 2 0
 yes, i was wondring about that too. can anylone explain why?
  • 4 1
 Love the composition in Dave Trumpore's (in most of them to be honest), but Christoph Laue's is a once in a lifetime shot. Stunning.
  • 2 0
 agreed. laue's shot is the best one in a collection of bangers. I really appreciate being able to see such amazing photos that do so well to reflect the things that I love in biking- in such an imaginative manner. great set of choices lads. the calendar will be straight up bike porn.
  • 6 2
 Robb Thompson's picture of Troy Brosnan is just pure gold. By far my pick to win.
  • 2 1
 It's a bloody tough comp and to hard to choose only one winner. Just thinking about the prep work that went into Chris Prescotts is mind boggling, Sterling Lorence and Stef Cande are quite similar but both extreme in there own rights but they are all proper sick...wish I had half the talent taking pics that these dudes or dude-ettes do.
  • 2 0
 So much awesomeness. I could stare at all of them forever. As others have said, I love the format. It makes the decision that little bit easier. Thanks PB and all the photogs.
  • 3 0
 Matchup 3 is impossible to choose from... both of them could be finalists for me, few photos got me so stocked to go ride my bike throughout the whole year like those two!!
  • 1 1
 I think it's awesome they have this competition, but I think they should have a competition for amateur photographers too. It would be really helpful for those trying to get their name out there, and be a big accomplishment on a resume for trying to get hired by these bigger companies.
  • 3 0
 They're all gut punchers for me. I can't vote in good conscience. Give them all a bike and some cash.
  • 6 2
 That Christoph Laue shot just does it for me
  • 3 1
 The composition is very well thought of with the first rider under the arm of the last one.
  • 3 1
 Its deffinitely the picture im rooting for!
  • 1 0
 Yeah they look great, awesome job everyone, but I'm a little over the sunset/fog/pondering life from the hilltop shot. A little variety would be nice. I might as well just flip a coin on many of them.
  • 1 0
 I hear ya...on a lot of those I went with the "moving" vs "pondering" - having riders just makes it a bit more interesting than 'standing there thinking how cool is this'.
  • 2 0
 that Christophe Laue shot took it for me, the timing you need to pull that off.......plus the composition is on point. Unreal entries from everyone!
  • 5 2
 I'm over the moon for Paris Gore's photo of Aggy!...
  • 1 0
 Couldn't have said it better! My fave for sure.
  • 2 0
 impossible, just divide the cash and the bike by 20 or what ever number of pics
  • 5 6
 Weird, I saw 2 versions of the original bracket with some different photos (my own included) and it gets changed last minute to include some shots from 2011 and 2012? Ah well, not like it was going to win anyway. Way too many rad shots this year!!!
  • 3 1
 Sterling Lorence/Matt Hunter vs Stef Cande/Bryan Regnier are you kidding me? How am I supposed to choose?!?!?!?!?!?
  • 4 0
 gotta go with the original.
  • 3 0
 Prizing?...belongs with 'fitment' and 'colorway'
  • 11 12
 Oh C'm on! There will be no votes, since nobody here wants to support a contest sponsored by evil company Specialized, responsible for ruining careers of two World Cup Champions and occupying a region in France, where main prize is a bike with laughable, hypeful name Enduro, with too short stays, too low BB and rearward axle path... Wait! It has a black Pike - we want that! So must have!
  • 3 1
 ,,,Waki, please don't break your cardnial rule number 2.Don't push others to do as you do...(www.pinkbike.com/news/opinion-shiny-object-arent-the-answer-2015.html_
you're not forced to vote but some others may be happy that 'evil' Specilaized are spending their evil marketing earmed $ on supporting a very valued part of our fun.
  • 5 2
 Sarcaaaaasm! Merde!
  • 4 1
 lol spesh probably earns that 5k within 2 seconds of attention they get for bullying someone's shop to closure
  • 2 0
 exactement.... !
  • 4 1
 Wallpapers. Wallpapers everywhere.
  • 4 1
 Christoph Laue the winner! Once in a lifetime shot!
  • 3 0
 Thank's at the Pinkbike Staff to have choosen my Photo !
  • 2 0
 breathtaking, one after another - amazing how our sport & photography progressed over the years!
  • 1 0
 It's so difficult to vote between two photos each time! Can't they all win?!
  • 1 0
 Has anyone gotten their PinkBike calendar yet? Cause I feel like all those pictures were part of it.
  • 2 0
 ooooohhhhh shiiiiiiiitttttt. it's that time again.
  • 1 0
 oh wow so many great photos its hard to choose buttttt Thomas Woodson ( yeti ) is just 2 damn cool
good luck:-)
  • 2 0
 SEAN LEE for the mothafocking WIN!!!
  • 1 0
  • 2 1
 I keep sending my pic of me on the toilet and they keep rejecting it! Bunch of snobs!
  • 2 1
 Why did they have to pit the two photos with the light trails against each other?? Frown
  • 1 0
 That was very hard to do, I didn't like voting between some shots as they seemed equally as good.
  • 1 0
 Damn, I would've loved to see Nathan Hughes photo of Sam Hill with the golden sunshine background make the list.
  • 1 0
 Damn! It just ain't fair! More brutal than ever. Not looking forward to the next rounds at all...
  • 1 0
 These are ALL incredible!
  • 2 1
 well that's me now got a few more awesome desktop background pictures
  • 1 0
 voting was never so hard.
  • 1 0
 That was the hardest shit ive ever done ! How do you seperate perfection?!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Lindby or Long. Lindby or Long...
  • 1 2
 them damn Canadians, i wanted to vote for the euros, but ended up clicking on almost every Canadian picture.

PS: that Namibia for the win!
  • 1 0
 matchup 4... really hard chosing one!!!
  • 1 0
 too hard !! incredibles shoot !!
  • 1 0
 you guys are moving to squamish!!! too good
  • 2 1
 Vinny T and vink pictures with the 3 riders will WIN !!
  • 1 0
 I swear I saw ET there. Tell me if I'm wrong
  • 1 0
 another near-impossible contest to get the X01
  • 1 0
 Too much beautiful pictures to choose from :/
  • 1 0
 Guy roosting the berm for the win!
  • 3 1
  • 2 0
 Sean Lee
  • 1 0
 Next voting round? Its the 15th today
  • 2 0
 Dave Trumpore FTW!!!!
  • 1 1
 Voting doesn't work on iPhone... 1999 called, they want their web designer back!!!
  • 1 0
 Damn... all epic shots.. gonna be a hard one!
  • 1 0
 *fewer than, not less than.
  • 1 0
 All of them are amazing, i will go for Sean lee
  • 1 0
 beautiful pictures Smile
  • 4 7
 This competition should be divided in two categories: amateur and professional photographers.
It's impossible to someone who doesn't travel and takes photos for a living trying to reach this top 32.
  • 4 0
 @diogoa I foot all my own expenses and do all of my own travel at this point. It's hard, but it's totally possible. Don't count yourself out.
  • 12 1
 My photo was taken 40 minutes from home with my best friend. He's no pro, I'm not a full pro. It's very possible to reach the top 32 Smile
  • 4 0
 Bruno Long's picture is a self-portrait taken a few minutes drive from his house.
  • 3 6
 So lame, at least three times I was forced to chose between two pictures that both should be going on to the finals! change the format!
  • 3 5
 Discounted all the dirt jump stuff as that isn't really mountain biking is it!!!!.........ooooooo, no he didn't!
  • 3 4
 Just a little late
  • 3 4
 About damn time!
  • 3 5
 pick a shot and be a dick about it
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