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2018 World Cup Calendar Released - New Venue

Jan 27, 2017
by Pinkbike Staff  
World Cup racing hasn't even begun for 2017 and we have 2018's calendar landing in our laps. With viewers and riders looking for some changes 2018 could be the season for it, with a new venue and another that hasn't been seen on the downhill circuit for a number of years. A steady mix of staples like Fort William and Mont St. Anne will remain.

Full 2018 UCI World Cup DH Calendar (Provisional)

2018 UCI World Cup MTB Calendar

The new venue to the 2018 season is Lošinj, which is a small island in Croatia recently claimed to be "Croatia's best-kept secret" back in 2014 by the Daily Mail. La Bresse, which has hosted World Cup DH rounds in the past but has only seen the XCO rounds visiting more recently, will return to the DH calendar.

Ratboy Bryceland was having a barn burner. Until he hit the eject button on the last double. In replays it appears he blew off his pedals. Judging by the high quality sneaks he s sporting--where d he find those things A dumpster --equipment failure in that department may have Bryceland in search of a shoe sponsor for Val di Sole.
La Bresse was a raw track that provided some serious entertainment (coupled with classic Rob Warner commentary) back in 2011, the last year that it was on the downhill calendar.

Full 2018 UCI World Cup XCO Calendar (Provisional)

2018 UCI XCO Calendar

La Bresse, which is situated in France, was won by Julien Absalon in 2016, keeping the home nation proud. He did so with the aid of a dropper post too, something that is still less common at the World Cup XCO races, but one that gives an idea to the nature of the course at the venue.

Julien Absalon takes the win. Riding a dropper post on a full suspension bike Absalon has evolved once again this season.

2018 Mountain Bike World Cup Calendar (Provisional)
• March 7-10 – Stellenbosch (RSA) XCO
• April 21/22 – Lošinj (Cro) DHI
• May 19/20 – Nove Mesto na Morave (Cze) XCO
• May 26/27 – Albstadt (Ger) XCO
• June 2/3 – Fort William (GB) DHI
• June 9/10 – Leogang (Aut) DHI
• July 7/8 – Val di Sole (Ita) XCO/DHI
• July 14/15 – Vallnord (And) XCO/DHI
• August 11/12 – Mont-Sainte-Anne (Can) XCO/DHI
• August 25/26 – La Bresse (Fra) XCO/DHI
• September 4-9 – Lenzerheide (Sui) World Championships XCO/XCR/DHI

Is this possibly the Lošinj, Croatia track?

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Member since Jul 22, 2013
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  • 238 39
 Oh how I love living in the USA, where we contribute a ridiculous amount to the market of this industry but UCI won't send even one event here. Awesome (brimming with sarcasm) #mustbetrumpsfault .
  • 22 129
flag siderealwall2 (Jan 27, 2017 at 17:41) (Below Threshold)
 No good terrain here except illegal shit.
  • 33 5
 Not even an XC round. Pitiful.
  • 59 3
 @siderealwall2: Colorado and Angel Fire would be perfect. They've hosted World Cup events in the past and the terrain is great.
  • 64 6
 It's maybe time to apply for it. I'm sure UCI would be glad to have rounds on new tracks located in the USA. It maybe just shows the lack of interest from the USA to the world Cup.
  • 30 24
 Its said that Donald is a DHer himself......
  • 195 26
 @Husker2112: oh he's dh alright...

Delusional Hypocrite.

  • 55 135
flag Husker2112 (Jan 27, 2017 at 18:55) (Below Threshold)
 @stacykohut: How is the god Emporer a hypocrite? A hypocrite is someone who says one thing and does another, so far he's been doing everything he said he would. Either you don't know what the word hypocrite means, or you are just as delusional as your PM.
  • 32 7
 @chrisk The resorts have a lot of say whether or not to put a bid into hosting a UCI DH event and surprisingly a lot of U.S. resorts don't find the investment paying off. In short, #itistrumpsfault
  • 78 3
 You do know that in order to have an event, someone needs to host it right? If no one is willing to take on a WC event then (you guessed it) there is no WC. The UCI does not host events. The UCI would love to have more WC's in north america. The reason why mt. ste. anne gets them every year is because those hosts do this for a living, and they do a great job.

Hosting a WC events takes a lot of funding and planning, and a minimum requirement for infrastructure. To take one on takes a team of people. You don't just put one on because the trails are good.
  • 18 30
flag theedon FL (Jan 27, 2017 at 19:07) (Below Threshold)
 Agreed. UCI are a bunch of roadie dicks that careless about mountain biking. The obvious choices would be to have a WC in whistler and somewhere in California.
  • 15 4
 @Husker2112: oh dude....... in today's political environment, i can't even tell if you are jokin or not.
  • 37 101
flag Husker2112 (Jan 27, 2017 at 19:27) (Below Threshold)
 @stacykohut: Haha so true. To be honest, I think that Trump was the best of the two candidates, and I even think that he is what the nation needs right now. That being said, i do disagree with some aspects of him. However, I do indeed think that Justin Trudeau is a frikkin imbecile. But screw it, no body reads Pinkbike for politics lol. The bike is a sort of sanctuary for many riders, including myself. I'm happy to talk about politics whenever, just not when I'm riding.
  • 10 3
 We had the WC at Windham in NY for a few years. The world champs in 2010 was the first there. The 4x track they had was awesome. Unfortunately the DH was weak. UCI needs to bring back 4x. It was more spectator friendly.
  • 22 15
 Trump this and Trump that... who cares? In four years we will have another president. Or in eight years. Either way, its not going to matter much. America has amazing terrain across its states. All is good.
  • 10 11
 @steelpolish: exactly. Good riding is all that matters here
  • 35 10
 @steelpolish: after he is done we won't have any place to ride. Cutting environmental programs and agencies. Cut alternative fuel sources.
  • 3 8
flag siderealwall2 (Jan 27, 2017 at 20:01) (Below Threshold)
 @Stevenwalton206: Ah, forgot to mention one thing. Riding here in CALI sucks except for illegal shit. I've yet to ride the rich red soil of the Southwest and NewMex, but from what I see it look's prime, and quite similar to the orange stuff they've got stored down in San Diego. Mammoth (6+ Hour Drive from SFO/SJC nonstop) would be nice, but they already host nationals over the brim, so an international event would be more than pushing it.
  • 14 23
flag Husker2112 (Jan 27, 2017 at 20:09) (Below Threshold)
 @dchill: geez you actually think its the end of the world don't you
  • 26 5
 @Husker2112: Yes it's time to take the spotlight away from liberal enduro and make DH Great Again! The Donald is a "Big Fan" of the DH. I'm sure there is a way to integrate a world cup DH run into the great wall of America.
  • 16 14
 @monstertiki: and Mexico will pay for it.
  • 3 2
 Murica built a DH wall re WCs.....
  • 5 1
 @siderealwall2: Maybe you are unfortunate enough to live in the bay area, but I live about 4 hours south of SF on the 101, and here on the central coast there is tons of legal, even biking specific trails that are pretty awesome, even compared to the illegal stuff I have ridden at Mt. Tam/Santa Cruz.
  • 48 10
 @Husker2112: our environment is something to take seriously. This asshat in office doesn't even feel global warming is real and the vice asshat doesn't believe dinosaurs were real. It's going to be a long hard 4 yrs while he lines his and his cronies pockets at the expense of the environment, our children, women, the poor the middle class
  • 22 5
 @Husker2112: Mexico isn't paying for shit. We will pay with our tax dollars
  • 7 0
 You can personally host one if you pay the UCI a million Euro.
  • 4 4


(all puns intended)
  • 20 5
 @Husker2112: holy jeez you're like a mosquito that never buggers off
  • 5 0
 #mustbetrumpsfault of course ... Aus has small market share yet we have had the pleasure of a couple of wc races and the worlds this year.??? Cairns has been going off with the interest in MTB in general and have a huge MTB community. Bring on WORLDS 2017 !!!!
  • 11 8
 @Husker2112: Mr Trump does like going down ,but that usually with a couple of Russian prostitutes
  • 19 6
 I think Mountain bikers should care. We are more at risk of our federal lands being taken away than ever because of Don the Con....then no more riding on that amazing terrain. I've lived in the rocky mountains for half my life and have seen much of it taken not just from bikers.
  • 6 4
 @jcsnowboarder: you are absolutely right. Only a blind sheep would down vote your comment
  • 6 3
 @Husker2112: actually if it is built who do you think is going to get the money to build it? One of Chump's shell corporations? One of his buddies? The wall is a stupid idea. How did that Berlin Wall work out? It is smoke and mirrors while he makes other deals to benefit himself and his buddies.
  • 13 0
 The UCI aren;t perfect by any means, but they do not approach resorts, it's the other way around. They then decide through a bidding process who gets a WC.

I have personal experience of it. It's very expensive and there are quite afew hoops. You also need to have a background of hosting at least one other ranking event, such a French CUP, IXS Cup, BDS or i'd guess in America a Norba?

So blame the UCI for heaps of shit, but not that America doesn't have a WC round. Unless of course they actively decided against a bid from a resort. Windham had a really good article published on Pinkbike about the bidding process, wonder why they stopped? Or did they?
  • 10 29
flag Husker2112 (Jan 28, 2017 at 5:28) (Below Threshold)
  • 7 1
 @Husker2112: perhaps he's a Syrian refugee
  • 27 6
 @Husker2112: Course he's a f*cking hypocrite - a billionaire businessman whose only track record is looking after No.1, selling himself as the natural enemy of "The Elite", and protector of The Little Guy?

I reckon YOU don't know what "hypocrite" means...

He's a liar AND a hypocrite.
  • 12 1
 @Husker2112 and all other Trumpites: I do enjoy reading the comments on Pinkbike, even if I don't comment a lot. So I stopped reading the news in order to avoid the Drumpf, and now you guys start here....as you said Husker2112 mountainbiking is a sanctuary. Please keep it this way, leave the Drumpf lunacy out of these discussions. For most of the world it's just scary what is happening right now...seriously. Thanks, I understand you mean no harm.
  • 1 0
 @FlorentVN: or the lack of support from the government. There's no other way because of the costs.
  • 11 5
 @Husker2112: He said he hadn't sexually assaulted any women . . . Then claimed the opposite in the audio. His ex wife testified under oath that he raped her . . . . Seems pretty hypocritical to me.
  • 6 4
 @Husker2112: Because you keep replying? Also CAPSLOCK SHOUTY RANT WHINGE.
  • 8 2
 @Husker2112: I agreed with an earlier statement you made, this isn't the place for politics talk. However, certainly brought the subject up and you have made a few very clear and direct statements regarding his holy orangeness, and once you do you have to accept that there will be vitriol directed back towards you. Trudeau isn't perfect, but he isn't an utter and complete embarrassment either...
  • 1 0
 @Eastern-States-Cup: I believe you that you get 0 support from the government. nowaday who get support from governments to organize dh races anyway...
Just to say that we can't always blame the UCI. If a tiny resort like La Bresse can do it then I think some bike parks in the usa should be able to find the money to do it. Maybe it s also not profitable for them to spend the money on an international event when a national race would have much more impact on their business as it s directly targeting their potential customers. It's due to the size of the US market and it happens for several sports ( like motocross for example)
  • 11 9
 @Husker2112: Trump's a douche bag pos and as a mountain biker you should agree.
  • 5 15
flag cheeverbrent (Jan 28, 2017 at 8:50) (Below Threshold)
 @dchill: it's funny how the environment matters when you want it to when the majority of people think mtb is horrible for it. Riding down a mountain ripping it up. I think you're being a little bit dramatic of what you think Trump is going to do. Heaven forbid we are able to use our own resources.
  • 11 2
 @cheeverbrent: mountain biking is a lot more environmentally friendly over a long period than a single NASCAR race is in a year
  • 4 0
 @TopperharleyPT1: Heard a rumor that Angel Fire had planned on putting in a bid for a World Cup in a few years. If that's true, I think the boys over in Colorado will be keeping a close eye to see how things go and hopefully it'll influence them to bid as well.
  • 2 10
flag Husker2112 (Jan 28, 2017 at 13:26) (Below Threshold)
 @VwHarman: Yes Justin is definitely an embarrassment
  • 2 9
flag Husker2112 (Jan 28, 2017 at 13:28) (Below Threshold)
 @TinuKu: Thats what I'm saying. I know I keep commenting about him, I really try not to, I just get super worked up sometimes
  • 7 9
 @VwHarman: I did not bring the subject up. Chrisk originally commented "#itmustbetrumpsfault" I merely made a small joke saying that the Donald is a downhiller, and naturally everyone got triggered and whined about it
  • 3 7
flag steelpolish (Jan 28, 2017 at 18:15) (Below Threshold)
 @dchill: I cant help but wonder if you have even traveled across the US. You think Trump is going to shut down 3.8 million square miles and you won't be able to ride your bike? And how is Trump supposed to police 3.8 million square miles to keep all mountain bikers out? Dang man, don't let fear rule your day!
  • 3 7
flag steelpolish (Jan 28, 2017 at 18:17) (Below Threshold)
 @jcsnowboarder: So you think Trump can shut down every single bit of USA's 3.8 million square miles? And who is going to police every mile in the US to keep you out? Travel across the US and you will see an incredible amount of un-used land.
  • 12 1
 @steelpolish: wow no one is saying he's going to shut down trails. He is making moves towards doing things to destroy our environment. What is so hard for people to understand about that?
i have been fishing all of my life and it has taken decades for our fresh and saltwater to improve in quality just a little bit. But even with regulations I have seen other waterways and fisheries like the Susquehanna river get destroyed from factory dumping and chemical spills.
It saddens and angers me to know what's going to happen by this ass clown puppet cutting agencies and regulations.
As it is we have scumbag ranchers killing wolves and wild horses so their cattle can graze on federal land. Farmers fighting to bring back the use of DDT. For those of you that are unaware DDT almost killed off our national symbol and other bird species like the peregrine falcon.
Decades of work done by environmentalists and conservationists flushed down the toilet.
That sure as hell is not making America great again.
  • 6 5
 @dchill: @dchill: I am confused. You said this: "after he is done we won't have any place to ride." Trump has been the POTUS for 5 days and you think its all over? WTF? Don't let irrational fear rule your life! Stop reading the news and enjoy life. America is a huge expanse of land - there is much for all. Go travel across the US and you will see the government cannot possibly control it all. Its to big, not enough people, not enough resources to keep people out of the wild lands. #stopthefear #nothingisgoingtohappen
  • 3 4
 @steelpolish: exactly. I come to PB to get away from all the Trump malarky.
  • 7 1
 @steelpolish: the wild lands will die off from toxins, pollution. Federal land sold off for fracking, oil pipelines, oil drilling
  • 4 2
 @steelpolish: in four years he will have started a nuclear war with Mexico and will use the"exceptional circumstances" as an excuse to become a dictator
  • 10 0
 @Husker2112: Riiiiiight. It's obviously OUR country's leader that's the embarrassment here.

The whole world is shaking it's head at what's going on right now. I think you'd best stick to your own politics, thanks.

But moving on....pumped for another season of downhill awesomeness!
  • 2 3
 The ruler of China builds a wall. It is lauded as a wonder of the world and made a Unesco world heritage site. The ruler of America builds a fence and no one even notices. It doesn't even make the news. The new ruler of America wants to build a wall and he's an idiot.

Confusing, isn't it?
  • 4 0
 @jaame: No. Not confusing at all really. One was built to stop groups of actual invaders. The other called a country a bunch of rapists and thinks it is ok to then try to get them to pay for his idea as well.
  • 1 0
 They could hold one rowdy as hell World Cup DH race in Wenatchee Washington. They had a world cup there quite a few years ago. Trails up there are gnarly and steep.
  • 2 0
 @Stevenwalton206: From what I've heard, Angel Fire raised enough money with the fire five series to host a world cup in 2019
  • 120 1
 Please bring back Schladming and Champéry.
  • 71 1
 Pl€as€ would get UCI listening.
  • 22 1
 @nozes: bring back Lourdes plea$e
  • 12 1
  • 13 3
 Were they US presidents? Sound kinda foreign...
  • 4 0
 Schladming would be sick, but the DH track has become way more bikeparky over the years
  • 1 0
 Bring back windham Frown
  • 103 3
 Ok everyone, pay attention. The UCI does not hosts events.

If you want a world cup in your backyard then find out the requirements and put in a bid to host one. The UCI does not hire people to put on races, they select those whose criteria of hosting a WC works the best.

The reasons why we see so many races being held at the same locations every year:
A) The hosts put on a great event
B) The terrain and infrastructure work well for the races and the crowds (and everything else that goes on, like close proximity to an airport, for example).
C) There are no other people putting in bids to host a WC.

There are other reasons, but that's it in a nutshell.
  • 61 2
 Don't waste your time with a logical comment. You ll just get down voted. What works nowadays at any level is just to complain and transfer the responsibility to someone else. Euro, Uci, Bike industry , e bikes, 29ers...
  • 13 2
 @FlorentVN: and obama
  • 12 2
 @zede: thanks obama
  • 2 0
 It is a shame that's how it works (though I guess it makes sense to go to places where the race is financially sustainable). It feels a bit like formula 1 where the highest bidder wins to the detriment of a lot of classic races. It would be nice to have dh like EWS where it is truly global but I guess you can't subsidise races as there isn't enough to be gained from it.
  • 42 6
 "World Cup"... It's a wonder anyone outside of Europe gets to race these things.
  • 18 2
 I like to think of it as Europe getting back at the US for all their 'World Series' they have that are purely played in the US with US teams! It would be great to have a Northern hemisphere and a Southern hemisphere season making up the World Cup calendar but unless venues apply to host it'll never happen.
  • 5 0
 @DaMilkyBarKid: yeah get ya shit together Aus and NZ!!!
  • 27 1
 Bring the world cup to British Columbia already! numerous bike parks with very challenging tracks and a huge fan base, seems like a no brainer!
  • 21 2
 if you want one then you'll have to put in a bid. The UCI does not host events
  • 26 1
 Once again, all the resorts in the US gave a big middle finger to the UCI and their blackmail . Bummer
  • 3 5
  • 4 1
 Euro/World Cup (MSA the only exception)
  • 1 1
 @bman33: you are right they should change it to Euro Cup
  • 18 0
 @bman33 lololol

More like resorts know that MTB crowds spend less than the Texas tourists at the weekly beer/wine/food festival and riders scare the brides away from those $30k summit weddings they pop off every hour-on-the-hour all weekend long.
  • 2 0
 Its time the big resorts get serious and offer a big cash prize for a one off race and watch pros come chasing the win ! Do a 3 race series with other resorts and actually market it. Maybe even be able to accumulate UCI points perhaps...
  • 1 0
 @dthomp325: you are spot on about pretty much all that. Haha!
  • 3 0
 @dthomp325: You are right, I think I heard Winter Park charges $25k minimum for a wedding at the lodge up top
  • 21 0
 How about some southern hemisphere love? About time the WC came to NZ I reckon
We hosted worlds ten years ago... remember...?
  • 8 1
 Isn't worlds in Cairns this year?
  • 2 0
 christchurch bike park will hopefully do one in the next few years
  • 22 2
 It would be cool to replace the Canadian open during crankworx with pro men, women and juniors with a world Cup and keep the Canadian open for the casual racers and amateurs.
  • 8 0
 Except why would the organiers take on the hassle of arranging a WC through the UCI when they already draw massive crowds and A ton of WC pros want to attend... probably because it isn't a "work" weekend for them.
  • 12 0
 Lošinj is first on the calendar...looks fun.

Everyone is a bit rusty, and with all those dry stone walls, what price one or more of the elite's pushing too hard (short track, no chance to make up time) takes a "flying visit" into the fields, kissing goodbye to the rest of the season!!

Go careful people!
  • 15 3
 What would it take to put together a DH World Series? Let's figure it out. Proper frequency, proper locations, and proper tracks. DH deserves better!
  • 5 2
 You bore me
  • 5 0
 @russthedog: You complete me

  • 12 3
 One would think that with all the American teams/manufacturers involved-never mind good 'ole Kalifornistan being the birthplace of mountain biking- there'd be at least one stop here.
They've held 'em here before, and it's not like we don't have plenty of suitable locations
  • 4 0
 "They've held 'em here before, and it's not like we don't have plenty of suitable locations"

And nobody is stopping it from happening again.
  • 4 0
 Step one-get suitable location excited
Step two-put in hundreds of hours preparing a bid
Step three-put bid in to UCI (they are governing body, not event hosts!)
Step four-once selected, bust your assistance to make the event a huge success!

I don't think I see anything here that suggests bitching about stuff online will help at all...
  • 8 0
 A Mountainbike DH WC must have races in the US, Canada and AUS/NZ!! Even germany should host an event. Its a shame. And please UCI, why not more events? At least a WC should have up to ten events. With a little bit logistical planning (Race to Race in countries next to each other) its definitely realizable!
  • 8 0
 The Losinj track looks fantastic. Raw and real. Is exciting to see a new track for world cups. Hopefully more countries will step up and offer more variety for a somewhat stale world cup circuit.
  • 2 0
 Yeah agreed, looks different and "fun". Now just got to start thinking about how to get from Scotland to Croatia!
  • 1 0
 @john260164: It's a decent drive, we live in Bulgaria, so just nip across Serbia, and down to the Croatian coast... Scotland on the other hand ? Agreed, the course looks different, a lot of raw rock sections, narrow stone walled trail, leading down into wooded, would be a real test... and the Croatia coast is beautiful, DH then beach ? seems like a plan :-)
  • 2 0
 @Steve-skidvd: you bet! a flight to Venice, then a scenic drive down the coast. Whats not to like about that?! Cheers, see you there. I'll be the one with the blue skin (its cold up here)
  • 9 0
 lol at all the yanks et al complaining about a lack of track in the US. how many of you would actually have travelled to watch it.
  • 7 2
 "how many of you would actually have travelled to watch it."

About as many as arsed themselves to put in a bid for a US round in the first place, I imagine...
  • 13 2
 "World" Cup
  • 11 1
 Super stoked to see the elite race a grassy road.....
  • 7 0
 I really hope they have an alternative ending to that Croatian track, the top looks awesome, but ending on 300m of tarmac sucks. It's enough to make the bottom of the Cairns track look exiting.
  • 2 0
 thought the same, but can't see how and ending like that would ever make it onto a WC race. Mind you I forgot to go to the bookies for the Brexit - Trump double so what do I know?
  • 8 0
 Those rock walls are gona eat someone's collar bone.
  • 1 0
 I would imagine it will make coverage on Redbull a bit of a challenge, too. But, yeah, that "catch-netting" of rocks...world of pain. :/
  • 5 1
 The UCI is spare parts man, spare parts. Get it together. Get to Asia, get to Africa, Get to South America and NZ. This roster is a European tour, which is great because it seems only Europeans and Canadians ride bikes that Mostly American's make (and the home of mountain biking doesn't even get a round). USELESS.
But we should not be surprised by an organization that only allowed an African team into the pro peloton last year and still subjected them to racism.. Dear UCI. World Tour implies you go to each continent that is habited by humans, and let all the bike riding humans in teams also compete, ergo making your competition representative of the world. Cycling does not just belong to or in Europe.
f*ck the UCI. We can do better on our own!
  • 5 2
 "Dear UCI. World Tour implies you go to each continent that is habited by humans, and let all the bike riding humans in teams also compete, ergo making your competition representative of the world. Cycling does not just belong to or in Europe."

EVERY country can but in a bid, muppet - don't blame the UCI because SA DIDN'T.
  • 7 2
 So didn't add any stops that people wanted and none in the US, but instead we get La Bresse, which from the Specialized video looks like a grass fire road. Thanks UCI
  • 3 0
 Not UCIs fault (entirely anyway)
  • 4 0
 If you lot knew Australia are in the Eurovision Song Contest you'd lose your shit. At least all of these countries are in the World. Quit yer flag wavin' and just watch the damn telly.
  • 3 0
 We should all be ashamed to let politics leak into these dicussions. How about we all tune out for a week, ride your bike more, and see how much all of this media skewed intelligence really effects us. Go rant about politics on facebook, or some other social media site. Thanks, let the bashing begin. Ill be out riding.
  • 6 0
 Another 2 month gap between the first two races.
  • 1 0
 There is a crankworx in there for 2017, most likely for 2018 as well.
  • 8 2
 So stoked about Croatia getting a WC stop.
  • 2 0
 The thing about most of the tracks in the U.S is that there very long. If you look at most of the race times from the other world cups there around 3 to 4 minutes give or take. Angel fire and windham both have tracks around those times and have the same characteristics as any other world cup track. But looking at some of the other good bike parks in the U.S (keystone, trestle, etc.) the times are more around the 10 minute mark. I defiantly think that there is very good world cup level tracks in the U.S but I still don't get why there isn't any races here.
  • 5 0
 Cant wait to see the top handle our adriatic gnar. I swear nothing messes you up like going otb onto those razors
  • 1 1
 Probably shouldn't do that, then...
  • 6 0
 @KeithReeder: I will have that in mind next time I'm kissing my front tire
  • 3 1
 Bunch of whiners those Americans are.

It's not UCI's fault you guys don't build a track and venue that can handle the crowds, has enough hotels and food near by and is close to an airport. Then you just need to hire some staff to run the place, host a National level event. Then pay the UCI the 1.5 million Euros and you can have a race.

Don't complain, read about how Windham lost money hosting the last few World cup events. It's business, and most business models pull the plug on programs that repeatedly loose money.

Pony up or shut up. The places that host an event want to, UCI isn't going to build your track and fund it for you.

Build a killer American series like the IXS. Or your old NORBA series.

Yes it's called a world cup. Yes there isn't a race in every single country.
You know your "world series" of baseball. How many countries are those events hosted in?
  • 2 0
 Hi! More info about the WC Lošinj venue: www.dhlosinj.net
There is a UCI class 1 race this year 22/23 of April 2017. Registrations are already open.
Venue preview: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLgzZKLH7hA
  • 1 0
 Do you know that the host villages have to pay to hold a WC? It's mega money to host one of these rounds and maybe the guys over in the USA don't get anything back from it compared to other places like in the EU?
Just a thought...
  • 5 2
 Lošinj is just a red-herring to Croatia actual best kept secret.... The fountain of youth.
  • 5 1
 Crankworx is looking like the real world series
  • 1 0
 La Bresse 2011,,, haha i dont remember, but wich racer was that , that crossed the finish, with feet off the pedals, an pretty much sittting on top tube.....? Was it rat boy...dam....forget
  • 3 0
 That video looks a lot older than 6 years!
  • 1 2
 The bikes looking clearly smaller. Formerly a size L was as long a current S frame.
  • 7 4
 Stoked! Not a single USA round...
  • 7 5
 Your own fault.
  • 4 1
 The USA has decided to brexit from the UCI
  • 5 0
 USEXIT...Although I feel if looked that up on urban dictionary, it would probably already be defined as something else.
  • 3 0
 I think,we need back in WC Champery!!!!
  • 3 1
 Welcome to the Euro Cup. THe best DH rider is a amaericain and we cannot get a DH event in the US. Thats just plan sorry.
  • 2 0
 Dear UCI, Please bring back schladming and champery. Yours sincerely, Everyone
  • 2 0
 Everyone including danny hart of course
  • 3 0
 Fort Bill, I'll be there.
  • 1 0
 I've never been there but Mammoth looks pretty awesome. Is it below World Cup standards? Many overseas pros train in Cali. Must be a legal track in Cali that works.
  • 2 0
 That's the track?? Looks perfect for a 29er...
  • 1 0
 Stop people from going through the tape at least. Replacing it with dry stone walling.
  • 2 0
 No Verbier Frown they dont know what dh is!!
  • 1 0
 Stoked for the XCO to be coming to Cape Town. Now we just need to work on the Downhill
  • 1 0
 Still missing a race in May? What sport starts one month than takes an entire month off b4 2nd game, race, round?
  • 1 1
 "The one thing that's been missing from the WC is a whole shitload of dry stone walls!" said most of the riders at the end of last season!!!

  • 2 0
 Losinj could do with a few more rocks.
  • 3 2
 Looking forward to this season, who will reign supreme?
  • 3 0
 @Boxxer1237: both. The correct answer is both.
  • 2 1
 Trump to build a wall between Murica and Canada next!
  • 3 1
 Deal! They crashed our immigration website when he was elected so we need to slow down the onslaught that keeps threatening to move up here!
  • 4 1
 @Maverickdh00 I'd have thought it would be the Canadians pushing for that
  • 1 1
 Even as someone who has two of the races in easy reach; I think this schedule is ridiculously Euro-centric.
  • 1 0
 Nice track, but IMHO not a World Cup track...
  • 2 1
 Croatia has too much dirt ...not enough rocks
  • 1 0
 First why the he'll did they announce it when this season hasn't started
  • 1 0
 Will we ever see Whistler?
  • 1 0
 The management at Whistler and the UCI haven't had the best relationship going back to the Grouse Mtn WC in 2001. The UCI needs an event there more than Whistler needs one, let's just say that.
  • 1 0
 South America mfs South America!!
  • 1 0
 wish dh world cup would come back to south africa
  • 1 0
 There needs to be a desert round #bootlegworldcup
  • 1 1
 any videos for the Best keep secret in CRO .....
  • 4 0
 @nozes: Thanks for that one. Didn't see that when checking. Have added to the post.
  • 7 0
 @nozes: The top of that Lošinj track looks like a real bone-crusher!! Time to dust off the old Dainese Safety Jacket.
  • 2 0
 There are few POV uploaded on my account here, mainly in Zagreb, Croatia
  • 1 0
 @nozes: duhhhh talking about more like the location where new track is going to be but ill check out your link tho.. see whats in for the Elite since its a new venue
  • 2 0
 @endlessblockades: Not just bone crusher, these rocks are razor sharp. It's going to be interesting, but I'd gess we'll see a few sidewall cuts there.
  • 5 0
 Little extra info on the track:
Participated on last years event. The track is relatively short, but it is excellent, none of those men made bikepark stuff. The middle off the track is basically a big 1 km long natural rock garden. And Losinj town itself is beautiful. Congratulations for the organizers for making it to 2018 wc venue!
  • 3 0
 The tracks looks awesome except for the street part in the end. Though it's a little short it has it's flair. Scenic ocean at the end. Dig that. They could actually have one last jump into the ocean as the finish jump. Would make up for the lousy street part.
  • 1 0
 Hells yeah!
  • 1 0
 Bring it on!
  • 5 4
  • 2 3
 That croatian track looks like hell...so dangerous with all those narrow rock walls!! Totally unsafe...
  • 1 1
 What ever happened to Windham, NY?
  • 1 0
 Apparently too far from MSA!
  • 5 5
 Fuck UCI
  • 2 5
 8 World cups fuck yeah UCI
  • 8 0
 7 World cups
  • 8 0
 @diego-b: Mah bad. Still better than 6 right?
  • 4 1
 @fabdemaere: I guess... I was also super psyched thinking we were finally going to have 8 world cups.
  • 2 2
 If you count world champs there are 8 races
  • 5 8
 Fuck the uci
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