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Checking In On San Util's Whirlpool Hip Pack & The Process Behind Development

Feb 5, 2024 at 16:04
by Alicia Leggett  
San Util's latest mountain bike creation, the Whirlpool 3.5L Hip Pack.

San Util is a homegrown hip pack company based in Winter Park, Colorado. The company started as a Covid project for founder Adam Nicholson, who was doing big days in the mountains and started learning how to make the bags he wanted to use. Then, the side interest grew into San Util Design LLC.

The last time I wrote about Adam and San Util was in 2022, when I talked with Adam about what it takes to make things then reviewed a pack.

More recently, a new San Util pack appeared at my door, this one bigger, noticeably more robust, and clearly built for long days. I've been back in touch with Adam lately and had the chance to ask him a few questions about testing and redesigning the products he's released.

It's exciting for me to see the new versions of these packs, since I've now seen several since the early days. I first tried one out in late 2021, when San Util was in its infancy. That pack, while comfortable and functional, was very minimalist and had some minor imperfections like some slightly uneven stitching. Nothing I found to be a true lack, but enough that the more refined next iterations looked sleek in comparison. (And man, the new stuff is sleek. Don't even get me started on the ski packs he's added recently. Those things look stunning.)

The early days. A stepping stone to something more refined.

Oldest on the left, second-oldest on the right (top and bottom on mobile). The right included the addition of a drawstring and the stitching looks just a little more tidy.

Old (front) vs. new (Covert second edition). Though there were some changes, the basic design stayed much the same.

Before we jump too far ahead to what Adam's been working on lately, those early models fed into the Covert, now in its third generation, designed for days that take a compact but useful and somewhat expandable storage spot: days like enduro races and bike park sessions.


How has your approach changed over time?

Adam Nicholson: San Util started about 3 years back as a creative fun project that would get me thinking about how to do things better and scratch the itch to create. Largely that hasn’t changed. It is now my (and my small staff's) livelihood, but our design philosophy and reason for being is still the same. We work to design simple beautiful bags that have function front of mind and aesthetics closely behind. I am a rider and a ski mountaineer, and I enjoy letting the designs influence each other.

Have the things you want in a pack changed over time? What do you value in a pack now? What did you value in a pack when you first started making them?

AN:Things haven’t changed much. I love going out for rides with as little as possible on my body. If I can have all my emergency gear and water on my bike, that is a win. On the longer rides, I will grab my hip pack but don’t want to think about it while I am riding. Riding is a meditative space for me and the fewer things I can bring the easier it feels to focus on my breathing, movements and weight balance. That being said, as I have gotten better at sewing and design, I have tried to work more performance into my designs (but never at the expense of simplicity).

The neat stitching and drawstring make the Covert hip pack (finalized and now in its third generation, second generation pictured) feel complete.

Those little loops on each side can fit water bottle holsters.
The pack feels most balanced with zero or two holsters, but having just one on one side also works, and having the right amount of water is pretty sweet.

San Util isn't strictly a company that makes custom things or a company that makes stocked things, but it balances both. A collection of products are made and kept in stock - presumably the most popular ones with classic styling and generally-acceptable colors. Versions of essentially all the stocked products are also available custom-made, with the color and fabric options that come along with that. The trade-offs are, of course, slightly longer lead times and slightly higher prices for the custom versions. I like the shapeshiftery nature of that business model, the ability to meet the demand that arises while being cognizant enough to offer multiple pricing options.

The people behind the projects. Photo: Britnell Photography

What are your goals with being a small business in the bike industry? How’s it going getting established as an independent maker in a mountain town?

AN: Every year my short term goals are changing. Year over year we are taking small steps and trying not to over extend while also getting to a sustainable place with the business. Living and working in the mountains sometimes feels like a fairytale or dream, something that you will eventually wake up from and go back to “normal” life. For many people, that is what happens. Live up here for a while and then realize that the lure of living up here is exhausting. Constantly working three jobs and just trying to figure out how to make it happen so we can get one more powder day with the pass closed. It is an incredibly privileged life to live in the mountains getting to ski and bike daily out our doors, but year over year it becomes less and less enticing.

My current goal with San Util is to scale it to a size where it can take care of its people and provide a living that allows them to hold the dream of living up here as well as the dreams of building a family, buying a home, or going on a vacation without being scared they won't be able to make rent if they do. Living in the mountains can balance nicely with the rest of life (or at least that is what I am trying to prove to myself).

So far, building the business up here has been one of the most exciting and difficult things I have ever done. The wins give the highest of highs followed by the reality of the 12th hour of work on the day.

There's a Fidlock clip on this one, though most packs come with standard non-fancy-name waist strap buckles and Fidlock closures for the packs themselves.
Compression straps for a jacket, or whatever you can fit.

When I originally reviewed the Covert, I wrote, "If the mission was to make a hip pack that stays in place and weighs very little, consider the mission accomplished." This pack was easy to get along with. I continued, "The Covert pack is low-profile and sits nicely against my back, so there's no bouncing or the dreaded spin-around-on-steep-descents that happens with so many other hip packs." I'll absolutely still stand by that. I like the relative minimalism, and the pack skips anything that might break, things like zippers or delicate buckles. The pack does sacrifice some (or any) internal organization, and I can't decide how to feel about that. Pockets are pretty nice, but the streamlined feel makes extra pockets feel superfluous.

When you were using the Covert and starting to come up with the Whirlpool, what were you doing and thinking about? What problems did you want to solve?

AN: The Covert has been an awesome intro into hip packs for us. It was one of our first products we made with our Kickstarter a couple years back. It was a custom hip pack that looked amazing and had one-handed access and no zippers that could blow out. What I have wanted in a bag hasn’t changed much but I have gotten way better as a designer and seamster. I don’t want to be thinking about what I am wearing (especially when descending). There are so many great hip packs on the market both from the big guys and from smaller cottage makers, but there are few that can be used everyday for every length of ride.
Adam's description of the general update process:

Covert V1 - You made a hip pack! Good job Adam.

Covert V2 - You realized there was a ton you could do better and should do better.
- Liner fabric (more water resistance and abrasion resistance / gives structure).
- Binding. Who knew bags seams should be binded (not I, until now).
- Bottle Holsters. People need water to live.

Whirlpool Hip Pack - The biggest jump in design.
- Daisy chain for a coat to be strapped to outside.
- Bottle Holster attachment system - people need water but don't want it flopping around when ripping DH.
- Wings attach at 2 points. More comfort and stability.
- Internal pockets and key loop.
- Wing drop pockets for Gu and webbing for bladder magnet.

Covert V3 - Similar design to V2 w/ updates.
- Wing attachment.
- Bottle holster attachment / stability.


As delightful as minimalism can be, there are times and places that call for more. Adam decided he wanted to make something a little more expandable, a pack that would work well for rides of any length. "The Whirlpool is all about carrying all the gear needed for big or short days," he explained. "I wanted it to feel slim when wearing it but be able to expand for bigger days (think The Whole Enchilada, Monarch Crest, The Plunge). You can carry a coat externally, knee pads, 2 water bottles, and a bladder inside with plenty of room for snacks. "

I used to think of big rides as having two categories: hip pack rides and backpack rides. I imagine you designing the Whirlpool pack because you didn’t want there to be such thing as a ride that’s too big to put the things you need in a hip pack (maybe with the exception of bikepacking-style epics). Is that true? What’s the story of how the Whirlpool happened?

AN:That is pretty dead on. There is definitely still a place for backpacks but I would personally way rather ride with a hip pack. There is a limit to the amount of weight a hip pack can comfortably carry, and for me it is somewhere around 3L of water. We tried to design the pack as slim as we could to hold the weight as close to the body as possible, but eventually the hip belt will get pulled on more than wanted.

Those loops on the bottom nicely compress a jacket of almost any bulk, but there's plenty of space inside, too. The daisy chain external loops add many more carrying options. I like the roll top as a neat way to store the extra fabric that creates the extra space, plus it's a nice little nod toward classic mountaineering styling.

Simple but noteworthy. This pack has a wing pocket on each side, plus that little webbing loop to increase what and where the clipping can happen, or create an easy storage spot for the important side of a water bladder hose.

Adam had long been a fan of Osprey packs, and one of the most comfortable hip packs he'd ever used came from Osprey. He liked Osprey's system for the way the hip wings attached to the back panel, keeping the pack moving closely with the wearer's back. Adam wanted similar performance with as simple a design as possible. He ultimately attached the wings to each pack body in two spots, allowing a degree of independent movement that helps keep the pack in place.

The attachments of those wings are a small but pack-defining detail. The two attachment points allow the pack's load to stay secured to the wearer's back.

What are your favorite features of the Whirlpool design? What differentiates it from the rest of what you make? What’s its role and how does that fit in with the roles of the other packs in the San Util lineup?

AN: I think my favorite thing about the Whirlpool is the overall aesthetic of it. I am really proud of the way it mixes all the features together in a way that looks really good. Like you mentioned earlier, the Whirlpool sits on the big side of our lineup. We have four hip packs total ranging from a kids' pack then to 1L, 2L, and 3L internal volume. All the packs have the ability to attach bottle holsters to them so the internal space can be used for other gear.

Why did you skip the drawstring on this one and opt for the roll top instead? I like it for the neatness, but I’m curious about your reasons.

AN: The biggest reason was to allow it to expand more. Some of the most popular packs out there (The Evoc Pro 5L and the Dakine Hot Lap) I see overstuffed and bursting at the seams all the time. Zippers are often the first thing on a pack to blow out. The Covert's drawstring and lid could expand a bit, but only to about one more liter of space. The Whirlpool can go from 3L to about 6L and looks great throughout that whole range.

One (minor and subjective) shortcoming of the Covert was its lack of internal organization. Here, no more. The Whirlpool has three minimalist internal pockets to separate small things like tools and snacks from the rest of the load. There's also a tiny bungee strap in there to help secure whatever fits, and my finger is poking through the water bladder hose hole.


I'm still in the early days of its use, but Adam's claims about the pack - that it stays in place very securely, the large size and its stuffability - seem to hold water (incredibly lame pun only sort of intended). San Util seems to have had success creating something that distributes weight vertically - adding weight seems to weight the pack downward without making it want to pull away from my back. I have yet to see anything that would make me think the pack is prone to wear or any type of damage. Actually, quite the opposite: most of the time, this pack'll never experience the type of use that would take a toll. I'm 99% sure it would be just fine after being run over by a truck, and that remaining 1% is only because there's a chance the Fidlock closure or waist buckle could be crushed if the truck hit them just right.

Hypotheticals aside, like all things, the Whirlpool comes with its trade-offs. Does it weigh more than many hip packs on the market? Sure does. The claimed base weight is 335g, roughly 1.5x the claimed Covert weight, and additions like bottle holsters and a water bladder obviously add more. That's less than a pound, but that's enough to make some weight weenies uncomfortable. That weight puts the Whirlpool essentially on par with several of the other, more zipper-pocket-etc.-heavy hip packs out there. Considering how expandable the roll top makes the pack, I'd say the weight:space ratio is great.

Before and after. Did someone say stuffable? Photos: Britnell Photography

The biggest change to this pack, compared to the San Util ones I've used before, is the way the wings attach to the pack body. Back when I tried the Covert 2.0, the edition before the wings update, I thought it stayed in place very nicely. Keeping the load close to the wearer's back was already clearly a priority. (So if you're asking me, the update didn't really need to happen, but thankfully people go ahead and improve their products instead of asking me.) With the much larger storage capacity of the Whirlpool and its aim to hold a lot of water, the risk of water throwing off the weight balance seems much more real. Little details about the Whirlpool seem aimed at keeping the pack weight stable. The water bladder naturally sits toward the wearer's back with the internal pockets opposite it. There's a thin bungee cord inside the pack with a tiny carabiner on the end, plus a little hanger-type-thing it can be clipped to, so that can help secure a bladder to prevent sloshing. All those features work together to help the pack stay in place really, really well.

My favorite update is the addition of those interior pockets. They add organization without much weight or complexity. I really like the security of having somewhere to put my phone, a snack, and whatever other small things I'm riding with. These pockets are still simple and streamlined, without zippers or anything, but they do the trick. For me, having that extra little bit of organization completely changes the feel of the pack, giving me that bit of security I'm looking for, whatever comes from knowing - to within an inch - where I'll find my things.

A how-to from Adam on packing for a big day. Photo: Britnell Photography

I've spent so much time praising this pack just now that I'm trying to think of downsides to include. It definitely weighs more than a flyweight tiny pack, but also, if you need that little, why carry a pack at all? The roll top might be polarizing, with it only living up to its full potential if you'll ever actually stuff the pack. The rest of the time, while tidy, it does add fabric and weight. There are also no closures on the wing pockets, so use them with that in mind, though the slightly stretchy outer fabric does have a generally snug feel. I can respect the lack of zippers, though some might want them. Pricing is a very real sticking point: the Whirlpool Custom costs $165 and Whirlpool Stocked costs $135, and the Covert V3 costs $135 and $125 for its two respective versions. Supporting an independent mountain town business? Yes. More money than packs from some bigger brands? Also yes. I spoke with Adam a bit about that and he mentioned a smaller profit margin than he thinks people might expect. Labor-intensive manufacturing and expensive materials add up. Throw in the context of being a small business trying to fight the big dogs by succeeding in a mountain town? That's bound to cost real money.

Still, most of my non-pricing gripes are mountains from molehills. This is a high-quality pack, and it's a solid option for those looking for a secure heavy-loader, especially one that'll last for the very long term - its longevity, the fact that buying this will prevent having to buy another for a very long time, also helps justify the price. In both its stocked and custom versions, it's worth a serious look.

What’s next for you and for San Util?

AN: We are finally to a spot where we have a super capable team of seamsters and seamstresses. We are hoping to work with some other companies in the industry on some custom collabs. I am also learning CAD right now and have a long list of ideas I want to integrate into my designs.

Long term I am thinking about what it will look like to get things produced at a different facility. Have our “stocked” and wholesale programs produced in partnership with another factory. We would keep customs sewn here. I am hoping this will allow us to get wayyyyy more competitive with pricing while still offering the custom made bags in Winter Park for the people who want it.

Photo: Britnell Photography

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alicialeggett avatar

Member since Jun 19, 2015
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  • 61 11
 I've tried, and I've tried....but I just don't understand the fascination with hip packs. They are OK with almost no weight...but anything more than a half liter of water and they become bouncy (or I need to tighten them super tight) This looks like it fits a touch higher in the small of the back (where I sweat first, and most consistently) But if it fits tight enough that might solve the bounce issue. For me the backpack is an easy choice if I need to carry more than the normal stuff strapped to the bike.
  • 4 7
 Have you tried the Lab Austere hip pack? I might get one myself.
  • 10 3
 Right, i'm with you on this; at this point just wear a backpack style pack for goodness sacks!

Try a waist belt like the Evoc race belt with ample storage for most rides or a Dakine Hot Laps 2 for bigger rides, Anything beyond that, a larger volume back style with shoulder straps is better suited for MTB slayn.
  • 5 0
 I like them, but not for transporting water. A hip pack with a single water bottle - which is the first one I work on during the ride to reduce weight - is fine for me. Anything more and it'd be too much.
  • 10 5
 @pwkblue, you should try Bontrager Rapid Pack, its the only hip pack the works.
  • 6 1
 I'm also back to backpack. More comfortable when strapped tight, more storage (decent tools, extra shirt, rain protection, first aid kit). Just picka plastic bottle of the pack and throw it in there. No need to swap to bike bottle which needs cleaning afterwards.

Plus extra spine protection.
  • 2 0
 less back sweat.. but i agree. i either have a super minimalistic flat hippack for.. my phone, keys and a cereal bar (fox flat hip pack) or a propertb backpack that hugs you and never moves or gets off balance. the other packs dont work if you jump and move around a lot.. physics lol
  • 2 0
 I carry two bottles on each end of mine and a bunch of tools/pumps. Maybe design/user error plays a part because if I could really feel it, I wouldn't use it. And when I do, like you said, it's a matter of tightening it down over your actual hip bones. I used to fasten it too high and had issues with it moving.

Anyway, this is overkill. Hip packs have their place as a minimalist route.

But I'll still explore options like this because my shoulders are f*cked and can't deal with straps.
  • 3 1
 I know this is going to sound silly, but I get the impression that hip bags only work properly if one has "bigger glutes". At least that's the pattern I see among my riding group.

I personally prefer them by far compared to backpacks. Backpacks seem to affect my balance way much, not to mention the sweaty back. And if I'm carrying so much that won't fit into the hip bag, then I'm better off with some bike bag.

Also on long distance bikepacking I tried both hip bags and the now trendy running vest, and much prefer the former. Makes changing layers much easier and if you loosen the belt a little bit the bag actually rests on the saddle/saddle bag and you don't even feel it
  • 2 3
 Fox hip packs are the best, much better than backpacks
  • 1 0
 @Caliwcm: I've a Henty and love it. Tried many other hip packs, all with the same issue of moving, or need tightened
  • 4 0
 Osprey Savu 5 has been great for me. I think a lot has to do with your anatomy because I could see how some body types would not mesh well. I find backpacks a little claustrophobic. I prefer my upper back and chest open.
  • 3 1
  • 1 0
 I find you have to wear them higher up on the small of your back, and yes, you have to have them as tight as you can wear them. And as you drink water, you have to tighten the cinch straps.

At first, I didn’t like the added weight to my middle backside, but you get used to it and forget it’s there. Honestly, if you can stand it, I’d probably rather have a backpack and have all the weigh evenly distributed. But my backpack kept sliding up on me and smacking me in the back of the neck and head. Prefer the hip pack with all its drawbacks to that.
  • 4 0
 I’m team hip pack. The Dakine hot laps series has worked for me for years. I rarely use it for more hydration carrying, because of the bikes I ride. I love its ability to carry a tool kit and the normal junk.
  • 1 0
 @Arierep: interesting point regarding balance. A combination of riding mostly narrow hiking trails, riding more technical trails, riding with better riders, and getting older (+50) ... I find that micro balance and precision to hit and stay on the right line is getting harder. I always wear a backpack and have no issue with the comfort, but the high CG might be a the best reason to try a fanny pack instead.
  • 1 0
 I've got a REALLY old Camelback which is like a hybrid - it is a very narrow pack that sits on the spine but spreads out to a hip pack at the bottom. The weight (usually water) sits across the hips, and you can store lighter weight bits (jacket) above. I don't know what it's called but it's a precursor to their Lumbar line? It's still a pack and has better security as you ride technical terrain but, as most of your back isn't covered (other than by webbing straps over the shoulders, which also route the hose for the water bladder), you still get most of the cooling benefit of a hip pack as well.
I was always surprised that this style wasn't more fully adopted, particularly in hotter areas.
  • 1 1
 @Motivated: maybe, but no matter where the weight is located it shouldn't be enough to cause any real balance issue as long as you have it secured. The tipping point where you notice the weight is much lower with a hip pack, than a backpack.
  • 4 1
 Ditch the hip pack and buy a bike with frame storage. Problem solved on 90% of rides. For the rest you need a real backpack anyway.
  • 2 0
 My conclusion is that hip packs work if you are in shape but they don't fit well with big asses, beer belly and love handles.
  • 2 0
 It's true, however, a tiny hip pack is 100% enough, you just need a place to store a phone, keys, a little snack and maybe gloves. Anything more - take the goddamn backpack. It's how I ride 99% of the time - water bottle, Dakine stealth and FF helmet carried on the hip pack's belt. The biggest plus of this setup is that I can ride with a back & chest protector (POC VPD System), try riding with an armor and backpack. The best you can get is a 1kg (empty!) pack with protector and no chest plate.
  • 2 0
 Maybe I’m just used to it but I have a 5L Dakine hip pack that has a 1.5L reservoir, tools, and snacks. Honestly it doesn’t bounce too much.. I’ll definitely take a little bounce over a drenched, hot, and sweaty back during the whole ride though. I guess it ultimately depends on what you’re priorities are.
  • 1 0
 I live in the southeast. Backpacks are just terrible about 60% of the year.
  • 3 1
  • 1 1
 @ryane: love my USWE pack! Use it for longer days out. Still.. too much back sweat for most days, at least for me.
  • 1 0
 CamelBak Podium Flow 4 Hydration Belt is the only one I've found to actually work well, but I usually don't have the water bottle in it. With the water bottle, it's still better than others I've tried (still not amazing though)
  • 31 1
 Feels like I’m on TheRadavist
  • 9 1
  • 12 0
 Needs more sandals.
  • 1 1
  • 21 2
 Nice looking and clearly well thought out but that was a seriously long article for a pack haha
  • 2 1
 One could say: The long article still packs a punch. XD
  • 2 0
 Ikr. Like, I get that Neko Mulally did really well blogging the development of his dhbike, and thats started a bit of a trend. But theres a difference. Mulallys gig was different, innovative and interesting. This is just another hip pack amongst a sea of other hip packs. It's life story isn't anything to get excited about...
  • 12 0
 Instant hipster street cred with these epic sacks!!!!
  • 6 0
 Have about 6 months ride time w/ the Whirlpool hip pack and it's been excellent. Even packed with a full 1.5L bladder + tools, etc. it stays put and is comfortable. Big enough for longer rides like Monarch Crest. They are great looking bags in person and the fabric is super easy to rinse clean. Yeah, it's pricier than mass produced alternatives but was happy to support a local business / rider.
  • 2 0
 Thank you for the support! Stoked for the positive feedback! Rides like the Crest are exactly what we had in mind when building this bag.
  • 6 1
 The back pack full of water... Just makes you sweat and restricts movement, puts weight high up. The bum bag, hip pack or fanny pack... Bounces around Unless it's so tight it restricts breathing. A bottle on your bike, basic tools and a pump strapped around your bike and your snacks in your favourite lycra top... Keeps the weight low, tools safe and snacks on hand and you can breathe fine. It's almost like roadies figured this out forever ago, but mountain bikers just don't like lycra or rear pockets, even if you can't see the nice sweat wicking lycra top under a jacket. Oh, and lycra is more aero so you go faster too.
  • 1 0
 Everyone has a favorite of course, but I'd say putting more weight on your body and off the bike gives you more command over the bike for pumping and basically moving the bike around. I do agree that it is nice to have the weight low so that's where the bladder should be, but I prefer to wear back protection anyway so it doesn't bother me to have the protector slid inside the pack. I'm using the Ergon BE1 but I'm sure there are a good few others which keep the water low. I personally like that the Ergon is thin just above the bladder so that it can hinge. And this one (they have some with a bigger upper compartment too) is quite thin and light for the upper part so there isn't really any noticeable weight on the upper back and shoulders.

Either way, I think it is a matter of being dick about it.
  • 1 1
 @vinay: 100% pick something and be a dick about it.
It's the best part a out mountain biking.
Had to put up an Instagram video whilst the boys where building the latest steep local loamer yesterday because I turned up in lycra with no pads on on my xc bike.
After they squidded down it on their full DH spec EEBs I was a dick and rode it in my lycra, feet up, first lap. The GoPro (insta 360 but one of them is now a helmet cam dick) will be never be shown coz I didn't dab and didn't crash.
Can't wait for more banter next weekend...
I wore a fanny pack for the 9 mile ride to the trials so I could take my Bluetooth speaker and awaken the world (I live in the country so only cows can hear me in some fields). Left the fanny pack at the bottom, was gutted that my speaker bruised my only banana. Lesson learned. Fanny packs, bluetooth speakers and bananas don't mix well haha.
  • 4 0
 I think I read most of that. A truly epic article about... hip packs. I'm super down for hand made stuff and like this in theory. Was it covered anywhere in the article what material they're made of? I'm hoping dyneema or something very similar.
  • 11 0
 Alicia killed it! We are with you on handmade products.

We offer a variety of fabrics, primarily Challenge Sailcloths EPX series of fabric and 1000D Cordura. Both have great waterproofing and abrasion resistance. We also offer the pack in ULTRA400 which is a different brand of Dyneema (kind of like Kleenex / Face Tissue), it is pretty amazing fabric.
  • 3 1
 Neat feature! I enjoy seeing the progression in design work for most anything. I for one am a big fan of lighter colored fabrics so that it’s easier/possible to see the contents of the bag. Kudos also for the cinch mechanism being static - affixed to the wings - rather than at the buckle. I have a pack constructed in the former way, and every time I pick it up, all the slack comes out of the strap, and I need to reset the waist strap again. A first world problem to be sure, but an annoyance all the same.
  • 3 1
 Thank you for the feedback! Stoked you enjoyed the article. We are with you on lighter colors for the liner fabrics and having the cam buckles sewn into the wings. Cheers!
  • 6 0
 This article is packed with information.
  • 2 0
 As someone who avoids shoulder straps because of pain, this is really nice. Only thing I would like to see is a chest strap for when you do take advantage of all the space and want to secure it at the top too. Otherwise I really like the fact it can transformed into a much larger pack, easily replacing the need for two packs which makes the price easier to swallow.
  • 2 0
 THe biggest problem with all hip packs is as soon as you add any weight like a couple if 750ml water bottles they soon start hanging of you ratehr than staying round your waist. Or you have to tighten them to the point you cant breath to delay the time they wander south
  • 7 3
 I don't get it. Bum bags were never that great and went out of fashion 30 years ago. I guess most riders these days are too young to remember that.
  • 2 0
 I recently bought a huge Macpac bum bag from the 90’s.
I don’t know why.
  • 2 0
 The gear market is saturated with this kinda stuff, the stand out for me is Kifaru, they've been in the game
since the 90s, USA made, they know there stuff , very high quality gear, durable, tough and very well thought out.
Kifaru gear gives all sorts of adaptable options that can suit bike packing, hunting, back packing, heavy hauling a
hog from the bush or carrying a small generator : ) the list goes on, who needs a bike fanny pack ?

  • 2 0
 I clicked on the link. Military cosplay gear. Although their new pack is called the MAMIL so I guess they are branching out to cycling.
  • 1 0
 I've got a hip pack from the now defunct Seagull bags that I use for fly fishing. I throw a box of flies, some basic tackle, and a trout whistle in the bag, strap my rod to my handlebar and head off to hit some creeks. Hip sacks do have their place, but I really don't like them on trail or enduro rides because they bounce around so much. If I could make a suggestion for the dark coloured bags it would be to add a light coloured liner, so it's easier to see the contents.
  • 3 0
 This is the greatest hip pack I’ve ever used! My riding buddies even tell me I look good in it.
  • 4 0
 The real question is how is that Idlewild Rye?
  • 2 0
 Great interview and I love the commitment to providing living wages, something in short supply in most small towns, resort or otherwise.
  • 3 0
 How about a link to the manufacturer’s website in the first paragraph?
I’m too lazy to search
  • 4 0
 For longer rides, your friends’ backpacks work best.
  • 4 0
 Sac impressif!
  • 4 0
 c’est ce qu’elle a dit
  • 2 0
 Hmmm. They look nice, but can't say I see any original features / design over High Above.
  • 7 3
 FANNY packs
  • 1 0
 Upvote this scholar! I did!
  • 3 0
 Great way to smash a bottle of rye
  • 2 0
 They could make it a bit taller so they could add belts around the shoulders...
  • 1 0
 Then just add a smaller strap across the sternum for even more stability.
  • 1 0
 I added a set of braces to my 5 L Dakine to take a bit of weight off my hips. Worked well but looks a bit kooky.
  • 2 0
 "Reach in that bag and grab my fannypack."

"Which one is it?"

"The one that says badmuthaf*cka on it."
  • 2 0
 What bar is it on the bike in ** The people behind the projects. Photo??
Want one like that Smile
  • 4 3
 I mean, at least this overly long interview about a bag wasn’t about e-bikes
  • 4 3
 I was waiting for a craft beer to sneak in to the review, spirits instead, equally cringe worthy.
  • 5 1
 Imagine falling on that bottle, smashing it, and tearing your arse to shreds on your "big day". Makes as much sense as those can holders that will do nothing but shake up your already warming beer.
  • 2 0
 We all really need to get over the alcohol portage trope. It's ridiculous.
  • 2 0
 Not even one link to take me to their website. Boo
  • 9 7
  • 5 2
 Fanny packs go up front.
  • 4 9
flag likeittacky (Feb 10, 2024 at 19:49) (Below Threshold)
 Nope, its a waist pack worn at the waist used for carrying tools, snacks, keys, n spares mainly. A fanny pack was the term coined for fruitcakes that wore the pack sagging low on the bum or hip for carrying their camera, condoms, weed, n RayBans . My sisters called em fagbags.
  • 4 3
 @likeittacky: it's a fanny pack
  • 6 0
 @likeittacky: I remember a while ago you commented that Lance Armstrong cheating made you gay. Maybe it was actually because your sisters made fun of your fanny pack?
  • 1 9
flag likeittacky (Feb 12, 2024 at 20:54) (Below Threshold)
 @warmerdamj: You're a class act troll, that can't have a sensible, educated discussion, nor the intellect to read within a context of what someone has actually written (My Lance statement was not in the way you mangled it to try and be), and constantly poaching me with retarded slanders, just like a typical prick Progressive that proves their own idiocy and irrational behavior every time. It pleasures me that i can piss you off that easy and your immaturity is expressed in magnitude over your frustration. Like i said it's a waist pack...Punk lol
  • 3 0
 @likeittacky: how do you report someone for being a hateful dbag
  • 1 8
flag likeittacky (Feb 13, 2024 at 15:40) (Below Threshold)
 @whateverbr0: 1-800-YOU-HATE, maybe. LOLJoker
  • 2 0
 I like mine.
  • 4 4
 Looks like he has the pack market all sewn up.
  • 1 1
 This will go great with my waxed pre-gravel handlebar mustache
  • 2 3
 If you buy this you definitely have a fixed gear.
  • 2 4
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