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Trickstuff Reopens With Increased Production Capacity & Some Small Product Updates

Feb 22, 2021 at 10:52
by Mike Kazimer  

Trickstuff, the German company best known for their powerful high-end brakes, are back in action after pausing day-to-day business for three months in order to restructure and move into a larger building.

The new facility, which includes a larger warehouse and workshop, will allow Trickstuff to triple their production capacity. The production increase won't be immediate, as Trickstuff are still in the process of hiring and training more mechanics, but as time goes on they should be able to better meet the demand for their products.

The new universal bleed block is priced at 8.90 €.

Trickstuff also announced the addition of several new smaller items to their catalog, including a universal bleed block made from anodized aluminum, an e-bike disc magnet, and angled fittings for their Piccola brakes that make internal cable routing through handlebars easier to accomplish.

Other changes include the addition of an English version of their web store, and a new distributor in Great Britain.

More information: www.trickstuff-shop.de

Angled fittings are now available for the Piccola brakes, allowing riders to build up their own Dangerholm-inspired creations.

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Member since Feb 1, 2009
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  • 28 0
 We all know about their brakes, but all of their other components are top tier too.
  • 13 1
 From the stuff I can afford their brake pads for Shimano were excellent and inexpensive.
  • 12 5
 For all those in doubt... Qualitywise are the brakes just next level, hope is not even close in terms of love to detail and finest CNC finish (not the rough hope style).
Service and spare parts are a dream, just order a master cylinder, a lever blade or some bolts and bits in case you have no real distribution at hand (always good to have the parts needed as you'll never know when you hit the ground) the design is simple and pure mechanical, bleed ports are located in the right spots. So top bleed / bottom bleed work both quite easy. I've had multiple trickstuff brakes and the predecessor the trickstuff cleg (still have two sets on my commute and my first is from 2001 still works just fine)
Trickstuff had some hard times in the past due to supply chain issues for their seals (around 2010/2011) but got it sorted out well.
They are perfect for matching with saint or magura callipers in case you have a broken lever... This would increase the power by more than 15% to stock...

Long wait yes, long lasting product indeed, buy one use it triple the time. Ride more wrench less.
  • 3 0
 @x-rider agree. I have had Hopes on all my bikes, trail and DH for years and still do on the trail bike. Great stuff. However, I have a set of the Direttissimas on my DH bike, truly next level. Nothing wrong with Hope, but Trickstuff are works of industrial art and quality.
  • 2 0
 I see mostly positive reviews, my experience was a bit negative, they seem to always need to be bled, first ride the pin holding the brake pads came out, no lock tight, pads went flying, I went in the bushes, lost the pads. On another ride, the rear bleed screw came loose, fluid spat out, the ride was over. Trying to bleed them on a Canada trip was a bit stressful as no one had the right bleed screw, then the mechanic didn't do it right ...and they constantly need bleeding, I was pumping my brakes the rest of the trip. Another time, The lower lever screw came out... again no lock tight. But my negative experience is the only one. and to be fair I got mine from ChainReaction, not direct, so I'm willing to accept I got a bad set because everyone online seems to love these brakes and have no issues. Also performance was great when they worked. But I went back to Shimano because parts are easily available, and easy to work on.
  • 1 0
pin came out on first ride 2
  • 1 0
 The Piccolas don't bleed easy. Trust. The lever part of the bleed could go for hours.
  • 1 0
 @mark4444: I can help you if you haven't figured it out yet. youtu.be/9K8LBrSNi4U the part where he gets to the pushing the plunger and then covering the little hole as he pulls up is the most important part .

You need to do that step multiple times with the lever half way in then fully extended then turned to the side repeat process repeat process repeat process. Ride for awhile repeat process until you are satisfied and have a hard "dong" on both sides.

tips..when covering the hole with your finger you have to pull up on the plunger hard its a work out.

second..you can leave the lever on the bike. With your bike in the stand front higher then back turn the lever so the bleed port is facing up the turn your bars all the way to the side the lever you are bleeding is on.

This will result in your lever being in the ideal position.

I have spent hours the last several days trying to get a good bleed this is what worked for me. Its all in the lever bleed.
I also recommend a sacrificial set of pads and rotor that you can install until you get the bleed right wear you want it.
Then install the new pads rotors once everything is good and you've cleaned everything up.

I personally have trickstuff pads and a set of the brakestuff rotors designed by Cornelius Capfinger on the way and they are expensive af so I make sure everything is straight before I even think about installing pads and rotors.
  • 1 0
 @mark4444: nevermind should have read the whole post before posting.
  • 11 3
 Erm....currently says 12-15 month wait. How is this quicker than before?
  • 29 3
 " The production increase won't be immediate, as Trickstuff are still in the process of hiring and training more mechanics, but as time goes on they should be able to better meet the demand for their products."
  • 2 1
 I don't know the specifics but I know the lead times were often huge and with their original setup it was not going to get better.
  • 5 0
 I realize that it’s all really high quality stuff but how many people are buying a $1000 set of brakes? Are they that much better than codes, saints, or hopes for half the price? Seems like production cost would be similar between hope and trick stuff.
  • 5 2
 @jj12jj: apparently a lot of people are buying them if the production timeis more than a year. And pretty much everyone who tried them said they are really something else
  • 6 1
 @jj12jj: " Are they that much better than codes, saints, or hopes for half the price?"

  • 2 9
flag endorium (Feb 22, 2021 at 15:26) (Below Threshold)
 @ridealltheb1kes: is that not why they shut down to do that? That's how it was sold. So when they open it's all guns blazing. Otherwise, seems a wasted the shut down.
  • 1 0
 @jj12jj: When properly set up there is no better brakes. And can be the last brakes you'll buy because they are fully rebuildable. Plus the fluid is just sunflower oil so its not a big deal if it gets on stuff or if your dog finds a spot to lick etc.
My piccola are the lightest production brakes in the world but as powerful as my old xt 4 pot with modulation that's light years better.
  • 8 4
 Someone please explain this to me. I have XTR four pistons brakes with Ice tech rotors. They don't fade, and have loads of braking power. In normal times, I get parts and service down the street at my local shop (in California). Why am I willing to spend double the amount for these unobtanium brakes? I guess these are not for me and I have answered my own question.
  • 5 2
 Wandering bite point? Well, if that doesn't affect your brakes, great.
Also, they say that Trickstuff brakes feel smoother than anything else on the market, very low-friction lever feel. It might not be worth the premium, but you know, diminishing returns.
  • 3 0
 You either take it on faith or have to try them yourself. Ultimately though they live up to the hype (and the price) and then some.
  • 1 0
 I've never tried them, but the added power means a decreased lever effort, so your fingers won't get tired. I want to put on 220/200 rotors on my bike despite weighing like 60kg and using Code RSC's, because I ride a ton of park and having to squeeze the brakes even less is always appreciated.
  • 6 0
If you are willing to pay for
great modulation while at the same time having a really defined bite point
highest break power at the lowest weight within their category
highest quality (some in this thread say next level)
consistency (the XC Piccola with 200/180 rotors is not overwhelmed on a long enduro track)
no fading
green packaging and local production (engineered, CNCd and manufactured in Germany and at least I can get to their workshop/shop within 15 minutes by bike)
really low friction and a solid lever path at the same time
every single part being replaceable instead of the need to swap the whole pump after a nasty crash (and they can withstand some of them)...
Add subjective things like their outstanding look, love for well made things and the wish to use parts for decades - you might want to think about them.

They have some downsides, for sure. First of all you're limited in the color of your next bike, because it has to fit the breaks, not the other way round.
And you have to wait for them... it has been 6 Months in 2018 for my Direttissimas. If you have more than one bike in serious (or loving) use, you need to order them way ahead the bike (well, maybe not this year, though...).

It's the same for shoes, outdoor jackets, bike parts... if you can afford them, they will not only last longer and be cheaper that way some day, you also have the better product for all that time.
  • 1 0
 @Pavel-Repak: I have heard of this benefit. I only ride park a few times a year so sustained braking is not usually an issue.
  • 1 0
 @Nacsor: I’m practically convinced. If you could convince my wallet, I would be fully onboard. The product and the company sound awesome.
  • 1 0
 Someone please explain this to me. I have a Corolla. It drives down the road and has enough power. I can get parts from Toyota or Autozone. Why am I willing to spend double to buy an Avalon or an ES350?
  • 1 0
 @nickfranko: not only are you late to the game, your comment makes no sense. Since when is XTR the biking equivalent of an entry level Toyota?
  • 1 0
 Saints are certainly powerful but have poor modulation
  • 8 1
 Tricky stuff if you ask me.
  • 6 0
 Curious what 12-15 months will eventually make it down to after production ramps up
  • 4 1
 I live about an hours drive from their factory .in the black forest . Trick stuff is not an assembly line type factory . in fact it's not really a factory but a group of people creating works of art . There is also the Deutsch no rush attitude of closing for lunch , lots of holidays and an obsession for detail . If you are patient then you will be rewarded .
  • 3 0
 Don't get the fuzz about the trickstuff brakes. What makes them great is the rotors and the soft pads. Put them in a Saint and the power and modulation are on par. However, keep in mind that those pads melt like butter in a microwave. Just faster. I run TS pads and rotors on all my bikes, just skip the brakes. Nice milling, fancy colours but performancewise you won't get anything over a Saint or MT7 with TS pads and rotors. Bleeding them is quite the annoyance, the levers have a habit of leaking when you use to much pressure while bleeding and the exposed screw threads on the older diretissima lever clamps are a bad joke. They are nice brakes but for that kind of money they should present perfection which they just do not deliver.
  • 2 0
 is there anyone out there that has actually bled a set of these? wonder how that went. for internal routing and correct size they'll have to be cut at least once... if i look at their instructions it looks pretty complicated (lots of words, no pictures, very german). but maybe that is just me being an armchair engineer
  • 2 0
 It is absolutely more complicated than a Code RSC G2, or Shimano brake, especially on the Piccola HD brakes, the lever bleed is a real pain.
  • 2 0
 It's really not as complicated as it seems. The instructions are just very thorough, but they admit that themselves.
  • 1 0
 Yes you have to remember to get the air out of the pump by changing the position to let the air out. And then they work like you never took them apart. The few I meet with trickstuff on the trail have never bleed them right in the states. Only have met two other people.
  • 4 0
 The instructions are not great, and seem to evolve all the time. BUT doing it isn’t hard either. My impression after doing them a few times (moving bikes, etc) is it’s basically like any other two syringe system, and the extra steps are things you could do to make other brakes better too. Edit: I’m talking about Maximas, don’t know about the others.
  • 2 0
 I have. Incredibly easy. There are no consumables (brass olives), which is nice.
  • 1 0
 I have bled 2 different sets of piccolas. The first time it came out a bit soft so I redid it and it was fine after that. The 2nd set bled fine the first time. it's a messy job and not the easiest (particularly the location of the bleed port on the piccola lever) but ultimately not super difficult. And since it's bionol (vegetable oil) it doesn't have the paint-stripping risk of DOT 5.1 which is a plus.
  • 2 0
 @kungfupanda: Second that....extremely easy. I have a set of the Direttissimas. No cutting needed.
  • 1 0
 They have pictures. The pictures even have cutaways to help explain it. Overall the instructions have gotten better but aren't great. Once you understand it, it's pretty clear, and pretty easy. The instructions are meant to get you to a perfectly bled brake. Fortunately due to the type of oil, it doesn't matter much if it gets a bit messy. I have piccolas and direttissimas.
  • 1 10
flag fat-hub (Feb 22, 2021 at 20:19) (Below Threshold)
 From a guy that owns a Sprinter (Mercedes Van) ....it it's German it's over engineered and under 'common sensed'......No thanx.
I'll stick to my Hayes Dominion A4s and I can put a set on all 4 of my bikes for the price of one Direttissima set.
  • 3 0
 @fat-hub: Hey Northern friend! I'd like to kindly bring to your attention that Dom A4's are $200/each. That'd be about $1,600 for 4 bikes. One Direttissima set is about $750, all-in with bleed kit. I think your math is a bit off, but if you'll let me in to ride Whistler I'll let it slide! Also, if Trickstuff made a camper van, they'd partner with Gumpert. Sprinter = Dodge, and I'd never buy that crap.
  • 2 0
 @kungfupanda: so... I can get a set of A4 for 250€ every now and then in Germany. Actually I have. Set of trickstuff brakes starts above 900€

And TS doesn't know "street-pricing" they actually sell higher in the used market (for example set of maxima was posted die 1400 lately)
  • 2 0
 @danimaniac: 159€ dominion on r2
  • 1 0
 @optimumnotmaximum: that's only one brake.
rtf had the set for 249€ a couple of times already. But seem out of stock currently.
  • 1 0
 @danimaniac: oh 249€ for both, that would be really cheap, i havent seen that in the last 4 months ( the time it took me to finally get them).
  • 2 2
 @kungfupanda: You buy at the wrong places their Sport......There 4:1 for Hayes to Da Fodderland, Yah!!!
Ant that Farfagnoogan is why Wouldn't touch Trickstuff--the trick's on you........Emperor's new clothes !!!!
  • 1 0
 @fat-hub: dafuq i just read!?
  • 1 2
 @danimaniac: Where I shop for Mtn Bike parts, I get Hayes that have been flawless at 1/4 the cost Trickstuff sells for (or very close) and as far as wanting to buy German (sorry), my Sprinter/Mercedes Benz cured me of that with it being the most expensive to run vehicle I've owned in my 65 years even with it's 28 mpg mileage. Emperors New Clothes is an old Fable you are likely too young to know of -- look it up on you smartphone!!!
  • 1 0
 @fat-hub: I get it. I ride hayes A4, too. And I'm absolutely stoked to do so!

Thanks for the fable reference. Sometimes it's hard to get these quotes or hints in a foreign language.
  • 1 0
 @christiaan: The Code brakes are also the easiest brakes I've ever bled, so that's not really fair. Their special tool for bleeding and sealing the caliper bleed port is ingenious.
  • 4 0
 Those Piccola HD brakes with carbon levers are works of industrial art. Absolutely beautiful
  • 5 0
 more Trick's and no staff
  • 3 0
 I have been running Zees and definitely have never been wanting for power. Maybe more modulation, but definitely not power.
  • 1 0
 I just yesterday received my Trickstuff Maximas, took 20 months from orderdate. To give you an idea on how long the wait time has been. The workmanship is insane.
  • 1 0
 I'm curious if we'll see an improvement in the availability of the Trixer. The handful of people who have the newest version say it is a big improvement over the original.
  • 2 0
 Nice ! Good luck for the business !
  • 2 2
 i wanted to get a set of pads for 4 piston XTR brakes and can't find them anywhere. Does anyone have a link that has them in stock?
  • 2 0
 try Galfer. The green pro pads are the biz
  • 1 0
 @garrisond5: They suggest using their rotors however, which is why I have avoided them.
  • 2 0
 @launchrider: the rear pads off my XTR brakes were shot, so I dropped the Galfer pads in without replacing the rotor. Worked splendidly. I wouldn't hesitate to run them with shimano rotors. I think the Galfer rotors are better, but they worked at least as good as the stock shimano pads.
  • 2 0
 I have a pair, they were extremely expensive. But I'm an extremely guy.
  • 2 0
 When it comes to extremely.
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