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Pinkbike Poll: Which Events are you Most Looking Forward to in 2016?

Jan 1, 2016
by Olly Forster  
If winter in the northern hemisphere is good for anything, it's taking some time out from the less than perfect weather to reflect on what happened last season and to contemplate what could be coming our way when spring finally arrives. Last season was as action packed as any before it and perhaps more so thanks to the heightened level of coverage that's beamed into our homes from windswept mountains in far flung locations. But with an off-season packed with pro riders jumping between sponsors and teams, 2016 could well be another box office smash for the fans.

Will Gwin keep on gwinning, even on his new bike and will Graves - also on a new bike - defeat his apprentice and retake the enduro throne? Can Nino retain his dominance in the mountains and take it all the way to Rio and will Peaty's last season be one to remember? Will Zink get some Rampage retribution, will the UCI step up to the plate and can the FMB World Tour continue to stand tall next to the non-conformist FEST Series rebels? There's lots of question and of course, lots of excitement. So with this in mind, what event and series of events are you most looking forward to in 2016?

Discipline Dilemma

Freeride: Tricks and Stunts

Freeride contests have morphed and evolved over the years into two distinct disciplines with 'big mountain' and slopestyle currently vying for the top spot.

While the FMB World Tour scratches its head as The FEST Series captures the imagination of the fans, are we seeing a shift in the sports hierarchy?

With the good old FMB still mixing it up and offering aspiring freeriders a platform to impress potential sponsors and with the Crankworx World Tour going from strength to strength, slopestyle contests won't be going anywhere anytime soon...

Aggy s Reunion in Kamloops BC part of the Fest Series Photo Russell Dalby - http dalbyphoto.photoshelter.com
Has The FEST Series made the FMB look a bit half cooked or is slopestyle still the be-all and end-all of freeride competition?

XC: Spandex Warriors

While the thought of being dressed head-to-toe in Lycra and sporting a pair of carbon fibre disco slippers while riding a near rigid bike without a dropper post could amount to a bad day at the trails for many, cross country racing is the real deal and is not for the faint-hearted.

The tracks are gnarly and the physical aspect alone simply beggars belief - so should we be paying more attention to cross country coverage?

We should also remember that we are now entering an Olympic year and these hardy guys and girls will be representing mountain biking to the world...

Gunn-Rita Dahle-Flesjaa refused to get out of Maja Wloszczowska s way as she walks down the course s most technical descent. It cost the Polish rider quite some time.
Think XC is lame? Try and ride a World Cup XC track on an 80mm travel hardtail and see how you fare.

Gravity: DH vs. Enduro

If you were to draw parallels between mountain biking and car racing, downhill would be our Formula One and enduro would be our Rally, and with latter finally finding its feet, the world is a better place.

One thing to always consider here is Red Bull's live coverage of the World Cup series being a huge catalyst for not only DH's recent surge in popularity, but mountain biking as a whole.

With 8 EWS rounds and 7 World Cup rounds, not to mention the slalom and downhill on offer at the Crankworx Wold Tour, gravity racing has never been better, but which way do you sway - DH or enduro?

Brendan Fairclough got a bit loose coming out of the woods and would almost end up in the crowd. Luckily he saved it but lost precious seconds within sight of the finish line.
Do you think DH has had its day or do you think enduro is a little on the dull side? Either way, gravity racing is on the up.

Brandon Semenuk at the Red Bull Joyride during Crankworx in Whistler British Columbia. Photo by clint trahan Crankworx

That brings us to this week's poll question... So what will it be? Downhill, freeride, cross country, enduro or an event with all of them? Are you already beating your head against the wall in anticipation of the Downhill World Cup kicking off or is the all-encompassing Crankworx World Tour too much of a distraction? Is the prospect of seeing where and how far The FEST Series crew will push things just too much to comprehend or are you a die hard enduro fan, eager to see how these purists handle the competition in 2016?

So which event or series of events are we zeroing in on and why? There were no criteria, but it's hard to deny the importance and significance of those chosen below. Granted, there are other events out there, but the ones listed below represent those which will be attended by the world's most accomplished professional mountain bikers and garner the most recognition from you, the fans.

You can only pick one series and one individual event, so choose wisely and let us know if your vote is based on being a hardcore fan or simply the volley of coverage that awaits you when the season jumps into action. If you think we've got it wrong, let us know in the comments below...

Which series of events are you most looking forward to in 2016?

Which individual event are you most looking forward to in 2016?

Has coverage of the events listed in this article swayed your vote?

MENTIONS: @TheFEST / @officialcrankworx / @EnduroWorldSeries

Author Info:
ollyforster avatar

Member since Jun 8, 2005
78 articles

  • 236 13
 Racing beats Rampage for me, especially after 2015s debacle. It reminds me of the X factor, tacky and exploitative - nowhere near as bad as that - and I do love freeride. Don't get me wrong, I'll be watching it all but the racing is what I'll be getting most pumped for.
  • 89 1
 I'm excited to see what Gwin does this year. Yes ladies and gents, I've signed him, finally to "Tetrahedron". My 3 wheeled downhill beast. No chain, No brakes. NO MERCY!
  • 10 0
 A strong ambassador for Tetrahedron I think, there is only one to prove the worth of your fine design. Curious how you solved the money issues that worried Kurt though..?
  • 12 1
 Racing is simple no fuss be the fastest vs redbull which is the best trick line or sponsor debacle system
  • 21 0
 Racing translates better into a live broadcasts two the rampage is great but there are huge gaps in the run for me it's better as an edited replay then a live event
  • 58 1
 Anything that involves judging doesn't really excite me because I usually feel the true winner doesn't always gets the win...
  • 34 1
 Event I am most looking forward to is a Whistler trip.
  • 57 1
 Rampage also had a very weird feel the last year or two. Kinda an eerie "people are going to die" feeling.

Much prefer the coverage/hype during the run up and the highlights.
  • 31 3
 Red bull hardline!!!
  • 2 1
 Another event similar to a chainless race run
  • 16 3
 I agree that racing beats rampage for two reasons. 1- no opinion factor. The clock runs the same for everyone. 2- they all have the same track. If "line choice" is to be judged at rampage, riders have to be able to ride any line. Yes I get the whole we built the hit, jump, line, or landing but that's my opinion.
P.S. Don't get me wrong, I watch Rampage every year and love it. I'm not "hating".
  • 5 0
 X factor pays more than rampage.
  • 3 2
 there is no event that makes me more stoked to watch than crankworx whistler
  • 4 0
 I agree that Rampage wasn't properly judged, but I love watching the absolutely insane riding that all the riders throw down there
  • 7 0
 Yeah rampage lost it for me a bit this year...DH on the otherhand had a exciting season for me
  • 3 25
flag nikifor88 FL (Jan 2, 2016 at 3:33) (Below Threshold)
 stop that freeride and downhill bullshit, silly sports for 1%, long live enduro!
  • 6 23
flag taskmgr (Jan 2, 2016 at 11:08) (Below Threshold)
 @nikifor88 enduro is for people who can't DH or XC good. Enduro bikes cost as much or more in some cases that elite top end XC and DH bikes. So really, enduro is for the aging 1%. Freeride and DH and XC is for the kids.
  • 4 1
 Let's be honest not many people care about hardline. Don't get me wrong it's a cool event but not enough exposure for people to care.this will probably get many dislikes but it's my opinion.
  • 5 0
 I enjoyed hardline but was disappointed by how many riders it had. finals had like only 5 riders. Was a cool course though.
  • 5 2
 @makripper that is easily the most ignorant comment ive read in a while, you have no idea!
  • 3 0
 Yeah I was at hardline this year, it is mental but half the riders didn't even turn up. Seemed to be the one thing it was missing really was a longer athlete list. Oh and spectator access to the top of the hill.
  • 3 0
 Gwin said being laid by the love of Jesus was enough to for a down payment. Now to figure out the rest...
  • 4 0
 Loved... not laid. Stupid autocorrect. Still using a 1997 flip phone until this Gwin thing pays off.
  • 2 1
 @makripper the EWS guys are stupidly fast so you can't really say they can't ride. Just not quite fast enough to cut it at World Cup level or not anymore for example nico.
  • 3 0
 That's not true. I think some of the EWS guys wanted to, they could give the World Cup guys a run for their money. For example Martin Maes could.
  • 1 0
 there's obviously going to be a few of them who could qualify but there not going to bother the top lads.
  • 3 1
 That may be true but when even the top DH guys tried EWS they didn't fair to well either.
  • 2 0
 Yeah but most of the dh guys treat it like a training session. There not going to go all out mid season and risk missing a World Cup.
  • 2 1
 @Trekfueler , so I guess that the names Barel, Vouilloz, Graves, Mosely and Chauson don't mean much to you? Ever wonder which discipline that they moved over from?
  • 8 1
 Why do people think Enduro guys cant cut it in DH? Newsflash people, Brosnan, Bryceland, Bruni, Minnaar, Blenkinsop, Macdonald, Peaty, Hannah, Hill, Jones,Fairclough, and many more, all have done EWS rounds, and the result (with the exception of Blenky and Minnaar with 1 podium each) they all got their asses handed to them, And one common comment made by all the top DH guys that have done EWS rounds in interviews after the races has been how hard and technical the riding was, and how they have big reespect for the Enduro guys abilities. Just maybe enduro takes more than being a fast DH guy, wow what a concept! Riding fast on a natural unmaintained trail that you are basically riding blind is a lot different to racing a purpose built DH track that you get days to dial in.
Sorry for the rant, but it simply isnt as black and white as what people seem to think it is. I thought Enduro was going to be a walk in the park when I started racing, how wrong I was, and thats what makes it awesome!

@thenotoriousmic I agree 100% with what you are saying, but it goes both ways, top DH guys aren't able to bother the top Enduro guys either. and the main reason for that is that it isnt what their focus is and not what they are specifically training for. It goes both ways, but enduro guys certainly arent inferior at riding fast down hill.
  • 3 7
flag thenotoriousmic (Jan 3, 2016 at 20:53) (Below Threshold)
 Maybe because if they could they'd be racing downhill. Mainly due to the fact it's full of retired wc racers and guys who didn't quite make it. If the pro wc racers gave the EWS there full attention they'd dominate without question.
  • 1 1
 @henkster if you read my comment above I proved your point sir.
  • 4 1
 @thenotoriousmic I just couldnt agree less with you on that point. theres something in the different skillsets that just doesnt translate across. Sure, World Cup DH is a great background to have, and helps a load, but simply because someone is a fast WC DH racer doesnt mean they can or would be able to Dominate Enduro, Again of the DH guys I mentioned above, when they did EWS, the results was that they mostly had their asses handed to them, not even in the ballpark. Sure they could be better, but there is no question that they simply would NOT just walk in and dominate.

To me, what you are saying is no different to saying that any top road racer could walk in dominate World Cup XC. It simply wouldnt happen.

What about Graves having not raced DH all year getting 3rd at DH World champs in 2013, or Martin Maes jumping on a DH bike the Week before world champs and almost taking home the junior world title.

Thing is, I probably would have agreed with you 12 months ago, until I started racing enduro last year and had my eyes peeled open as to just how different it was.
  • 2 2
 Well that's not true is it as Tracy Mosley and Fabian Barel retired from World Cup and look how well they did. Imagine what would happen if someone like gee atherton made the EWS a priority. Even Nico finished in the top five and he must have retired ten years ago.
  • 2 1
 @makripper you do realize enduro is basically dh and xc combined right?
  • 3 1
 @thenotoriousmic you know not all people retire because they arent able to compete anymore. Many just like Enduro better as a race format, I know I got very burnt out on only getting to ride and race the one trail every weekend in DH, it can get very monotinous. Others who switch to enduro are looking for a new challenge after years of doing the same thing. Hell, Nico V retired at 26 from WC DH basically because he was bored with dominating it. He was always on another level, 10 world titles in 11 years (3 junior and 7 senior, and not 11 from 11 agruably only becuase of a flat tire). Fabien went straight from being a top dog in DH straight into enduro and while he's always been one of the top dogs in that too, he has been far from dominant in any form. Moseley hadn't ridden a DH bike at all in a couple years, and turned up at Fort William in 2013 at the world cup and threw it straight onto the podium.

Ive heard straight from the mouth of a few top dogs in DH, that they havnt done any further EWS round simply because it was much harder than they expected and they were minutes off the pace, not just seconds off the pace, but MINUTES. I'll say it again, DH is possibly the best background to have for an Enduro rider, but it's a really different animal when it comes down to it, and it suits a very different beast, the skills are requirements simply arent 100% transferrable, and they way most top DH guys who have done EWS rounds have been a long LONG way down the results sheet prove this beyond argument.

Ive said my bit, and I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree I suppose. All good.
  • 1 1
 @coloradogay those are all opinions from an enduro superfan. Lots of holes in your omniscient point of view. I wonder why enduro gets no coverage if its better than DH and so XTREME
  • 4 0
 @makripper, please point out said "holes" I have done nothing but state facts. Sure, I am an enduro superfan, but I am a DH superfan as well. Enduro gets plenty of coverage, Just because you personally dont seek it out, doesnt mean it isnt there. There is life in the MTB world outside of Pinkbike and redbull TV.
  • 1 4
 no shirt shitlock. Theres alot but i'm not into troll feeding. Where's the live enduro coverage? I am probably the first person to ever ask this hahahaha do I win an award? I would love to see the hours and hours of playback and how they cover every rider at every tech section and every important section. Give me a break.
  • 2 0
 Woah there tiger! you need to settle down bud, getting a bit upset arent we. No troll feeding hey, seems much more like you are stuck to find any proper argument to what I have said. Trolling is the last thing im doing here. Facts are facts, I would love for you to point out just one "hole" in what I have said, unless results and history of the sport has suddenly changed.

You're totally right that there isnt any live enduro coverage, the EWS has only been around a few years and its well publicized that the main reason for this is that they just havnt found a cost effective way to properly do it yet, it certainly isnt for lack of interest. If a DH world cup was run over 5 different courses in the same day, then we wouldnt have the coverage we see now, it would be far too expensive and difficult. Take Red Bull TV away and Enduro and DH receive the same amount of coverage in any other media.
  • 1 1
 I've just watched an episode of the syndicate where Josh bryceland and Steve peat both casually got a top 25 at the last round of the 2014 EWS.
  • 1 1
 top 25, and a long way from the podium

2013 Finale Ligure EWS Syndicate results:
23rd: Steve peat, +1min 46 sec
35th: Josh Bryceland +2min 20 sec

2014Finale Ligure EWS Syndicate results
26th: Greg Minnaar, +1min 35sec
36th Steve Peat +1min 52 sec

is that factual enough?
  • 1 3
 LOL not upset. except for you're proof of society heady towards complete idiocracy by the year 2018. You contradicted yourself saying there was and is coverage and the same amount in one post, now saying that there isn't. Man you get the good weed in colarada don't ya. for sure facts are facts. but just because you wrote it on the internet doesn't make it truth. I guess everything is true on this wonderful mtb website where guys from colorodeo go who hate their lives.
  • 1 2
 Yeah but if they can casually rock up to a EWS not know the format and break into the top 25 for basically a laugh imagine what they would do if they made the EWS a priority? If Josh bryceland can be so successful on his 130mm trail bike imagine what a fully motivated Greg minnar could do.
  • 3 1
 Sigh, society headed to idiocracy indeed. maybe you want to read what I said again, I certainly didnt contradict myself. Its pretty clear. You have your opinion, ill have mine, have a great day.
  • 1 3
 55 Adam Craig 0:02:54
25 Greg Callaghan 0:01:50
26 Yoann Barelli 0:01:51
30 Joe Barnes 0:02:00
39 Max Schumann 0:02:23

and wheres keene? these guys are all pro racers and got shut down by some chilllin out guys.10th for Sam Hill and Blenki in 7th is pretty good in rotura for just basically f*cking about? Same with WYN masters in 3rd? pretty good for a dh guy who can't keep up to the enduro guys right?
  • 1 4
 FINALLY! you admit it. it is your opinion and NOT actual fact. Go hit dat blunt son
  • 2 2
 Jesus Christ... OK, one common thing all top level pro racers share, is an overcompeitiveness at levels way beyond what is imaginable to you or me. They simply dont enter to have a bit of a go, they would have been giving everything they had. It's a trait they all have that is a major reason they have made it to the top of thier sport. heres a FACT for you. many top DH pros have all said, after racing EWS rounds that they have a newfound respect for the top enduro guys and their abilities on the bike. No if's, no but's. If that is hard to understand for you, then you need your head read. All opinions and armchair speculation aside, this is what pros themselves have said. You sir, are a deadset muppet
  • 2 0
 But you have to admit this isn't a priority for these guys and its something they are basically just trying out and they are doing really well at. Based on what we have already seen its hard to say they wouldn't be up there if they really had a go at it.
  • 1 1
 notorious. exactly. they train for 1.5-6 minute sprints. would need to retune whole body and training regime
  • 1 1
 If Steve peat says enduro is bullshit then you can't really say any different... The boss has spoken.
  • 117 0
  • 4 1
 No sea otter??
  • 73 0
 I've followed the DH since 97 and wish the UCI or someone else would jump on board and throw in an extra round or two just like the good old days, and not space them out so much. 8/9 Rounds a year plus the World Champs to boot. I have heard an argument from some people about its good to be spread out due to injuries and stuff but back in the day there were 8 or 9 WC rounds and then a summer packed with NORBA rounds which were pretty much world cup races anyways with every WC racers doing them.
  • 7 0
 that would indeed be sweet.
  • 26 0
 +1. More events would atract more spectators,more sponsors,more everything.
Japan,Brasil,Indonesia...who wouldn't like a real World Cup?
  • 13 0
 I just want to get out and ride the fuck out of my bike this year!!
  • 5 1
 What about the privateers who can't afford to constantly travel al around the globe? To me they represent the more personal side to the DH races, even without the big results, I'd appreciate if they could make it to most of the races. Can still happen if they include some more European races but I freaking love the more exotic locations
  • 5 0
 @nozes like the opra of world cups. You get a World Cup! You get a World Cup! EVERYBODY GETS A WORLD CUP!!!!
  • 2 1
 Be careful what you wish, once extra rounds start to be added it becomes too easy to have to many and each one becomes less important. F1 has gone this route with 20+ races compared to 16 a decade ago. Now a bad weekend is not a big deal whereas before it could scupper a season!

As long as the calendar doesn't have big month-long gaps I'm happy.
  • 5 0
 Eight or nine well scheduled races would be enough.
Starting in March and ending in October,with only two months having two races.
As for the privateers,the "exotic" countrys have privateers too,and in my opinion they give a colourful ambiance our sport needs.
  • 5 1
 I'd be ok with dh mtb doing something like what surfing has done. 10 events and your best 8 results count. The way it is now if you flat and finish a race with no points early in the season you are basically eliminated from the overall. Then some guys start to focus only on world championships. And actually that's another thing I'd do and I'd guess I'm in the minority here, but; Dump world championships. The measure of the best rider is the WC overall winner.
  • 2 0
 Unfortunately, for riding these countries trails I can confirm they are not yet up to world cup standards. Indonesia is getting close and seeing how popular DH is there I would love to see a WC there.
  • 2 0
 What about the privateers from other parts of the globe. They could at least have a chance to give it a go without traveling all the way to Europe or US.
  • 1 0
What's the problem there? Wouldn't that allow the cream to truly rise?
  • 1 0
 @b26-4-Life - creates a two-tier championship. Those that can afford to do the rounds and the testing/training required and those that struggle to just get to every round. If the gap becomes too wide between the two groups then there's no hope of someone putting in a big effort to pull off an upset and make a name for themselves.

Plus a 2-3 week wait for each round to build up the tension makes every round a special event, easy to let a boring one slide if you know there'll be another one next weekend.
  • 1 0
 Ah, ok. Good points.
  • 1 0
 @powderturns that's an excellent idea that's the one thing about downhill that one flat tire could ruin your whole season.

More races as well or more time in competition. When you count how much time a racer actually spends competing over a course of a season it's under 25 mins. More races, less racers and more time in competition. Why not have multiple tracks over the course of a race?
  • 56 1
 Dh will never "have its day" the coverage is much better than an enduro event and the race only takes an afternoon to watch instead of a full weekend with enduro. IMHO
  • 56 8
 Enduro still looks lame when compared to DH, no matter how fun it is to do.
  • 5 1
 The coverage and structure is exactly the problem with Enduro. @Gmancool99 you make a great point about the time commitment for each event. If it were structured like an elimination up until the final day that could really help. If you had say 100 riders at the first day stages and it cutoff the top 50, then you had another 25 cutoff for the final day or something of that nature, then you would have a very marketable final event. This would help a ton to focus people a bit. The rest of the riders could still run the other legs at later times to qualify for additional seeding in future races.
  • 2 0
 So basically mtv road rules for mountainbiking?
  • 6 0
 Yeah I would like to follow ews more but the tv coverage isn't as good as dh and xc on redbull tv
  • 3 0
 Love Enduro but watch DH, it's better entertainment.
  • 3 3
 Enduro is lame compared to downhill. Downhill you've got the best riders in the world riding down the hardest tracks. People want to see riders doing stuff they can't do where enduro is just doing what the average mountain biker does but better no one wants to see that.
  • 3 0
 The average person drives a car on pavement, yet millions of people watch racing on pavement. Enduro does what we do, just waaaay better and waaaay faster. I love watching it. I like watching downhill too, but my preference is for enduro. The big issue I have is that enduro isn't packaged really well yet.
  • 40 3
 Even though xc isn't as fun to watch as some of the others, goddamn it looks like a sufferfest to compete in.
  • 17 0
 So long as Bart Brentjens is commentating....I enjoy it! That guy is a freaking treasure-house of knowledge.
  • 6 1
 Watching it can be boring but the "Photo Epics" are great and very interesting. I also think that XCE is great to watch, but a photo epic would be boring.
  • 36 2
 I think it's a little ironic that the caption for the XC photo says, "Think XC is lame? Try and ride a World Cup XC track on an 80mm travel hardtail and see how you fair." and then if you look closely enough you can see a racer walking her bike down the trail instead of riding.
  • 19 3
 Perhaps it is an example of how hard the tracks are - not even some of the racers can ride them. But I see your point.
  • 10 3
 XC is the gentleman's riding. We prefer a nice black tea after a race.
  • 19 0
 All forms of moutainbiking are fun and challenging in their own way.. Just some are more fun to watch than others.
  • 24 3
 Ive been racing XC for 5 years now and its soo freakin hard. trying to pin a gnarly-ass decent after hammering up a steep-ass 10 min climb with people on your tail threatening to pass at any moment. Thats my shit.
  • 20 3
 "gnarly-ass," "steep-ass," "That's my shit." It almost reads like a colonoscopy ad.
  • 6 1
 Maja Wloszczowska wouldn't get out of Gunn-Rita Dahle-Flesjaa's (rider that's walking) way so she basically did everything she could to get in front which resulted in a small crash, and she ran the rest of that tech section. XC is nuts! the courses are actually really technically challenging
  • 2 0
 My last XC race of 2015 was the same course as the Enduro race the day before. Those decent were insane with 100mm and a 71* headtube.
  • 6 1
 Ummm I walked the XC course in Hafjell and in Val Di sole. Both are manic, considering you are about to ride it on XC hardtail with tyres having next ot no grip and your seat up. Actually some stuff in Hafjell would be hard enough on a Bronson CC for an average Bronson CC owner. I saw some dudes manualing whoops on those XC bikes. Most people I see can't lift their front wheel for more than one meter on flat ground... off course every Pinkbike user can do everything "technical" Big Grin
  • 4 0
 Ha! WAKI, you think there are average Bronson owners?! They are ALL well above average. Just ask them. Or don't, they'll tell you anyway. Wink
  • 2 0
 XC racing is not to be mocked I can't even ride to my local shop with the seat up.
  • 1 0
 I'm sure in the near future, not only will XC racers be using full-suss bikes, but dropper posts as well - especially with lighter e-droppers entering the market.
  • 34 7
 Where is the option of 'Donald Trump becoming president of the USA'?
  • 41 3
 If that happens I'm moving to whistler.
  • 14 6
 No nuke code for that hot head. But his stance on people being too obsessed about political correctness is spot on. Too many pu55ie5 complaining about their feelings getting hurt. Don't think he has a "real" chance.
  • 25 2
 Yeeehaaaa!! Git me some freedom!

*unless you're Muslim or mexican.
  • 20 0
 Whistler's full, sorry. All the Aussies moved there.
  • 7 0
 if trump is elected, ill need some help hollowing out a mountain to live in. also, if anyone has any goats or chickens, please join
  • 7 1
 Sorry not sorry
  • 4 20
flag theminsta (Jan 1, 2016 at 21:58) (Below Threshold)
 I hear the muslims/mexicans who now live in the US don't want the problem to come to them lol And @RussellTinka: you're talking shit about a guy who is over 3 standard deviations above your IQ.. do you want "politickions" and "actors" running a freaking superpower nation, or someone who knows what they're doing?

  • 5 0
 @theminsta How do you know what RussellTinka: IQ is. If you want to bust some ones balls don't make assumptions.
  • 5 1
 And my point is proven.
  • 26 0
 Peaty's last race at Fort Bill is the event I am most looking forward to this year
  • 1 13
flag valleyimagewerx (Jan 1, 2016 at 14:09) (Below Threshold)
 Fort Bill is not on the 2016 race location list.
  • 3 1
 Least looking forward to..
  • 7 0
 @valleyimagewerx Yes it is, 4./5. June
  • 1 0
 Fort Bill for me too, be the first WCDH I've been to in over a decade!! Saw Peaty racing at Mountain Ash back in the beginning so it's the perfect excuse to go.
  • 18 1
 I'm most interested in the race to find out who won Gwin's bike sponsor is.
  • 4 10
flag miketizzle (Jan 1, 2016 at 12:36) (Below Threshold)
 YT. It's over
  • 5 2
 I dont think it will be but I'd love to see him with Scott. I think he'd look pretty good on a gambler
  • 2 0
 Gwin would dominate on a gambler
  • 14 0
 I guess I am not sure why we are constantly pitting niche disciplines of the sport against other niche disciplines in the mountain biking world. Call me crazy, but I think enduro and DH can both thrive as race formats, even at the same time. I believe there is enough of a difference to attract different riders to either discipline depending on their preference, and I believe that eventually fans will see that the two formats differ in about as many ways as they are similar, so in the end they're both fun to watch for different reasons. I think the same thing works with the FMB VS. the FEST series as well, they are pretty much separating into two different things and I believe there are enough fans both series to exist, on a side note though it would be cool if FMB gave up Rampage because it just isn't the right fit for their contest scene anymore.
  • 14 2
 What events am I looking forwards to in 2016 ?

Probably not signing everything with the date 2015, which will probably take until about february
  • 12 0
 The best event of the year is that one where the dirts dark brown and you're tearing the shit out of it with your buds.
  • 12 0
 Long live Downhill :0)
  • 6 0
 Slopestyle and the Fest will both always be successful, to say one will out do the other would be wrong as they are both completely different. Slopestyle small bikes big tricks and tech moves with its polished tour whereas The Fest is big bikes big jumps and big moves and more rider run.
  • 9 0
 Wish there was more high quality racing coverage
  • 5 0
 It is fun recgarless to just watch if not participate in any form of cycling,,but yes DH is where it is at...Bruic will do it this year and I am just saying here Gee is right there in the chase..
  • 2 0
 Claudio's course previews are one of the things I look forward to watching the most. Outside of that I'm lame and only tune in for the final runs or the riders I expect to kill it. If I was at the race to watch it in person however, that might be a different story.
  • 8 1
 Claudio need i say more.
  • 2 0
 All of them apart from XC, not doing the XC guys down but just does not grab me, in breakdown

DH - not enough stops, too long between races but fast, exciting and well covered in terms of live events and team vlogs etc

Enduro: actually I lied, dont follow this as much, I like all the editorials and photo epics but its a funny one as I never watch or keep up to date on the live times etc, just watch the nice summary vids and photo stories - Its the fact that enduro best reflects what the masses actually on mountain bikes and why its popularity is forever rising,(2 major series in the UK + all smaller events too)

Dirt jumps: I like this alot and watch this more than most, they have a lot of smaller events too and I love it when they set up in large city centres but not keen the bigger comps as it just seems a showcase for the "big names" and lack personality

Fest: awesome but confusing media releases, their desire to do their own thing seems to mean not releasing as much to the audience - maybe im missing the stuff when its released but it just appears hap hazzard - which kinda fits with the ethos I suppose

Rampage: amazing stuff and live too - crazy and this gets most coverage on TV too it seems, as its even shown here on DAVE TV chanel - so it shows what TV companies want - danger, excitement, big hits, jaw dropping moments, complaints and twitter battles about how the riders could get hurt .... DUH ... BUT whole things needs sorting, profit share or something like that - its more like an event/show than a competition, like Nitro Circus .. and I bet they get paid

So, didn't vote as cant choose as I like mountain bikes and all this stuff is part of a whole
  • 2 0
 Enduro Racing is fun to do but DH racing is what's exciting to watch. I'd expect they may start filming some stages of enduro races like they do DH races but it still has the difficulty of access with streaming videos and won't be near as exciting as the format for World Cup DH races.
  • 4 2
 I can't believe Enduro has such a little following, all the fans are so opinionated on it being the biggest and best discipline but surprise surprise downhill has superseded it by miles,
Just shows all the dh haters (enduro boys) now they can have a good moan lol
  • 4 0
 Why do you think endure fans hate DH? I love endure and also love DH. Call me old fashioned.
  • 2 0
 I like to ride and watch any mtb discipline , just going on the responses if seen on pinkbike over the last few years
  • 2 0
 I love to watch DH but 95% of my leisure riding falls into Enduro format and 100% of my competing riding is Enduro... the most exciting discipline to watch is not necessarily the one you relate/enjoy the most!
  • 4 0
 For individual event shouldn't there be an 'XCO at Rio Olympics' option? That's going to be a way bigger event than the XCO world cup finals isn't it?
  • 2 0
 Interesting to note that most prefer watching racing over rampage or slopestyle events, maybe crankworks can finally take a hint and deliver much better coverage for both the Canadian downhill and Garbanzo dh.
  • 6 2
 Most looking forward to the BC Enduro series because its a thousand times more fun than watching racing.
  • 1 1
 Isn't it odd how much of it crosses over with the KR Enduro though? Kinda disappointed. I feel like the two series should be on their own, because lets face it the BC is way more hardcore than KR.
  • 1 1
 consider its two people organizing the whole thing, not really, no.
  • 6 1
 "It is better to be a racer for a moment than a spectator for a lifetime." Indeed.
  • 2 1
 it's a way of boosting rider counts for both series , the BC Enduro is doing a event with the FVMBA as well looking forward to that race
  • 2 1
 Wait for real? I knew Meagan (I always forget how to spell her name) was doing the KR, but didn't know she was doing the BC as well. Thats insane.
I mean yeah cool to have more riders in some ways but I actually think that they hit really good numbers at the ones I went to last year. More people would just mean longer waits and less food (the bacon stations were always empty...)
  • 2 1
 Yes it was pretty much only Megan at first, now Ted has come on board. The series is going to be so good this year I can't wait.
  • 7 1
 Riding my bike.
  • 6 3
 Obviously I would watch Enduro a lot more than Downhill if I could get decent coverage but Rampage and Downhill UCI get better coverage...I guess easier to film.
  • 1 0
 It would be great to see something like the DH WC coverage for EWS, though I've no idea how that would be achievable. DH is a really great format for TV, I love that the next racer down the hill is faster than the last based on qualifying, but any mistake will mean they won't better the time. Even more exciting when the track is changing or someone laid down a scorching time early. Bring on 2016!
  • 2 1
 I follow the WC DH all season and while I look forward to each race they're all just parts of the whole. IMO, the World Champ title is rad to have but as it's a one-off race it doesn't really say much about your over all abilities (see Gwin and Hart). I look forward to Rampage each year because dudes go off and pull out amazing how tricks. It's still just a one-off event but that's what makes everyone go so crazy.
  • 1 0
 I love all of the coverage on PB for all of these disciplines. Top notch photography and great writing for most of the events. That being said, I am most looking forward to coverage of the Arrowhead 135 and ITI races. Won't get it here, but I love to read the stories from the winter ultra events.
  • 1 0
 I'd love to pick more than one! Can a guy like and look forward to both the EWS and DH World Series and love The Fest coverage too? The only thing I worry about your surveys, Pinkbike, is that they don't really fully represent how most of us feel!
  • 1 0
 I think rampage has started to find it self again but it's still a slopes type haven when it becomes big mountain not backflips and the rest of the tricks I be more incline to watch.Enduro is were I think mountain biking is going to explode the development of single crown forks and frames has taking all mountain to big mountain.I look forward to watching Enduro and dh has lost my intest the same riders on the podium and hard to keep track of the young guns
  • 1 0
 I would love to see about a million percent more coverage of the EWS - superb tracks, great riders, close racing over multiple stages - get some drones in the sky pinkbike! Maybe aspirational unpaid amateur cameramen/women all taking a bit of a stage?
  • 4 1
 I'm looking forward to Fontana's winter series kicking off again. Haven't raced it in a while.
  • 1 2
  • 3 2
 i'm actually really excited to see how EWS will pan out without T-mo and fabien, and stoked to see slugger racing, as long as it involves tyres with knobbles on them i'm going to be happy.
  • 2 0
 that lad does't pay for his tires
  • 1 1
 Looking forward to Fort William. Like watching rampage as well although highlights seem to be better. Also looking forward to people not complaining about how much riders get paid because it's dangerous. It's their choice and they don't moan about it.
  • 2 0
 What about 4Cross / Fourcross / 4x / Dualslalom?
There are a lot of great races in 2016:
  • 2 2
 Very funny really!

World Cup and national completions all visit the same venues year after year, I'd rather see venues used alternate years, and have organisers contribute to new courses, meaning access to mountains with a chainsaw, and a roll of tape, real Virgin mountain tracks for racing just like back in the day

Lender hi den was this for me. But then f*ck it up with huge burms that are a waste of time and diesel. Let's just make downhill raw, fast, rough, rather that smooth, long and boring.

Note to rampage, don't bother, there will always be next level athletes that want to do the next big jump, making it a " competition" is just boring, let there sponsors pick up the bill and share it on YouTube, plough the money into real completion,

Cycling is about speed, not scores, or we could just call rampage " strictly come biking" from Len a 10
  • 1 0
 The 2 series I am most excited about are WC DH because Redbull coverage is phenomenal and BME, since I can actually compete as an amateur and rub shoulders with the pros who are racing on the exact same courses.
  • 1 0
 I think DH Racing is just now hitting stride and has more potential to grow. Fest is off the charts, hanging with buds and pushing each other - how most of us started. FMB has become too polished.
  • 1 0
 Looking forward to All 3 Stops at Crankworx, DH, Claudio, Warner, Slopestyle, Pumptrack, NW Cup, Enduro and Rampage! NOT looking forward to Trump being president.
  • 6 2
 Red Bull Hardline!
  • 3 3
 If XC is so gnarly, why do they only need 80mm of travel!? Pah!

I regularly ride XC trails, i'd love to take part in an Enduro if i ever did a mtb race, but i only like watching DH.
  • 3 1
 Good to see the DH World Cup is still strong. I get butterflies every event I watch, you never no what will happen
  • 2 1
 The slideshows, photo epics and RAW vids and overall coverage on Pinkbike and other outlets makes following the races so much more fun then just watching the races. Thanks!
  • 4 1
 Nobody is looking forward to Redbull death stairs China?
  • 2 0
 Can't wait to see what goes in with Brandon Semenuk and Brett Reeder this year.
  • 2 3
 I have to say that I was a little bit tired of FEST after the third or fourth event. Of course these guys rock and I love this huge jumps, but it was like watching the same movie every week. That's the beauty about UCI DH WC, excitement till the last second!
  • 1 1
 No matter how much you throw in there, the most exciting format to watch from an expectator point of view , DH racing is the best one, on all the others I can take a nap, wake up and not miss much.
  • 1 1
 Enduro completely doesn't interest me, its an amalgamation of dh and xc... aka mountain biking... its just trail riding at a pro level on bigger hills than most people have access to and no decent coverage possible.
  • 1 0
 I'm looking forward to my personnel comeback, after hitting a tree in the late Fall 2015 oct24th, 3broken ribs 2 torn muscles, winter rehab Spring tune up.
  • 2 1
 Where is cyclocross?? That sport is just insane and it's incredibly intense
  • 2 0
  • 3 1
 I agree Redbull hardline was amazing, but it has to be DH for me.
  • 3 1
 Fest series because #partyride
  • 2 1
 Most looking forward to the Pro GRT having 4 east coast races here in America.. Beast Coast !!
  • 1 1
 I like rampage for the insane lines etc but disagree with how much the riders get paid for it and the judging system could be a lot better.
  • 3 1
 If it's mountain biking, I'm watching it and that's all there is to it.
  • 1 0
 Fighting among-st those I love should definitely qualify for an entertaining event.
  • 2 0
 Damn u pinkbike making me choose between world cups and fest series
  • 1 0
 I'm most excited to see what part is gonna break on Gwin's bike at Leogang this year
  • 1 0
 I always look Fort William World Cup round, it's my annual mountain bike pilgrimage!
  • 1 0
 Open enrollment for non-world racers for the Garbanzo DH has got me stoked like never before!
  • 2 1
 Rampage if there's going to be one..
  • 2 2
 There will be, there is enough young talent to fill the event. Though gotta wonder how much longer Zink competes. I mean dude is a dad now and he stomped his line and still didn't touch 90 points. What's the brother gotta do to win the thing. I just don't see him laying down a 94+ run. The bar has been set, that's what it will take to win it.

  • 2 1
 So ready for the New Zealand stop! The slope course there was so awesome!
  • 1 1
 Couldn't agree more. It was my fav event last year!
  • 1 1
 Only picked rampage because it's the final show of the year!! Judged event against a clock; time wins everytime.
  • 2 1
 B.c. Bike race , red bull rampage, crankworx whistler
  • 2 1
 UCI DH for the win. Such a good series.
  • 1 1
 I feel like I'm one of the few that's just exited for the freeride events this year
  • 3 2
 I ll never miss watchin dh live ... I ll not sleep if I have to !!
  • 1 1
 EWS and UCI DH are both equally as awesome for me, same goes with Rampage and World Champs for individual
  • 2 1
 Where is the "Which Rider goes to what team?" option?
  • 2 0
 What about XCO OLIMPICS?
  • 2 0
  • 2 1
 You guys totally forgot about the Olympics!
  • 1 0
 Am I right in thinking Val Di Sole is the Worl champs course for 2016 DH ?
  • 1 1
 Rampage is for arseholes, they may as well forget the bike and just jump off a sandy mountain, fucĀ£ing rad bellends.
  • 1 0
 Need an option of being equally excited for DH racing and the Fest Series
  • 1 0
 My trip to Malaga in 10 days time.
  • 1 0
 i just cant wait for all the new stuff at sea otter
  • 1 0
 Sturdy Dirty and Sugar Showdown!
  • 2 1
  • 1 2
 da best
  • 2 2
 Enduro if we actually got replays to watch...
  • 1 1
 I might say rampage, except I'm not too keen on judged events.
  • 1 1
 Just excited to maybe get to go to Interbike this year.
  • 1 0
 Rio xco
  • 1 0
  • 1 1
 Which bike company is aaron gwin signing with
  • 1 1
 Where is the "Finding out who Gwin is going to be riding for" option?
  • 1 2
 Next Redbull Rampage will have Typhoon 4k drones manning the sky!
  • 1 2
 Does anybody Snowboard? This is where my heart is in the winter!
  • 1 2
  • 2 3
  • 2 4
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