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Interview: 18-Year-Old Matt Fairbrother Rides 200km a Day to North American EWS Rounds - An Update

Aug 22, 2022 at 14:53
by Tom Bradshaw  
Photo Credits: Dominic Blissett @__blissfield__
Matt isn't afraid of big single days on the bike

We caught up with Matt during this weekend's final North American Enduro World Series stop in Maine, USA. The now 18 year old, has made his way to North America and was sitting 5th in the Under 21 EWS overall rankings.... and yes, still bike-packing between all the rounds. Well, with some aviation assistance.

When we last did a Q&A mate - you'd ridden 250k a day for over a week and were about to race two EWS rounds. What happened at those races?

That seems like a while ago now. Well in Austria I dislocated my pinky on the second stage and self-taped it and finished in 10th. I was really happy with that considering how far I'd pedalled. I kind of came in with no expectations - well expectations that I was going to do crap but it actually went really good.

You then started pedalling that night right after the race, what was it ~350km to Italy?

Yep I teamed up with Dan Perl, Eric Olsen, and Lucas Walch. I have to admit it wasn't quite the same pace, but possibly a better pace. It was a bit hard mentally for me as there was a bit of stopping, a bit more faffing, but good having some company at the same time. Quite a bit of food stops, I'd always eat food on the move, I'd never stop and eat. It took us 4 days, but if I was by myself I would've left Sunday night, and aimed to get a good chunk done and finished it on Monday. And had few more days to chill before the race in Italy.

You made it to Canazei for the last European round of that block, how did it go?

The biggest blowout of my life - didn't go to plan at all that weekend. Everything caught up on me. I wasn't really functioning. I think the hardest bit was back in Austria I was physically gone. But in Italy I was physically and mentally gone. I didn't have the mental power to push past that limit. In Petzen I could still push hard in race stages, but in Italy I just had no mental power to get to my limit, even though the limit was definitely lower by that point anyway.

When we last spoke your plan was to ride back to the UK and settle down until the next European EWS rounds in September. Tell us what happened instead?

Deviate set up a GoFundMe that took off. Deviate themselves paid for my flights to North America and the GoFundMe gave me the money to live. Wyn also awarded me the Privateer Award in Austria. It was insane - I'm mind blown with the support I got.

Mate people love your mission - you even got a 18th birthday present here in Canada?

Yep, Deviate came out with a new bike in early July and wanted me to get on it. Hard to say no to that. It all came together on my birthday, a mint birthday.

Still sticking to the tried and true high pivot bike packing drivetrain?

Yep still sticking to the high pivot - not as many cobbles over here but still eats anything up.

Fully Loaded in Canada
Supermans, Crank Flips, No Handers Matt's handy enough down A-line

You arrive in Canada, when we hung out you said you were good for about 30 minutes... how were the energy levels leading into the week of Whistler EWS?

Not good at all. I also made a mistake doing quite a few park laps. The first day in Whistler I rode 9000m of descending, of that 4000m was of climbing. You know when you go out solo I just kept bumping into people and couldn't say no to biking. It was like 5.30am until 8pm, and I wasn't even on the tour.

How many Dirt Merchant - A-Line laps do you think you did?

Well in the week and a half before the race, pushing maybe 35.

Ok Whistler race weekend, talk us through the race itself?

I felt good. I was able to push. Maybe a bit too hard. I blew up the (rear) wheel on stage 2, instant flat tyre. But when you're like a kiwi there only one thing to do - get out the cable ties and duct tape and just like that it was fixed.

Ha and when you say fixed you mean CushCore for the rest of the day?

Well yea it held air up the hill but as soon as I lent into a corner my patch job didn't hold air. So yea the 35 foot step down on the last stage was mint, plenty of compliance. I thought I was going to be pulling out after stage 2 but to finish it and finish in 10th place (in U21) I was pretty happy with that.

Whistler to Vancouver International Airport via bikebox pick up
Just a casual 250km+ after nearly no sleep, followed by a border crossing and no cellphone data

So then the day after race day you start pedalling again to the next round in Vermont? According to Google that's 4,889km (3,037 miles) in 5 days, that's a push even for you - what did you do instead?

Yep the plan was to bike from Whistler to Vancouver Monday morning, catch a flight to Montreal that night, then bike the remaining 250km to Burke, Vermont in time for practice.

But it was a bit of a nightmare right away as I picked up a bike box in North Vancouver (~110km into ride) from Steed Cycles - but it was a 32km pedal still to the airport. All I had was duct tape and a couple of inner tubes so I turned the bike box into a backpack and rode through downtown Vancouver to YVR.

>30kms through downtown Vancouver with duct-taped bike-box backpack
A tube, duct-tape and some sore shoulders will get Matt anywhere

Then there was another dilemma once I got to the airport - I thought I had a 8mm allen key - turns it was a 10mm. So I couldn't take off my pedals. I had two allen keys, made an 8mm by adding two allen keys together - but snapped both of them in half. And then I was in a big panic because time was counting down. I messaged so many people, luckily Dan Selfe was coming to the airpot that evening with an 8mm and I was saved.

Quickly whacked the bike in the box - but they made me deflate my tires. So my tyres were flat which is normally fine but the security thought my pump that was strapped to my bike was a vape. I didn't have enough time to argue as I was so late, so they took it. I had no idea how I was going to pump my tyres on the other side in Montreal.

The flight was at 1.40am, arrived in Montreal around 8am, found a pump and then started biking. So hadn't really slept on the 5 hour plane.

So perfect set-up for your first ever US Border Crossing?

Yea so turns I didn't have any data when I landed in Montreal so there was quite a bit of getting lost. I couldn't ask for directions because no locals helped me out - I didn't realise it was all French, I was speaking English so got ignored by everybody.

Wet feet or a 30km minimum detour once in the US of A

How was the crossing into America once you finally got there?

Another moment I was quite scared. They weren't that nice to me at first. I was in a big panic. They just chucked heaps of questions at me - many I didn't have answers to. Like where am I going? Where am I staying? They didn't like it when I said I was going camping. I don't know yet. They weren't keen on that answer. I had a place to stay in the weekend but I had no details or data. So I couldn't pull it up. They wanted to know how much money I had. I couldn't pull it up as they didn't let me use the wifi. They asked for what cash I had. So I pulled $5 US dollars and $20 Canadian.

What did they say to that?

They just looked at me. They weren't stoked. But then I think what saved me was the Pivot boys had passed the same border the day before - it's quite a small crossing. The guy finally asked what I was going to the US for. (When I told him) There's a bike event at Burke mountain he got excited because he was into mountain biking, and he had spoken to some riders the day before. In the middle of the pandemic he started biking and had just bought a 27.5 full suspension fat e-bike. He was stoked to see I was mountain biking. After that it was all chill. He just wanted to we my ESTA. And that was that it.

That's too good. I saw this photo of you under a bridge. What happened?

Yea after the border there was a cycleway that was like 30kms long it was quite good. Bit in the middle was the burnt down bridge, so either I got wet feet or turned around again. So made sense to just get my feet wet.

What have you been eating in America on your big ride days? We know you're a big lolly fan (Candy for the non-kiwi readers), now you're in the land of candy what's the pick?

Yep it's easy to find. I've just been having the same stuff. Lollies, coca-cola and chocolate milk. Oh and salty and vinegar chips over here.

Europe or American candy?

I'm not too sure, because most of the time I can't taste anything with my tongue. Because the salt and vinegar chips have wiped out my tongue so I don't know what anything taste likes here.

And you're doing all these k's on your DH casing race tyres right?

Yep, too much admin to source tyres and cutting it super fine with weight so it was easier to stick with the mountain bike tyres. DH casing, with CushCore and the soft compound.

Haha and the weight of the bike?

I weighed it at the airport and the bike is 34kg loaded. But I wore all my clothes at the airport and stuffed helmet with heavy stuff into my carry on so I can get under 32kg weight limit to fly. And this time I haven't bothered pumping up the suspension like I did in Europe. With the DH tyres there's probably not much to be gained from pumped up suspension. I've also added a Coca-cola bottle holder which is great too.

You made it in time for Burke, raced into 10th and now you're ranked 5th in the U21s, how does that feel?

It's quite cool! Stoked with that. It's only my first year and got a couple of years to go so hopefully can build on that even more.

The toughest 240km of Matt's trip so far
Battling hours of this....

After the Burke round, you start riding to Sugarloaf in Maine, it looked like one of your hardest legs this far, why?

It's just over 240km but in total there was about 25km of walking, 15km of that was bush whacking with a bike. I had downloaded the route properly this time but it must've been picking up super old paths - they were once something but definitely not anymore. Multiple times I got to these dead ends. You could tell something was there but it was just bushes. Each time I did it I thought surely it can't be for that long, but each time it was for quite long a lot of bush bashing. One of the moments for the emergency Coca-Cola.

Are you worried about bears, trespassing, getting shot?

I saw a couple of bears, and there are a lot of gnarly signs telling you to get out of property but once you're in that deep there's kind of no turning back. Yea it just wasn't that fun. Bush bashing with a bike sucks. Pedals, bars getting caught on stuff.

But I did see a moose. In the best possible situation on the highway rather than when bush bashing, stoked to tick that one off the list. They're big buggers. Oh and I got chased by some highway workers.

Ha chased by highway workers?

They were painting the white lines on the side of the highway. I must've missed the sign. I accidentally biked over the white lines and they were not stoked.

So you have white paint on your tyres now?

The white on the tyres has come off but there's some white paint on my downtube. What happened is one of the guys jumped in the work ute (truck for North Americans), chased after me and pushed me off the highway. I literally rode into the forest, he was super heated and I didn't want to deal with that so I just rode into the forest for a bit. And then came back onto the highway a little further down. And while escaping I got attacked by a Canadian geese. It just started squawking at me - I was pre-occupied by the road worker and the geese full-on charged and attacked me so I used my bike as a shield and gapped out of there. It wasn't fun but it was so sick experience.

Ha that's too good. Was that the hardest leg of the whole trip?

Maybe, it was 240km - combination of DH tyres, getting lost heaps, walking heaps and having to turn back heaps. 19 hours in total. Monday after the Burke race. Feeling not great for Sugarloaf race but not here to put socks on caterpillars, I'll give it my best shot.

So what next?

The plan is to pedal back to Montreal. That's about 440km the way I'm taking, back over the border which I'm excited about.... but I've only got two and half days to make it to my flight back to Europe for the final rounds. So we'll see.

You're a beauty - What about your plan for next year?

Not too sure what the plan is exactly yet. I'm still being cautious with my money, as might be doing this again next year but we'll come to that when we get there. Nothing's changed at all to the goal - "invest my money into learning - in this instance it isn't necessarily about getting quick in-between the tape, it's about learning life skills, travelling with the bike and seeing places. And also seeing where the adventure takes me, that's what it's all about." The plans have widened up and diversified for sure, mind blown and thanks to everyone for the support.

After Matt and I spoke, he finished 12th position at Sugarloaf EWS, even grabbing a top 5 stage before a huge crash. As he put it "Had the biggest stack of my life. Don't think I'll be riding to Montreal in the morning..." and then followed with "well I was planning on riding to the airport today. I thought it would be a good idea to cut the knobs off my tyres and turn them into slicks with a knife. I ended up slipping and stabbing my hand and cut through a vein. I'm taking that as a sign and am catching a ride with the Devinci team. So mad at myself but these things happen."

We wish Matt all the best for the crash recovery and all the best for the remaining two rounds in Switzerland and France next month. Which of course he is planning on pedalling... Crans Montana -> Loudenville 1300km, Loudenville -> Finale Ligure 1150km. Follow Matt on his journeys here and get taken along for the ride on his Youtube.

Author Info:
Tombrad avatar

Member since Aug 6, 2015
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  • 462 1
 Absolute legend
  • 38 1
 So awesome to see people my age doing hard things!
  • 47 2
 ...A Complete and Utter Legend - Has done more at 18 than most do in a Lifetime \m/
  • 21 0
 Seriously such I stud. I would sponsor this guy in a heartbeat.
  • 5 0
 No other word for it.
  • 19 0
 Can’t wait to see his yearly stats on Strava. Prob rode more this season than other people do in a decade.
  • 16 0
 - Rides 100s of km to race - Deals with multiple logistical issues including flights, border guards, no phone data, language barriers, angry geese and road workers, all by himself - dislocates finger in race stage - tapes finger himself - finishes 10th in an international race - elaborates in an entertaining, enlightening interview
  • 5 2
 Greg Minnaar needs to watch out for his title as the GOAT
  • 4 0
 Certainly a legendary definition of "easier":

"Yep, too much admin to source tyres and cutting it super fine with weight so it was easier to stick with the mountain bike tyres. DH casing, with CushCore and the soft compound."
  • 264 0
 Best story of the year so far! Can we nominate him for the Pinkbike Awards please, Athlete of the Year, Performance of the Year, Breakout Rider of the Year?
  • 72 0
 Persistence of the Year for sure... 19hrs of pedaling and bushwhacking, in August, in Maine... That is quite the mission.
  • 18 0
 They should name an award after him!
  • 13 1
 @cgreaseman: I hope he doesn't get Lyme disease!
  • 18 0
 Kiwi of the year, Australasian of the year. Teen Vogue Teen of the Year. Time Magazine Man of the Year. 100 most influential people list, etc. etc. He should win it all.
  • 4 0
 Needs to be a Spirit of Sport/Spirit of Biking award. He wins it.
  • 1 0
 @audeo03: Lyme Disease better hope he doesn't whoop its ass.
  • 132 0
 He's not here to put socks on caterpillars
  • 12 1
 He ain't here to f*ck spiders!
  • 12 0
 Never heard that one but I’m adding it to the quiver, as soon as I can figure out what it’s supposed to mean!
  • 124 0
 Matt’s got my vote for Rider of the Year. It’s awesome to see such a great attitude and persistence.
  • 74 0
 My neighbors won't let their kids go to the park alone. Its 7 houses down. Their kids are teenagers.
  • 21 0
 Shit, hit send to early. Matt is a legend and so are his parents. Keep riding.
  • 11 0
 Maybe they're freaked out by the assassin living 7 houses up the street?
  • 5 0
 @bocomtb: Couldnt get close. To much rotor wash from the helo-parenting.
  • 73 5
 "security thought my pump that was strapped to my bike was a vape".

No, no they didn't. They thought it was a nice bike pump and they wanted it. They put it in the trash and waited till close of business.

Look, anytime airport security confiscates something from you, agree peacefully, put the item on the ground, stomp it until it's totally broken, then hand it to them and say "can't be too careful, thieves everywhere and wouldn't want you honest blokes stuck with valuable property to guard". Then smile wide.

Loved this story.
  • 19 0
 apparently the TSA is out voting in force on pinkbike tonight, so some sources:


"Taking Something Always. That’s what TSA means to airline passengers like Edward Fleiss, a sales manager from Huntington, N.Y."
  • 9 0
 @Mtmw: Taking Something Always or Thousands Standing Around
  • 7 0
 If they can’t tell the difference between a pump and a vape, then Jerry Seinfeld was right. We really do have a “crack squad of savvy, motivated personnel” defending the friendly skies. youtu.be/2ZUt4p1TXHU
  • 3 0
 @BiNARYBiKE: what is that, a bowling ball candle?
  • 57 1
 Cycling story of the year, hands down.
  • 56 2
 Kid's definitely got a higher-paying future in the peloton if this whole enduro thing doesn't work out for him
  • 9 58
flag Cjcameron7 (Aug 22, 2022 at 18:47) (Below Threshold)
 Peloton?! This dude is a traveler.
You’re suggesting he pedal in place for money…did you even read the article?
  • 16 0
 @cjcameron7 whoosh
  • 31 0
 I think the randonneur life has already claimed him. Riding thousands of miles using cow path maps on a super heavy bike living on nothing but Coca Cola and gas station food? 100% rando
  • 6 44
flag Cjcameron7 (Aug 22, 2022 at 19:44) (Below Threshold)
Oh THE Peloton. Also not this guy.
Did you even read the article. No whoosh
  • 7 0
 @Cjcameron7: keep responding please. you're making yourself look really smart. you saying 'no whoosh' makes it even funnier lolol
  • 5 2
 @SterlingArcher: Dear Diary; today I added two new phrases to my lexicon, I think they'll come in great use to get me out of various situations.

"Not putting boots on caterpillars" - When I see folks wasting time.
"No woosh" - When I get got and I gotta get out
  • 2 5
 @cgreaseman: JFC you're an idiot - did YOU read the article? but keep it going! this is hilarious lol. you dont have enough burner accounts to keep propping yourself up hahaha.
  • 4 0
 @SterlingArcher: Mr. Bro-guy, me thinks you misinterpreted my comment.
  • 50 0
 For me definitely "Crazy guy of the year"! I was happy to host him here in Germany for a night (long story how it came to thatWink ). This guy was on the way from Frankfurt to my hometown which is approx. 300 km - and he was stuck to one gear Big Grin Arrived at midnight and we prepared some pasta for him and had a nice small talk about his trip ... best thing was that when i went to bed i just explained that i need to work in the morning so he´s free to use the fridge and prepare himself breakfast (that was assuming he will get up in a "normal" morning time Big Grin ) - he just said thanks, but he wants to go further to Leogang at 3:30 a.m. Razz Nice and crazy guy, i was happy to support him a bit - and felt a bit jealous cause i didn´t do this crazy stuff (sort ofWink ) when i was younger ... good luck for you, Mr. Fairbrother!
  • 37 8
 Imagine if instead of burning himself out, he ate and trained properly. It's really impressive what he's done but I wonder how much he could accomplish if he wasn't exhausted at the beginning of each stage.
  • 19 7
 Did you read the story? He’s accomplished so much! What with all the riding and stories and adventure and placing well and whatnot. And if you only count success as race places and publicity from that. Well, he’s gotten more publicity from doing all this riding than the actual winners of any of the ews races! Eating right and training is boring as f**k.
  • 21 1
 Na, disagree. What difference does it make if he were to be a couple of places higher in the ranking. He will find his place in cycling somewhere, but he is young, so he should do these crazy things. I agree with the nutrition, though. Watching him only eat sweets between whistler and the Burke made my old stomach turn. Then again, he’s young.
  • 13 0
 Watch some Lael Wilcox videos. Nutrition when you're riding that far isn't really about eating right; it's just about eating. You need the calories first and foremost, nutrition comes second.

...but yeah, would be nice for him if he could have all the calories and all the vitamins.
  • 2 0
 He's got nutrition setup since way before this started!
  • 3 0
 He is obviously a determined young bugger. When or if he wants to prioritise results over personal growth and adventure he will smash it.
  • 12 1
 Sucks to think he could be racing much better; and that potentially he crashed this time around because he's super tired mentally and physically. However I couldn't tell you who is winning the U21 EWS, but I do know about the guy pedalling between races.

Also he has a couple more years of U21 still to go, so potentially he'll gain a bunch of experience this year - and learn a lot about himself, that he'll be able to turn into podium results in the next couple of years.
  • 4 0
 While I agree with you Matt explained earlier that racing is just a portion of his learning. Mad respect, can't even start to imagine the shear will to accomplish what he has done. That determination will take him a long way for sure.
  • 4 0
 He loves the adventure and learning by himself. I think that experience alone is far more valuable than any training or even wining a race for him. When you are alone out there stuck in the bush in the middle of nowhere,thousands of miles away of your home and no one is coming to push your bike, I think you learn a few more things than when wining a race.
  • 3 0
 @homerjm: the dare is now out there. @jacksongoldstone, we dare you to ride with Matt between two EWS rounds.
  • 1 0
 Damn it, I left my Wink off the end of the reply.
  • 2 0
 @tom666: Exactly. Reminds me of quote from "Tin Cup". Not many will remember who won the U21 EWS race that day, but everyone will remember what this young man is doing. Legend
  • 21 0
 Can confirm from experience they are a*sholes at that border crossing. Searched my car because the rear window on my hatchback doesn’t go down as if that makes sense.
  • 10 0
 Fixed glass that doesn't open? Idiocy if so, but if it's a malfunctioning rollup window, they wonder if you disabled it to stash something illicit inside the door panel.
  • 13 1
 I got a full search as well, for saying “I do declare I have nothing to declare”. Customs officer didn’t even crack a smile. Just told me to pull over, and completely empty the car in the search area.
  • 1 0
 @husstler: Was this going into the US from Canada, or US into Canada? Headed to Whistler in a couple weeks with a truck full of gear, curious to see how it goes.
  • 2 0
 @TBrandt: USA back to Canada! You should be OK with gear, I mean if you're smart enough to not make dumbass comments to the border guards.
  • 2 0
 @husstler: To be fair thats some Super Troopers shit you're tryna pull on them
  • 22 0
 YVR to Whis in 8hrs on a loaded MTB is f*u ked
  • 12 1
 What an amazing experience. Even if he only does it once its just so awesome and I am immensely jealous. The pain, the agony and the misery that he must often go through is just blown away by the moments of pride and the positive experiences on the way. Your whole life moving forward will be defined by this. Super chuffed for you bud. Well done for having the drive and tenacity to keep going even when things block your path.
  • 14 0
 Québécois being rude and utterly French in their disdain for anyone daring to speak English, colour me shocked!
  • 4 0
 Wow such an insane journey!! :O I couldn't believe it when I saw someone here, showing us your strava ride from mtl to burke and that you just passed through my little city here... I supposed you have a ride to the mtl airport with the Devinci team but if not, I'm working in Bromont and could help you for a lift over there, or whatever you would need!

By the way sorry for the trouble you had in Mtl! Frown You were not lucky as there's probably as much english people if not more, than french speaking people in Montreal.... or you were maybe just talking about Quebec in general, not in the city of Montreal.

Don't give up!
  • 1 0
 Yo Timo tu la rencontré ?
  • 1 0
 @ChuckMortal: Non mais je capotais sur son aventure et puis la semaine passé j'ai vu sur un lien ici qu'il avait passé sur notre piste cyclable!! J'aurais trop capoté de le croiser par pu hasard. haha Une brute le gars!
  • 7 0
 I have no idea what the “spirit of enduro” is but I reckon this is pretty close
  • 5 0
 With all of the stuff that gets posted and left on the comments in pinkbike, why did the posts talking about french canadians get removed? Why do they get special treatment? Is a moderator french canadian and got butt hurt?
  • 3 0
 They're in the "below threshold" section as they were downvoted.
  • 1 0
 @handynzl: Thanks! Never realized that was there.
  • 6 0
 Nominations are open of NZer of the year: nzawards.org.nz/nominate
  • 6 0
 Well done Deviate for getting a new bike under him and setting up the GoFundMe!
  • 6 0
 at such an early age, already a legend
  • 2 0
 I'm pumped for this kid. I would love to support him somehow. He is learning a lot about himself and his attitude is awesome. There is so much to be gained from pushing your mind and body to their limits. He's going to be an awesome human being 10 years from now. Keep it up Matt!
  • 1 0
 He's already an awesome human being. But in 10 years he'll be even more awesome. Imagine that!
  • 5 0
 Seeing how Matt made it to the North America rounds, will Mitch Ropelato write him that cheque?
  • 2 0
 Been thinking about the Highlander. Messaged the guys over at @DeviateCycles a few times about how the bike handles big rides (60ish miles). Said I would be good to go. Well, this is even more confirmed now that this chap is pedaling way more than I planned on their Claymore.
  • 2 0
 I liked this kid, but after this line I'm his new biggest fan. I wish I'd realized this at 18: "invest my money into learning - in this instance it isn't necessarily about getting quick in-between the tape, it's about learning life skills, travelling with the bike and seeing places"
  • 8 3
 Must be hard to get up to race speed with all those bags on his bike.
  • 4 0
 Just imagine what he could do if he had access to decent kiwi pies over there....
  • 2 0
 "most of the time I can't taste anything with my tongue. Because the salt and vinegar chips have wiped out my tongue so I don't know what anything taste likes here."

JFC this lad is so funny.
  • 1 0
 C'mon. What happened to ENTITLEMENT?
Dead set LEGEND.....like that 9 year old Leongatha kid in 1932 who rode his old horse from home to Sydney to see the opening of Sydney harbour bridge.
  • 4 0
 Mmm salt and vinegar chips..
  • 4 0
 rollercoaster of a yarn. what a dude
  • 4 0
 Montreal, what do you have to say for yourselves?
  • 2 0
 This is one of my favourite Instagram follows. Can’t imagine the stuff he is seeing and the life experience he’s getting. So good.
  • 3 0
 What could this boy do with proper food and rest? Obliterate the U21 Field?
  • 1 0
 Absolute legend and crazy achievement! Maybe EWS should award him 'Spirit of the championship' award, he shows true passion and proves that money and massive campers doesn't always mean talent.
  • 1 0
 Cycling in the States is a whole different enchilada. Brave lad. Glad you made it safe. Over the summer we rode between countries in Europe, bike paths the entire way and didn't even know we crossed a border.
  • 2 0
 This kid is probably the most impressive I've ever heard of.. just compare this to all our excuses and those who think they need an e-bike..
  • 2 0
 I had tears rolling down my face with laughter. By far and away the best story I've read on Pinkbike. Matt, you are truely an inspiration. Go well in Europe.
  • 1 0
 Unreal. What an absolute legend. So inspiring to see what heart and persistence can do. Keep at it, Matt!!! With that kind of attitude and work ethic, you'll do whatever you want, on bikes or otherwise.
  • 3 0
 Insane story. Definitely more about the journey than the destination.
  • 2 0
 Can't show enough respect this dude deserves. Good luck Matt! I hope you make to the end smoothly
  • 2 0
 Legendary attitude on this kid Smile

The locals in Montreal definitely speak English, sounds like they were just being dicks.
  • 2 0
 Sick dude that new Zealander. That's the way to go boy. Have a good one.
  • 2 0
 Absolutely insane effort. We done.
  • 3 0
 Best. Story. Ever!
  • 1 0
 I really hope you understand just how much of an epic life journey this is for you man. Just so awesome.
  • 2 0
 Legend status in his teens, so good!
  • 1 0
 Absolute legend. EWS rider of the year. This kid makes most adult feel ashamed of their lives Smile
  • 2 0
 Wow, this guy is like a real life urban legend. Amazing story.
  • 1 0
 So, how well would he do in an EWS if he took the easy route and was driven to one?
  • 2 0
 Alt-Tour, you should be EF sponsored. Keep it up.
  • 5 2
 Lol what the fuck
  • 2 0
 You're a fukcing gem Matt.
  • 1 0
 What an absolute legend! Watch out for those Canadian cobra chickens they can be right bastards.
  • 2 0
 This is dh racing future. Only good coverage if you ride to the races.
  • 1 0
 This takes “Going Large” to a whole new level…
Absolute legend here…
  • 1 0
 Matt, you're a beast and an inspiration. Hopefully next year you'll have to do less pedaling!
  • 3 0
 this kid gets it.
  • 1 0
 I’ll go out and do 60kms on my gravel bike and feel like I’ve accomplished something. Nor anymore! Lol
  • 1 0
 goes to show you can do anything you put your mind to.. great work Matt, get some sleep!
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 What an animal - some real life shit right there.
  • 2 0
 What a total savage
  • 1 0
 What happens when his axs battery dies?
  • 1 0
 He's got some spares, check th first interview
  • 1 0
 Absolutely brilliant read... what a weapon
  • 1 0
 Finally….. e-bikes make sense to me.
  • 1 0
 Smart kid! Those caterpillars in Maine don’t wear sox!!
  • 1 0
 This kids a madman. Get him a sponsor.
  • 1 0
 He is the real ews overall winner!
  • 1 0
 True spirit of adventure! I love it!
  • 1 0
 What does "not here to put socks on caterpillars" mean?
  • 7 0
 It means he's not here to f*ck spiders
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Pinkbike Racing needs to add him as a one man EWS team next year
  • 1 0
 This needs to have a documentary! Dude's hardcore AF!!!
  • 1 0
 Why are French Canadians the worst humans on the planet?
  • 1 0
 Go you wild buck, go!
  • 1 0
 Fuck. Yes!
  • 1 0
 Amazing. Keep going kid.
  • 1 0
 Rider of the year.
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