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Video: Brandon Semenuk & His Slope Bike in 'Act.II'

Oct 14, 2019 at 23:17
by Brian Park  

Video: Rupert Walker / Revel Co
Photos: Toby Cowley

Is it too much to hope for an Act.III?

Watch Act.I here.

Photo by Toby Cowley.

Photo by Toby Cowley.

Photo by Toby Cowley.

Photo by Toby Cowley.

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brianpark avatar

Member since Dec 29, 2010
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  • 275 5
 I sorta hope he comes back to joyride next year just to remind anyone who forgot he's king.
  • 81 6
 That would rule. Dude is still the benchmark for style by a huge margin. Nobody comes close IMO.
  • 79 6
 I want fakie tricks in joyride. I am tired of spin it to win it tricks...
  • 16 1
 Smoother than Backwoods Tennessee White Lightning
  • 30 74
flag skidmarkbro (Oct 15, 2019 at 9:55) (Below Threshold)
 King? Dude slammed both of his runs last time he was there. He's mortal just like everyone else when the stakes are high and you only have 2 chances to stomp your whole run. Don't get me wrong, he kills it. But "King" is a strong title given the talent in the slopestyle world now.
  • 9 11
 @adrennan: Spin to win? There are only two athletes that regularly throw down over a 720 rotation in comps.... you kids are absurd.
  • 29 31
 @skidmarkbro: shhhh if you say even the slightest negative thing, the Semenuk fanboy club will hunt you down and destroy your life. Careful!
  • 7 1
 @skidmarkbro: You answered your own question. He too is mortal and can fall because of his GREED!!! He is a just and stylish ruler though and he is loved and respected by his peers, his subjects as well as haters. There is more to a competition that just doing a trick, his magnitude, style, control and excecution are the pinacle of riding free behind bars. Dude's a natural!
  • 10 11
 @scott-townes: yeah man, the negative 10 props and below threshold classification on that comment are proof enough. Semenuk is King and majority of Pinkbikers are his peasants.
  • 8 1
 @skidmarkbro: 2017 was his last year competing at Joyride and he won.
  • 8 19
flag scott-townes FL (Oct 15, 2019 at 13:53) (Below Threshold)
 @skidmarkbro: I heard from a reliable source that its Semenuk with a bunch of ghost accounts. What an insecure person!
  • 8 3
 @scott-townes You're right. But at least we picked the best slopestyle rider to be fanboys of ; )
  • 1 1
 @RyanErwin: point to you sir. I think i was there in 16' when he fell off the start ramp his forst run and wrecked up top on his second.
  • 4 0
 @skidmarkbro: I think he won the last time he competed in joyride...
  • 3 1
 Damn he's good. Crankworx should give him a wildcard spot.
  • 3 2
 @chyu: Every guy who even won Joyride can go back and compete any time they want. They basically have a spot reserved for life. Watts, Zink, Brandon. All of them .
  • 3 1
 I can't like this comment enough
  • 146 16
 * Videoguy buys a 50k RED camera.

Brandon: lets make it look like cheap 8mm footage in post.

* videoguy tries not to cry.
  • 25 12
 Lol came to say this too. That was a sweet 20 seconds of biking, but get that haze filter crap off the screen, I can't see the biking clearly!
  • 91 2
 It's real film
  • 108 17
 Since going through further spiritual experiences, I have solidified my assumptions on Brandon being a highly aware wizard. He may know it, may not. Idk for sure, won't know till I meet him. All depends on where his ego is at.
In this labeling of an "awoke wizard," I am saying that his life force, his overall higher SELF, is an aware wizard. Not so much his egoic perception of this life force. If that doesn't make sense to you, I would recommend some studying on psychologist Carl Jung.
Brandon has been studying. His art expresses his awareness of the subjects, and he even has slid in some Alan Watts on his edits.
Revel in the Chaos is a good example. To me, it was all about the dark shadow of his self. I didnt know that the first 50 times I watched it, but I went through my own experiences and started to ask the question why. That led to studying. Once I became aware of the subjects on psychology and myth, I could perceive what Brandon was actually saying, well... screaming.
This dark shadow is something within all of us.. It is a part of the human being that has been expressed in myth throughout time.
To understand this in its depths, I had to go through some of the initiations that our culture is not supporting. These "initiations" are events that take place in ones life which allow connection with the sacred. It could possibly be riding off some of the biggest jumps of your life, or a deep psychedelic adventure, or some VERY passionate love making (karma sutra.) The initiations are to be taken very seriously, but our culture is doing a good job at blurring them into nothingness. Rituals from every indigenous culture throughout time have been taken place in order to initiate a human being into awareness of these forms of spiritual energy, and at this current moment, we have abandoned all importance behind rituals.
Why am I going into all this?
Because its my belief that you can't understand what Brandon is saying in his art until you have understood these parts of yourself. The only way to understand them, is to do them. You cant watch them, or talk about them, you have to do them. Walk. It gives you an awareness to the subjects that you can never attain from "rational knowledge". In terms of pink bike and Brandon, you have to send it to understand.
Brandon walks all day. f*ck he doesn't even really talk. Just walks his way into the Devine and then records it all for us. He sets the bar for the rest of the sport with his walking. How? How does he come up with these insane tricks? These epic courses? How does he trust himself in that new, uncomfortable place? Belief. Connection to the infinite.
Idk what you think when I say the word infinite. Probably not what I mean by it, and so I ask again that you check out Carl Jung. Part of Jung's infinite can be described by Archetypes, and sections of those Archetypes can be describes by using the words King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover. Those are the 4 main attributes to the Mature Masculine that is reachable in all of us. When I say that Brandon is connecting to the infinite, Im implying that he is in part, accessing these 4 gods.
Its not that you and I don't access these gods on a daily basis, I just believe we just get caught up in the shadows of these gods more then Brandon. An example of the shadow form would be the voice/feeling that tells you this jump is to scary to hit while your hitting it. Classic shadow possession. Brandon has obviously done some serious work on this form of the shadow right? That's just one example of many. Creating a stronger relationship with them in one area of life allows you to feel and understand the shadows in other areas. It begins a process, which is why a mega huge jump could be an initiation.
The Wizard represents wisdom. Merlin from King Arthur. Gandalf in Lord of the Rings. Mr. Miyagi in Karate Kid. It is inside all of us, and accessing it comes with serious power. I believe most of our society to be cast under the negative shadow of this Archetype, which is expressed in social manipulation. Part of that manipulation is the BLACK SCREEN that we are all looking at, so tv and movies.. This forum..
A lot of negative messages are sent through these screens that effect the relationship with these Archetypes within, and personally I believe we are effected in ways that our ego doesn't perceive correctly. Mass confusion with this Archetype relationship gives people a sense of security, and so they don't think twice about it.
So its my belief that we are all being manipulated in certain directions for others gain. Part of that gain is money, and money almost always requires competition. In this Carl Jung view, competition is ultimately viewed as competing with the Self. When you apply this logic to our current world view of competition, it doesn't compute.
So its my belief that Brandon has been becoming aware of all these internal feelings as he has gone along his powerful journey in this life. He has documented his awareness as it has grown, and since he was a young star, his powerful understanding is placed deeply within our minds. I confirmed my assumptions further by following his astrology chart.
I ASSUME that he birthed through this complex of competition over the last few years. Realizing that he had personal POWER over the minds of THOUSANDS, he decided to expose philosophical ideas and deep meaning symbolism in his art. He is manipulating thousands into following a similar path as his own, into seeing and believing in something greater. Waking us the f*ck up!!!!
To finish, I want to add that Im working on my glorification of this guy. He is just a man, and can still be possessed by many shadows. There are many things that he has chosen to pursue that I disagree with. I also am very aware that many others helped Brandon get to where he is!!!
Much love to all of you.
  • 138 3
 Wtf am I reading lol
  • 118 1
 @Brasher: Mushroom season?
  • 8 3
 There was a BMX kid from Alaska who passed away about a year ago(cancer, pretty sudden) who was a complete f*cking nut job with conspiracies and legitimately thought the government was out to get him. I’m sure he would approve of your comment and the craziness of this made me think of him.
  • 21 8
 Had to scroll back up just to confirm the poster was an American. My country has lost its damn mind.
  • 8 10
 @pizzaiolo: Carl Jung guys. Look up some information on his form of psychology before you speak.
  • 100 1
 Sir, this is a Wendy's.
  • 28 12
 Such a shame so many people dismiss your comment as spiritual bogus because they get caught up in the terms you are using. Anyone interested in comprehending @alaska2 comment but can't stomach "wizards and divine shit" I highly recommend you check this out, Dr Joe Dispenza is THE GOAT of bringing "spirituality" to the masses: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ereahWKwNV8

This is literally a process everyone must go through, even if unconsciously, in order to find a lasting and truly satisfying source of fulfillment, wether it be through riding bikes, creating businesses that help Earth (I should say Gaia but I know people don't wan't to face that) or expressing oneself through whatever medium AND, most importantly sharing this experience, the message, the purpose with others.

Far too many people here are only mindless "huckers" of life, indulging in instant gratifications like porn, netflix, eating harmful food (to anything from self to the Earth as a whole ("but bro I'm addicted to cheese it tastes way too good!")), writing comments on PB for the sake of looking funny and getting props up, or hucking jumps for the gram... INSTEAD of taking a good long stare inside, observing what's clogging their [spiritual, creative, emotional, fill in the blank] energies and asking wise questions to resolve these blockages, or shadows as you put it.
  • 8 0
 Appreciate your thoughts here. I agree Brandan has tapped into something that many of us are seeking...weather we k own it or not.
  • 21 12
 If you have to scroll to read a comment, its not a comment any longer. Its an Op-ed. Nothing to say about the comment other than you have about 5 seconds of my time to get your point across. oh look something shiney! brb.
  • 11 2
 As a student of Wu Wei and the teachings of Jung and Watts.... I'm picking up what your throwing down. Most here likely don't......
  • 9 0
 so this is whats going on up in Alaska huh always wondered
  • 8 4
 @WaterBear: uhhh.... reading this confirms for you that your country has lost its damn mind...... Are we just gonna over looked the last 400 years of f*cknut crazy that your country has gone done?!?!?
  • 4 0
 @metaam: it is always mushroom season. Sprinkle the spores from a harvest in your old helmet and watch them grow
  • 2 5
 Ummm, maybe have your mom proof read your posts before posting, just saying
  • 7 2
 @WaterBear: You sound like the typical dumbass 'Merican. Use your brain a little.
  • 3 0
 Pls stay away from Heidegger, he's gonna f you up.
  • 4 0
 I too hear where you are coming from. Glad to see the wisdom of the way remains alive. I practiced this without knowing BMXing and skateboarding as a kid, and later consciously while mountain biking and surfing. All these sports require open, unflinching senses and a centered awareness, whether you know it or not. Once you become aware of the process these disciplines become a fun as hell tool for radical self-awareness. I would agree that the wizards are revealed at the top levels of these disciplines, I have known many. Perhaps I'll see you dropping in on Jeff's.
  • 2 4
 How high were you when you wrote this?
  • 8 1
 @nyhc00: baked alaska2
  • 1 0

Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar -Monty Python.
  • 9 0
 â€śThose who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”
Lao Tzu
  • 4 0
 Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
  • 1 1
 So... #awokeAF ?
  • 5 6
 Sounds to me that You are an infatuated, eccentric possible lunatic; that has read too much mystical literature, and concocted rationalizations to make your self feel enlightened while trying to brainwash others.

Probably would be good to just get out and FREE yourself from all that and just Ride Hard and fast.

As Bruce Lee would simply say- ''in your own process."
  • 4 0
 really interesting ideas, a shame how people instantly dismiss anything metaphysical as bogus, its the classic i'm gonna have a beer and not think about that mentality
  • 4 0
 What confirmed to me that you are onto something was when you referenced Mr. Miyagi in Karate Kid
  • 3 0
 Potentially the greatest Pinkbike comment of all time. Bravo. Here's to awakening ourselves
  • 1 0
 @shredasaurous: Thanks man!
  • 1 0
 Yea I get high too.
  • 6 0
 I agree with you that Brandon is an actual artist/wizard in the Jungian sense. That he went through some serious mental “initiations” to achieve the level of riding and artistic expression that he’s displaying. But.... this is PB and your comment may be a tad over the top for the given audience. I give you props for trying though. Obviously Brandon’s art speaks to you. Brandon is truly the only individual in history to use biking as an art form. Movement as an art form is however ancient, from tribal dances to ballet. It’s all art.
  • 1 0
 @fattyheadshok: I also think to myself "this guy is a wizard" when I watch him ride. He's unreal
  • 2 0
 @alaska2 In Cheshire, they decided to call their cheese Cheshire cheese, and in Leicestershire they have Red Leicestershire. In the holy land they have Cheeses of Nazareth. What would your Cheese be called?
  • 1 0
 I wasn't prepared for this level of though in Pinkbike- but ya- I think you're on to something here.
  • 1 0
 @fattyheadshok: Hey don't forget Danny MaCaskill! That boys art is his riding.
  • 40 0
 Indian giver?
  • 8 0
 I know!
  • 8 8
 almost threw up... especially as the ender... come on B-dawg, you're better than that!!
  • 8 1
 One of the signs of true mastery is the ability to break the rules and do it with style. Banger absolutely qualifies. But still kind of hoping this doesn't start a trend...
  • 13 0
 Well it is the biggest indian giver I've ever seen....
  • 5 4
 the very first acceptable one.
  • 5 0
 I almost think it’s on purpose as a faux pax. He did 180 to half cab off the drop in at crankworx a few years and did not Indian giver it, thus my theory on him doing it on purpose and knowingly Indian givering.
  • 6 0
 Terrible behaviour
  • 4 0
 @manglermixer: im sure it was on purpose, but i still hate it
  • 5 1
 He did that on purpose - 100%. It was so casual, precise and big - that was the beauty of it. IG's (can we come up with a better name, please!)on a bike get flack because when they happen the rider is flailing and it's all he can do to 'save it' - void of any style. Brendon was hardly flailing in that moment and that moment was stylish AF! IMO - Beautiful art!
  • 2 2
 @fasterjedi: they get flack because they are ugly and the wrong way to complete the rotation
  • 1 0
 @DirtCrab: it absolutely will (see-wearing vest/chest protector combo,doing 4mph 'cutties',crank flips).
  • 4 1
  • 1 2
 @watchmen: you just seen it. (And I am a very big hater of this sort of maneuver. If you do this around me you will hear me call you out. Big Grin )
  • 1 0
 Can someone please explain what is Indian giver?
  • 1 0
 @ERcrew: when you turn the wrong way out of a fakie
  • 1 0
 @ERcrew: after a 180, if you revert out of it using the opposite rotation used to make the 180.
  • 23 1
 This feels like the build up to an announcement and I think the white jeans are a give away . Will Semenuk be the new man from del monte?
  • 3 1

You’re right though, no trek branding (was all over act 1).
  • 15 0
 I've been following the evolution of slopestyle (and mtb) for a very long time and I can certify that every appearance of Semenuk is with novelties that no other rider has ever done !
whether with new tricks, new combos, new spots, new visual effects, ..
Semenuk is simply the king of mtb, like Thovex on skiing !
  • 11 0
 Anyone else already stoked for act 3?
  • 1 0
 It might be Revel bikes, wondering...
  • 18 12
 Semenuk is just unreal. He's actually normalised perfection on a bike. I hate to say it, but I've seen a million tailwhips, spins, flips and everything. It's not exciting or surprising to see him stick yet another trick mind-bending difficulty without looking like he's even trying.

He has beaten the "Wow", the "Ooh" and the "Aaah" out of slopestyle for me.

I don't know how he can get it back. There has to be something new. Something else that we have never conceived before. Something that will make my jaw drop because I never saw it coming. Just like what happened ten years ago and has been happening more infrequently ever since.

I don't know what it is. I'm thinking, can he ride an entire slope course backwards? Can he manual the whole thing top to bottom? Can he ride it on a road bike? No scratch that, it's already been done. How about start pulling these tricks on a horse? Send a horse down the slope course. That would do it. Bring the wow factor back. All the other guys can keep competing on their purpose built slope bikes, Semenuk is so far ahead he can do it on a horse.

I'm only half kidding. The sport needs some out of the box thinking to keep it progressing.
  • 7 35
flag EarIysport FL (Oct 15, 2019 at 2:58) (Below Threshold)
 Well there was definitely no progression in this edit. You might want to go back and watch slope events from this year to see progression. I don’t think Semenuk would be top 5 anymore. Way too much fanboy-ism here.
  • 18 0
 @EarIysport: No prgression in this edit??? Hahahaha
  • 11 0
 @EarIysport: Flipwhip to barspin off a cannon log....is that not progression
  • 5 14
flag jaame (Oct 15, 2019 at 3:26) (Below Threshold)
 @royalc19: I get your points, but it's progression in terms of, can he do four tricks that we already know about instead of three. Can he do five tailwhips instead of four. It's progression, but it's not exactly exciting to the passive observer, like me. The first time I saw a tsunami flip, 2012 perhaps, that was awesome. The first time I saw a double flip, about 1998, it was incredible.

My meaning is, none of the recent progression is groundbreaking when you remove the hyperbole.

I am hankering for something totally out of left field. A three wheeled articulated bike with two riders. A huge cliff jump contest with parachutes on the bike and rider. See how may tricks they can pull before they bail out. I don't know. Just not the same riders on the same bikes doing the same style of tricks on the same style of tracks all the time.

Yes it's cool, but it used to be shit your pants unbelievable. I want to get back to shitting my pants, metaphorically speaking.
  • 9 0
 @EarIysport: No progression? Lol wut m8? Just because he didn't try to give himself the dizzys doesn't mean there wasn't progression. That last clip is brand new and also defies the logic of style, do that in a skatepark and you would be roasted for poor form. Not only did Semenuk make it look clean af, I've never seen anyone do that on a MTB (or BMX) off a drop that size. If that's not progression then tell me what is? Also, his winning Joyride runs are still up there with the best and if he came back to compete I have no doubt he'd still be at the pointy end.
  • 1 3
 @webby01: Would it be possible, in your opinion, for two riders to switch bikes in mid air? Perhaps it's Rheeder and Tommy G heading to side by side hips - one left and one right. They both hit them at the same time and throw the bikes to each other in mid-air, then land on the other's bike.
  • 8 0
 Maybe watching mountain bike edits isn't for you.
  • 7 1
 @jaame: I'm not sure about the physics, but if the Fast and Furious franchise has taught me anything, then it is that physics isn't important and anything is possible
  • 5 0
 It's the more subtle techy tricks Semenuk does in his edits that keep me in awe. I always wait for it (and there always is one) and it never disappoints.

Such as: hand plant over a tree to barspin or the double tabletop in his Raw 100s.

Or in this case: Half cab to 180 back off a drop. Just plain sweet.
  • 5 0
 progression means nothing if you don't have style. I'd sooner see a smooth an perfect,stylish X'up than a forced, ugly huck an hope cash roll, with blown landing......... Brandon has both tricks AND style... He's on another level
  • 2 7
flag EarIysport FL (Oct 15, 2019 at 6:05) (Below Threshold)
 @royalc19: @webby01: ok I’ll give him the free coaster fakie landing, but everything else has been seen years ago. And it’s hard to call landing fakie progression when BMX has been doing it for 15+ years. I enjoy most Semenuk edits, but this one was forgettable. The fakie drop he did years ago, as has Rheeder. And I still say he wouldn’t place top 5 at Crankworx anymore.
  • 2 1
 What if he did it on an ebike?
  • 2 0
 You’re forgetting the fast plant 7 he did in raw 4. That was another huge combo that I’ve never seen anyone else do
  • 1 0
 @EarIysport: In this edit alone, the flip whip to bar off the boner log, and 180 to indian half cab off a drop are new ones, and the seat throw tail whip (Matt Mcduff did one in and edit, but has never been done in contest). The other combos thrown were also ones you do not see a lot of, or at all. Even the "simple" tail whip to toboggan, I've never seen it before, but I'm sure it's been done. But has anyone done it with as much style as this? Semenuk is still showing in his last few edits, that he can do all the same tricks the top guys are currently WINNING contests with. I think he would still be a podium/ winning contender if he were to get a run at any of the current slopestyle contests.
  • 1 0
 If I’m being honest I’d like to see him ride more bmx. I thought the street sweeper edit from a while ago was the start to something lol
  • 6 0
 Can anyone with a Bmx background tell me how this stacks up against modern Bmx edits? The progression here is unreal, is it surpassing Bmx or no where close or somewhere kinda similar? Just interested to know... thx
  • 12 3
 I thinkonly thing surpassing bmx here is the size of the jumps
  • 10 0
 Only thing is the size of the jumps! His riding is more bmx inspired these days, imo. The top bmx dj guys have been doing this stuff at the parks and trails for years!
  • 11 0
 @drs140t: I think also, BMX has a much higher understanding of style over tricks.
  • 2 0
 steeze and size
  • 5 0
 His combos are pretty up there with the top of BMX. There’s definitely guys that can do way more flips, whips, or spins but Not a better 3 un-turndown to can
  • 8 10
 ill add that no self respecting BMX'r would put that half-cab indian as a banger.. ugh
  • 4 0
 I think his mindset is where a lot of pro bmxers seem to go after they burn out on contests.. They focus less on tricks and more on style and what feels good.. That can-can lookback was so perfect.. And I don't think I've seen that on an MTB before.. Some great stuff in this edit...
  • 1 0
 @laxguy: do you think its more of a "bmx violation" when its just a revert rather than down a set? It looked cool but I know some people aren't down with it.
  • 2 1
 Unique combos... but probably ones that lots of BMX pros could do. and an indian...come on hahahah
  • 7 2
 His tricks are on par with many top level BMX riders. What separates Brandon is his body mechanics, fluidity and style. Not many riders in any discipline are on par with Brandon in that sense...
  • 4 2

Corey Walsh and Kris Fox as two examples who are miles ahead of Seamenuk in fluidity and style.
  • 8 0
 Jumps are bigger, but that's about it. For example, Mike Aitken was doing 360 X-up Can-can's about 8 years ago.... with style.
I'm not knocking Semenuk as I think mtb has come a long way in the style sense, but in terms of combo's (not jump size), most things have already been done about 10+ years ago on BMX.
Semenuk will be doing 360 downside footplants on that wall thing next (after re-watching Etnies: Forward!)
  • 2 2
 @jbozer32: its obvious the joke wasn't picked up by most.. but yes, its still the wrong way to do it IMO.

think of it this way, a 180 to fakie results in a 360, an indian (or indian giver) doesnt complete the 360, it takes back the first 180

again, i don't care, it was cool to watch, but definitely a no-no in terms of style *IN MY OPINION*
  • 2 0
 Yeah Walsh is so good. Trey Jones has always been one of my favorites to watch as he just has such clean bike control. This was one of my favorite BMX edits from last year: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZGRcBVqASI and it's one that came to mind watching this given that Enarson lands some huge fakies
  • 2 1
 @OlSkoolJake: sorry man, gotta disagree with you about the style/fluidity. The list of bmx’ers is endless on that area. Not a knock on Brandon at all, but watch Chase Hawk flow trails or any Mike Aitken video and you can see just what effortless style looks like.
  • 4 0
 That x-up can can table reminded me of vert riders from the 80s and that’s a good thing.
  • 2 0
 @nyhc00: I think that is what @oiskooljake was saying. There aren't many top riders that can match his fluidity (but still some). Chase Hawk is definitely on a similar level in terms of fluidity, but I would argue Chase Hawk does not have the same level as tricks as the top "trick riders" in BMX. Semenuk has the fluidity AND the top level tricks, not to mention the ability to shred literally any type of bike at a near top level (DH bikes, Freeride, BMX).
  • 2 2
 Dunno. If you watch the xgames and think that's representative of BMX, then something like this is probably "mind blowing."

The jumps might be big, but I'm not sold on needing a comfy full suspension bike, especially if you can nose dive.

Truthfully, there are a ton of low key, no-slowmo BMX vids that will ensure this one's forgettable a few days from now.
  • 1 0
 @leon-forfar: I see your point
  • 1 0
 @leon-forfar: thank you for putting what I tried to say much more eloquently than I could.
  • 1 0
 @OlSkoolJake: Garrett Reynolds riding bmx street is equal to semeuk riding dirt. Absolutely amazing. This is what happens when passion blossoms.
  • 7 5
 Well thanks again Brandon. Once again, when I feel like I'm starting to feel like I'm becoming a pretty decent rider, you go ahead and release one of these edits, blow everybody's minds, and make me feel pretty shitty about myself. I think I'm gonna go eat my feelings away now. I'm starting to think maybe CGI??
  • 6 0
 Maybe you should look it other way around. Like .... if he can do it, i can do it we are all same humans. Just need to pratice more. Make this inspiration that one day you can ride like him.
  • 1 0
 @Brzzi: Lol, your absolutely right man. I'm really just joking around. I love these edits. To be honest though, to do these things isnt in the cards for me as it's not my focus. I ride downhill bikes. So the fact I've put very little effort into learning tricks, pretty much means I have very few tricks. I was really just trying to get a laugh. Smile
  • 2 0
 @jomacba: my bad didnt understand it was sarcazam.

Dam internet.
  • 2 0
 I definitely think this music helped accentuate the skills on display and the connection to the visual aspects of the edit, as well it also fits the mood of mountain biking right now, which is a bit heavier than usual, and no sign of slowing down. This and the French film on the same day, yes now I am thinking about my next ride in a new light.
  • 3 1
 Im not one to get involved with the ridiculous and shocking keyboard warriors of the pinkbike comment sections but reading all these negative comments makes me shake my head. Just because how something is created doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean you need to go get all worked up about it because your too simple between the ears. If you can't appreciate what RevelCo and Brandon are doing, then maybe you should just keep your comments to yourself. On the upside. Thank you RevelCo for capturing bike riding the way you guys do. You inspire thousands and continue to make riding bikes and producing content a thing of beauty.
  • 2 0
 are they really that negative? or are they just opinions that you dont agree with?
  • 6 0
 Just, so, good...
  • 4 0
 It would be cool to see him do some kind of colab with Genon - both have a great style
  • 5 0
 Check out Semenuk's movie 'Rad Company". It's got a segment with Thomas Genon and Yannick Granieri at the same zone as Semenuk's NWD10 segment.
  • 2 0
 @jervis: cheers mate, will do
  • 4 0
 I’m convinced he’s a cyborg sent back in time to just make everyone feel bad about their skills.
  • 2 0
 Yet stamping his authority again! It's as if he's putting a reminder to anyone who thinks can compete against him in comps nowadays with all this steeze he's still got & progressing. I wonder what Act 3 brings....
  • 5 4
 I will never understand the Millenial obsession with actual/digitalized versions of Super 8 films.

It is not the "viynal" of film. It doesn't present a warmer more authentic view. It's trash.

To take the analogy one step further, it's the 8-track of cinemetography. Gritty and terrible.
  • 2 0
 I think it might be more of a nostalgia thing, where the lower quality is reminiscent of when you would use an old camcorder to record yourself riding as a kid
  • 1 0
 Love watching Semenuk ride. So smooth. Not sure why the need to rank him rather than just enjoy. Loved the "banger" trick at the end. I know there is lots of debate on BMX protocol on that one but on a wood ramp to drop it looked sick and really shows a whole lot of control and mastery. Thanks again for the amazing content.
  • 5 2
 cuz why not, right?

Anyone else agree he's MTB's Nyjah? (or travis rice, jordan, etc)
  • 6 0
 Rheeder is more like Nyjah. Super precise and calculated but lacking in steez. Semenuk is like the Guy Mariano circa "Mouse" or something. Banger tricks and unrivalled style.
  • 1 0
 I can only compare him to snowboarding: He's more like Nicolas MĂĽller or Danny Davis. Oozing style, while being able to throw the most difficult tricks and ride the most technical terrain.
  • 3 0
 Not Nyjah. More like Andrew Reynolds imo. Style wins!
  • 2 0
 I’m going with my Nyjah is Rogatkin and Semenuk is Shane O’Neill
  • 1 0
 @myfriendgoose: nice. true.
  • 1 0
 @drs140t: The boss! Perfect.
  • 3 0
 I disgree, Nyjah is skateboarding's Semenuk
  • 1 0
 His landings are unbelievable, like footwork in other sports, looking at landings on drops, doubles, or gaps separates the good riders from amazing ones. His spacial awareness is next level.
  • 3 0
 I love how the music is timed with his landings perfectly on beat!
  • 3 0
 Brandon Semenuk, best bike rider in the world.
  • 3 0
 What's the tune? I like it
  • 3 0
 You can find it in the description on vimeo ;-)

  • 4 1
 Takes a wicked rider to make an indian-giver half cab look that good.
  • 3 0
 I can't even bend my limbs like that off the bike
  • 3 0
 Is he wearing a mouth guard?
  • 2 0
 Yes allot of slope/free riders use them to prevent concussions.
  • 2 0
 Here for the comments :popcorn:
  • 3 0
 he is a wizard.
  • 3 0
  • 2 0
 1:11-1:13 YES! Finally something in a Semenuk video that I can do too.
  • 3 1
 So much steeze. The Tony Hawk of MTB.
  • 1 1
 +1 my man he is realy TH of MTB.
  • 3 0
 Last trick wtf
  • 3 0
  • 2 0
 Feels like an old snowboard flick. Optimistic? I like it.
  • 3 0
 Optimistic was a great one. The death of snowboard VHS/DVD makes me sad. 1:30 edits just don't hold a candle to an entire film with lots of riders and a killer soundtrack.
  • 1 0
 Or even like his Rad Company from a few years ago. You had the style of Semenuk in every segment but you got to see a ton of other great riders too
  • 2 0
 is that a seat grab while on the whip? 0:18
  • 1 0
 Seriously? No one is as blown away by the wallride to fast plant 180 as I am?
  • 1 0
 Let him design this years' Joyride again this year to try to convince him to come back. "Brandon, build whatever you want".
  • 1 0
 Yawn, go show us some more trail riding or something. Slopestyle is a meh fest.
  • 1 0
 Is he running a geared freecoaster hub? Anyone know who makes one?
  • 2 0
 i believe he runs a custom i9 freecoaster, could be wrong tho.. there was an article a while back about it
  • 2 0
 @laxguy: Oh that's super interesting. Josh Lewis is sponsored by i9 and occasionally runs a freecoaster too, so that would make sense, but I did some digging a while back when I first saw him running one and didn't turn up any info. Not something I'd really want on my trail bike but I was interested all the same! Thanks!
  • 1 0
 Best Cross-up CanCan EVER!
  • 1 0
 Columbus has too much relevance still.
  • 1 0
 stoked the revel guys did something (mostly) shot on film
  • 1 0
 But grainy super 8. Why? I'm all for film, but not a terrible version of it.
  • 1 0
 Why is this not a must watch?
  • 2 0
 Because the very name Brendon Semenuk translates into must watch in every language in our universe and beyond
  • 1 0
 Great riding, obnoxious post production
  • 1 0
 @ 0:38
How does he roll backwards without backpedaling?
  • 5 0
 free coaster
  • 1 0
 Simply talented, and very arty too.
  • 1 0
 Does not get old, thats for sure. Thank you Brandon!
  • 1 0
 Revel in the chaos 2? some day?
  • 1 0
 Amaze ????
  • 1 0
 So good!
  • 1 1
 that indian giver drop was so nice
  • 1 0
 Incredible tup
  • 1 1
 Semenuk or not... Indian giving is not tolerable.
  • 1 0
 Mamma miaaaa
  • 1 1
 Semen-uk meh.
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