Pinkbike Poll: Have You Had Your Bike Stolen?

Sep 5, 2015 at 10:58
by Mike Levy  
I was fifteen when my pride and joy was taken from me while I slept in a tent only ten feet away. That chrome BMX wasn't anything special - it cost a less than just the seat post on the bike I own now - but it was worth a lot to me, so you could imagine my disappointment when I woke up that morning to find it no longer chained to the only tree in our campsite. The chain was still there, laying on the ground next to my friend's mountain bike, and I can only assume that it was my ride's shiny chrome frame, cranks and handlebar that attracted the scum who took her. Or maybe it was the forty eight spoke wheels, four pegs and the gyro - it was fully loaded, after all. That crime led to me getting my first mountain bike, which then led me to typing this twenty years later, so you might say that things worked out in the end, but the thought of someone else riding my steed around still bothers me to this day.

World Champs 2015. Shimano truck broken into. Photo Matt Delorme

I'd wager that a lot of us have had a bike stolen at one point or another, be it an inexpensive bike from outside the corner store when you were a kid or a multi-thousand dollar dream machine from your garage while you slept, and while one of those is a lot more financially damaging than the other, I feel like both should be punished by swiftly removing the thief's hands with a large axe. I doubt that would deter these scumbags, although maybe stringing up the hands outside of your garage would deter repeat offenders? Just a thought. These crimes aren't always relatively small dollar, spur of the moment things, as we saw recently when Shimano's demo truck was hit at World Champs and twenty Di2 drivetrains, an unnamed number of Saint and mechanical XTR groups, and multiple sets of Shimano wheels will pilfered. There were also nine complete bikes grabbed, seven of which were Scott Spark demo bikes that had been built up with Di2 drivetrains. I'm not exactly Sherlock Holmes, but I'd wager that gig was a well planned out operation rather than a crime of opportunity like a shiny BMX that was locked to a tree being snatched.

So, have you ever had your pride and joy stolen? And if so, were you able to get it back, or was it gone forever?

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mikelevy avatar

Member since Oct 18, 2005
2,032 articles

  • 145 6
 Stolen out of my newly bough Second Hand commencal Supreme dh v2 when i started riding 2 years ago.never saw it again and i was down for a while cause i had no cash for new rig.every Single thief should be executed by la you agree?
  • 97 3
 Balls cut off would be better. Death is too easy.
  • 38 2
 With a blunt knife
  • 69 1
 I think a spoon would be more entertaining.

"Why with a spoon?" "Because it will hurt more"
  • 11 4
 some one has been watching too much Kevin Costner movies.
  • 72 0
 They should be made to walk across a room blindfolded with lego and upturned plug sockets scattered around.
  • 11 1
 and UK plugs upturned!
  • 14 1
 Thieves should be brought to one of the ALU factories and work on new frames till the end of days.
  • 3 3
 robin hood men in tights reference
  • 4 2
 would never leave my garage open with thousands of dollars worth of bikes and tools for all the world to see. Even when I'm home, if I can't see a clear view of my front yard through a window or whatever. The garage is closed.
  • 1 4
 Kill it with fire!!
  • 4 1
 I had my bike stolen from me too, it was locked in front of a 3rd floor apartment. When I came to the police station to report it with an 8 inch Ka-Bar knife on my belt, the first thing the cop told me was "If you see someone with your bike, do not try to take it back from him"...
  • 1 0
 public exercution by blunt guillotine.... it should take four of five attempts to cause any serious damage..... and at least 20 to remove the head
  • 10 2
 I pay renter insurance for ~$100/year to cover up to $20K in theft.
Go ahead and take my bikes, I'll just get new ones with my insurance money, but when karma breaks your neck while riding my stolen bike, I'll be the one laughing.
  • 3 0
 Just check your policy in detail. When my first mountain bike was stolen, they calculated depreciation over four years of ownership and subtracted the five hundred dollar deductible and mailed me a check for twelve dollars. I was more mad than if they had just said it wasn't covered.
  • 1 0
 Dude. Same here when my first bike was stolen from a friend's garage. Just last fall, while moving I had a pivot firebird, taken from my parents garage.......didn't even bother calling insurance that time, even though it was worth more than my car it was sitting next to
  • 2 0
 Yep, I have too much expensive shit in my house. And it cover s more than just theft. House burns with everything in it...all replaced. Granted, my bike stays in the house so it doesn't get stolen though cause I don't want to miss a day of riding while waiting for the check to arrive or a replacement to arrive.
  • 1 0
 I've had 4 bikes stolen 3 were declared on my insurance and 1 wasn't because i had for about a week before it got stolen! Luckily i was able to claim for everything i had upgraded so i made my money and some! It doesn't take away the fact that someone did in fact steal my pride and joys!
  • 2 0
 sad to think that storing in a garage isn't enough. my rides are locked together in a padlock shed secured to the ground, in a shared garage monitored by CCTV with gated entry. like everyone seems to say here - being without your baby is pretty shithouse, so better safe than sorry.
  • 80 0
 Happier story: my wife had her cargo trike (she can't ride a regular bike, balance issues) stolen from outside work. I posted a Craigslist reward notice and was contacted by someone living in an SRO building on Vancouver's Downtown Eastside who said they'd seen it in the basement of the building. I gave him the serial number, he confirmed it was her trike, and I drove down to his building where he carried it out because it had a massive chain through the rear wheels. He wouldn't even take the reward money - I tried hard to persuade him (he definitely looked like he needed it) but he said he'd rather have the good karma of knowing he helped the trike get back to its owner.
  • 16 1
 That is wonderful. Good thing it wasn't the thief trying to score a quick buck off of you.
  • 6 0
 That is an awesome story!
  • 5 0
 The "thief trying to score a quick buck" was also my first thought, but it couldn't have been less like that. Did a lot to restore my faith in humanity after the theft. The fact it was a trike was important - the guy who returned it was really pissed that someone had stolen a vehicle that was obviously quite specialized and needed by its owner.
  • 1 0
 great story, glad it got back to the original owner

and now just think: the trike was stolen from the thief Smile Smile Smile
  • 42 0
 My mountain bike was stolen from a bike rack outside of my apartment in college. It was cable locked but that wasn't good enough. I also had a vintage Schwinn cruiser in the same bike rack that did not get stolen. The cruiser was still one of the nicer bikes in the rack so I figured it would be next. So I locked it up with another weak cable lock. Loosened up the front axle to the point a small bump would easily separate wheel from the rest of the bike, and waited. Sure enough couple Of days later I found my bike in two pieces in the street a short distance and a curb hop away from the rack. I hope That dude went down hard.
  • 10 0
 Fuck yes.
  • 8 0
 That reminds me of when a friend of mine walked out of class to see a guy taking off on his fixie. It was many years ago before fixies were popular and the thief didn't know how to ride them. He went down real hard on the first corner and didn't move. My friend ran over to dish out some vengeance but saw the thief was just lying there groaning, so he just grabbed his bike and rode away.
  • 2 0
 I love reading stories like yours @nosoeawe @iamamodel
  • 3 0
 I used to put a metal pin into the holes of my brake rotor and one time I forgot I put it there and I went down hard.
  • 4 0
 Awesome story but this being the USA it wouldn't surprise me if you were sued...LOL
  • 36 0
 My $5000 bike was stolen last week from my apartment courtyard, which is secured by key card access that only residents have. The week before, my kid's bike was ripped from the roof of my car. Whoever took it used brute force and destroyed my roof rack to shreds. And 2 months ago, my kid's bike (the first one before getting a replacement) was stolen, locks cut, from the school playground after school. I don't know how to feel any more about thieves. I've been through the whole anger emotions and ultimately the low life scums don't care. They're most likely drug addicts looking to score a quick $50 for their next hit, with nothing going on in their brains about the consequences of their actions or the pain inflicted on honest hard working bike owners. They don't give a shit and it's not personal, which means the more brainpower I spend feeling angry about it, the more pointless it becomes. Perhaps my life is better than theirs and I should be happy about that. All I can hope for now is that my renters insurance covers the mountain bike since being $6000 out and without a bike to ride is the worst thing in the world!!! May all bike thieves get what they deserve.
  • 6 0
 I should also add that my kids bike was stolen in front of REI when I ran in to exchange a helmet that was too small, then got delayed because their computer kept getting errors. When I finally made it out and ready to ride the bike was gone. And the only reason I parked the car outside was because bikes on the roof don't fit in REI's covered parking. The irony.
  • 5 0
 Both my parents ride to work quite often, they own a small store, and lock the bikes up on the very front door, and it´s a glass front door too. Well the first time, my dad´s bike got stolen, a dunexr from 2013, custom built...luckily a police man who also rode bikes, and whom I had spoken too at the bike store about my bike getting stolen got it back from a drug addict in a village about 20 mins away from downtown. Almost two months later, my "mothers" dirt bike also got stolen, same place, this time she saw it and tried to ran after him, not a single person stopped or tried anything, and she was screaming from the top of her voice, the guy got away, never seen the bike again. So yeah, I know how u feel man!!! I think they shouldnt let them get away so easily!!
  • 7 0
 People!!! I was a courier and had shitty mountain bike to ride to work with in the middle of the city. I broke my key in my bike lock, so I turned up the next day with a hack saw to cut it free.... so many people hurled abuse at me, but no one, not one of them stopped to ask WTF are you doing stealing a bike, to which I would have happily showed them my busted bike lock...
  • 6 2
 To the many of us who have had a bike stolen, hope that the thieves make just a few bucks more when they sell these bikes.


So they can buy too many drugs and OD to death!
  • 10 14
flag piman (Sep 11, 2015 at 6:16) (Below Threshold)
 It is a shame, yes, but addiction is a disease and if it is as bad as getting your bike stolen for you, can you even imagine what it is like for their families? Not to belittle the incident, and the thief needs to be brought to justice, just remember that they are humans too who made one bad decision that then defined their life.
  • 3 1
 Good points there Piman, but I guess Im somewhat jaded when I have seen these guys always stealing what they can from around where I live. My ex used to work a homeless shelter where many of these guys would eventually filter to. Its one thing to realize you have this disability, but to never TRY to fix yourself when Im sure many know exactly where to go to start the healing process with the shelters and probably being asked all the time if they would like help and brush it off. If that is the case and you are aware that help is just a question away and yet you still deter when you know you have problems and possible loved ones that you want you better, you get no sympathy from me at that point.

Im not saying overcoming addiction is easy, but I don't think as many have really given the effort to atleast see what it takes to recover. It just pisses me off that their cycle will likely continue as long as there is a good man's dime/property to keep them afloat.
  • 3 4
You still don't get it. Relapses are a thing, and these people can put all of their efforts in and still f*ck up. When addicts are off of their high and have been sober for long enough time to think, they may say that they will stay clean. Some of them will, but others just can't. It isn't about their choices, it is their brains telling them that they can handle one more hit of meth, that they will clean up after the next drunken night. It is unfair to make the assumptions that you are. I am reading a book right now called Beautiful Boy by David Sheff. Take a look at it. It will open up your eyes.
  • 2 1
 I have seen both sides of the coin with people I have met at that shelter. For the ones who figure it out, Im happy for them that they can have again what they once had. For the others, I refuse to believe that they have lost all of their decision making skills for the rest of their life. At some point before they hit the down of their trip, they usually can think somewhat as their hunger has been temporarily satisfied. Should I feel bad for a guy who has been an addict for 20+ years of working the street for his addiction? One alternative that I have seen as a last ditch for these individuals is getting arrested by authorities for being under the influence. Its not the fact that they are getting busted for doing something illegal, but forced to live outside of the drug scene in jail with the hope that full clarity might one day be obtained after the absence of that addiction. With that maybe they might have a chance. With that being said, don't think I would take anything lightly from an addict trying to take some of my property for their immediate gains.
  • 2 1
 Yeah, it would piss me off if an addict stole from me, but it would piss me off even more if someone who was entirely in their senses and with greedy intentions stole from me.
  • 2 1
 I do agree with you piman on that. Like you have stated, the addict is only in so much control vs the other who just wants immediate financial gain from your hard work. Not that it validates the addict though.
  • 5 0
 I feel you dude people don't understand addiction unless they lived it personally whether it be oneself or a family member. I have about 5 years sober. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Addiction landed me in prison at one point, and it could have been avoided if I could have stayed clean. I didn't care. I NEVER stole from people to get a fix. I guess my point is that there is shitty people out there whether they're addicts or not, but not all addicts are bike theives. And does that make me an outsider in MTB community because I've experienced things most people don't understand and are to narrow minded to understand? Now I'm an addict of MTBing probably one of the main reasons I'm still clean. I was able to get from MTBing what I was searching for in drugs with no negative side effects.
  • 1 0
I haven't experienced it personally, which I am thankful for, but recently my eyes have been opened up to addiction, and it displeases me to see many people here that think that addicts are the lowest class of humans. You have an awesome story. Stay clean dude! Best wishes.
  • 1 0
 At this point I'd rather decriminalize all drugs and possibly give those already addicted to it, heroin to reduce the financial costs of this plague. I believe parts of Switzerland and maybe the Netherlands do this? Vancouver is a wreck - highest property crime rates in North America.
  • 1 0
 As I was reading your post I was wondering if you happened to live in Wa. Not surprised to click your user name confirm my suspicion. Wonder where these bikes are going. Sounds like there could be a big black market in wa for nice bikes...
  • 1 0
 @piman Bike thieves, addicts or not, are the lowest class of humans.
  • 2 1
 No there are surely lower. You ever been killed?
  • 31 1
 Last summer, was taking the bus back from the dirt jumps with my bike on the front of the bus on the bus rack. The bus route went through a sketchy part of town (Downtown Eastside, Vancouver, B.C.). At a red light, a drug addict grabbed my bike off the bus rack and started riding off. Bus driver let me off and i ran after him. A guy riding through the area and saw what happend and chased him down on his bike while i looked for a police officer. The cop notified other cops in the area and they found it in a homeless shelter. So I basically got my bike stolen and got it back in 30 minutes. So lucky. Lesson learned, if you take the bus with your bike always lock your front wheel to the frame.
  • 3 1
 those damn bums
  • 1 0
  • 29 0
 My 2 month old $6500 Bronson was cut off my Kuat rack in broad daylight in the first row of a grocery store in a nice neighborhood. The person rolled up behind my car in a white van, and cut it off during the 8 minutes I went inside the store.

I learned the following
-no place is "safe" and high-end bike theft is VERY rampant in Denver, CO
-The police will only assist you after you do the work. There are far too many bike thefts for them to put too much work into it.
-thieves can strike fast and are pretty balsy
-ALL cable locks are a f*cking joke and only slightly better than nothing at all. I now use 2 u-locks (one on the frame and the other on the frame) and a kryptonite fahgettaboudit chain lock connecting them
-Home owners and rental insurance policies often have special provisions. Mine was ASI and are very unethical. They claimed to add a special exclusion limiting bike coverage in Colorado to $1,000. I never received or signed this and my original policy didn't have a bike exclusion. Call your insurance company and verify the coverage. I immediately switched to Farmers who actually insure your items and don't just collect monthly payments.
-Write your serial number down...right now!!! Most shops don't keep them and it will make getting it back easier.
-Statistically speaking, thieves try to resell on craigslist (in the US anyway) or a pawn shop. I haven't seen a lot of Bronson's in a pawn shop though. I intentionally did not post on craigslist so I could catch the person. I watched several times a day for 3 months and sure enough, he posted it. I arranged a "sting" with the police for me to buy it and we got it back.

-Lastly, don't steal from me motherf*cker. He just got sentenced to 30 months in jail last month. I hope you get butt raped!!!
  • 2 0
 My Banshee Rune got stolen in Denver back in July. Thankfully American Family rocks, and they helped me get into a 2015 DeVinici Rune. I haven't seen my Banshee on Craigslist since, I'm sure it is long gone....
  • 1 0
 DeVinci Spartan**
  • 1 0
 Also recommend these guys. Very passionate about bike recovery:
  • 12 0
 My friend had a bike stolen from the hotel he was staying at in south Lake Tahoe. The hotel didn't want him to store the bike in his room, so they locked it in their storage for was stolen that night. Then the thief sold it here on Pinkbike under the user name Killercam03.
  • 5 0
 Fuck that hotel.
  • 2 0
 Dude that's some pretty damn good sleuth work. How could that not be helpful to law enforcement?
  • 2 0
 My friend didn't want to chase the thief down...he figured he got a new bike out of it (paid for by the hotel) and thought that he'd lose the new bike if he got his old one back. We actually found the bike being ridden by the person who bought it from Killercam03 at Northstar. The guy was pretty chill and was willing to work with us to catch the thief.

My thought was that we should have pressed the issue with the authorities just so the thief couldn't steal someone elses bike
  • 11 0
 Had my ibis hd stolen after 2 plus years of making it my ideal rig. Marzocchi 55 ti fork, kmc gold chain, xtr everything, 800x35 carbon bars, 150mm ks dropper etc. It made me more sad than anything. Thankfully insurance covered it. It was stolen in downtown Spokane. Wa is a great state but there is a lot of entitlement going ok here. IE people think they're entitled to your stuff. I'm in the middle east at the moment, and some countries will cut you hands off for stealing. As you can imagine, those countries have very little theft problems. Not saying that's right, but that's the deal.
  • 4 0
 Cutting off hands for theft is the right thing to do.
  • 2 1
 unless he's LEFT handed. Then its the left thing to do.
  • 10 0
 I had mine stolen last year out of my garage. Was heartbroken.

I started researching mini GPS units that could be hidden under the saddle or in the frame somewhere, but couldn't find a product like that. Anyone know of something out there like that?
  • 1 0
 Maybe try BikeSpike or Bike Hawk?
  • 4 6
 I am considering buying Bike Spike since bottle cages are back in fashion (or rather out of condemnation), is anyone using one?
  • 3 0
 I am thinking of using a Tile for my bike -
  • 1 1
 @chrisingrassia- check the electronics department at your local Walmart, they are cheap and common these days. They're marketed towards parents who want to keep tabs on their kids. Let me know if you need any more help finding something.
  • 2 0
 There still isn't a great hidden GPS solution. This needs to be embedded into the frame or stem and operated via bluetooth with a phone. If it isn't hidden, it won't work long term. The technology is there, it just need to be designed in a way the can be hidden on bikes. I have had several bike stolen and am beyond paranoid about my bikes now. Not a fun feeling.
  • 2 1
 Isn't specialized SWAT box a perfect solution for hiding GPS?
  • 1 0
 The Bike Spike and Spec SWAT box are huge, and certainly not discreet against the criminals who steal $6,000 mountain bikes. Too obvious. All those accessory items would be the first things to be ripped off and tossed out. Hidden under the saddle is my best suggestion, or a spot inside the frame where I could potentially reach it via the headtube.

Tile only works with Apple, correct?
  • 1 0
 @chrisingrassia I recently purchased the SPOT Trace anti-theft device. So far the best option I've found, and I've been looking for a while. I use double sided velcro and fasten it under the saddle when in the garage and take it off when riding. Always make sure to push the seat down when stored. Yes there is a chance a thief could find it, but chances are they won't notice it until it's too late and you've been able to track them down. It's not perfect, but definitely adds another layer of security and peace of mind.
  • 1 0
 @kr2ranger interesting. Thanks for the tip. How long does the battery last? That's what I get most concerned about is having to constantly charge it and then it be dead if I ever need it. Wish it would just stay in a super-duper-hyper-extended sleep mode until I "turn it on" via the website and then can track it.
  • 1 0
 @chrisingrassia Just got it so not sure how long it'll lasts. According to the specs, should last a few months if tracking services aren't used too much. It has a motion sensor so only starts tracking when it senses motion. Also, you can set it to text you when the battery is getting low which helps.
  • 9 0
 I've had three stolen over the years, and one near miss. I used to chain my bike up to the stair railing outside our front door. At one time when we had some contractors, some of them kind of dubious, working in the building, I was browsing Craigslist one day and found a photo of my bike in its normal spot listed for sale for an unreasonably low price. Needless to say I brought it straight inside, and the next night we heard a whole lot of clomping and a frustrated bang on the thief obviously had feelers for a sale and came back to get the bike.
  • 6 1
 You left out the part where you stalked the thief a d murdered his family
  • 2 0
 If I'd only known which one of them it was...
  • 7 0
 I have a good story. I got a Nukeproof Solum stolen then recovered. After a long day of riding from my house to downtown Seattle which is 13 miles from where I live, I decided to stop by at my local bartell drugs to visit my friend while he was working. The bartells was only a half a mile from my house. I place the bike in the store like I normally do and made sure this cashier was aware of me entering the store with my bike and parked it. I was in the store for about 20 minutes hanging out with my buddy when I decided to leave with the bike in my eyes the whole time. So I started heading back to my bike and I forgot to tell my friend something so I go into the back of the store where he was to tell him. The process took about a minute and a half and as I am walking back I notice it missing. So I frantically am searching for it asking the cashier where my bike was, she said ooh I thought I saw you ride off with it, at this point i was irate. The bike was built from the frame up and gifted to me from my parents (this was the 1st bike I ever put together). Thinking all is lost I start to think what do I do now so I sleep on it thinking it is gone forever. The next day as I drive home from work on a route I never drive just to try and find it, I see this cocksucker with my bike waiting for the bus to pick him up (He was a skinny teenager with glasses). At this point I knew this guy f*cked up. I pull a u-turn and chase after the bus and get the driver to pull over using very vulgar language because he thought i was just waving at him. When the guy walked to the front of the bus I confronted him and he had the nerve to say it was his bike, saying he bought it for $20. It was like a $1000 with all the specialty parts on it (Note their are 0 nukeproof/dirt jump hard tails in my area). I got straight to the point and said you stole this bike from bartell's and I'm going to call the cops (in reality I'm screaming in his face and swearing) At that point the guy sprinted away from the bus, not following chase I was just happy to get my bike. Later that week I read a article in the Seattle Met that only 1% of people get their bikes back in the Seattle area and I was shocked/relieved. From that point on I have walked my bike through stores holding firmly on it. I still have the bike to this day and am still in search of this high school punk ass kid. That is my stolen bike story.
  • 7 0
 I had my Iron Horse Sunday stolen out of my house, I saved a year for it and didn't have house and contents insurance nor did never got it back. I even offered 1k reward for it no questions asked no police involvement. Gutted me at the time, I hate theives so much.
  • 5 0
 I was living in Montana at the time, and I had just finished building up my new PBR BOTTLEROCKET and went down to the local place of business for a couple to celebrate the immense pain in the ass it was to procure some of the parts for this bike. This bike even had some one off parts on it from some local manufacturers at the time. I had it locked up and was inside for all of 15 minutes before cruising out with my well deserved beverage. I looked over to the rack the lock was cut the bike was gone, and massive security camera right there ( stupid criminals). In less than a week I had my rig back to me mainly because of security cam footage and the fact the criminal had taken it to a local MTN BIKE park to ride and was immediately confronted by community riders which lead to a chase and the little bastard getting taken into police custody, and I was reunited with my bike. His place was then searched and what they found was another two stolen bikes both newer S-WORKS MTN rigs. So thanks to good bike communities and police who like to ride and for certain bikes being so obnoxious you can't help but look and wonder.
  • 5 0
 Just got mine stolen out of my garage in the middle of the night. Broke the glass and pulled down cord then lifted up garage. My bike was also locked inside of the garage. They cut the wire and peaced outFrown
  • 2 3
 I'd be maybe thinking about whether you have any sketchy friends or family. Someone obviously knew your bike was there, this wasn't some spur of the moment grab they knew your bike was there and they knew how to get it.
  • 5 1
 Me and my buddy both had our bikes stolen. His worth about $500, mine worth about $4000.
Put a couple more nice bikes on the front porch the next night as bait and waited beside the house with a baseball bat all night hoping the scumbags would return for more... the only thing I could think of to get my bike back.

I hear someone moving bikes around in the front. I come up behind him ready to clock him if he ran. Suddenly I realize he's holding my roomates $500 bike. Turns out he lived with the guy who stole it and was returning it. Good thing I didn't clock him. But he swore he didn't know anything about my more expensive bike, and I never saw it again.

Good to have insurance though! I was paid what the bike was worth new, and ended up making a huge profit!

Bike thieves disgust me though, and I wonder why police don't try using bikes as bait to find these thieves and likely their bike staches. I tried explaining to the officers over and over again that my bike was worth more than some cars when I reported it, but it was clear that they could care less and weren't about to put any effort into finding it....
  • 2 0
 Vancouver used bait bikes a few years ago and go a some arrests. I haven't heard anything lately.

Call me jaded but Cops (in Canada at least) don't seem that interested in solving property crimes. Most stolen cars are never recovered but then they're insured. I'd love to get bike insurance but when I inquired the quote was ridiculous - like $3/per hundred insured, per year
  • 2 0
 Had same experience in Vancouver. Cops there are only interested in helping you file a report for insurance purposes.
  • 3 0
 Im gunna have a dream about mine tonight now .. F this article too many bad memories.. Death to the bike thief.. If any one remembers the Brooklyn BMW theftat the shop .. Well just herd that piece of sh!t just died in jail stabbed to death..
  • 3 0
 I had 2 dirtbikes stolen from my garage as I slept. they ran staight gas in the 2 stroke the cops found her in the bush the next day with a blown engine I still wish I could get back the other one but well I hope the bastard fell and broke a very bone in his body then bled out with nobody around to save him... get the coverage that was my mistake I could have been sleeping with them and it wouldn't have been covered.
  • 1 0
 Man that sucks. My buddy just had 3 of his moto's stolen out of his garage a couple weeks ago. They cut the alarm system and broke the window to unlock the door then opened the garage and rode away on 3 bikes. All they left was a BULLS out of all the hats. Lol. And the worst part was it was like 3am and his buddy that lived across the rode was up and heard the bikes rip away, but didn't think to call the cops....some people man..
  • 3 0
 My bike was "confiscated" from me by the Santa Cruz Police Department. Long story short: I was visiting my long distance gf who lived in Santa Cruz in a house with some college students and one super shady dude. Turns out the shady dude was involved in a missing persons/suspected murder investigation and the cops busted down the door at 3am and pulled all the residents out of bed by gunpoint and flashlights. They took a bunch of stuff out of the house including my relatively new $4000 DH bike. No compensation, no explanation. That was about 7 years ago and I've accepted that I will never see that bike again. That was the beginning of the end of that relationship to say the least… I loved that bike, and that girl.
  • 2 0
 wtaf, that's so sad man. to get no explanation too. I work in santa cruz now and the paranoia i've developed for my bikes is crazy. They never leave my sight because locks are only deterrents, not solutions.
  • 7 0
 Fck this... My bike is sleeping in my room tonight.
  • 3 0
 Had 2 of my bikes taken but someone saw them running down the street with them and we found them ditched up a back alley round the corner from my house and then the bastards came back a few weeks later and took my mum and dads bikes and we haven't seen them since. And the bastards even came back a third time after we'd got a lot more security and the only way they found of getting into the shed was by trying to take the shed roof off. Luckily the alarm went off and scared them away. Luckily they were caught and were arrested.
  • 3 0
 I had a really nice 90's diamondback BMX, all chrome that got stolen twice! Once in Surrey, once in Edmonton. The first thief actually upgraded it a fair bit, the second thief destroyed the bike painted it, took parts off it.... wasn't happy about that, confronted him at his school and walked to his house with him to retrieve my bike.

My dad had a bike stolen from him in the 70's, he put word out at his school that if he found out who did it, he would "beat them up" I guess the thief was a member of his school and got scared, flash forward to 98 we moved to a new city and I became friends with this kid at my school, he rides over to my house on an old bike, my dad recognizes it as his bike, same color, distinguishing stickers that my dad put on the bike. He asked where he got it, from his uncle. Turns out it was a kid from his school that my dad knew that lived on the same block, that my dad had dealings with! Small world eh.
  • 3 1
 In the early 90's, I remember working all summer and saving all my cash for a a Rocky Mtn Hammer, my dream bike at the time. It was stolen around the 3rd week of high school despite having two Kryptonite locks on it. That was a tough one. And two more bikes stolen after that one as well. I had so many friends who also had bikes stolen in Toronto in the early 90's. In fact, it was rarer to find someone who didn't have their bike(s) stolen.
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 One stolen off my roof rack while I ran into an office to grab some papers in Victoria BC and another stolen from the back of a Jeep (destroyed the lock and pulled it out) while I ate sushi @ 5:00pm in downtown Kelowna. Because of those a@#holes I'm considered high risk and have to wait a few years before I can get insurance. Glad I had a good plan but even if you replace your bike it doesn't make up for something that you've grown comfortable on, built up and were uniquely passionate about being snatched by someone who had none of that and likely just wanted to make a quick bit of money.
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flag jaurl (Sep 11, 2015 at 2:01) (Below Threshold)
 I thought it was comMon knowledge not to leave your bike in a car where people can see it
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 Are there things I could have done to protect my bikes better? Always (like install a bike safe on my car that has lazer impermiability)... However, a) I think in both cases the steps I took to protect my bikes were reasonable (the bike that was stolen off of the roof rack had a u-lock connecting it to the tray which they cut in half to take the bike and in both cases I was parked in very public spots) and b) stealing bikes is wrong and it is the f%^& that stole my bike who should be blamed and not the person who had the bikes stolen. Sorry if bikes are stolen at a rate where you live that it can not even be shown in public as that would be a crappy way to have to live.
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 You can cry all you want about how it's not your fault, but leaving a $3000 bike on your car with a tiny lock is as smart as wearing a gold chain and walking through the ghetto at night. You're asking for it. When I ride I don't leave my bike or car out of view from the restarant. It's a small sacrifice and it keeps my property safe.

Obviously though your neighborhood is so safe that you got 2 bikes stolen, so you don't have to take precautions to keep your property safe.
  • 1 1
 Neither were in my neighbourhood as the thefts took place in two different Cities and were separated by a couple of years. I'm glad you keep your bikes so safe and all possible items of value that could be stolen in view at all the times as that sounds like it's working out for you. What you suggest is just not possible all the time for me and also typically not required. I had some bad luck. Not sure I cried but it felt pretty crappy to have the bikes stolen. At any given time in my current hometown of Rossland you could probably find 10 bikes worth more than 3000 thousand dollars in the back of trucks not locked in downtown (one street)
  • 1 1
 If you're committed to not having your bike stolen, I promise you that it's possible to keep the bike in sight at all times when it's not locked inside my apartment or hotel room.
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 Rusty saw... Possibly butter knife? Had mine stolen from flat stairwell - went to get it to bike to uni and it just wasn't there. Took another ten years before I could afford to build another second hand. Am knocking on a bit now but still, now have a family and after a few self-builds over the years have a nice Banshee thanks to Rustybones on here. I also know a lot about building bikes and although I might be old and a bit slower than at uni, still loving it.
  • 2 0
 Never had one stolen myself but i sold a bike to a friend a few years back and it got stolen from him within a month. It was his own fault for leaving it unattended in public places though. I was still pretty pissed off. Id have kept hold of it if id know that was going to happen.
  • 1 0
 Had this exact same thing happen to me. My best friend lived with me in high school. Would ride my 'older/spare' bike to his girlfriends all the time. Had it stolen out of the driveway, unlocked. He didn't understand why I threw his clothes on the porch that night
  • 2 0
 Had a prized BMX stolen when I was kid in the early with a black fork. It wasn't anything special. Don't even remember if it had a specific brand, but it would have been something big-box-store kind of cheap, but I've never had another bike that was so well balanced for cat-walking. Found it a few days later. The frame had been wrapped around a tree, the fork bent out and wheels tacoed beyond repair. It was a horrible waste. These days I'm very paranoid and keep all our bikes inside the house when not in use and store them for the winter in the basement. When traveling they're always locked to the vehicle with two separate kryptonite cable locks and we only go to hotels with either dedicated storage or will let us take them in the room with us. When camping they're locked to the camper with a Kryptonite cable lock and a u-lock, then covered with a large tarp so that if anyone tries to get near them, the crackling sound of the tarp acts like an early warning alarm system.
  • 1 0
 My bike was stolen at the start of this year. It was the 2nd week of the Spring semester and I needed to get to class. Walked out, boom... bike was gone. Instead of going to class, I jumped in my car, drove around for a bit and couldn't find the thief. Ended up getting to class late. Couldn't find the money to buy another bike, poor college student.
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 Built up a hardtail before I went to Uni with my Dad. Poured a lot of money into it too. Didn't take it to Uni with me immediately, waited a couple of weeks so I could get code to the secure shed they have outside the halls. Within the first week of it being there it had been stolen. Stripped down, frame still attached to the lock and handlebars lobbed over the other side of the shed. I nearly had a breakdown. Had Police come in and do fingerprints etc never caught the guy. Notified the Uni and they did piss all.

After recovering from that, I grabbed myself a £50 Eastern BMX off Ebay as there was a wicked skatepark where I was and I wanted something cheap and fun to rag around Uni. Within a couple of weeks of that being at Uni, the same thing happened. Stripped down only the frame was left. They'd had a good go at the BB as it was wrecked, and the lock has been sawed down a bit. I apparently didn't learn my lesson from the first bike and should have locked the whole bike up.

Still, managed to get myself a Kona Stinky from the insurance on the hardtail so it wasn't all bad.
  • 1 0
 My glorious GT DHi was stolen from my shed. It wasn't practical to store it anywhere else and it was out of sight and fairly secure. The f*ckers just took the door off though. Custom built by myself over a year scraping the money together to get parts.
Best bike I ever owned I would say and it carried me to and from work, around xc trails, over mountains and most importantly Down Mountains.
I think I saw it again on a well known buy/sell feature of a certain website but I guess the person probably didn't know the bikes history. Gone were a lot of the parts and stripped of paint but when I contacted to ask about very specific things it seemed to have all the same dents and problems.
Still I have my whyte 901 now and I think it's a great bike and I ride it a lot more and further than the DHi could ever handle
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 I went on vacation last winter from Toronto and left my Audi in the snow covered driveway. It had a high-end bike-rack on the back of the car, so the thieves presumed I had an expensive bike in the garage. They stole my 10 year old Turner 5-spot and some parts and left my girl friends newer Giant! WTF! Gave me an excuse to replace it with a new Bronson! Yeah!
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 Yup, some crackhead stole my freshly customer built Team Jekyll 2 weeks before the Sea Otter Classic this year. They pulled up in a beat up red Chevy cavalier, passenger got out...scoped it, got back in the car when co-workers pulled in at 8am... but they didn't see shit! The thing that pissed me off the most is that my co-workers pulled up right next to those FACKERS and were completely oblivious to the fact that they were about to steal a $10,000 bike from right under their noses! They cut my lock, pulled the bike out of my truck bed and road off on it, while the other drove off. Got all this on film from work, but we couldn't make out the plates... crack heads will die! Cops took the report, got the film but couldn't really work with it at all due to the poor quality.
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 Twice now - once was a fixie when I first got into bikes - was a bummer because it was one of the first bikes I built piece by piece, and spent hundreds of miles on it that year.

Then again this past April - My trail bike that traveled all over the country with me and saw hundreds of miles of single track around the US - that one really stung... the trail bike is a tool for adventure and hangs with you through times of glee and times of uphill suffering.

It always sucks because it feels personal.

As a result, I had frame stickers made that have a skull and cross bones that says "deathtobikethieves" and now each and every bike I own has this sticker placed somewhere on the frame.
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 I had a tool box with thousands of dollars in park tools stolen out of a storage locker years back and got screwed on the insurance.

I am paranoid enough about it that I got a insurance rider added on to car and renters insurance for 10K in 4 bikes. If they go missing I get the declared value with no deductible. Unlike my tools above where they would only pay if I purchased the exact same tool, if the bikes get stolen I get the declared value to do whatever I want.

My DJ is listed as Deity Streetsweeper with line by line every component on it and its value. Doesn't matter that deity doesn't build complete bikes.

The insurance is $175 a year, well worth it. Don/t assume your home owners or renters will be worth a crap on any bike stuff that is high end !
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 Bikes are easy targets - very little security, easy resale, high value and people, at least here in the UK, like to turn up en masse in luxury german cars with 10k + of bikes loosely ratcheted onto the roof. I mean talk about making it easy for someone to pick out a victim and follow home. I have had people very obviously following me and I am nowhere near carrying around the same value of bikes as a lot of people in my crappy beat up hatchback. Several miles of detour, parking up in the same layby TWICE and resting my tyre wrench on the roof eventually got rid of them, but how many other people even notice? Think people over here need to not only wake up and be more security conscious, but stop actively displaying how much wonga they are riding around with when they are out and about. Lock it away, keep it safe.
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 I have an Intense 275 I'm building up. Ordered the parts from a reputable firm in Germany. Groupset and two custom wheels. Total about $1,100. Firm ships then to the US via DHL. DHL hands them over to USPS. USPS enters them into Customs. Customs clears them. Then POOF. They disappear. Gone. Smoke. Ghost. And the most infuriating thing of all? USPS simply doesn't give a shit. They throw their arms in the air, shrug, and say "Gee, we can't explain what happened. Sorry." f*ck you and your "sorry" bullshit. Someone either in the Postal Service or Customs STOLE. MY. SHIT. Does that not bother anyone in either of those organizations? Sigh.
  • 1 0
 Had my dh rig stolen right from my garage. On a separate occasion had my brothers helmet stolen from being left alone for 10 minutes! Debating on leaving a bait bike outside and waiting with a baseball bat for the bastards because the police don't so jack about it
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 Left my cove stiffee propped up outside the pub, went in to buy a pint, came out and a bloke said to me, " You came here on a bike din't ya.. Some f*ck just rode off down there on it " ... Never run so fast in my life, caught them on an uphill and administered justice. Use a light chain every time now, don't even notice carrying it, if you're the target of a planned theft that's harsh, but I learned the hard way to frustrate the opportunist.
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 My riding buddies and I had 6 stolen. 2 were mine. We recovered one through the "useless " RCMP and got one back ourselves through shady means.Insurance paid about half to one third value out on what got stolen but I had a great policy. My replacement bike is now worth way more than the 2 I personally lost. I love my new whip, however I do miss my custom P3 I lost and alway watch for shady folk on bikes.

The bike recovered by shady means is either back in the hands of people who deserve to ride...or has been parted out as the people who had interest in it originally have seen fit. Death to bike thieves!
  • 1 1
 On a side note edit...we had a chance to beat the living daylight out of one of the thieves, we chose to let him walk....
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 Many years ago I left my road bike out the back of the bike shop in a secure passage way. It was my birthday so we where off out for the night. Got back later to my car to find it broken into! I headed back to the shop to get some tools to repair the door and heard the sound of breaking glass! This guy runs round the corner with a statue he's nicked from an antique shop, he takes off with me in hot pursuit. After about 300 mtrsI tackled him and he went down hard, I just couldn't keep hold of him in his slippery jacket and he got away. I spent the rest of the night driving round town with the cops looking for him, but no luck. The next day I go to work to find my bikes been stolen as well! Wtf!!
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 I work at a bike shop in the South of Market district in San Francisco, and we see people coming in almost every day saying that they got their bike stolen. Even though we sell on average 2 locks to everyone who buys a bike, thieves will stop at nothing when they really see something they want. Hell, we even had a guy come in who said the thieves cut down a tree to steal his bike.
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 Life Pro Tip

If you are dropping serious money on bikes get some form of insurance. Theives are everywhere and your $100 bike lock is broken in two minutes with a dremel.

Get insurance and try and find one that covers accidental damage.
  • 1 0
 I have bike insurance for my bikes. Great peace of mind and it covers all the stuff that home and renters insurance never would. It also covers crash damage like a car. For a $200 deductible you're good after theft or crash for full replacement cost. Premium is very affordable.

(I am a real customer not a paid spokesperson)
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 I'm in Canada, but I checked out - a $5000 bike in Seattle costs $341/year. that's pretty pricey for a single bike.

anybody have insurance company recommendations for Canada?
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 Never really feel comfortable stopping for beers/food if my bike is on a rack and I can't see it so I always try to be parked within line-of-sight. I'm most comfortable with it under my ass or locked in my home. Got an insurance rider this summer; most home insurance policies don't cover expensive bikes. Insurance companies often say home insurance covers bikes, but to the average person (i.e. or insurance broker) "a bike" is a few hundred bucks ... ! The devil is in the details.
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 Had my everyday singlespeed MTB stolen once. Left it cablelocked in front of the building where I went for some 20min, when I came back it was gone. Cablelock cut.

So I started walking home, when I saw this shortlegged guy trying to get his feet to the pedals of my bike in a courtyard nearby. I just went over knocked him from the bike and grabbed it back. He started running, while an elderly woman who was watching started yelling "oh my god oh my god" ...very funny. Well I started chasing the guy but then - man no...this guy was like pig-mint, all vermin. I really did not want to touch him.
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 My wife's Lefty Cannondale Rush Feminine was stolen this summer during a trip to Vancouver BC. The next day It was on Craigslist! Tried to contact thief but no response. So we put up an ad of our own that it was stolen and kept that ad active. Luckily about a month later someone bought the bike in Gas town and later thinking that it was too good a price checked Craigslist. My advise to anyone who has their bike stolen is to post post post! Deny the perp from easily selling your bike by any of the common websites like craigslist and pink bike! We don't have the bike back home but it is safe with a friend in Vancouver.
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 I had two bikes stolen, but your poll didn't allow me to select exactly what happened. Bikes stolen, some parts returned.

Bike thief's know the high value of bikes. Or more correctly the high value of the parts, and strip them down for their near untraceable parts, to be sold on auction sites or markets at their real 2nd hand value, without the worry of 'hot' items forcing them to reduce prices.

I have had 2 bikes stolen, both high personal value, and both to my knowledge stripped down. I even managed to get some of the parts returned. I ended up doing a dissertation on this sort of crime, and the reality, at least in my case, is that it was a business for these then 14/15 year olds. They could make in a Thursday (steal Thursday night, collect from hide and strip Friday, sell on Saturday at market) what most others their age would take a few months to do. Without the worry of drug charges for example. Bikes are only now becoming an area of concern for police forces, and so it was easy pickings with slim chance of getting caught, and even if so, very minimal if any charges.

Steal a car. Every part is traceable, and can only be sold to a very specific person with that model car. Steal a bike, and the buy/sell page will show that there are a lot of potential buyers, with only the frame with any noticeable markings.

For anyone interested, below is the link for my stolen bikes:
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 I have an idea for those who got their bike stolen:
buy a cheap bike, fill the frame with explosives, lock the bike with the weak lock, then wait for the first f*cker who wants stole it and while he rides away hit detonate. Everything record on camera so we all have fun too.

It want get you your bike back, but feel of satisfaction would be priceles.
  • 1 0
 I've had two bikes stolen during college years,. Their combined original purchase price was $210. Fortunately haven't lost a good bike, but my wife had a good 20-year-old Cannondale hardtail, which was a great commuter bike, stolen at the Cal campus last year. Thieves suck.,=
  • 1 0
 I have had 2 of my bikes stolen already! never to see them again one was an enduro bike and the other a bad ass DH rig. Its a pain that i never wish upon anyone is going to where you left your bike at home and seeing it missing your heart just sinks... And to the cunts that took I hope they fall on a fucking knife...
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 I remember it as if it was only yesterday..... I had come home from a weekend of DH racing in Fort Bill and I was treating her to a wash and tune up in the back garden, I went into the house only a moment for a drink and when I returned less than a minute later my Orange Patriot had gone!!! I loved that gunmetal grey girl with her chunky but sleek lines and her supple Rockshox boxxers...Damn I hope she went to a better home Frown
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 Had a new Ibis ripley, one ride on it and stolen the next weekend... that wasn't fun. just a heads up to some people if you pay for something with your credit card some companies refund your money if its stolen within a certain time period. i was able to get nearly all my money back and got a new one. the 4 months of no riding wasnt great, but no bike wouldve been worse
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 Been riding bikes for 20+ years and never had a bike stolen. At home I keep my bike in my locked garage locked to a rack. When out with my bike I keep it locked to the car rack...if I need to go into a store I park in a visible area. Key is to be aware of your surrounding and not be complacent or lazy. Saying that, nothing is fool proof and if a thief wants your bike badly enough....they'll get it--at least make it a challenge for
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 I don't want to answer the pole because I'm afraid I'll curse myself
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 It was a piece of junk huffy BMX that I left at school overnight because my mom decided to pick me up that afternoon. Also another cheap bike that I left out front of my house for a few minutes while I was inside picking up my lunch.

Have taken to bringing my bikes inside my apartment with me every night. Not dealing with losing part of my soul to some five-fingered (not anymore though, if I catch him!) douchebag.
  • 1 0
 I've had 3 bikes stolen from me, and it always sucks. However, my last dh bike being stolen was one of the best things that's happened to me. I hadn't ridden it in years, got busy with other things and mountain biking fell out of the picture. Getting a new bike is what got me stoked on bikes again, and I ride it every chance I get
  • 1 0
 I've lost 2 to thieves.

Bastards. They're the worst kind of people. I assume my bike ended up in Toronto a day or two after it was stolen, to be sold second hand.

Gunmetal GT Ruckus UF, with a sweet silver saint crank, 25th anniversary chrome Hayes 9's, a lovely Argyle and a wheelset I built myself- WTB double wides rolling on saint hubs. It was, and still is, my favorite bike of all time. I haven't been able to replace it... I no longer work at shops, so getting sweet parts is a lot tougher these days Frown
  • 1 0
 Went on a 5 week road trip with my bike and anytime I wasn't with it I had 4 locks between the outside world and it. I had a locking tailgate and hatch on my shell, a locking axlet mount and a .75" cable with a burly padlock. I knew that at any point, if someone really wanted to get in it they could, but it hopefully wouldn't be quick or quiet.
  • 1 0
 When you buy those used bike parts. Do you make certain those parts are not from some ones beloved bike that they worked hard to save up for?
Ever ask who is buying the stolen goods.
where does the stolen stuff go?
Buy n sell perhaps?
  • 1 0
 While I've not had my own bike stolen, I have had an issue with theft. I manage my university's bike rental and co-op service, and have a fleet of sh!tbikes we rent out to people for dirt cheap. Well, one person decided not to return their bike. Because we didn't have pictures of the bike, campus security refused to do anything about it, despite having the person's complete information, student number, picture of their ID, signed rental agreements, etc. As luck would have it, my randomly-assigned partner for my Spanish class lived in the same apartment as her, and I was able to get into their parking garage, and take the bike back. Wasn't locked or anything, just sitting in the parking garage. Easy recovery, I notified them that I'd had the bike returned to me, and they never responded. Fucko.
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 MY first DH bike 2004 Kona stab, started off as a hucker when i got it, worked weekends to get it too how i wanted it, then to be stolen Frown on the bright side i bought my dream bike Ironhorse sunday later on and have had a great time working on it, modifying and riding it Big Grin
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 I've lived in Chicago almost all my life. The number of people who have had bikes stolen is crazy. My brother had a redline bmx bike that was super rad for the early 90s. He went to play basketball at the park, brought the bike inside with him and it was stolen. My sister had her bike stolen from school. We found it in a kid's backyard who lived about 7 houses down. My Huffy was stolen from a friend's backyard. The same friend had his Dyno VFR stolen from school as well. Another friend had his Dyno stolen outside of Walgreens. I commute to work now and have had 3 front wheels stolen as well as my handlebars. I now have to bring my bike on the train and out to the suburbs where nobody steals bike parts.
  • 1 0
 I've had two bikes stolen in my life -- an old Huffy Thunder Road the summer I was going into fourth grade. Yeah, it was just a Huffy, but I was just a kid. I cried my eyes out.

The next bike I had stolen was my Hutch Trick Star in 1988. I loved that bike. I was at a freestyle contest at a bike shop in Midlothian, Ill. I went in the shop to sign up for the contest. Left my bike outside with at least 20 other bikes. Signed up for the contest, bought a cool sticker to put on my bike. Came out smiling, and my bike was gone. All the other bikes were there. All the other bikes were at least as nice as mine. I wonder why mine was the target. A Hutch fan, maybe?

For those who don't know, those old Trick Stars go for thousands of dollars these days in the vintage BMX collecting world. Wish I still had it. If that thief is out there reading this, has turned a knew leaf (found Jesus or something) and wants to make amends for his past, I'm willing to forgive, no questions asked. Just give me my bike back! (Not holding my breath).
  • 1 0
 Sorry -- that was Batavia, Ill. I bought my replacement bike in Midlothian.
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 One year ago my specialized status was stolen out of my second floor department, the thieves broke the front door. Its not about the brand or the money, this scumbs steal your hard work, your dreams and illusions, even your style of life. Here in Mexico Police still believes that a bike is a children toy, and dont put real effort to get it back. Never see it again and im still without dh bike.
  • 1 0
 Never been a victim myself as I grew up in the middle of nowhere and have been paranoid about security now I live in the city (big metal bike rack bolted to the floor in the bedroom of my flat with big chain!) but I know plenty of people who have had their pride and joy stolen.

Non-bike people just don't realise how much a bike means to us, they just see it as another object like a flatscreen TV. Always get another one with the insurance money. But to most of us we know how much time we've spent earning the cash to buy our dream ride with the spec we want and fettled it to near-perfection. Steal my car or TV and I'll be very angry, but I'll get another one. Steal any of my bikes and I will be baying for blood.
  • 2 0
 Plus the memories! I think my wife said a comment about adding a new member to the family when we bought my new bike..... We sometimes get attached.....
  • 1 0
 When I was a teenager I had my dream freestyle bike(I am in my 40s), It was white Haro Sport with neon green Tuff Wheels. Man it was so beautiful!
I kept it in my backyard and one day it was gone. I knew it was my jobless loser mentally ill guy next door, but I had no proof.
I still think about that bike from time to time...
  • 1 0
 A few years ago I had one of my bikes stolen from my garage, the idiot didn't think about the snow on the ground so I just followed the tracks right to his doorstep and got my bike back. However he had seen what was stored in the garage as him and a few others came back and cleaned it out. Never saw those 3 bikes again.
  • 1 0
 was 15 doing a bit of street riding on my dirt jump bike(an only one at that moment) was riding to a MacDonald's to by an ice cream , was cursing down the street when a group of 7 guys came running from nowhere and surrounded me and took my bike
seeing 5 guys running and 2 on the bike was a sick moment , was with that strange feeling like you are dreaming, cause you can't believe it happened
  • 1 0
 not really stolen... but i felt the heart pumping adrenaline of my bike being stolen.. i was at a local dh bike race. i parked my bike at the stalls where everyone parks and went in line to register. my friends had already registered ahead of me and they were somewhere else. By the time I had gotten back to the stalls, my bike was gone! I had the most devastated look on me, as I held my head frantically looking around of who couldve taken my bike. Then all of a sudden my dickbag of friends comes ridding around behind one of the sponsor booths and starts laughing at me.. i was so relieved, but at the same time angry at them. One of the staff saw the whole thing, and he was like.. "Man.. that was f*ck up.."
  • 1 0
 i had 4 bikes stolen but the second one was brand new and locked behind the bike shop i worked at when a kid stole it and rode it home and dumped it in the woods. 5 years later i was a teachers assistant in shop class and i was talking to some underclassmen and it came up they knew who stole it and where it was, i went out there that afternoon and recovered it. Every steel part was rusty and the wheel bearings were shot but the aluminum frame on my Gary fisher "lush rush tool" bmx was still solid minus the stickers which i didn't like anyway. took it home fixed it up and traded it for a motorbike called yellowdick which ran like crap but now im a motorcycle mechanic so it all worked out
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 I had my old Hutch BMX stolen, when I was about 13, talk about being saddend and so mad. Took me a while to save up and get my next BMX, yet not a Hutch but rather a GT Dyno. Recently I had my entire Bike Rack stolen from the top of my roof rails, nothing on it, just two trays, and two wheel mounts. In the process they damaged the roof rails and dented my roof. Insurance was great though and wrote a check for the full cost.

- Now I want to know is Pinkbike going to follow this poll up with a lock, app, GPS or other sort of proactive measure to help us keep these thefts from occurring?
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 My brother worked with two guys that we're talking about going bike riding for exercise. He asked them when they bought bikes. They told him the day before a guy left them in the bed of his truck at Wal-Mart and they took them. My brother proceeded to warn them that if they had told that story to me they would no longer be capable of riding a bike. I have had three bikes stolen. One I was able to steal back the others I never saw again. It is a terrible crime yet they don't even feel bad about doing it and they blame the victim for their loss.
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 My hand built to order, Curtis thumpercross got robbed in Portugal... I'd left it locked somewhere that was safe in the day, but not at night.... I was getting drunk and getting lucky with a cute Quebecer girl, then realised how late it was... Totally my fault..
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 Me and the misses went for a evening ride to the local super market. So me on the DJ bike and her on her vintage style cruiser arrived at the supermarket locked our bikes up and proceeded to shop. Upon our exit only to find the DJ bike gone... My first thoughts were .. SHIT MY BIKE!

At this point I had already mounted the curved bared, pannier rack bearing mud guard rattling cruiser hammering away at any terrain that came in front of me. I felt like I was on a world champs run , chasing this bike thief down at full tit! Whilst screaming " I ride Downhill you really think you can get away"

At this point I had put at least 5 seconds up on my opponent , I felt like i was decimating him much like Gwin decimated the field this year. I pointed the cruiser at my opponent and crashed right into him.

Got my DJ bike back, and was away laughing. The misses couldn't believe it when i rolled back with the two bikes.

Life lesson ; Don't steal a bike from a DH rider armed with another whip.
  • 1 0
 Had my badass BOSS BMX bike with top of the line parts stolen at Gun Point! Was more pissed than scared. His quote, "That's my bike blood." and when I was about to deck him, that's when, "Don't think you understand blood..." And gun comes out aimed at me. Little Bitch!

Had another lower end BOSS Stolen out of the bike rack when my sister borrowed it and used a cheap lock.
  • 1 0
 I went in to check out apts and I got flowed by a black car didn't notice anything but 2 min later my bike was gone 2 kids walked up and took it and they got him on camera and the cops here didn't do a fucken thing and still gone and almost a year later still nothing which sucks cuz it was a Ns capital and my girl came to see me at my work the cock sucker rode in front of her she chased him down and went to a house and called the cops and still nothing it sucks the bike was worth like 1000 and nothing I hope people who have the bikes stolen get it back harder fuck them
  • 1 0
 I owned a £4300 Trek for about 10 days before it was stolen. It was on finance. Took me 2 years to pay off a bike I didn't own.

My current bike is now locked up tighter than Fort Knox.

Once bitten.....
  • 1 0
 Just out of interest but how do you know what Fort Knox is? My family is all British, I am the only one born in the states. As a child I spent many years in England. Yet I could not name a single military base much less one that doubles as a gold repository that may or may not contain gold.
  • 2 0
 Goldfinger, that's how most British people know about Fort Knox (well, most of us of a certain age)
  • 1 0
 Well every day is a school day. I didn't know it was a military base! I just thought it was a gold reserve! As for how I know..... Probably films, I can't actually remember!
  • 2 0
 Yes, I had it stolen from my garage. Found it being sold on NSMB, so I met up with a seller and got it back. Told the cops, but they did not bother.
  • 1 0
 When I was 14 my GJS BMX bike was stolen. Never saw it again. About 5 years ago I tried to find an old frame but sadly the cheapest one I found was $2000. Damn all bike thieves
  • 2 0
 PS - I've had two bikes stolen Frown
  • 1 0
 Yes. I got robbed. 2009 Commençal Meta 5.5 with brand new full X9 2X10 transmission upgrade. The bike was in my garage, standing in a locked bike carrier on the back of the car after a muddy run.

Man I loved that bike...
  • 3 0
 if the shop keeper wont let my bike in the shop which alot do they dont get my custom
  • 2 0
 I've built a few beaters and hand me downs that have all managed to get stolen from my little brother. He's not too bright. That or he's hustling me for shitty bikes....
  • 1 0
 My mom stole my unlocked bike once when I was young to teach me a lesson. It was a great lesson to be taught, but it doesn't stop scumbags from cutting locks, as I've experienced twice since then
  • 2 0
 Howsabout caught him in the act but couldn't keep up to him since I was bare foot whilst he rode away down a gravel road. Sad day.
  • 1 0
 15 yrs old, pretty much brand new DMR sidekick, first of them with aps and 24's!!! All DMR bits which took me months of work. Taken at knife point in north London by some darker skinned people...
  • 1 0
 Yep! Kona Paddywagon...cut the lock off a bike rack. I ended up finding it for sale on Ebay weeks later. Contacted authorities who promptly busted the dude for stealing dozens of bikes. Charged with a felony!
  • 1 0
 its crazy that almost its almost 50/50.... every second biker had his bike stolen thats pretty ridiculous.... f**k capitalism....
  • 2 0
 When you take away someones bike it is like taking away their freedom to explore.
  • 5 2
 I'd love to hear the stories of catching the thief in the act!
  • 1 0
 think cam did the same thing found it in another state on CL..
  • 17 0
 Went for a ride with my buddy one weekend in Aptos. When we were finished we loaded both the bikes up in the bed of my truck, locked them up to the truck with a decent cable lock and headed over to Aptos St. BBQ for some lunch and a beer. Parking was rough and I had to park a little father down the street than I usually like but I figured what the heck, just gonna have lunch. We sit by the window so I can keep an eye on the bikes in the bed.

Sandwich finished and about half way through my beer when I realize I can see under my truck to a pair of shoes standing kinda close to the tailgate. Guy is there for longer than just a look so I get up and decide to walk over and see what's up. I'm about half way up the street when I see my bike get lifted up out of the bed. I start sprinting as hard as I can, but I'm trying to be as quiet as I can too. I was far enough away that I was scared if the dude saw me he could just bail off on my bike before I could get to him. As I come around the back of my truck, he's another 25 feet or so sitting on my bike looking down at the gears. At this point I'm still trying to be quiet at a full sprint but I decided I was going to absolutely crush this dude. About 5 steps away and I couldn't contain myself anymore- I got a Samuel Jackson-esque "Motherf*cker!". He starts to look back when I tackle him.

I've spent a few years when I was younger with various marital arts- tae kwon do, jujitsu, escrima, wrestling, judo, you name it. I'd like to tell you I busted some awesome Bruce Lee TV action hero moves on him. Nope. I was just a full steam ahead, clumsy ball of rage. We both go down, bike goes flying, I somehow reach over and bounce his head off the pavement one more time before we both scramble to our feet. I'm still so mad I can't think, he's now got a concussion, my bike is lying in the middle of the street. He tries to run away but ends up running toward my bike. I shove past him, grab the handle bars and lock eyes- "This is mine motherf*ker." He does a little concussion stumble one eighty and takes off running down the side walk. At that point I still wanted to kill this dude, but I didn't want to leave my most prized possession just chilling in the street, so walked it back to the truck.

You're probably wondering where my buddy was in all of this- apparently sidi clipless shoes and running on pavement don't mix so well. By the time he actually got to me, it was over.

Aftermath- everyone eating outside of Aptos St. BBQ saw what happened. I found a spot for my truck right out in front and about 15 people assured me they would guard everything while I went back inside and finished my beer. Got the other half finished, got back in the truck and headed home.

Lessons learned-
1. Anywhere in Santa Cruz county is not safe for bikes. Don't let them out of your possession! Take that thing inside with you or lock it up in you car. Try to make it so people can't see it's in there.

2. Cable locks slow people down but not for long. I think that guy cut through mine in 2-3 mins tops with something small enough to hide in his pocket. Don't trust anything smaller than a hardened chain for even a short time.

3. Karate can't prepare you with how to deal with someone sitting on your bike, you just have to figure that one out as you go but a running start worked pretty good.

4. Don't nurse your beer, that sort of thing will get your bike stolen if you're not careful.
  • 14 0
 That was entertaining
  • 4 0
 That was a great story. A couple years ago I was at school for work, but I had jack squat to do. I tried to pass the time but eventually felt like I was never going to accomplish anything so I should go home. As I walked into one end of my parking lot I saw a guy riding around on my bike. I couldn't help myself from yelling and running toward him so he took off in the other direction. I sprinted after him for two blocks before he turned and when I turned I couldn't see him. There were some people on the sidewalk who I asked, and they said he had turned in to the parking lot they were in front of. I went through the parking lot to where it exited on a different street and saw nothing, so I kind of wandered around for a few minutes in regret, looking for someone I could ask, but figuring he was long gone. Finally I heard someone yelling and started walking that direction, and saw a car slow down right before the corner I was walking to and then speed off, so I ran toward where it slowed down and saw the guy standing over my bike in this recessed area just off the street which was part of this big apartment complex, just at the bottom of a set of stairs leading to a raised parking lot. I ran up to him on my bike and pushed him off the bike and then he came at me crazed yelling how he had a kid on the way, that I didn't know him, and that I should not fuck with him. He hit me in the head quite a few times, and once as I stumbled pushed me headfirst into a tree. When I fell down by the tree I grabbed a fist size rock, stood up ready to hurl it at him, and told him to back away. At that time two maintenance guys at that apartment complex came down the stairs and the guy took off. Eventually my two roommates pulled up, and we talked to the cops who did absolutely nothing. Adding to the craziness of the story is what I found out from my roommates. Rory was at his girlfriend's apartment which faced the street, and he saw me running down the street after a guy on a bike, and could tell it was my bike because of the orange Crank Brothers wheels. So he ran to get his motorcycle and one the way saw our front window shattered. Kevin was in his room playing guitar unaware of what had just happened, so he went out to get his car and drive around searching. Roary took off on in motorcycle in the direction I was running, but lost track when I was wandering through the parking lot. So he drove around to the opposite of the apartment complex where I caught the theif, and saw my bike up there in the parking lot. He went toward the bike and was confronted by the theif who said the same things that he said to me, and pushed Roary down the stairs. He's still my best friend, but at that moment he decided it wasn't worth it and rode off to find me or Kevin. When Kevin went to his car he saw a strange car leaving the parking lot, which he had seen hanging around a few days before. So he drove around for several minutes tailing the car including when the car slowed down and then took off. I'm pretty sure that the car sped off without stopping for the theif because it was being followed. The timing of it all was an absolute miracle and I was able to get my bike back. I had ringing in my left ear for several days, and a black eye with a cut down my eyebrow from the tree, and I was sorry that I hadn't rocked the guy's skull in. I got a nearby storage unit after that. Our apartment managers tried to make us pay for the window, but Kevin who was a law student talked to the Dean of the law school who wrote a cease and desist letter and it got dropped.
  • 2 0
 Feb. 2014, they got my whole fleet in one swoop. 4 bikes gone, total loss, no coverage. Get the coverage!
  • 3 0
 Yes, but many years ago, and actually it was a crap. Old soviet bicycle.
  • 1 0
 My Dad's road bike was stolen from the gym he goes to yesterday... Bold douchebags cut the lock in full view of security cameras. At least it wasn't his Bronson...
  • 2 1
 Yip 2 bikes in the space of 6 months (the latest 3 weeks ago) and the insurance company is replacing it with some shitty 27.5" thing
  • 1 0
 Never had a bike stolen thankfully but once I sold an old bike to a friend and it got stolen a few weeks later, felt so bad for him.
  • 3 0
 They stole mine from my garage, but thanks to Pinkbike I got it back!!
  • 2 0
 Lost my Banshee Rune in July, get insurance! Insurance helped me get a new 2015 DeVinci Spartan.
  • 4 0
 Found mine on Craigslist
  • 1 0
 Some dirty mother fucker stole my 450 outta my garage and made me pay a ransom to get it back a few days later . 2000 bucks was less then the 15k my moto cost.
  • 1 2
 Story Time: One time when I was drunk and needed a ride so I jacked a razor scooter that was left out on someones lawn. I even rode it down the highway for a block. Then when I left it outside at my destination someone jacked it from me...Damn I loved that scooter
  • 1 0
 Are people recording their serial numbers from their bikes?

Police can't really do much if they recover bikes in a bust if they don't know who the owner is
  • 1 0
 I wanted a new bike but couldn't justify it since I had a perfectly good I left it outside unlocked for a week. Problem solved!
  • 1 0
 Yes, and I saw it again. On aukro (somethig like craigslist). Gave police the url. They did nothing...
  • 1 0
 My first bike, a Specialized Big Hit and the new-to-me-at-the-time Transition Bottlerocket.. Pieces of crap in this world.
  • 1 0
 my mother's santa cruz trc was stolen today. I built every screw on the thing. I wanted to cry.
  • 2 0
 Yes I got it back, but never got my shit bikes back.
  • 2 0
 my old Gazelle with the number series 11xxxx never saw it again...
  • 2 0
 1990 GT Team Avalanche. First awesome bike. STOLEN!
  • 1 0
 I got my Session 88 stolen while admitted to the hospital 2 years ago. Havent seen it since. Fking scumbag.
  • 2 0
 Sure I did. Luckily they never caught me.
  • 2 0
 Welcome to South Africa...
  • 2 0
 Lost mine with a home breaking .... bad memories
  • 2 0
 Nope, I'm smart and don't leave my bikes in obvious and dumb places.
  • 3 1
 Saw it many times , police would not go get it .
  • 1 0
 Not I, but my riding buddy had 1 stolen from a shed/ storage in a place he WAS going to tent from, not any more !!
  • 1 0
 Well, I won't know if "I never saw it again" until the moment I die. Still holding out hope...
  • 2 0
 I could pick the top three.
  • 1 0
 Poll is broken for those of us who've had multiple bikes stolen
  • 1 0
 three from a garage, one from my house, one from my car. all seperate incidents, never got any back.
  • 1 0
 I rode bikes for 12 years without a stolen bike once, until recently I had my bmx stolen. Hurt pretty bad.
  • 1 0
 my buddies riggs got jacked from Banff like 2 weeks ago, i heard a bunch of bikes got stolen that week.
  • 1 0
 Yes, I think it then was right under my nose 2 months later but it's too late... Smile
  • 1 0
 Can I check all of the 1st 3 selections?
  • 1 0
 Yes three years ago my bike turned up on your sell pages last week!!!
  • 1 1
 I think if someone steels my bike I will find it on buy and sell the next day
  • 2 0
 Yeah. 2 weeks ago.
  • 1 0
 Yeah....1 year ago, the worst feeling ever!
  • 1 0
 In San-Fran. Home insurance covered it completely. \m/ \m/ \m/
  • 1 0
 I would never turn my back on my bike, therefore it will never get stolen.
  • 1 0
 stolen out of my carport when i was 8 years old... devastated......
  • 3 5
 The reason bikes get stolen is due to stupidity, people leave them unattended or not secure enough and create opportunity for the thief.
  • 2 0
 Agreed, reading through these comments I'm in disbelief on how careless people are. Granted we should be able to leave our bikes unattended but alas we know thats not the case. One guy here leaves his 6000 dollar Bronson on his rack while he runs into the grocery store. WTF!
  • 1 0
 We typically travel with 4 bikes, 3 of them worth $3000+. They are in the back of the truck so out in the open. There are some rules one must follow to ensure safety.

1. ALWAYS park where you, or someone you trust, can see them. If you can't get parking near the restaurant where you want to eat...suck it up and eat elsewhere.
2. If you must leave them unattended make sure they're left in a very busy public location and locked in such a fashion that it's very obvious what thieves are up to. Lock your bikes to the vehicle, then lock them to each other with another lock and lock the front wheels with another. 3 locks to cut is likely more than most thieves are likely to take on in a busy public location. Making it difficult and forcing thieves to be conspicuous will often make them simply move on to the next target.
3. Only stay in hotels that have secure storage or, even better, will allow you to take them in the room with you.
  • 1 0
 I got robbed!

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