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2020 Pinkbike Awards: Video of the Year Nominees

Dec 3, 2020 at 13:12
by Jason Lucas  

Video Nominees

In a year of cancelled events, travel restrictions and general uncertainty one thing that stayed constant was the stream of quality content. During challenging times a wide range of filmers and athletes went out to create some truly amazing visual pieces that stood above the rest. Some adapted to their immediate surroundings and others pushed the creativity dial to 11. These ain't no Tik Toks or Instagram Reels.

There's a whole lot of bad associated with 2020, but hats off to everyone who worked hard creating something for others to press pause on life for a moment and enjoy a bit of escapism. Here are our nominees for Video of the Year.

Tom Van Steenbergen in "Wild West"

Why it's nominated

Tom Van Steenbergen and Calvin Huth go together like corners and roost. Combining a variety of film techniques with some more-than-impressive sends and tricks made this an easy nomination. Unfortunately, Tom recently took a gnarly spill guinea pigging a huge road gap, but we can't wait to see him healthy again and going big like in Wild West.

Brandon Semenuk in "RAW 100 V6"

Why it's nominated

Is it a Video Of The Year list without Brandon Semenuk? This is the sixth entry into the RAW series and somehow, some way, it melted our faces just as hard if not harder than the previous installments. Brandon and Rupert are a deadly combo and we hope they never stop churning these out.

Nico Vink in "From The Ash"

Why it's nominated

Can you imagine the pitch for this one? "It's mountain biking, but everything is on fire." Ryan Gibb makes a return to the mountain bike world with From The Ash. Combining impressive visuals with shredding courtesy of Nico Vink left us with the tall task of picking our jaws off the floor.

"Remy Metailler Smashes Squamish Mountain Bike Trails"

Why it's nominated

Artsy titles be damned, this one was for the people. It'd been years since our screens were graced with Remy's insane Whistler gaps so we were stoked when we saw a return to form from him - this time in Squamish on a trail bike. Huge slabs, big gaps and sniper landings, this one's got it all.

Danny MacAskill in "Gymnasium"

Why it's nominated

Who says going to the gym can't be a good time? Danny once again turned up the creativity and pulled off some mind-boggling moves in his latest video, Gymnasium. Time and time again Danny is able to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary and leave us scratching our heads. If you haven't already seen the behind the scenes be sure to give it a watch.

Hugo Frixtalon & Thomas Estaque in "Hurricane"

Why it's nominated

Commencal is known for producing some of the best video content and Hurricane is no exception. Whether you like the song or not, we can all agree that Frixtalon and Estaque are on one in this video.

Specialized Bicycles Presents "The Stumpjumper EVO"

Why it's nominated

Best launch video ever? Maybe. One thing is for certain and that is Matt Miles doesn't age gracefully. Jokes aside, we love the level of effort and care that went into this one from Specialized. Cinematography, acting, makeup and effects are all on point.

Amaury Pierron in "The Sound of Supreme Speed"

Why it's nominated

Remember what we said about Commencal videos? Watching one of the fastest riders in the world outside of a race setting is always a treat and Amaury delivers top notch riding in spades. There's also no complaining about the song in this one.

Reed Boggs in "From Then To Now"

Why it's nominated

All killer, no filler from Reed in his latest edit, From Then To Now. In a year with no Rampage we're stoked to see riders like Reed heading out to the desert and pulling huge moves on their own accord. Hopefully we'll see Reed in the big show next year.

Thomas Genon in "The Legend Of Tommy G"

Why it's nominated

Thomas Genon and Anthill Films paired up in this one for some comedic storytelling and classic Tommy G shredding. Top notch cameos, creative use of effects and a great soundtrack all add up to a very deserving nomination.

Brooklyn Bell in "Becoming Ruby"

Why it's nominated

Produced by Patagonia Films, Becoming Ruby is a story about identity and inclusion told by Bellingham-local Brooklyn Bell. This film includes powerful storytelling and brings to light important issues that the action sports world often neglects to acknowledge.

Emil Johansson in "South Island Perfection"

Why it's nominated

Filmed right after Crankworx Rotorua, Emil continued to ramp things up in South Island Perfection. With his unique style of making video game tricks look like a walk in the park mixed with stunning visuals Emil easily earns a spot on our nomination list.

Fabio Wibmer in "Home Office"

Why it's nominated

This is probably the best example of forced creativity we've seen this year. Fabio Wibmer didn't let lockdown stop him and somehow managed to blow our minds all from the confines of his home while all you did was make sourdough.

"Ride Or Die"

Why it's nominated

So. Much. Yes. The Ride Or Die crew gets together for something that is so much more than just a brand video. Laid back vibes coupled with heaters left, right and center left us yearning for the days of the Coastal Crew webisodes.

YT Industries Presents "YT IZZO: FAST・AGILE・SHARP"

Why it's nominated

Now, what you have here is a pretty standard bike launch video. The only difference is f*cking everything. Kudos to YT for doing something different, like really different. Whether it's Christopher Walken or anime, YT always have something up their sleeve and we're all for it.

"Luke Cryer x Tommy C"

Why it's nominated

Luke Cryer throws more shapes than an after school special in this one. No cable cams, no super slo-mo, just good ol' fashioned mountain biking. Watch this and try telling us it doesn't make you want to go ride. Just try.

Gee Atherton in "The Ridgeline"

Why it's nominated

It's a late entry, but it checks out. The Ridgeline made our palms sweaty, eyes widen, and mouths shout profanity all within the first 6 seconds. Massive jumps with insane exposure are usually reserved for the Utah desert but Gee and his crew have brought this line to life near their very own Dyfi Bike Park.

Title MTB Presents "Matt Macduff"

Why it's nominated

The definition of all killer and no filler. It's clear that Matt Macduff and gravity have a different relationship than the rest of us mere mortals have. This edit presented by Title MTB and shot by Brody Jones has Macduff inventing new axises and stomping moves we didn't know were possible.

Your Turn

On this one, you get a say. Let us know which edit you think is best and we'll be awarding a Reader's Choice Award alongside our own.

What is your 2020 Video of the Year?

Author Info:
jasonlucas avatar

Member since Nov 16, 2006
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  • 167 2
 All I know my employer will not exactly benefit from this article Wink
  • 9 0
 Yep. Too many videos. I’ve got deadlines before the holidays.
  • 17 0
 I had time to do my job ... aaand it's gone!
  • 2 1
 Claim you need to "Distance" yourself in the SafeSpace and try to decompress while watching the content....(then again, if you were in our facilities YouTube would be blocked)......
  • 2 0
 @mitochris: well, nothing "2020" cannot explain.. bail on that
  • 3 1
 Hurricane might be a good video. Yes. But definitely out of VOD... this is the point where you see Pinkbike is full of kids who love this trap shit songs and shit ass attitude mom boys.
  • 131 7
 C’mon.... Remy Morton’s chainless, sound of speed by Redbull FTW!

  • 2 1
 totally agree!!! that remy style is of another world
  • 45 0
 Good call! I also thought that Emil & Martin's speed of sound did an awesome job of highlighting slopestyle in a different light:

  • 2 0
 OATH! Remy needs to be on this list.
  • 1 0
 Yes! Completely agree
  • 4 2
  • 1 0
 Yup, fore shore
  • 2 1
 @porkchopsandwich: Perfect location, crazy speed and mad SKILS! What else can you ask on an mtb video? All the other videos are silly in comparison to Metailler's smashing Squamish .......
  • 1 0
 @ja747453: We’re talking about two different Remy’s here!
  • 84 3
 Frixtalon/Estaque, real reason why is it nominated? The completely out of the blue shot of them sitting on horses in full DH gear. Makes me LOL every time
  • 17 3
 and now its winning the poll. makes no sense
  • 14 6
 @JakinM: I wouldn't mind seeing it win. I think Frixfrix and Estaque's was the most baller vid. Most swag and best production. Doesn't have the bike tricks that make your brain hurt and have you watching the vid at x0.25. Just mobbin down the hill at speed with style. And I'm here for that.
  • 3 0
 This, 100%
  • 16 0
 I honestly can't tell if all the gangster posing is meant to be ironic or not.
  • 6 0
 @50percentsure: its funny seeing someone whose name is 50percentsure using "100%" to support my comment but I'll take it. Maybe it means you are double sure?
  • 4 2
 @geltmanl: I don't think its ironic and i don't think they want you to actually believe they are gangsters. They are just emulating the style of those whose music they admire and have set this vid to.
  • 1 0
 shorty's 'fulfil the dream' has a lot to answer for this haha
  • 3 1
 @freestyIAM: yeah I think you nailed it. Though I sense a bit of ironic sarcasm from the boiz. A combination of ode to the style of music videos while also poking fun at the same time. Someone needs to ask them... either way, definitely the most “make me want to ride” video
  • 3 2
 hahahahahahaha me too, such sic shredding and then bam! the horse and dh kit shot, so funny
  • 47 1
 My damn. So many choices. So many good edits I forgot were even 2020. Buckle up ladies and gentlemen it's going to be a wild ride.
  • 30 1
 Seriously. I'd straight up forgotten that Gymnasium was released this year. My takeaway is that this year has felt looooooong.
  • 14 0
 This would be so much easier if I could vote for my top 5.
  • 2 0
 @ocnlogan: That's what I thought, couldn't believe that was this year! So many great entries though, my tops have to be Gymnasium, Home Office, Izzo, & Ridgeline, but the legend of Tommy G wins it for me, just for pure watchability and fun.
  • 6 0
 Honestly, it's unfair, at least 5 movies here deserve to win, there is no one which is the best and there are all sooo goood. Mind blown.
  • 32 5
 Fabio Wibmer's "Home Office", beside being spectacular in itself, I think has something special to it for how it devolped from an event that had such an impact on our lives and that will certainly be remembered for a very long time. In my head it is a very fitting winner in such a different year.
  • 1 0
 Amen. All these videos are amazing and stoke the Mtb fire for sure, but Home Office defines 2020 better than anything while still making me want to ride my bike
  • 1 0
 Yeah, the video has sick vibe honestly. In such a tough and restricted year, travelling-wise speaking, the video brought quite few mental escapes for me personally. I think I've watched it at least hundred times. But generally, the nominated videos are really heavy stuff.
  • 31 8
 I get that the content isn't exactly in keeping with the theme of this award - but the Cathro walk the talk videos are the best I've seen this year. Genuine content that I've really enjoyed watching, capturing the emotions of racing, particularly as a privateer....
  • 7 4
 Who would thumbs down this comment? Identify yourself and take your ass whooping like a man!!!
  • 2 1
 @Ryanrobinson1984: HAHA!
to be honest I find it interesting that opinion looks genuinely split (from a sample size of 7 admittedly). I guess thats the point of up and down voting.

Now I just need to say something controversial for effect - this is the internet after all!
  • 26 5
 Wild west all the way! The sound and filming is amazing
  • 6 0
 that overshoot is insane
  • 1 0
 He changes pyjamas faster than Luke Cryer changes direction, and 'Laisse Moi Entre' gives the wild west a French Middle-Eastern flavor. Boggs' dental school graduation ceremony is less popular
  • 21 0
 First time in my life where "everyone gets a trophy" would be acceptable
  • 19 6
 For me The Ridgeline had to be the most cinematic mountain bike video I had watched all year. Considering the shots they took with the drones and camera quality, plus how crazy the riding was.
  • 15 3
 Remy and Squamish is like butter on toast, you try to spread it on but it ends up destroying the bread just like when I watched the raw video. it tried to just melt in all nice and such but it ended up blowing my F@$ing mind!
  • 4 0
 im not sure many ppl willing to hit those lines rem did. in fact, almost no one does! that, plus those are nature's trails, has to count! ftw
  • 2 0
 I liked a lot of the others, but Remy's was my favorite. It made me want to go ride there!
  • 13 3
 Disappointing but not even remotely surprising I didn’t read a single comment even mentioning Dear Ruby. I think most everyone reading and especially writing these comments should invest 18 mins into watching this video if you truly love this sport/lifestyle and want to know how you can become a better ambassador for it. Fantastic work by the film crew and seriously props and thanks to Brooklyn for having the courage to follow her passion and speak up for Black riders. Her words and views transcend all outdoor sports, we can all do better at making skiing,biking,climbing, etc. more accessible and more inclusive.
  • 15 2
 No Kilan Bron? (Outdoor Synchony or Our Tour de France)
  • 3 3
 Have you watched half of these edits?
  • 5 0
 @scott-townes: have you watched Outdoor Synchrony? It deserves to be on this list for sure.
  • 2 0
 so true, Outdoor Synchrony is maybe to far higher !
  • 11 0
 Mark Matthews "Changing Seasons" deserves not only to be on this list, but to be at the top of it. Scott Bell knocked the filming and editing out of the park.
  • 3 0
 Absolutely, I was trying to find it when I was scrolling down, can’t belive they didn’t include it, in my opinion it’s the best mtb film this year easily
  • 2 0
 @ollieatwell: We need more upvotes! Send your friends!
  • 13 1
 This is like the opposite of the presidential election. I can't vote because I love them all too much.
  • 21 9
 So many epic vids but Gee and Ridgeline is the one
  • 9 13
flag Curse-of-the-foot-long-sub (Dec 18, 2020 at 1:07) (Below Threshold)
 Hell no
  • 6 2
 This is the way.
  • 9 3
 @mtb-jon: really?? After all the sick edits full of worlds first and progression you want gee and his Ridgeline edit to win this contest? Don't get me wrong his video was sick and his skills are insane but c'mon steezeburgen and his 80 foot front flip has to win this that is just insane.
  • 8 0
 Ride or Die: the riding is sweet but even better is that atmosphere you get when you're riding with your mates and getting stoked on them nailing stuff they've been working on, you're as stoked as they are. Isn't that why we ride?? That feeling comes right through this edit, gets my vote.

That said, Pierron is just awesome, especially as 7 Laux is kinda local to me so it's inspiring to see someone else ride one of my favourite tracks that fast!
  • 1 0
 I can’t believe that this video is not at the top of the voting polls...
The cinematics and the riding are one of the best there is
Ride or die all the way!
  • 10 0
 @mobiller: agreed

I kinda think there should be two categories, the shredit and everything else.
  • 11 3
 2 Belgians in the mix with Vink & Tommy G, not bad for a little country where the highest hill is 694 metres...
Tommy can have it though, just so much fun...and the 'WHAAAT?' from Aggy is the cherry on top.
  • 9 0
 I'd argue the raw Remy version is better... www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQcV_5Mch-U
  • 1 0
 100% ????
  • 9 0
 Martin Soderstrom and Emil Johannson - Sound of Speed

How has this not been listed already??
  • 5 0
 Brendog and Amoury episode on A dog's life was great too. I wonder what other vids releases early this year that had been over looked. It's a toss up between semenuk and wibmer for the best this year but brendogs was the 3rd best this year.
  • 8 2
 Hats off to all riders and productions, but in my book Danny is the ultimate genius bringing in natural jolly vibes and happiness every time I see him riding.
  • 5 1
 I think I watched most of these over the year - lockdown has been kind. But I can honestly say Ridgeline blew me away enough to watch it over and over. The size and scale of the landscape dwarfs what Gee was doing yet it still looks insanely fast and massive.
  • 5 1
 Watch'n Remy Metailler Smashes Squamish, look to my wife and say, "I think we should visit Squamish next summer"...and she, casually looks at my screen, and says, "NO!, I don't think so." Probably for the best. I already ruined one family summer with a wrist blown to pieces.
  • 5 0
 Devastated From the Ash aint gettin the love it deserves. I think the distraction of the amazing scenery took away from how epic some of Nico's riding in it actually was. That's one of the most complete edits imo
  • 5 1
 Tons of great riders here, but the most relevant and impactful video for our times is definitely from Brooklyn Bell in "Becoming Ruby." That is a fantastic short film and sheds light on the social progress we still need to make in our sport. Thank you @brooklynbell , I loved it!
  • 8 1
 Ridgeline was pretty “Mandalorian” of Gee!
  • 7 3
 So many great videos and such a tough choice. Ridgeline, Stumpjumper EVO, and Semenuk’s are all a tie for me. I also want to mention- Ruby- you are f*ckING awesome. An inspiration for so many. What a great story.
  • 5 2
 Impossible to really choose just one video for me, each one of these was a jaw dropper the first time I watched it.
I gave my vote to Tommy G for the fun and unusual theme. My kids are going to love that one.
But man,
* Danny blew my mind back in March or April.. or whenever Gymnasium came out!
* Fabio Blew my mind again shortly thereafter
* TVB in Wild West was NUTS!!
* Every video I've seen featuring Emil on a bike has been gold
* Remi smashing HUGE gaps was like watching Rampage in the woods
* The riding in Hurricane was sweet but I wasn't a fan of the choice of music.
*Ridgline was intense
*MacDuff's Title video was super creative and a little hectic

** My honorable mention goes to Emil and Martin Soderstrom's Redbull "Sound of Speed".

What a year for Shredits!!!!!
  • 2 0
 thought exact same about rem
  • 2 0
 Remy's Rampage in the Woods would be a good title for it... my favorite!
  • 3 0
 Way too many videos to choose from here and there should really be separate categories, especially for the videos that have made a real attempt to be more artistic. For me, as a very average rider, Rémy gets my vote because he has a way of completely blowing me away with his riding ability and style, yet at the same time inspiring me to up my game by somehow making what he does look possible even for us mere mortals.
  • 3 0
 Cut Media and Rab Wardell's "West Highland Way: Rab Wardells Record Attempt" was my MTB video of the year. Sure, the riding wasn't as wild as it is in most of these other videos, but no other video managed to get me any more stoked to get out and ride than this!
  • 3 0
 No doubt they are Fast AF but s someone who works in the industry and looks at edits all day, i can confidently say that the frixtalon/estaque edit is sped up in sections, very noticeable between 36-50 seconds in spots - maybe 10-15% - cheating Frenchies!
  • 3 0
 Going to start by saying that Remy Metallier deserves his own category as content creator of the year. Amazing videos week after week.

Took 3 days but finally finished. What a great selection of films. I gave my vote to Gymnasium because I needed a laugh today but so many worthy candidates. I probably would pick any one of 5 depending on my mood. Really like that Pinkbike included Becoming Rudy. My family is pretty diverse and the distinction between welcome and included has got me thinking that there is still a lot of work to do.

I also fully agree with the others that say Remy Morton’s video should have made it on this list. That’s the video that I watched recently that had me wondering how far I would have to drive to find a clear trail.
  • 3 1
 Remember when Danny Macaskill’s video came out? The promise of what should have been a great new year... Then Fabio’s video came out — making the best of a crummy situation. What a contrast.

Therefore, I pick Fabio’s. Not only was the riding top-notch, as always, but hyper-relevant to the times we are going through.
  • 2 0
 Am I the only one who loved Reece Wilson's TOTAL CONFIDENCE (Cush Core)? Maybe it's just the filmmaking / setting / sound track, but this edged out Amaury's The Sound of Supreme Speed as the video I watched the most this fall.
  • 2 0
 I couldn't give a sh1t how this vote turns out, but I can say one thing. I've met Luke Cryer maybe three times and the young man makes a lasting impression on anyone he meets. I'm in my fifties and I can count on one hand how many people I'll never forget and he's one of them. He's positive, supportive and just a lovely chap. He might not win a video vote against the likes of semenuk but if this was a personality contest....game over folks
  • 4 1
 All these vids are trite. Killian Bron’s “Tour de France” was by the best video of the year. C’mon.

  • 1 0
 Best Video of the Year is very personal and different to each viewer based on their favourite type of riding. The formula should be:

Cinematography + Riding = Motivation*Inspiration

At the end of the day it's about which video gets YOU most pumped to go out there and ride "better" (plus makes you want to watch it over and over again). The best riding isn't watchable when filmed in a shitty way and the most beautiful shots are boring if the riding is uninspiring.
What motivates us most is next level riding, presented through a visual language that elevates it further.
  • 1 0
 I'd like to nominate "Tea and Biscuits" to this list. It was an homage to the classic shredits with the old school tunes, whilst showcasing the spectrum of riding in the UK. From "Hi, I'm Harry, and I should be in school" to a slice of the British pros, via the scouse lads sending it huuuge on halfords specials. It was awesome!
  • 1 0
 ???????????? that tooth pick would get my vote
  • 4 1
 From the ash is by far the best cinematography I’ve seen in a mtb film. Hope Teton and vink collaborate again.
  • 5 1
 Like trying to choose which of my children is my favourite Blank Stare
  • 2 0
 the first one ?
  • 4 0
 @optimumnotmaximum: the one who's asking?
  • 1 0
 @southoftheborder: only if you assume they dont talk to each other, i guess. But thats kind of an easy one, its much harder to determine it for yourself - and dont block yourself because your not supposed to. Still havent done it myself but i like to think about thinkingrestictions.
  • 1 0
 @optimumnotmaximum: mine was a tongue-in-cheek comment. As in what would you say to one of your kids if he asks who is your favourite, just to get him off your back. A very Homer Simpson way of get off the situation I'd say.
  • 3 0
 So many awesome films....And what about Tomomi Nishikubo's "Chase Her", such rad riding: youtu.be/acUOPssI6DA ?
  • 2 0
 Has anyone else stressed so hard they almost didn't vote out of guilt? And then changed their vote? Like this is hurting my feelings
  • 3 1
 I dont want Specialized to win this cuz I want to see it go to a rider....but gal darn it if their stumpy video wasn't stupendous.
  • 2 1
 This is one that semenuk shouldn’t win.

This is gnarly. Tvs did a couple things that where just bonkers. Nikos was beautiful. Boggs is gangster AF. Why no macduff or did I miss that? That video is crazy.
  • 1 0
 I see it now
  • 3 0
 Killian Bron's Outdoor Synchrony!!!! Most mind blowing video of the year by a margin!
  • 6 5
 After the year we have had, it would be nice to see 'Becoming Ruby' getting a lot more votes. Shreddits are cool, but would be nice for us all to get behind a good message first and foremost.
  • 9 0
 Honestly surprised and honored to even make the list!
  • 1 0
 I nominate the Grim Donut video because the honest reactions of shock and awe from Yoann and Levy are priceless!! "Stumbled on just the right amount of stupid" should be the quote of the year. IMHO
  • 1 0
 Ride or Die - smooth & flowy, light on forest, videography & science setup, spirit of the crew, camping, beer, berms, mood, style, perfect everything
  • 6 3
 Ridgeline by far the best.
  • 3 0
 Remy chased by a drone was the most breathtaking video for me
  • 1 0
 The sheer volume of absolutely insane edits almost numbs you to how amazing these riders (and film makers) are.
Mountain biking. Holy shit.
  • 3 0
 Remy Metailler style is unbeatable.... FOR SURE!
  • 2 0
 I replayed wild west more than any video in a long time. When he overshoots the jump it is mental.
  • 1 1
 So many awesome videos.... but something about Gee’s Ridgeline video hits different (for me). For such a crazy year, we sure received a ton of awesome content. Remy Morton’s video should be on this list as well.
  • 2 0
 I like my coke uncut. Remy please. Lot's of super content and creativity, but what else feels as good as the real thing?
  • 2 0
 Wishing for ranked-choice voting (1st pick, 2nd pick, 3rd pick). Too many good ones to only choose one!
  • 2 0
 for me from many good vids "From The Ash" one of the best and most non-trivial
  • 5 1
 Nico Vink all day long!
  • 2 0
 it came out so late in 2019 it should count as 2020, Mountain Biking at 1000 FPS youtu.be/apaTlPfnR3A
  • 1 0
 Fucking difficult decision. I love the crazy lines of Remy but Semenuk's riding is too pleasant. And then we have the BMW gansters... So difficult!
  • 6 5
 Hurricane for the win! Best edit ive seen in years....still watch it every time i go riding
  • 3 8
flag getmiked (Dec 18, 2020 at 4:26) (Below Threshold)
 Shit music though, I had to mute it.
  • 1 0
 its badass and ironic at the same time -love that sht
  • 1 0
 I would wote for "My Last Day Of Summer" from Kristina Wayte - Race Face Creator Series:
  • 1 0
 I've gotta say raw paradise from transition was better than a lot of those nominees
  • 3 1
 Kilian Bron, tours de France Smile
  • 2 0
 I watched a 10 minute video of his 2020 season! Holy shit he has some insane GoPro lines in that video! Super dope lines!!!
  • 3 1
 Am I the only one who is only getting excited for comment of the year?
  • 2 0
 Well i know how I'm spending the first three hours of my day
  • 2 0
 How bout Kilian Bron/Commencal Our Tour de France?
  • 2 0
 Too much talent. It's not possible to only pick one winner
  • 2 0
 So, no nomination for Pinkbike Academy?
  • 1 0
 Torn between Ridgeline and Home Office, but very surprised that Emil and Martin's Sound Of Speed wasn't shortlisted!
  • 1 0
 tons of amazing edits. tommy g does it because: storyboard and soundtrack! soundtrack alone would be sufficent.
  • 1 0
 Really enjoyed the Rab Wardell, West Highland Way video. Inspiring scenery, a tough challenge and a great performance.
  • 1 0
 Thanks to this vote I discovered Luke Cryer x Tommy C edit. It was so good !
  • 2 0
 Also my vote is for Remy Morton Speed of Sound
  • 2 0
 Remy Morton Sound of speed!
  • 2 0
 Id like to see Semenuk's take on all of the Remy lines in Squamish.
  • 1 0
 I'm riding for Luke Cryer. Saying it out loud, I wish I could ride like Luke Cryer.
  • 1 0
 lots of great videos hard to choose. Although Hurricane was good riding the music track really sucked I stopped watching
  • 1 0
 Changing Seasons feat. Mark Matthews | MTB RAW
Scott Bell Visuals
  • 2 0
 Luke Cryers video just makes you wanna ride, the guys a bike wizard
  • 2 0
 What about "Roots - Andreu Lacondeguy" ???
  • 1 0
 How is reeds video not getting more attention? Or Vinks? And why isn’t Kyle Straits on here....
  • 1 0
 In 100% Luke Cryer’s video , the best video of all time .
  • 1 0
 TVS purely for the nollie fronty + many backie off the shed roof
  • 1 0
 Now this is a tough decision.
  • 1 0
 To hard to decide this one. All sooo good.
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 did the YT Izzo really come out in 2020? feels longer ago to me. ????
  • 1 0
 I had forgotten how absolutely bananas Wild West was, TVS has got my pick!
  • 2 0
 Friday fails?
  • 1 0
 anyone who voted for anyone other than matt macduff is sillllllyyyy
  • 1 1
 I dont like YT, but that Izzo video is definitely something different. My vote for VOY
  • 1 0
 What about the Jackson Goldstone one?
  • 1 0
 I like all of them but for me #1 is the ridge line. That's insanse
  • 1 1
 Reed and Nico FTW. I’d say Brandon’s too but that dude always drops heaters so it’s just not fair.
  • 1 0
 I feel like Semenuk's lightspeed should be in here.
  • 1 0
 Semenuk is just so damn smooth
  • 1 0
 In The Hills Gang Presents the Green River Classic
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 atherton vid got my juices flowing the most i'd say.
  • 1 1
 Jesse Melamed's entire YouTube channel
  • 1 3
 Too many videos. Can we narrow it down a bit next time? 3-5 videos is a better amount.
My choice here is Tom Van Steezebergen and Wild West.
  • 2 3
 Hurricane! Best video of all time!
  • 1 2
 Hurricane was fucking awesome i will be sad if it doesn't win
  • 1 2
 FrixFrix and Estaque in Hurricane is the freshest!!!
  • 1 4
 Many sick vidoes out there but i want to see YT capra video beforeSmile
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