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Finals Results: Val di Sole World Cup 2013

Jun 16, 2013
by Karl Burkat  
After expectations of thunder storms last night, the track has stayed dry and loose. With the juniors stepping up to the plate first, Dean Lucas pulled it through as Phil Atwill just missed out on the top step! The ladies from France DOMINATED with 4 of the top 5. Although they couldn't muster the top peg with Rachel owning that spot. In the Men's, repeat for Gee!

Junior's Results


Women's Results


Men's Results

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Member since Jan 1, 2000
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  • 226 37
 give Aaron Gwin a Session for fuck's sake!!!!
  • 72 23
 lol, but seriously, it aint the bike its him
  • 107 4
 Give everyone an Iron Horse Sunday WC and race them at Val Di Sole. Let's see who's the best Big Grin
  • 30 14
 Kenoaf it's him. I reckon he got complacent and took his form for granted. It's not the bike. Troy proved that tonight, Sam proved it, hell even Brendog proved it. Brendog was a constant podium threat before going to Scott. Now he is an also-ran. You could tell all week Gwin was under pressure. The type of pressure he hasn't seen before and he rode tight and made a lot of mistakes. Will be interesting to see what he can discover about himself over the next month.
  • 15 73
flag togood2die (Jun 16, 2013 at 9:29) (Below Threshold)
 LOL but seriously, d0c0ne, you're a moron.

Actually, spoony might be on to something; people got sick of losing to him for TWO SOLID YEARS, so they stuck a cattle prod in their trainers' (and their own) rear ends, got up to their sponsors and got some better tech, and did something about it!
  • 16 4
 there's a meme? ugh
  • 19 3
 I don't think this is about the bike...I think i't about how he fells on the bike...maybe in the trek Gwin had more confidence than on a specialized rig. He even changed the frame size! That has not happened in the trek.
  • 27 1
 Obviously the bike itself is proven. But that's not to say it suits every rider. Half the problem may be his style doesn't suit it ( compared to his session anyway). Rest will be preparation, adaptation and confidence.
  • 42 2
 Gwin was about 6 seconds off his winning time from last year (which he would have won with today).
However, Gee was about 6 seconds up from his time last year! I rest my inconclusive case.

Awesome race though, its all getting very packed at the top!
  • 18 2
 Slightly different track this year though.
  • 69 3
 Gwinn on an EXTRA large for the next race hahaha
  • 71 10
 No sessions in the top 10, 2 demos in the top 10.
  • 28 1
 Was it just me, or did Gwinn have issues getting the large frame around some of those tight corners? Something is off, rather it's bike fit issues, pressure from the Big S, plus new team/bike everything. Maybe it wasn't a smart move after all leaving Trek. Two dominating seasons on a bike your comfortable on, Monkey V. knowing just how you like your bike setup, that's all important to keep winning. New bike, new team, new mechanic that doesn't know your setup, and is probably still bummed his best mate Sam is gone. Guessing it is all that combined making Gwinn not ride like the past two years. I am bummed for Sam crashing, was hoping to see him get 1st or at least podium.
  • 26 11
 Looks like the likes of Stevie and Gee have been smashing it all winter where as Gwin has been riding his medium frame and claiming how good he, his team and his program is. It wouldn't be all his fault if i has gone to his head when the fan boys on here have been mauling their erect members over his reality show like farce of a team swap. Come on how can you not work out what frame you need when your the "best" rider on the "best" team?
  • 27 0
 It is about both Gwin and the bike. The bike is awesome and Gwin is an awesome rider. But together, they are not working as well as it was working with Trek. That is obvious both in the results and watching the way Gwin is riding. He was visibly the smoothest rider in the entire field on the Trek, so smooth sometimes it really looked like he wasn't the fastest until you saw the splits. Now he is obviously fighting the terrain and the bike at times. Now, Gee looks like Gwin--composed and comfortable. Maybe Gwin gets back to that state with Specialized, but it might take him a while. I'm sure he got more money from Specialized, but he's paying the price now.
  • 20 2
 "Brendog was a constant podium threat before going to Scott. Now he is an also-ran."

Yeah, I'm sure that's because of the bike swap and not the torn ACL that takes world-class athletes a couple years to fully recover from.
  • 5 29
flag VPPFREEDOM (Jun 16, 2013 at 11:31) (Below Threshold)
 you know who doesn't suck and rides an awesome bike? josh bender i always thought if he just put his mind to it back in the day he could have been up there with steve peat and those boys. Its truly a shame we never got to watch bender attend a world cup..
  • 8 27
flag silverback1 (Jun 16, 2013 at 11:32) (Below Threshold)
 No Session in the top 10 they must be crap, bet they'll be on ebay tomorrow, if it was any good Brook wouldn't of crashed. (I've got a demo, 2 in the top 10 yeah they're good again!!)
  • 35 2
 if this trend continues he may still be helping Trek sell bikes, inadvertently...
  • 26 25
 It's a travesty what those short chainstays on the Demo have done to a once-dominant racer. He owned both those tracks the last couple years, clearly the problem is the bike or he wouldn't be experimenting with different frame sizes. What a nightmare for Specialized, maybe they should just put some Specialized stickers on a Session, because I don't like seeing Gwin go this slow. This is costing Gwin wins!
  • 14 1
 Good to see Gee on top again, he's always been consistent and he's now raised his game, good job!
  • 18 1
 First off well done to Gee and Rachel cause damn that is an impressive start to the season, they've always had the pace but the extra training and freshly designed bike have really helped to show what they can do.

Now onto what everyone is talking about; Gwin. It's not the bike and it's not himself, it's a combination of both, the bike has won at world cup level before this isn't Spesh vs Trek there is simply far far more to it all than that. Has anyone watched the Dirt interview with Gwin earlier this week? He said that he hasn't been training the rough world cup style tracks, he's been at home doing his training there and riding smooth California tracks, and that is it right there. Everyone else on the world cup roster is hungry, they've trained extremely hard. Gwin has taken it easy he said he didn't want to take a trip out to Europe to train the rough stuff as he likes being at home and that's it right there.

Look at his result from Sea Otter, fast open smooth track and he won, first two world cups are rough as and he's down. He was fastest and held it for so long he got a little complacent, he's already clawed some back this round, on the smoother tracks he'll claw more back and if he wants it, he'll hit the training as hard as everyone else did this year and come back faster again. It's all cyclical.
  • 7 1
 Look at this years BDS podium at Innerleithen, Adam beat Gee, and Adam was riding a Demo.


gee is both faster and has a better bike this year.

Whats been forgotten in this thread is that in the limited footage we did see of Gwins run, he made two mistakes. If he hadnt made those mistakes hed have surely he would haveprobably ended up in the top 3 today.
  • 1 1
 oops...this: hed have surely he would haveprobably ... lol... just meant to type: he would have probably been in the top 3 today
  • 2 0
 Well he was on a factory large frame. Didn't his other demo, the smaller one have a custom geo just for him? He got better with the change in frame. He just may need to get it dialed in more. Who knows though. It seems plausible. But really, who cares.

Because Gee is killing it again. Gwin is going to have to do something amazing for rest of the season to even hope to win the overall again. So instead, let's discuss Gee's most dangerous competitors.
  • 4 17
flag bigwillyhillbilly (Jun 16, 2013 at 15:22) (Below Threshold)
 Your a peice of shit protour. Dont go acting like you know what your talking about. Like he said he just needs to adjust to the bike on a real dh track. It's more compliant suspension may need some getting used to as opposed to a session wich would tend to bounce over things than absorb them.
  • 20 0
 I think it is funny that any other rider gets praise for taking sixth and Gwin gets derision. Can't we accept that he wasn't going to dominate forever and enjoy this very exciting season?
  • 12 15
 Nobody can dominate forever, but Gwin had at least a couple more years of dominance in him before the Specialized Demo demolished his brilliance. Is that why they named it Demo?

Anyone who thinks it's just cause he is not used to the bike is a sucker for bs, look how quickly he adapted to the Session after he left Yeti.

Wonder how much faster Brosnan would be on a Session?
  • 4 0
 Bah, you guys read way too much into it. Gwin did not look pleased at all at the bottom... he probably made some mistakes or lost his lines and already knew that it cost him the race. You can't go as fast as these guys do without taking major risks and crashing/losing sometimes. It has little to do with the bike.... the whole field is hungry as hell and everyone is hanging it out extra this season to win. Look at Sam, Brook, and Hart... all amazing riders on great bikes, but it just wasn't their moment today.
  • 12 1
 It's not the Demo, it's the team. If TWR or One Ind were on Demos, Demos would be winning. That Orpheus video made the Spesh team sound like a bunch of amateurs (except Jaycee). They have the best rider on the planet, but they didn't go training on tracks similar to world cups, they seemingly didn't push Gwin in his training and they turned up to the first world cup with the wrong bike that they hadn't tested properly, then they didn't have access to a large. In the end they blew Fort Bill through poor preparation, then took until the next race to get a large bike.
Spesh DH aren't some tiny budgetless team, they spent all this money to turn up at round one and look really stupid. Jaycee knew his rider's bikes inside out, he could probably rattle off their compression setting for each track if you asked, the rest of them sounded completely clueless about how they were going racing, which is not acceptable when you've got Specialized, Gwin and Brosnan on board.
  • 9 1
 FSR stand for "Frame Sizing is Ridiculous"
  • 1 0
 gwin made mistakes you could see them on his run
  • 5 0
 saying gwin did poorly because he made mistakes is a strawman argument, if he wasn't riding beyond his limits he wouldn't have made the mistakes, the guys head isn't right yet this season, you could see that by his demeanor at the finish.
  • 8 13
flag Protour (Jun 16, 2013 at 18:07) (Below Threshold)
 Specialized frame sizes aren't ridiculous, they are fairly normal and somebody Gwins height shouldn't be on a large. What's ridiculous is racing current Worlds Cup tracks on a DH bike with 421 mm chainstays. Go measure the chainstays on your trail bike, peeps, they are probably longer than that...unless it's a Specialized.
  • 9 1
 @protour get off it with the chainstays. It's in every post you make.
  • 8 0
 Gwin placed 6th... It's all fine and dandy to sit at the laptop and tap away but in reality 6th at a world cup event is a good result. He has had way better. It's an exciting season so far. Gwin is clearly a phenomenal rider and I'm excited for the rest of the season. However, as a Vancouver Islander my support is for Stevie.
  • 2 0
 @b45het Gwin has a Super Bowl hangover? First year he won the WC it was more of a fight than last year. He forgot to look in hi rear view mirror. Perhaps, others have drawn even with him. Happens in all sports.
  • 4 1
 Quite honestly, Gwin looked a lot more dialed, comfortable and fast on the Session. Just check the video from his winning run last year: www.pinkbike.com/video/261255 and compare it with his run today. His riding style looks quite different I think with the Demo. With the large Demo he might be able to carry a similar speed that he had with the Session in the fast sections but he's not as fast, composed and dialed in the tight sections. The large Demo doesn't seems as maneuvrable for him. I'm not saying the Demo is a bad bike but Gwin seems a lot more confident on the Trek. It'll be interesting to see what kind of adjustments they'll do at Specialized for Gwin.
  • 5 4
 Has any one noticed after Gwin crosses the line he didn't even shaked hands with the top 3? to me that was a bit of a D-bag move
  • 3 1
 All this talk about frame manufacturer, frame size, and geo is crazy. The data from both WC rounds clearly show that DOT-rated moto helmets (like One Gamma) are faster than downhill-rated bicyle helmets like D3s and Rampage Pros. Must be the extra potential energy at the top of the course, or the confidence boost. But definitely the equipment was what decided the races.
  • 10 7
The reason the short chainstays aren't fast on tracks like these is because it doesn't give the rear end of the bike enough stability and it's too easy for the rear wheel to slide out if there isn't a berm in the corner. Sam Hill's crash at Andora I think 3 years ago and Troy Brosnans crash last year at Worlds are clear examples of this...as soon as the rear wheel started to slide out...it was gone and the bike was flat on it's side sliding. This is the classic Demo crash, and other DH bikes with short chainstays are also vulnerable to it, but I think it's worse on the Demo, maybe because the wheelbase doesn't stretch out as the bike goes through it's travel like it does on some designs.

Short chainstays can help you turn faster in alot of situations, and I guess that's why Specialized likes them. I think it works fine for regular bikes, but there is a trade-off, and on super technical World Cup tracks without berms, that trade-off isn't worth it because the back end is so skittish at high speeds. The rider has to hold back to keep the bike on track, and it looks to me like that is why Gwin doesn't look like his old aggressive self.

These World Cup tracks are getting so fast and straight that I can't help but wonder if all the bikes would be faster because the increased stability if they added 20 or 30mm to the chainstays, sorta like like in motocross bikes. Then Gwin could get over the front of his bike again
  • 3 6
 ...and get back to his aggressive, gwinning style.
  • 5 1
 Wow, while pink bike has lots of negative commenters, it seems Specialized owners are the most volatile and hostile to any sort of criticism. It's just a bike.
  • 1 0
 I would say, go back to Shimano Saint
  • 6 0
 Protour is back in town baby!
  • 4 1
 Just throw a XL rear end on a M size demo frame and he will have the bike with a longer chainstay and be super dialed.

Specialized has the wrong team behind him and you can see in the interview.

They just seem very lazy and do not exercise all options to win. They had to find a large frame? Also...in January, why not let him ride his world champion Trek bike..time it, and set up the S bike to go faster than it? Try different rear ends for chainstay length, suspension combos, etc etc until the S bike just annihilates his old trek bike time? In the process building his confidence and making the bike as comfortable as possible for him. Why the hell is he switching bike sizes before a race? This should have been figured out from Jan till the first race in Fort Williams? Why didn't the team send him to test the bike on similar tracks like Fort Wills and Val di sole knowing ahead of time the complete race schedule?

Gwin....very talented yet totally under estimating the field this year. Wake up and rise!
Specialized..... just letting the rider do as he wishes instead of making and building a team and a champion. I guess it is alright if they wanna come out not firing on all cylinders and happy with just ending up in the top 10 this year. At least, that's the program I see them on.
  • 2 0
 From that video i got the feeling like they didn't feel the need to go above and beyond. Like their the entitled kids who just scored the fastest rider -- It's Gwin, best rider, plus specialized, best bikes (according to them anyway), everything should just fall into place! right? While these guys are sitting back waiting for results and Gwin struggling to find his way around the bike, the other teams are on full gas this season doing heavy training, dialing in their bikes, and committed to getting better everyday. I just don't see that mindset at the Spesh camp. I realize nobody can tell if that's true or not based on a few minutes of interviews, but its difficult not to see it that way. You don't hear anyone else saying their home countries aren't good for training, and preferring to stay home, etc.

Troy, on the other hand, is pinning it right now! He's their top rider currently. How much do you guys reckon is their difference in salary?
  • 2 0
 Agreed ^^^^^
  • 2 0
 I have no idea how much of a role it actually plays but could the fact that Gwinn is riding Fox suspension while the rest of the Specialized teams runs Rockshox?

I realize he has full fox support at the races but could the fact that his team and new mechanic are used to setting up the demo with rockshox suspension play a roll? I recall a Trek video last season where Gwinn was asked about his suspension setup and he made comment to the effect of saying he just tells Monk whats happening in terms of the track and how the bike is reacting and Monk would adjust all the fork and shock settings. Could it be that his new mechanics just aren't as well versed in setting up the Fox gear to the Demo and its taking time to really dial it in?

I have no idea if this is the case, just throwing it out there since it seems Troy is running just fine on the Demo. He could also just be used to it.
  • 3 0
 Just for kicks, I looked up the CS length, and FC length on a few DH bikes. The demo places the BBshell 20-30mm closer to the rear of the bike than either the Trek or DaVinci. Its not just CS length, but how much weight is balanced between front and rear. The Devinci has short SC's too, but the wheelbase is shorter, giving the front more bite proportionally. Specialized is going to the large frame to compensate for the rear weight balance, but while this gives Gwin more room, he is farther back proportionally, resulting in the poor handling in low speed sections.
  • 3 0
 It's pretty interesting to notice that the weight disitrution is a lot different on the Demo (rear weight balance) versus the Session (weight more centered) for a rider like Gwin. It's probably less of a problem for smaller riders like Troy.

Check these videos to compare (even though it's not exactly the same terrain):

- www.pinkbike.com/news/Video-Aaron-Gwin-Blazes-a-Trail.html

- Saint Prototype Testing with Aaron Gwin: www.pinkbike.com/video/290120
- Trek Session 9.9 with Aaron Gwin: www.pinkbike.com/video/206409

Personnally, I think Gwin looks a lot more stable on the Session than on the Demo. His style looks so different from one bike to the other. Hopefully Specialized is already back to the drawing board and come up with a solution for Gwin asap Smile
  • 2 1
 I could weld up a rear triangle for the medium this weekend with 445-450mm CS length. Smile That would get the weight balance closer to where it should be. Trek has been a leader in fit and rider position for a few years now. While 20-30mm doesn't seem like a lot, a rider can feel every 10mm move of the BB. It basically out 2-3 increments. Also, is Troy on a small? The weigh balance is closer to "normal" on the small demo, and the X-Small is pretty normal, if we consider the Session "normal."

Before everyone goes on about the Demo being crap, it won't be much of a problem for most riders. Nobody questioned the demo's abilities until Sam and Aaron couldn't perform as expected on it. That is a very small percentage of riders who need that last bit of balance. Trek built a balanced bike, wheras Spesh made a "marketing" bike with a really short rear, and slack front- just what the kids think they need. I have commented many times that things are going too far with extreme geometry, and this seems to be the tipping point.
  • 3 1
 Agree with both you guys, the super slack head tube combined with the short rear end just isn't stable enough for World Cup racing. You really can see a difference when you watch the videos. Hope they get it fixed by the next race!
  • 1 0
 Not good enough? You guys are out of your mind. 5th and 6th place, on a bike that's not "good enough". Perhaps you should have said "not as good as it could be". In theory all bikes are not as good as they could be. Enjoy the season. C'mon admit it, we like that one guy Isn't running away with it.
  • 1 0
 I think we can all agree, that "the problem" with Demo comes down to one thing...

It doesn't have enough chainstays! I mean, come on, how are you supposed to ride with only 4 chainstays!? Maybe they could resolve the issues by going up to 4 seat stays, that would surely help, but I think the best solution would be at least 6 chainstays!

I think the actual 'problem' with the Demo is that Specialized built it for Sam Hill - it suits his style, where as it doesn't suit Gwin's style. This is not a 'problem' with the bike as such, more a design choice for a certain riding style...

I think Troy is the case in point here - he's now a real threat to the podium in only his 2nd year of being a senior rider, explain how he's done that on a bike with such a huge design flaw?
  • 1 1
 Spoonyman: I said the demo was good enough for almost anyone. Its the last 1% where it is too extreme with its BB placement. The issue is that the designers have to work within what's sellable. If it doesn't have a 64HTA or short chainstays, people will think its garbage. Even though a bike with a 65HTA and 440mm chainstays will ride perfectly balanced, it is out of style in terms of marketing. My DH bike has 65HTA and 440mm CS lenght, and is is a neutral handler, for a DH bike. I always thought going more extreme in either end would be a detriment.

Just for your information, I custom build biked for riders with odd bodies where standard sizes don't work. I am very aware of the impact on moving the BB, FS or CS length. What Specialized is struggling with is completely explainable with their geometry. They may have very well designed it around Sam, who is a smaller rider. They made the larger bikes larger by extending them to the front, while leaving the rear the same. The XS Demo has a pretty "normal" weight balance.
  • 1 1
 What's funny is that y'all are trippin on the number details, while Gwin doesn't even know his stem length and bar height. Who's a faster rider?
  • 1 0
 Who's been uncomfortable on their bike?
  • 113 4
 Real happy for Stevie, starting to become a persistent rider.
  • 75 3
 *consistent, sorry was pissing me off
  • 22 2
 Haha I knew someone was going to correct me. I left to go do something and all I could think about is if I used the proper term. Thanks though.
  • 30 1
 I would imagine his persistance also greatly influences his emerging consistancy. Super stoked for Stevie on another good result. Do Gwin's comment's of "no good places to train for Word Cup's in America" extend North to Canada? Cause Stevie seems to have found something that works.
  • 9 6
 Gwin said that? Why does he feel the need to make excuses? and shit ones at that....
  • 10 3
 i just saw a little blurb with stevie where he says he feels he has the best place around to train... and if gwin did say that then bs, like B.C. has no good places to train for DH, c'mon...
  • 6 2
 Gwin said that he didnt have anywhere to train that would prepare him for fort bill and val di sole?

That strikes me as a bit of a lazy attitude, if you need to train for these events then go somewhere where you can train, thats obviously what the rest of the field has done, great to see gee racking up the wins, and stevie smith seems like a top bloke so congrates to him....
  • 6 0
 seems like he's trying to convince himself more than the media, the dude looked like a broken man at the end of his run. somethings bothering him whether its the bike or his confidence is yet to be determined.
  • 5 0
 We have the fu@#in Rocky mountains in America. The MSC tracks in Angelfire and Crested Butte are almost as gnarly as a world cup track. I don't get not having the terrain to train on here in the states. Any who, great job to Gee and if anyone has trained to win it is him. Good job Stevie, Greg and what about Loic. That kid is climbing the ranks. To bad for Hill but that's racing.
  • 1 0
 Well done Stevie ! .. he knows the home turf with its soggy, techy, gnarly training grounds is somewhat responsible for the mad skills required to post these results. BC delivers bitchin' bikers by the boat load !
  • 56 1
 Crushed for Hill, but amazing riding from the Atherton's! GT are doing something seriously right it seems.
  • 4 37
flag amirazemi (Jun 16, 2013 at 9:49) (Below Threshold)
 yea man, he really had great start, the bullshit redbull tv didn't even show the crash. I really wanted for him to win.
  • 37 4
 The bullshit redbull tv was what showed you the race in the first place
  • 11 20
flag clarky78 (Jun 16, 2013 at 10:30) (Below Threshold)
 But to be fair, only showing maybe 8 or so cameras on a 4 minute course kinda sucks.
  • 15 3
 Coverage is great but they need to show more than one time split. Takes away a lot of the suspense.
  • 22 0
 coverage is great end of... downhill mountain biking isn't a mainstream sport, so there isn't as much money in it as F1 or whatever else... be thankful for what you get Razz
  • 3 1
 I thought the filming was provided by the UCI and Redbull pay for the rights
  • 2 0
 UCI making money on live broadcast?
  • 1 0
 Hill's crash lasted 17 seconds plus he cruised the last part of the run, but still only finished +22 sec. He could have shown everyone how to get it done. There's always Andorra.
  • 36 1
 Big congrats to gee atherton! But as always to my big boss STEVE PEAT inside top 20th not bad.
  • 11 0
 The old legend has still got it!!
  • 14 1
 Cappucino Peaty is a rad old dude
  • 14 0
 "Has anyone seen Steve "? Yeah we have, at a very respectable 18th. Well done boss!!
  • 5 0
 Steve peat is still my hero. "It's not everyday you get nervous racing a 40 year old" - Jared Graves on Peat at the 2013 Sea Otter slalom finals
  • 33 6
 Dean you ripper! he is on a roll this season!
  • 12 2
 That first split!!.... Compared to Mens Qualies, 3rd to Gee and Gwin. That's hauling!
  • 6 0
 If there were any doubts about splitting the juniors into their own competition this must surely put them to rest. Totally stacked field, the level of these young blokes will go through the roof this year. Look out seniors next year, some of you are going down!
  • 4 0
 Strayans are on fire!
  • 8 32
flag Angryham (Jun 16, 2013 at 9:12) (Below Threshold)
 Gwinning? no, Geeing
Is he the new gwin?
  • 27 2
  • 28 2
 Everyone should note that Hill took 2nd fastest split 1.
  • 12 22
flag togood2die (Jun 16, 2013 at 9:15) (Below Threshold)
 Specialized needs to figure something out, because you don't just cripple the fastest rider in the world for the fun of it...
No politics, no bull, no "unfair leaving the team" crap; if they want him to race, don't they want him to win....?
  • 3 1
 God damn it Sam...
Steve Smith did a COMBO BREAKER haha... 3 crashes, that sucks... :/
  • 3 27
flag EllioMoose (Jun 16, 2013 at 9:17) (Below Threshold)
 Smith got robbed!!!
  • 6 17
flag barbarosza (Jun 16, 2013 at 9:18) (Below Threshold)
 @togood2die : Like I said , they need to change the BiKE ! the GEO ! make it a D H rig ! so far s a super good bike park bike ! I love mine but it aint a downhill bike !
  • 5 4
 bro dont dump specialized they still make great bikes
  • 7 0
 seems like the new fury works!
  • 25 4
 He's not the new gwin, he's the old Gee!
  • 18 4
 you cant be serious. "the demo 8 isnt a downhill bike". two races off the podium and suddenly the demo isnt a downhill bike? think before you speak
  • 8 6
 Ok... there is a shred of truth to that though... it was dev'd from a long lineage of freeride frames (almost DIRECTLY). How many other WINNING BIKES can you say that about?
That's literally the only thing I'll admit to being the problem here.
I'm not saying it's not a DH bike, I am saying that maybe it is time for a tech/ geo change for them!
The team cannot be dysfunctional enough to cripple Gwin that badly, and his training is as much on him as anyone, so if he hasn't just given up, he should make better results given the proper tech. I'm pretty sure he hasn't given up, based on how pissed and disappointed he looked...
  • 13 5
 did you just watch the race? he made pretty obvious mistakes in his run, but still put in a decent time. its not the damn bike. and troy was in the top five, also on a demo.
  • 4 10
flag togood2die (Jun 16, 2013 at 9:46) (Below Threshold)
 So we're saying what?
That without the stress of this bike / team change that those mistakes would probably have not happened, and that would have made his time better?
What's the armchair racing coach trick of the week?
  • 19 3
 sam hill made a mistake and crashed? ohp, the pulse isnt a good bike. danny hart, made a mistake, and crashed? oh shit, must be the glorys fault right?
  • 7 2
 Pretty sure its just that the specialized doesnt suit Gwin, but the trek did... I guess thats why Gee is doing so well, because he has a bike perfectly suited to him.
  • 5 2
 togood2die, you'd do much better if you stuck to sitting on it. Talking out of it is doing you no favours at all.
  • 4 5
 Ah, I see, adult conversation and asking for the next best idea is a bad idea. Glad you chose to be the big guy there.
  • 7 0
 Dude did you see Michael Hannah's speed?? Almost 50mph at the speed check point holly mother of god!
  • 21 0
 So Rachel Atherton is pretty good at this whole riding a bike thing... not new news, but seems she's putting all the pieces together: health, focus, experience, and insane f**king speed and skill. Racing is the best!
  • 14 0
 rachel killed it.... Atherton for money!!...
  • 18 1
 That's a all bunch of french girl behind Rachel... Go get her !! Smile
  • 5 0
 love dem french grills!
  • 16 0
 Hart went down on final run... sad...
  • 10 0
 And Sam ganked too...
  • 9 0
 MacDonald went down, and broke the seat... O_O
  • 2 1
 Gwin in 5th with Gee left... Argh!!!
  • 5 2
 GEE BY 1.001!!!
  • 9 2
  • 5 1
 has the double double ever been done before??
  • 1 0
 Didn't they do something similar in that psychotically good season they had in '08 or something? The one where Dan won his events, and it was documented in one of the NWDs?
  • 3 0
 Ya they took a triple crown in Andorra in 2008.
  • 3 0
 @Mantaray Yea it has, but I have a feeling only Canadians will understand that pun...
  • 1 0
 Really gutted for those guys. They're all great riders and stewards of the sport - Sam, brook, hart. World champ at that Frown
  • 1 0
 He fell down pretty bad. Danny Hart's crash video => a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj1a_wftrRQ">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj1a_wftrRQ/a>
  • 14 2
 For as humble as Gwin has always seemed while winning last year, he should at least go congratulate the top 3 riders. Maybe he does it afterwards in the pits, but it would be nice to see him be humble when he's losing. I hope he figures out what is holding him back and fixes it. I was hoping Smiths time would hold, but you could tell from the get go that Gee was gonna catch him. He was pedaling super hard out of the gate and just continued to slay the rest of the track. can't wait until the next round!
  • 2 1
 good winners do not always make good losers unfortunately, take lewis hamilton in F1, nicest chap in the world when he was winning and a total twat when things went down hill.
  • 3 1
 I'm guessing Gwin is just very hard on himself and was really frustrated by the mistakes he made in his finals run. Apparently he was flying in practice, so it's got to be a tough pill to swallow when you put in all that work and get to the bottom knowing you could have done so much better.
  • 2 0
 This is what people use to say about Gee when he was not winning. The guys are competitors who hate losing. Smith also had a fairly serious face when Gee took the round. It makes them work harder.
  • 16 0
 Best quote of the race... "He almost released the chocolate hostage"
  • 9 0
 Or "I'm sweating like an egg sandwich!"
  • 2 0
 Or, "Awwww! He goes down faster than a tramp that stands up too fast!" on Brook Macdonald. "Back Off! If the seats gone you've got to back off!"
  • 1 0
 dusty as balls
  • 14 1
 Yes Rach! Now let's wait for Gee to get the job done. Big Grin
  • 14 0
 Casey Brown, way to go!!
  • 9 0
 People dont realise that even 1% at this level is a huge margin, Gee Rachel have the total package this year, the fitness health, bike, setup, team, Emmeline Ragot was awesome in her run flawless and Rachel smashed it, Gee got on the gas at the end like his pants were on fire so strong so much confidence in his bike, his whole attitude shows it, Gwin the opposite, maybe he should try an XL frame next round, Troys been on that bike for the last 3 years hes got it dialled and it suits his diminutive size, plus his package is different, Black Box RS. Stevie Smith is soo close too, great result for Loic Bruni awesome, bummer about Sam would have loved to see him crush the demons of 08. Tough day for the kiwis too, Though Wyn did amazing!
  • 3 0
 GT got them new bikes too ...and that's obvious
  • 16 8
 As much as everyone is saying it isn't the bike look at Gee last year...not so good bike, not the usual results. You Gee the new Fury and bam back on it. Seems to me like Gwin made the worst decision of his career trading that Session for the Demo...and before the hate and negs I own a Demo, just stating the obvious.
  • 8 0
 Gee was 3rd overall last year and third overall the year before on the Commencal. Really no change, he has always been around 1-5th. Gee also changed his training up and was extremely hungry after not winning in years, but always being so close. My guess is it has more to do with other racers working their buts off to get better. Gwin probably couldn't maintain the drive and level of commitment and training that he did in the past. I'm sure he still worked is ass off, but maybe not as hard as the guys who have been in his shadow for the past two years. The bikes no doubt play a part in a riders success, but the new Fury doesn't account for all of Gee's gains and no way in hell the Demo accounts for how far off the pace Gwin is.
  • 10 0
 Comeon, Antonio Ferreiro need more sponsors and money to go to all WC races, give him some credit, he demonstrated that he deserve it!!!
  • 4 0
 That dude looks smooth and fast as F
  • 13 1
 So gutted for Brook Frown
  • 8 0
 Got up to see brook ride(4:00am), shame he went down, but its okay because i ended up seeing one of the finest wins I've ever seen. Well done Gee, awesome riding!
  • 4 0
 ill get up in the middle of the night to watch downhill anyday. or night.
  • 10 1
 From AG to GA. Whoah... sad for Sam, though. I thought he could've done really well.
  • 10 0
  • 10 0
 Gee Whizz
  • 9 0
  • 7 1
 I don't know if I should just copy and paste my comment from last week or come up with a new one about just how good the Atherton's are??? You know what, think I might just leave it.
  • 9 1
 I think both Athertons might just take the overalls...
  • 5 1
 Way to early to tell but it does look promising!
  • 8 2
 Hence why he said 'I THINK…'
  • 2 0
 Well, it's certainly looking good; Maxxing points at stops can't hurt!
  • 5 1
 Oh my god! Peaty on 18th??? What a legend and maybe he is a Master B age! Kicking many kids asses on a tecnical track like that where you need a lot of body strenth. Nice to see Luana Oliveira with an amazing result. What a crazy amazing race. Thanks pb for the results. I miss a lot freecaster tv where they use to show real live downhill races...
  • 1 0
 Hope peat races til he's fifty years old! That dude has been training hardcore in the off season. He, like a lot of other riders, have lost much weight over the off season and gotten stronger. Fun season.
  • 1 0
 That is impressive by Peaty.
  • 10 1
 Good job Loïc Bruni !
  • 2 0
 F yea! Podium!
  • 1 1
 Dude is looking FAST. I'm rooting for this kid also.
  • 6 0
 Logic Bruno, young French lad quietly doing the job and popping a 4th place on his CV. I hope he continues to get better and earns a top step of the podium this season.
  • 3 0
 Loic Bruni!!! Damn predictive typing!
  • 1 0
 Yes!! Seems like a really cool guy. I cant believe he's only 19...
  • 5 1
 "Gwin needs a bath of kashima before he starts his runs"

...seriously, can we separate this shit into WC talk and a separate GWIN talk section. i'm sick of hearing about him.
who cares, if he sparks up in coming rounds so be it. GAH!

he isn't the first ever rider to have problems.
  • 6 0
 INTENSE! after Brook went down my jaw was on the floor....didnt know what was going to happen!
  • 9 0
 Yeah along with Danny and Sam as well... that track is freakn nuts!
  • 3 0
 exactly, three of the top guys in a row, i was squirming in my seat.....felt bad for Hill.
  • 11 4
 Selling LARGE demo in 3... 2... 1... Razz
  • 7 4
 I'm STILL yet to be proven wrong about Gwinns move. They even gave him a large frame as he felt better on it... And still couldn't catch Gee. I don't hate Gwinn in the slightest. So don't have a go about it. But I honestly believe that this year he will not have winning days. He has greed for money and he has paid the price. Last year he was on fire. And as any of you know. That is an understatement. He was unstoppable last year. Oh Gwinn. Such a shame!
  • 7 2
 Yeah man! Gwin is having a hard time adjusting to the bike.

Too me, you don't fix what isn't broken. He and Trek were a winning combo. Why change that?
  • 3 2
 "Money money money, must be funny in the rich bike world..."

I was really surprised when I saw that Gwin was moving to Specialized. I've never been a fan of creating your own incomes by taking from others- IMO that what the guys from Specilized did and that's kind of a punishment for them.
Eeverybody is saying that it's all connected to Gwin himelf, not with Demo,but I have to agree with U Darren that something stinks n that situation. First of all I'm totally shocked that Gwin couldn't figure which frame size was better for him in Fort William- pretty sure he had plenty of time to test Medium and Large frames during the preseason training. Seems like there's something bothering him in the Demo, maybe those are not the big problems,but few mms here and there, different balance, center of gravity etc. and he's not able to find himself comfortable on that bike.
Pretty sure that Demo is a rad bike,but I'm possitive that Gwin felt way, way better on the Session... Come on, he was not only winning- he was smashing the field on that frame!

Looks like the cash is more valuable nowadays than glory...
  • 4 4
 People are assuming Gwin left for money. Maybe his ethical conscience made him leave a company heavily involved In a massive doping scandal. Maybe he needed to distance himself from unethical Trek, maybe specialised just don't give their riders the "top fuel" to make them win?
  • 5 2
 Olaffons. Definitely bro! He didn't have a clue what frame would suit him. Damn in an interview. He didn't know what rise bars he was using. For a world champ, I'd want to know what inner tubes I'm riding. As well as everything else! He said he only practices in the states. He needs to man up, face our shitty weather and come practice on our tracks.... In the interview he said he's only used to riding smooth and fast practice. This is how his bike is set up... Gee lives up the road from me and practices in forrestry that has tree roots bigger than swartzeneggers biceps. Rocks bigger that mini coopers and mud deeper than Jubba the huts colon. Surely where ya practice makes a difference... If specialised are the multi million pound company. I think it should bein their best interest to spend £2000 flying here and many month practicing. Where Gwinn practices shouldn't be upto him, I'm in the forces and get told where I'm going. That's what he's paid for. So in my opinion. He is specializes bitch. He should ride where they say. I think both Gwinn and the team are to blame. Gee is unstoppable at the minute. And Rachel. .??? She's like 7 or 8 seconds ahead... Once again. Rides in Wales Smile
  • 4 1
 Either he didn't have a clue, or Specialized in in spin control mode and trying to pump crap out there to make us think it's anything but the bike. Personally, I'm starting to think it's more the bike then anything else.
  • 1 0
 +1 for the ABBA reference. But also I agree with most of what you said. Gwin looked so tight coming down that mountain.
  • 5 0
 The concept that there is nowhere rough to train in the entire US or southern Canada is truly preposterous.
  • 2 0
 I know, I find it hard to believe too. Gwinn said it. I think specialized need to go on a recce and find Gwinn some rocks.
  • 2 0
 And that was honestly adorable- the argument that there's no a true WC track in the North America was a total joke! Isn't Mount Saint Anne in Canada? I'm not saying that it's as steep as Val di Sole, neither as long as Fort William but for gods ache that is for sure more challenging track than Petermaritzburg. So what? Minaar doesn't have a spot to train either?
For me it looks like the Specialized guys are trying to make every excuse possible only not to admit that Demo does limit the Gwins talent and skills.
I'm a big fan of Gwin ( maybe not as big as I was before he switched to Spec) and I'm keeping thumbs for him during every single race, but for me it's pretty damn obvious that Demo-Gwin combo sucks- whether it's a bike or rider or both.
Something is not right and I'm not convinced that Specialized will fix that problem fast...

If anyone had a problem with my comment, don't bother, I tried really hard, but I'm totally wasted. Smile

Cheers Mates!
  • 6 1
 That margin would be devastating for 2nd place! Keep at it Phil Atwill! But congratulations to Dean Lucas
  • 6 1
 Bad day for the Welsh boys. Better luck next round Micheal Jones and Taylor Vernon
  • 1 0
 And Joe Smith in 40th, he's capable of far better. Definitely capable of consistent top 10's.
  • 1 0
 Posted my comment just after the junior's finished. Agree totally, Joe is capable of better.
  • 8 1
 Awesome job Luca!!!!
  • 7 0
 Atherton white wash?
  • 6 1
 I dont know how much Gee Man gets paid but I think he deserves a raise! haha
  • 7 2
 Now I know what it feels like to not like someone who wins all the time when they are not from your country. haha
  • 7 1
 Glad Brook didn't sit down, that would not have made pleasant viewing!
  • 6 0
 how long until the dominant bike in whistler is GT?
  • 1 0
 evo's staple bikes next season
  • 2 0
 impressive double double from the Athertons, good to see Gee back up to pace and clearly loving the new GT. So stoked to see Sam Hill back up to his old form too, unfortunately that old form also included lots of spills, maybe next race he'll win! I'd also love to disagree strongly about the riders bike not mattering, you might feel as fast on each bike you ride, FACT is different bikes make a big difference to how you ride and how well you perform, even with all the same parts on each - Gwin clearly doesn't look comfortable on the Spec', he's still fast and his lines showed that, he was just getting held up by his bike, hope he gets it sorted soon and back on form...
  • 7 0
 Peaty for king
  • 6 0
 Peaty IS the king.
  • 4 2
 Looks like a lot of specialized fans are getting pist off about the fact that the Demo is just not as good as the session was for gwin. You know what I think, that the session was so good for gwin, that when he changed to the Demo he just needed to be a better ridder to win with it, and that is a fact. Ooo and by the way, does any one have an XL for gwins next race lol
  • 2 0
 so much respect for all these riders. we all are quick to judge the reasons gwin is having a less dominant season. but we weren't really doing this with gee and sam and greg, et al when they were getting walloped by gwin. what an amazing thing... this ongoing swaying of dominance in the sport. i think that gwin can be credited to some extent with elevating the intensity of the sport with his consistency the past couple of years. i thank him for that, cuz it's making for a heckuva season as the greater zeitgeist of the DH WC has upped their ante across the board.
  • 2 0
 Just to throw my 2 cents in.....maybe we're over analyzing this..... I mean, I have had race runs that I thought were slower than my seeding but ended up being 10 secs faster......its downhill not 100 metre sprints. Anything can happen and your mood or an unsettled stomach can change your race run by 10 seconds. Maybe he didn't train the right thing, maybe he doesn't feel comfortable on the bike; it all adds up of course but I think its getting a bit too technical to claim its one thing...
  • 6 1
 Man Sam has bad luck! But awesome run gee, congrats
  • 6 1
 noooo shiitt sam crashed.. my day is over now
  • 6 0
 sad. I was hoping he's going to comeback this season. But still great work for Sam, he was 2nd fastest on split 1. He could have been fastest overall if he didn't crash.
  • 5 0
 I'm trueley gutted for Sam, was so hoping for a stormer of a race from him. That's not to say his ride wasn't great still but he lost so much time in that crash. He's still awesome though, and will be back up there for sure. Always sucks when a race is lost due to crash or mechanical and not just not being the best on the day. I would like to have seen both Sam and Brook's time had they not crashed.
  • 1 0
 Sam fell pretty hard that he had to align his front wheel after he crashed. Still sad about him but I hope he gets to win at Andorra. Sam's crash video -> a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZCLYXEXS4U">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZCLYXEXS4U/a>
  • 6 1
 Congratz to Troy! great run. won the team duell again
  • 4 0
 The Athertons are on fire! Crazy intense riding from the both of them, wouldn't suprise me if they sweep the whole thing.
  • 5 4
 I don't think Gwin has become complacent. He's at a new team, with a new mechanic so a lot of things mechanically and procedure wise are new. Look how he changed his bike to a Large frame for qualis, and look how he actually had a little accident in his run and STILL was 0.001 behind Brosnan who has been riding the Specialized for how many years now?! I'm no Gwin fan but gotta look at actual facts, not saying a dude's complacent when you don't see him being that way.
  • 5 0
 Gee and Rachel 1st again....impressive.
  • 3 0
 thanks so much for not posting the spoiler on the front page. SIIIICKK racing!! Stoked for Gee and super disappointed for Sam.
  • 3 0
 noo MacDonald !!! noo Hart !!! nooooo Hill !!! ..it would have been really interesting if they hadn´t crashed Frown Congrats to Atherton family,they are killing it this year !
  • 2 0
 Well done @Toni Ferreiro, 11th for a guy with very limited budget (he borrowed 400€ from his father for Fort Bill) in a sport with lots of riders well supported by their teams
  • 1 0
 nice work Gee 20th to 6th.. getting better.. Its really hard to dominate year after year, I think it would have been the same regardless of the bike, all the riders get faster every year and he certainly made everyone work harder..
  • 3 0
 Maybe the ole S needs to throw together a s-works carbon status and let him try that out. Gotta get him on something he can get along with.
  • 8 5
 ah, I was hoping for Brits on top in men's, women's and junior. Unlucky phil!
  • 4 0
 This year's racing is insane to say the least. Jesus Eek
  • 6 1
 Go Stevie!!!!!
  • 6 2
 going to the a GT lbs ASAP
  • 4 1
 650b wheels, carbon frames, once again proof positive old school rules! If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  • 1 2
 Totally! Stupid Santas, Treks, Divs .....
  • 3 1
 Awesome race, such a shame about Sam and Danny. It's crazy seeing the young guys like Troy Brosnan riding like that at there age.
  • 4 0
 Anybody else see a spectator hit Ragot's arm in her run? Wtf. Not cool
  • 5 2
 I wonder if Gwin could ride a blacked out Session next race, just like so many ride blacked out Maxxis.
  • 1 0
 Oh where is gwinny this year oh where is gwinny this year? Lol that's what you get for doing the dirty on your team karma always wins in the end try and remember it for next year Wink Come on Gee !!!! Hahaha
  • 5 2
 Double double for the dominating family!
  • 5 1
  • 5 1
 val di crachs
  • 3 0
 Well done Gee! Awesome performance from both Stevie and Minaar too!
  • 3 0
 Always amazed how a safe bet Minaar is. I'll say that he's the only one along with Smith who can take the overall from Gee and World Champs.
  • 1 0
 I am really impressed by the top times in the Junior category! That is damn impressive, and the time difference between the top 3 is just a fraction of a second!
  • 3 1
 Crazy last few runs. Lots of crashes, but Awesome podium line up! Go Steve!!
  • 2 2
 I've always found Specialized bikes to feel awkward. Gwinn's head is not in the game like last year. I think he may have regrets of leaving the world class team, training and equipment he had dialed with TWR. That is all...
  • 2 0
 Positions for Fesperman and Walker Shaw?
  • 3 0
  • 2 1
 Happy that the British almost got first place in every category, unlucky for Phil and Taylor though!
  • 1 1
 Stoked to see Smith on the podium again! Does anyone know what happened to Feniuk? JUST missed her run at Fort Bill and can't see her here? Cheers!!
  • 1 0
 Feniak crashed hard and ended up with a concusion at Fort William. I don't think she raced this weekend.
  • 1 0
 I heard a whisper that she may have suffered a head injury. Good thing her and I have something in common from that weekend then! Shame! healing vibes! Cheers for the update
  • 2 0
 Awesome Job Smith keep up the good work.
  • 2 0
 Way to go gee proud britt here but well done to Steve smith !!
  • 1 0
 man jack reading keeps having problems on race runs Frown hes goona do so sick when he manages to put a full race run together!
  • 2 0
 Stoked for Troy Brosnam nd Ratboy! Where's BMac though?:/
  • 2 1
 Would be nice to see some top comments about gee winning rather than aaron gwin for once
  • 4 2
 gwin was lucky 3 top riders crushed

  • 2 1
 The demo was designed for Sam Hill so many years ago the design is kinda out dated they need to redesign it
  • 1 1
 I also cheer on the long shot guys- I like Robin Wallner - he was only 25 sec back at the end with a flat about half way down - the kid is pretty good.
  • 4 4
 Who cares about gwin? He's a mercenary with a terrible personality though I'm well happy to see that mummy's boy of seasons doing so well.
  • 4 1
 Mummy's boy....hahha...love it!!!!
  • 1 0
 who's the mummy's boy of "seasons" - steve smith?
  • 1 0
 Yeah steve smith. there's a segment in seasons where he's getting his mum shuttle him while he's viciously shredding down this trail.
  • 1 0
 shame there was no live feed for the womens race Frown
  • 1 2
 reply has the double double ever been done before??
  • 2 0
 There was, for the top 10 at least.
  • 2 0
  • 3 2
 Taylor Vernon where are you?
  • 2 1
 DNF, well down split 1
  • 2 1
 Did Taylor Vernon crash? or is he not racing?
  • 3 1
 It appears he had a crash or technical, hopefully be able to update shortly.
  • 4 1
 he stopped after the first split. but he was something like 5 minuites back at the first split.
  • 2 1
 nice Thunell, fastest speed of all! Good to see him up at 14th place
  • 2 1
 Gutted for Taylor. He deserves a win!
  • 2 1
 Tight at the top in the juniors!
  • 2 1
 Gutted for Tay, hoping he'll smash it at the next round of the World cup!
  • 2 1
 Dusty as BALLS there today!!!
  • 13 0
 your balls are dusty? mine are more loamy and mossy
  • 6 5
 Rachel Atherton, hottest and fastest
  • 22 1
 Fastest yes. Hotter than Gatto? Think not
  • 4 2
 fastest yes. But hottest? I think that's a personal opinion.
  • 8 21
flag Yippee-Ki-YayMF (Jun 16, 2013 at 9:34) (Below Threshold)
 She looks like a bloke with hideous teeth. Standards.... set some.
  • 16 2
 Bit of an asshole-ish thing to say, you're entitled to your opinion but there's no need to be such a dick about it.
  • 9 1
 @ Yippee-Ki-YayMF

Respect, have some. Arsehole.
  • 2 3
 Would i hit that.... Yes of course. But there are hotter
  • 2 0
 ah.... myriam nicole
  • 3 1
 yes gee!!
  • 4 2
 YES GEE!!!!
  • 1 0
 ATHERTON EMPIRE. The dominion begins...
  • 2 0
 Mc' BROOK the seat!
  • 1 0
 LUCA SHAW! 3rd place in the Lites Class! way to go kid!
  • 2 0
  • 7 6
 E-N-G-L-A-N-D .....E-N-G-L-A-N-D !
  • 4 1
 Via Wales! Maybe just 'B-R-I-T-A-I-N' WILL DO...?
  • 1 0
 how much is the price money for these uci events?
  • 1 0
 I dont know. I bet they cost a butt load to smooz the uci folk.
  • 1 0
 The athertons are killing it this year!
  • 2 1
 So is everyone pre-ordering their gt?
  • 1 0
 Average speeds in km/hr of mph???
  • 1 0
 What happened to Danny Hart and Sam Hill. Great finish for Gee again.
  • 1 0
 Crash Frown
  • 1 0
 I couldnt watch the top riders at the end, what happened with sam hill???
  • 1 0
 Loic Bruni! Damn predictive typing!
  • 1 0
 SAM on the split 1 is very fast
  • 1 0
 SAM on the split 1 is very fast
  • 2 0
 In split 2 he was in second place! what a shame he crashed
  • 2 1
 What is up with Binggeli?
  • 1 0
 So, any fuel for the wheel size debate here?
  • 3 2
 Red Bull TV
  • 1 1
 Well done dean Lucas and kona
  • 1 0
 Dean is not on Kona anymore, he's riding Devinci at this moment. I was hoping that maybe Kona'll put him on the team with Connor,but it didn't turn out this way...
  • 2 3
 Wow. The jr winner in ft williams got 25th!!! Looks like those 27.5 didnt liked val di sol steep rocky track...
  • 5 0
 he obviously had a crash or a technical, take a look at his split times or his 2nd place in qualifier....
  • 1 0
  • 2 1
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 France is back !
  • 1 1
 good work sam !!!
  • 5 6
 demo... shitty bike!
  • 1 2
 f*cking true! Big Grin
  • 2 4
 Give Troy a Fury and he'd smoke field.
  • 4 7
 is their going to be live coverage on the mens race ...
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