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Video: Wade Simmons Challenges the Impossible Climb & Shares his Tech Climbing Tips

Jan 24, 2021
by Race Face  

First, a big thank you for all the interest and feedback on the Pick -A-Part series! Wade's been sifting through all your comments for ideas for new episodes. The future starts now with the first PaP episode of the year, where the Godfather focuses on tough and technical lung-busting climbs.


Wade dissects some of the toughest tech climbs on North Van's Mt. Seymour to give you the tools to tame any nasty ascent. These climbs are unforgiving and can even catch the Godfather out once in a while but his trusty sidekick Luna is there to help out. Look for a future episode starting Luna picking apart a fallen log!


Puzzling is not just reserved for the downhillers – Wade teaches us how to look at climbs in a new way, to unlock the right balance of technique, line choice, and raw power to get over the top! Make sure to watch to the end of the episode to see Wade tackle a bonus goal of mastering the ‘Impossible Climb’, made famous by Mr. Levy at Pinkbike.


bigquotesYou're not going to catch me in spin classes; I'm out in the woods! The more I ride, the fitter I get!Wade Simmons


As always, if you have any specific MTB skills or trail features you'd like Wade to flex on, sound off in the comments below!

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Member since Mar 20, 2007
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  • 197 1
 Company: How long do you want your mudgard?
Wade Simmons: Yes
  • 19 0
 Any shorter and instead of the mud stripe on your ass you get the mud on your back and shoulders, there is not any disadvantage to full length in my experience.
  • 48 1
 Besides his climbing skills, his fender impresses me the most. There's just no reason to look cool. He does what works for him. He's still years ahead. Respect!

And what does looking cool mean? If everyone has big fenders on their bikes, you're guaranteed to be uncool if you don't. We are just all just sheep Big Grin
  • 15 0
 Those giant fenders are about as ubiquitous as flannel shirts in the Sea to Sky through winter. Super functional too.
  • 7 0
 Typical BC winter bike set-up!!!
  • 1 0
 Curious, any ideas where you buy one? I’ve been looking for a longer rear mud guard but can’t seem to dig one up.
  • 4 0
 @The406: That might be a MudHugger fender. I had a similar one
  • 5 0
 @Veggiemoto: my experience with full length is also that its not a disadvantage at all
  • 9 0
 @The406: Any truck stop should have a mud flap for you.
  • 2 1
 @The406: bough mine on amazon
  • 3 0
 @cheetamike: def a mudhugger. I use front and rear--on my bike now! I call the back one my batmobile maker.
  • 1 1
 @Veggiemoto: No, no, no. I believe the shorter it is, the more likely it will be on the ass rather than the back and shoulders, however, I do agree there is no disadvantage to full length.
  • 3 0
 @brassinne: nothing like a good Mississippi Mudflap!-Dirty Mike and the Boys
  • 3 0
 @conoat: if you don't run a fender, your arse will look like a soup kitchen Wink
  • 4 0
 @RumbleJungle: He has just made rear fenders look super cool.
  • 5 0
 @The406: Check Lynn Valley Bikes they usually have them. If you are lucky the Godfather himself may be hanging about too!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 That was supposed to be a thumbs up imoji
  • 1 0
 @husstler: My Mudhugger saved my scrotum from a rear tire shave on more than one occasion!
  • 56 1
 i love seeing a legend endo on a stupid little thing like that. it happens to us all. seriously impressive climbing. watching Levy try that impossible-climb made it seem incredibly difficult, and Wade did it on the first try.
  • 4 0
 I agree, that was a humanizing moment for sure, haha. I can definitely relate to endoing on stupid little things!
  • 7 0
 @ScandiumRider: But where we end up on our face, "Jedi move" Simmons just steps through!

I actually did that once, slow speed endo, double unclip and land standing in front of my bike saying "how the hell did that just happen?" Pure reaction, over before I had a chance to think. Just once....
  • 1 0
 That's very normal on the shore. Every time I ride Fromme I need to remeber to down instead of looking up as you do riding faster trails
  • 1 0
 I once had the pleasure of witnessing The Godfather WHEELIE UP a 10’ rock face on Cypress (I forget the trail). It was insane!
  • 52 4
 This line is great: "You're not going to catch me in spin classes; I'm out in the woods! The more I ride, the fitter I get!"

While many of my friends turn to riding indoors for "training" in the NH winter, I just go outside and ride my bike. I ride a bike to be outside, not to do intervals in front of a TV.
  • 9 3
 'I ride a bike to be outside, not to do intervals in front of a TV'. But that's what ads tell you to do LOL

We have 30cm of very heavy snow ATM. Which is a lot for my region. That made me ride on paved roads for 80% today. But those 20% in the snow were hard - but boy was it fun.
  • 24 6
 Nothing wrong being inside to do a training and avoid the element and keep you bike in better shape. I get a better work out at home than only an hour on blue runs 50/50 in winter is the way to go for me.
  • 24 56
flag sanchofula (Jan 24, 2021 at 9:55) (Below Threshold)
 @ybsurf: tell yourself whatever you need to rationalize being inside, but biking is not riding a trainer, nor is using a treadmill “running”.

I feel fit folks who have bad weather, but truly, having bad weather is just an excuse to change your set up, be it fenders, studs, of fat tires.

I’d rather a hike a bike in snow than ride a trainer.
  • 5 0
 @ybsurf: I'ld love to do both riding and gym. But ATM gym isnt possible due to lockdown
  • 17 2
 @ybsurf: yep.. Living in Calgary here.. Getting on zwift has helped my mtb fitness immensely.. It is the next best thing.. Also.. New found respect for the fitness of roadies.. Some those guys watts/kg is seriously impressive.. I want both skills now..
  • 21 0
 @nurseben: not everybody lives in Nevada and riding on frostybicy trails isnt safe or when daylight is in short supply. I prefer riding outside obviously but it's not always an option.
  • 4 5
 @bohns1: next best thing is a fat bike, or even studded tires. You're missing out on a ton of great winter riding here!
  • 10 0
 @Torrrx: I do that too..But time constraints of being on call with my job and raising a little one doesn't give me the consistency needed ..That is why zwift is the next best thing for me..
  • 10 34
flag sanchofula (Jan 24, 2021 at 18:35) (Below Threshold)
 @ybsurf: when I lived in eastern Washington we had hard cold and snow for months, but I still rode.

We get snowed out in northern Nevada, about to get a week of snow, I’ll ride, it’ll be tough, like life.

No amount of downvoting will change reality, riders ride if they want to ride.

Don’t be a pansy Wink
  • 22 2
 @nurseben: oh wow you are such a tough guy super impress
  • 14 0
 @nurseben: I hope these comments make you feel better about yourself man lol. No one cares, people do what they want. Indoor/outdoor whatever. The pros ride indoor trainers and if they’re pansies then so am I, idc lol
  • 8 1
 @nurseben: Since I started training on zwift in the winter my endurance for actual trail riding has improved dramatically. If this makes me a pansy, so be it.
  • 8 6
 Y'all are a sensitive bunch. Nurseben is correct, riding a trainer is pedaling, not riding. I guess its all about the type of person you are, I like being outside whatever the conditions are. Riding a bike in different conditions makes you a better rider. Rider a trainer makes you better at pedaling your bike.
  • 5 0
 @LaXcarp: I dont think people call a session on a trainer a "ride" it's a training so when the weather is good or you have more time to go out you still in good shape for the actual drive. The main reason I got my trsinervis my wife got multiple surgery since November and cant be away for long so the trainer help my fitness while staying close to her and it improve my fitness a lot.
  • 4 4
 every decent trail system these days is getting groomed up for fatty bikes in the winter. Your indoor riding buddies are losing out on some good riding!
  • 4 0
 what if I told you core brahs that you can pedals bikes indoors....and outdoors.....in the same winter?
  • 3 3
 "I play real sports. Not trying to be the best at exercising." - Kenny Powers
  • 5 1
 @drenwicked: Kenny Powers is fat... just sayin,
  • 1 0
 @TypicalCanadian: you got it Pontiac!
  • 3 2
 @ybsurf: Gotta respect that. I have 2 toddlers, so I strap lights on and head out at 830pm by myself. I save the home workout for strength/mobility training.
  • 1 0
 @Konyp: I'm with ya 100..Zwift has hands down made me a better all round rider.. I can just handle long climbs way easier.. Hardly ever gassed..
  • 40 0
 Hahahaa old man diesel strength!
I love the friendly bike bike check jab for Levy to eat.
You’re a funny man, Wade.
  • 6 9
 Enjoyed this, and tons of respect for Wade, but this is almost useless for me. I don't have the strength to power through like Super Simmons does. So, I have to have less psi for traction, have to run higher cadence, and have to adjust my lines because of it. I've biked that R&R climb countless times and have cleaned it only twice. Frown
  • 3 2
 @rrolly: Amazing what some single legged lunges and getting under a squat rack can do tho.. Some hip thrusts as well..
  • 6 0
 @bohns1: I can't count how many lunges, squats, deadlifts,etc I've done. My body is just built differently. Not giving up though.
  • 8 0
 @rrolly: go down a gear or two and stand when climbing. Instead of hanging on and spinning, break the climb into separate power moves.

Strength training helps immensely but training your body to respond to power surges helps a ton.
  • 2 0
 @rrolly: fair enough ..None of it will do much however if nutrition game isn't on point ..
  • 7 4
 @rrolly: it’s also a mental game, if you believe, and you ride to collapse (like you do in your gym workouts), you will find that you can do a lot more than you think you can.

Few people meet their limits ...
  • 4 0
 @bohns1: 100%. I'm fairly dialed when it comes to nutrition. This is something I picked up coaching for the past twenty years. Honestly, it's quite likely my technique. . . and, of course, my bike. It's gotta be my bike Wink
  • 1 0
 @nurseben: Definitely need to do more in the gym for sure.
  • 2 0
 @bohns1: or just ride single speed for a bit. It helps your riding no end.
  • 1 1
 @rrolly:for crux moves and shelfs, maybe try to gain some momentum before instead of trying to explode right at the move, spread the power out a bit so you don’t have to rely on so much power at once. Depends on the climb though, that’s exactly what makes tech climbs tech I guess, not being able to set up much
  • 1 0
 @emptybe-er: exactly. If you look at the R&R section Wade does, that comes after a steady dose of climbing already. There's nowhere to rest or gain momentum, unless you're in Squamish-local level fitness.
  • 1 0
 @fartymarty: very true!
  • 5 0
 Love seeing Wade break it down, and proving you don’t need to be 120lbs and on a 100mm bike to smash some tech climbs!
  • 2 0
 @Honda750: exactly..That and the fact old dudes can still bring it..
  • 31 0
 Only part I can replicate easily is the low speed Endo at the end...
  • 2 0
 I'd like to be familiar with his "Jedi Move". Each time my rear wheel lifts and I'm sent over the front, I DONT land on my feet.
  • 1 0
 @flaflow: for a slow endo, once you know you're going over (I think this is the key part, not hanging on until it's too late) you can essentially push into it, get the bars out of the way and pull your feet in front/under you as you come down. It's kinda natural on flats, but harder to sync everything up if you're clipless.
  • 1 0
 And I’m thinking the only reason for the endo was slow speed, that 180mm fork just stopped him. He isn’t used to going slow downhill at all, I imagine.
  • 29 0
 Wade Simmons is the Bill Murray of mountain biking. Impossible to not love this guy.
  • 1 0
 My thoughts too. I can't possibly imagine anyone not liking Wade. I have tons of respect for the guy. He definitely deserves the moniker of "legend".
  • 23 0
 Wade does a 360 on the impossible climb
  • 6 0
 just because he can
  • 20 0
 The "Pick A Part" series has been so awesome so far!
Thanks to Wade and Rocky for the quality videos!
  • 22 0
 Mike vs Wade vid!
  • 1 0
 This needs to happen!
  • 7 0
 More like a humbled vid... Big Grin
  • 2 0
 @iduckett: Wade is the Chuck Norris of mountain biking.
  • 16 1
 Since we can't race any more and substituting with Strava is a bad idea for the crowded North Shore trails, how about a Pink Bike/Trail Forks Impossible Climb Challenge.

Post a new route every week and let anyone who wants have at it
  • 12 0
 Our riding group created a bunch of short uphill segments, super fun. Competition is fierce lol
Uphill is the new downhill
  • 15 2
 Nice to see somebody running the super effective and practical mudhugger rear fender rather than worrying about subject "looks".
  • 15 0
 Hearing Wade made 4 stroke vs 2 stroke moto sounds, priceless.
  • 12 0
 Braap, braap, braap....I will forever be echoing these in my head while climbing from now on, guaranteed. These vids are great, more like them please!
  • 5 0
 I do that going in the back wheel of some ebike guys here sometimes jajaja .... or when you see the unfitted ebikers parked next to the climb jajaja
  • 12 1
 Hey Pinkbike....For next year Levi is out and Simmons is in for the impossible climb. Pleeassse
  • 1 0
 Or have them both do it so we can see a mortal compared to a god[father].
  • 8 0
 I appreciate that Wade's using a Slayer in this video. Most people I know on the shore have bigger bikes to really go on the downs, but you still gotta earn your turns on them.
  • 4 1
 Bigger than a Slayer? That’s a 180mm travel bike isn’t it?
  • 3 0
 @stubs179: I think they're agreeing with the bike choice, and using "bigger" in general, not compared to the Slayer which is about as big as they come.
  • 9 0
 "I got a little fat over the winter, which I have seen in the comments too" Guy looks like he could kick most of our a** in more ways than one.
  • 11 0
 Luna the Dogfather Fab
  • 9 0
 That was the funniest video I've watched in a long time hahahah !! You are the best Wade.
  • 9 0
 So, how well does the Slayer climb: as well as the rider will let it.
  • 5 0
 "Tough and technical lung-busting climbs"? I thought people called them tough and technical battery draining climbs these days. J/k, great to see articles on how to increase your own physical abilities instead of just how to spend more money to make your bike better.
  • 9 0
 The wolverine!
  • 7 0
 That rear wing clearly added downforce and traction Wink Great viewing as always!
  • 12 4
 Ebike riders scroll past video.......
  • 5 0
 Keep em coming Wade! Love your pick-a-part vids. It’s been awesome following your adventures since way back in the 90’s. Still at it with the rest of us old guys. Old man power...
  • 7 0
 I was expecting to see him Gap over the hill climb.
  • 6 0
 Impressive Mr. Simmons! On a big travel, long wheelbase bruiser of a bike to boot!
  • 4 1
 We all know that Wade guy can ride a bike down the hill, but loving the tech climbs bits. The climb bits on Seymour are some of my favourite tech climb sections.

Here is one for Wade to try. At the the end of Penny Lane it crosses Servered D and becomes Good Sir Martin. Climb up that small short section of Servered D to the start of Shorn. Don't have the strength to hit in 2nd so I spin out on in 1st on the steep part attempting the step up.

Challenge to Wade or Mike to film and clean that short climb.

Note: Keep your head up for downhill riders on Servered.
  • 2 0
 @rsidedown - I may not be thinking of the section you are talking about but if it is then it’s going up the wrong way of Severd; that will not end well for one or both riders if they meet at that point - I know I don’t plan for two way traffic there when I’m heading down Severd and it’s also a blind corner.
  • 1 0
 @stuie321: It is likely the area you are thinking. I have encountered hikers along all sections of Severed as well.
It is a short section that is very steep with a couple of step ups, if one were to ride / walk up. I have encountered riders coming down in the past and simply move off the trail and let them proceed unhindered.

One other section that should be on the list, not far from the impossible climb is the Sticks and Stones trail. Riding counter clockwise all good, but when riding clockwise I have only made that step up around the big rock boulder once. Most times I try it I am not even close. Tried to hit it with speed, tried hit it slow and power up.

Come on Wade / Mike, show us the way.
  • 1 0
 @rsidedown: My regular climb is up Griffen on Fromme. There's a left corner with two rock boulder steps on middle Griffen. Used to get it about 30% of the time, but it's so eroded now it's damn near impossible. Cleaned for the first time in 2 years last weekend. It's a fun one. Haven't tried the sticks and stones rock step up you mentioned in a few years..haven't cleaned it yet..I should go try to tick that one off. Love those techy climbs.
  • 1 0
 @cmullins: Haven't rode up that way in while. Will have to give it a try.
  • 2 0
 @cmullins: It was re-rocked ~mid-2020 and the big holes were filled

Wade used to have an stage race event where we had to race up the Griffins with observed sections that if you cleaned you got a time bonus. One stage was up the Warden Climb, but you had to chug a beer first.

Also, I'm not sure if it was his event or James Wilson's event, where there was a speed trap to determine the fastest speed down the gravel road from about Lower Oil Can to the original Expresso Entrance
  • 1 0
 @taprider: Ha, maybe that explains it. Didn't ride much this fall. Didn't look too different, though.

My kinda race!..as long as it's not a light pissy beer. Warden climb's good too.
  • 7 1
 Watching talent like Wade or Johann climb makes me want to play more golf.
  • 6 0
 Where do you wanna send my $50 Wade?
  • 3 0
 Coi lover for the win when climbing. That added squish can add a lot of traction. And fully agree with power pedalling. Spinning never really worked for me on my climbing either.
  • 3 3
 And yet the hills are full of people on 30lb bikes spinning a 30x51 barely crawling.
  • 3 0
 @alexsin: excuse me I am on 28x52 now. My low speed balance is getting good.
  • 5 0
 "I'm getting fat..." Sure Wade, you just cleaned every climb WHILE commenting the entire time. Yeesh.
  • 6 0
 Best climbing Field Test Trail bike = Rocky Mountain Slayer
  • 2 0
 Wade S.: You guys think I'm some sort of freeride legend...which...which I am.
Me, "interviewing": Can you corroborate?
Wade S. again: What do you think I did before I freerode? I mountain-biked.
Me: You didn't exactly corroborate.
Wade S.: Ok, let's do this!
Me: Did you just lap a tree on the Impossible Climb, get @mikelevy fired and buzz the tower?
Wade S.: Braap BRAAAP! Doneski!

Scoreboard wins a lot of smack talk.
  • 4 0
 @raceface These videos are great. They're really well produced and Wade is awesome on the camera. I don't watch many of these how-to videos, but these are enjoyable.
  • 4 0
 Thanks Wade, that was good. Like really good. Luna is prettier than you are LOL
  • 1 0
 Great video with excellent instruction for clearing long sections of technical climbing. I need to be willing to push a smaller gear for more torque and avoid spinning too much. I really liked the description of how and why to do that from Wade. It would be great to see Wade make his way out to Colorado and demo some of the nasty climbs we have here. Usually to people who can clean everything are waaaaay ahead of me on any group ride.
  • 5 1
 "I dropped my seat a half inch"

No ya didn't, you dropped it 12.5 mm shot of Maple syrup pronto!
  • 5 0
 Canada converted to metric when he was a kid in the late seventies through the eighties, old schoolers all think in imperial.
  • 12 1
 It’s actually 12.7
  • 6 1
 @brownstone: someone had to say this, just glad I didn't have to be that person Smile
  • 1 8
flag Bushmaster123 (Jan 25, 2021 at 6:39) (Below Threshold)
 @brownstone: you would know, probably see a " half inch " everytime you take a piss! My bad 12.7, I was rounding off, don't want to jip ya .2
  • 4 0
 Wade you are a natural king! Keep up the good work. Really good at doing these videos.
  • 5 0
 So, so good. Not only did I learn some skills I learned about life.....
  • 5 0
 This guy needs to ride lactic ridge in Fernie
  • 1 0
 I miss high end dual position forks for climbing. They certainly did the job for me. Imo you can't have an ideal position for both climbing and descending with the same geometry. Dual position forks (or mechanisms like shapeshifter) get you a better seat angle, handlebar vs seat hight, more ideal fit in terms of your CG vs BB position (improving pedal stroke quality - ie. your power output and endurance) and steepen the HTA which is a good thing for slow speed climbing. The only disadvantages I can see are slightly lower BB (not such a problem, does not apply to shapeshifter) and need for a more complex air spring. ...I understand that the market is driven by enduro racers with timed sections downhill only...but it would be nice to have more dual potition stuff for general riding.
  • 8 0
 Back in the day they were great, especially for bringing your seat angle forward. Nowadays with already super steep seat angles and bottom bracket height that are on the ground, adjustable forks don't work out.
  • 3 0
 @50percentsure: I don't want to argue about the fact that BB's are low and that if you would lower the front suspension on many today's bikes that it wouldn't work. But your answer does not address the core problem. You simply can't have a ideal uphill and flat/DH position without changing the geometry. The future answer for a up and down capable bike is going to have to be either something like the shapeshifter or a movable and tiltable saddle. Just try it, remove some air from your frot add some to the back (tilt the bike), and move your saddle forward and tilt it. Then hit a very steep climb. You'll see that you are much more comfortable seated and are able to deliver power to the pedals much more efficiently. Today's enduro bike setups are focused on DH (geometry wise) with a compromised saddle position for climbing/flat.
  • 1 2
 @IluvRIDING: yup, thats why every is quitting riding bikes, they are impossible to ride. I usually bring 2 bikes to the trails and just decide when I get there if I'm walking uphill or downhill all day. Sometimes I bring and extra stem and a different travel fork and swap the parts when I reach the top.

I just realized I should ride with someone, they can ride down and ill ride up, then we can swap bikes and I won't have to cry about the optimization of my geometry and just ride. I cant wait for the day the industry gets it together and makes a 2 way bike.
  • 4 0
 @IluvRIDING: Depends on geo I suppose? Previously I wouldn't buy a bike if it didn't have a travel adjustable fork, it made such a profound difference climbing performance. I had three.

Finally I ended up with a modern geo bike with a new-school super low BB, and an adjustable travel fork. With the fork slammed the bottom bracket height was unrideable on anything but paved road, and even then it didn't help with performance. I pulled the fork off and sold it.

The bike after that also had a modern low BB but also a super steep seat angle. I wouldn't put an adjustable travel fork on that bike if I was paid to.

The big switch from downhill to uphill is that downhill is out of the saddle. Having a saddle position optimized for downhill isn't much of a thing.
  • 2 0
 @50percentsure: I get your point. It does not work with low bottom brackets. But my point is that regardless of how modern your geometry is any bike rides better uphill if it is more level. And yes it's correct to assume that for modern bikes it would be better to have an extending shock rather than a compressing fork. Regarding saddle angles: compare downhill bikes seat angle and enduro bikes seat angle common setups. It's quite clear that when going downhill on enduro bikes your seat angle is not ideal.
  • 1 0
 @IluvRIDING: @IluvRIDING: Extending shock would be absolutely amazing. Have no idea how that would be implemented but nice thinking out of the box!
  • 1 0
 @IluvRIDING: may want to check out the SwitchGrade which just featured on Pinkbike recently: m.pinkbike.com/news/the-switchgrade-allows-riders-to-change-saddle-tilt-on-the-fly.html

Let’s you change saddle angle on the fly. Nose down for climbing, nose up for descending, level position for undulating terrain. ????
  • 3 0
 Anyone know what gloves Wade is using?
They look like they could be an contender for preventing gorse bush needles stabbing the 2 most exposed knuckles on each hand.
  • 9 0
 He's rocking our Ruxton gloves. Definitely give you a little extra peace of mind on those tight and twisty tree-filled trails!
  • 1 0
 check this out too, not pricey and with d3o in the knuckles
  • 5 0
 three climbs I push up regularly, nice to see how its done.
  • 1 0
 Jedi move for the win bro! Yes only someone as talented as our friend El GodBrother can slay impossible shit. Mortals like myself seek that feeling and rarely acquire the buxx. I rode with him twice and both times were epic times. Yo Bro what tyres are you on and ya I adore hard tires my Minions are minimum 30 psi
  • 4 0
 The wheelie move is something I've never tried. Cheers for the tips Mr Simmons
  • 3 0
 My favourite thing to watch on Pinkbike! An absolute pleasure listening to insight from The Godfather. Thank you Wade and Pinkbike.
  • 1 0
 I remember when Hestler and Wade were doing some kind of trip/ride a few years ago and Hestler said something to the effect of "make no mistake, Wade's got an engine on him" in regards to his climbing.

Love these vids, love seeing Wade have fun, keep em coming pls
  • 1 0
 I totally relate to the diesel engine low rpms spin to climb. I tried to increase my cadence to climb and cannot do it. I find i have better control and able to react to the trail obstacles better. Plus i don't go in to cardiac arrest doing it. Plus I love the pointer about lowering the seat just a little on the climbs to gain a little bit more control!!! Love these video's!!!
  • 2 0
 buy the name Luna I thought her to be the godmother instead of a godfather. But maybe I am a bit to oldschool when it comes to gender stuff.
  • 3 0
 Nice & inspirational Wade! Are you running a Z1 coil or air? Gonna try some of your techniques in a bit!
  • 4 0
 that's not a fender, it's a wheelie bar
  • 4 2
 Good to see him not on a e-bike...but I'm sure he rides one more than his regular bike..I'm I not right wade??good video though..
  • 4 0
 I really hope I'll be as cool as Wade when I get old
  • 3 3
 ben the swabian, When you get old ? one thousand laughing emojis . old is a relative term.
Ben, is " old" to you , but Ben is young to me .
Ben is at the age where if he pushes himself , he can remain fit for a while longer and then comes the day where NO
amount of pushing will matter .
But dont think about that, just enjoy now.
  • 1 0
 @Sirios: Right, will do.
  • 3 0
 i watch these not to learn as much as i just like wade , seems like such a bro
  • 2 0
 Wade if you read this, I cannot be the first person to say your sound effects remind them of this guy.

  • 4 0
 Long live tech climbs! And sessioning them. I approve of this video.
  • 2 0
 Thought of you on these series Phil...these are some of my fav climbs
  • 4 0
 The man's a goat.
  • 13 0
 The man's "the" goat!
  • 5 2
 Levy needs to do more roids to compete with Wade...
  • 3 0
 Well done mr GF now let’s see what ML can do.
Pinkbike SmackDown
  • 3 0
 Hey help me real quick - is this vid from now? No snow in BC?
  • 3 0
 Pretty mild winter so far for most of the Province. The area I recently moved to is roughly 10degrees warmer than normal .
  • 4 0
 yes. But this is the North Shore where there are maybe only a couple of days in the winter when there is too much snow to ride trails uphill. Also, there are typically palm trees at the used car lots throughout Metro Vancouver
  • 2 0
 Although the mtns are big, the costal range is pretty low elevation and the rain/snow line keeps lower mtn. trails snow free year round.
  • 2 1
 @Bushmaster123: dammed another reason to move there
  • 1 0
 @ferenooo: It sucks..don't move hereSmile
  • 3 0
 the man.. the myth.. a Legend
  • 3 0
 Love your vibe Wade! Nice climb! MORE VIDS! Bike check!?
  • 2 0
 “I mountain bike” and street fighter for the win; Wade, absolute legend ????
  • 2 0
 Wade do the impossible climb on the baden powell at Fromme!! You know the one I'm talking about.
  • 2 0
 I can't believe I'm so inspired to go mountain biking after watching an uphill video, haha! Thanks for the content Wade!
  • 1 0
 Maybe it's the bright blue frame or the bright red fork or maybe its the huge fenders, but that bike looks like it's strait out of Walmart from afar.
  • 1 0
 @mikelevy @raceface @brianpark having Mr. Levy ride with the godfather seems like an excellent choice for a future episode of "humbled"
  • 2 1
 I love the climbs just as much as the downhills too, Wade! Can we be friends?
  • 2 0
 Mudhuggeeeeerrrrrrrrr! Stop the arse stains????
  • 2 0
 "It's flatter here, so it's not as steep"
  • 1 0
  • 2 0
 where do i get that rear fender?
  • 1 0
 I actually like the Mucky Nuts one better, as it hugs( no pun intended ) the tire instead of curving upward which reduces coverage
  • 1 0
 Really enjoyed the wheelie seeing how that turn is done.

Has anyone ever completed the top of incline to corkscrew?
  • 1 0
 do you mean riding up Incline or riding up Corkscrew?

Incline would likely need lots of giant trials hops or pedal kicks, Corkscrew can be done more Just Riding Along style without the hops
  • 1 0
 @taprider: riding up from mushroom
  • 4 0
 @TH3MACK: yes but which trail?

the top of Incline is the same as the top of Corkscrew.

About the Turn of the Century, before Corkscrew was built, the portion of Incline above Mushroom was known as the Beer Challenge (if you cleaned the climb your buds owed you a case of beer). But there was a lot more soil then and routes to zig zag around the big features
  • 2 0
 @TH3MACK: I've eyeballed it but never felt like it would be really worth the effort for that extra bit of corkscrew. I always just drop in at the T-junction.

I wish there was a cut through where you could ride up to Ned's and then cut over to Seymour road and then drop in from the top. I guess the terrain goes pretty much straight up across there, though..
I also dislike doing the whole old buck+Seymour road climb which means I pretty much never ride that top could hundred feet of corkscrew.
  • 3 0
 @KennyWatson: it's only a few minutes to push up incline.. Big Grin I think it's the best part of corkscrew, the small drop and the bridge jump are fun.
  • 1 0
 Hmmm. Is that an extra wide “climbing specific” rear tire?? Love tha vid!
  • 1 0
 ive ridden with him on vancouver island in the winter. he is spot on with that mud guard, the rest of us looking like tools
  • 1 0
 I like the mud tho..
  • 1 0
 Big rear fenders have been shore since like 1994 check out NorthShoreExtreme 1 on vhs
  • 2 0
 Pick-a-part kicks ass. Tips from a legend are always appreciated!
  • 2 0
 His father was a mudder, his mother was a mudder.
  • 2 0
 Every Wade's move, is a Jedi move!
  • 1 0
 Stomps the impossible then schwings around to slay the Severed chute. Wades World!
  • 2 0
 only Wade Simmons can make riding a up a hill essential viewing.
  • 1 0
 Entertaining as always, Mr. Simmons. Back in the 80's, the wheelie move Wade is doing was referred to as a power wheelie.
  • 1 0
 Love this dude...is it just me or does he have a cousin on the east coast?? Ricky dresses a little better.Smile
  • 2 0
 Science has taught us that Wade=Traction. Keep those winter pounds coming!
  • 2 0
 He dropped the Mike... I mean, mic.
  • 1 0
 Would be more kewl if the Mortal Kombat theme Keel Moves were used to finish each section Big Grin
  • 1 1
 No e-bikes were harmed during the filming of this tutorial. The God Father showin' how it's done. If you're gonna be a bear, be a fucking grizzly!
  • 1 0
 Wade, where the f*ck is the purple pipeline and why is this not RM7 green flame paint?
  • 1 0
 You really cannot go wrong with Wade in a video. He remains an amazing rider years on and is simply a treasure.
  • 1 0
 Every time I see Wade he is non stop advice and wisdom, and Luna is always around and tail wagging.
  • 1 0
 good to see him crush climbs on the same fork i run. 7 inches of love
  • 1 0
 Great video right on Wade. Let’s see some Grannies!
  • 1 0
 Best yet! Climbing 170/180 like a boss.
  • 1 0
 What's the tune. I'm blanking and it's killing me....
  • 1 0
 Great video aside, I love his dog a lot. Good boy!
  • 1 0
 Can we get a "Who's the better climber? Levy vs. Wade"
  • 1 0
 Hugs from Portugal Master Jedi!
  • 1 0
 And on a Slayer, respect!
  • 1 0
 Loved your moves, especially at the end-o!
  • 1 0
 Wade aka The fender
  • 5 5
 Likes to mash big gears, but has a 52t?
  • 3 4
 Well, he has eagle, so, the biggest gear is 52, but the bike is not a single speed so what's your point exactly?

He notes the bike is stock, and eagle with a 32t chainring is fairly standard on a 27.5 bike and pretty common on the shore. Most people would run 30 or 32 up front and the big ring out back is largely a bailout gear, more fit people need it less often, less fit people use it more. On a 29er, 28t or 30t is more common although you still see some 32s.

I think ideally you size the front chain ring so you aren't constantly in the granny gear.
  • 4 0
 @KennyWatson: my current model 29er came with 32t 11-50. I’ve always felt like a spinner. Wade tells me I’m a diesel, I’m taking the compliment.
  • 3 7
flag sanchofula (Jan 24, 2021 at 10:05) (Below Threshold)
 32t x 52t is tall, for folks who spin up steep climbs, something like a 26-28t is typical. If you like to stand and crank, tall gears are fine.

In Wade’s case, he can’t spin steep stuff because his gears are too tall, but his climbing is punchy and short so it’s probably fine for him.
  • 5 1
32-52 is tall? Personally I think it's as low as I could imagine wanting on a 275er. And I consider myself a spinner.
  • 1 0
 @KennyWatson: I bet if you asked him, he would remember using 32-36, not long ago.
  • 3 0
 @MorganBH: my only point, and Wade's point in the video, is that you have a whole cassette worth of gears to pick from, and the lowest gear is not automatically the best one for every climbing situation. The fact that the lowest gear is a 52t, is not in and of itself that relevant to the task at hand.
  • 2 2
 @AndrewHornor: nah, I run the same gears on 27.5 and 29, maybe you just need steeper climbs Wink

... and sure (Kenny), I remember running taller gears, I’ve been riding for over forty years, I rode single speed 29ers until I left the East Coast, also spent five years riding muni exclusively.

If you think you can stand and crank up five miles of steep single track, I invite you to come ride with me sometime.

Spinning has its perks Smile
  • 2 0
 @AndrewHornor: ya, my 27.5 came with a 34 and 50 in the back. It’s always seamed fine?
  • 1 1
 Climbing video by Wade. Freeride is truly dead.
  • 1 0
 dog not impressed
  • 1 0
 Pure Gold
  • 2 3
 I’ll challenged you on any climb Wade.????
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