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Video: Tom Bradshaw Races Psychosis DH On A Hardtail

Sep 27, 2021 at 10:58
by Pinkbike Originals  

Tom Bradshaw races Psychosis, one of the gnarliest, steepest, and longest DH tracks around, on his trusty hardtail as an ode to the original hardtail class. Can his hands and legs hold on long enough to make it to the bottom? Watch and find out.

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Member since Feb 15, 2012
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  • 330 15
 How long has the outside thing with links (on top the homepage) been there? Gross.
  • 154 2
 Very shortly ago today. Knew this comment would come up on this post at somepoint.

Pinkbike, please continue to be pinkbike. We come here for pinkbike, not outside+.
  • 36 0
 just showed up in the last 20 minutes (as of writing this) I refresh the page enough to know
  • 28 0
 @sherbet: rip
  • 90 3
 Am I the only one or does it just look completely out of place?
  • 77 1
 Oh my god its disgusting
  • 76 1
 I get they have to do something... But man does it completely tarnish the homepage.
  • 64 2
 @radek can you please make a filter so we don’t have to have that banner at the top of the home page?
  • 39 1
 Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Make it stop.
  • 17 0
 Doesnt show on mobile mode so at least we have that for now.
  • 35 0
 Not a permanent solution, but if you're on pc, install ublock to your browser, right click and press hide element, theres still a white bar, but at least there isnt the fekin logo
  • 16 2
 This is a disgrace!
  • 9 0
 Not showing up on the phone! Yet…
  • 15 0
 @Jaib06: Adblocker, on chrome, makes it go away!
  • 22 3
 @Jaib06: Blocking it is easy. Blocking the incoming paywall, probably not so easy.
  • 3 0
 Is video playback from the site acting all glitchy recently for anyone else?
  • 12 0
 @brianpark - time for a podcase update on how many promises the corporate overlords have already broken...but seriously, this Outside+ tag deserves at least a PR...do Trailforks subscribers get this shit grandfathered? What if you already subscribe to Beta and Trailforks...now we need to subscribe to this to get two things we already pay for?
  • 78 0
 For what it's worth, I was a moderator on this site, and had been given Plus membership for life after leaving the team. When outside+ was announced, I lost my plus status.

No beef as I didn't use it for anything anyway, but it did really explain the situation to me.
  • 45 1
 So much for my lifetime Trailforks Pro membership... I like the guys at PB, especially having met a few of them, I just think the sale of the company and it's fallout is a poor representation of the staff at Pinkbike. The character of those people doesn't seem to match this business model, and neither does the community it relies on. The whole thing is just wrong and kinda sad.
  • 4 52
flag suspended-flesh FL (Sep 27, 2021 at 13:45) (Below Threshold)
 @sherbet: You had decades of Free - party's over.
  • 6 0
 Nothing on mobile, just checked the laptop.. Man it just looks so wrong. Guess they'll slowly be conforming us over to the dark side. That's just sad to see.
  • 4 0
 @sherbet: one Inc.+ is another man minus

@MikeyMT: his new employer will love it
  • 15 20
flag bainer66 (Sep 27, 2021 at 14:19) (Below Threshold)
 Honestly not sure the outrage. It’s at the top easy to scroll past.
  • 12 1
 Just don't click it. Clicks are counted and don't let them think we are interested in it. The more you click, the sooner they will do more "improvements".
  • 2 0
 @DylanH93: is there a pb app?
  • 26 0
 If you're not scared of adding an extension and adding some simple code you can do the following:

1. Install the Code Injector extension
2. Add a new rule for www\.pinkbike\.com
3. Add this in the CSS tab: #outside-header { display: none; }
  • 5 0
 What? I did not notice anything Big Grin always going to content. Oh, dear! Is disgusting! Just saw it!
  • 15 0
 I did have a lot of time of free Plus membership, sorry if that came off as whining. My point is that Pinkbike as a company kept me as a Plus member, for whatever reason they did. Props to them. That has been removed since ownership changed. The shift in priorities is my point. For what it's worth, Pinkbike, thank you for the great years. There's a reason I'm still here.
  • 2 0
 It hasn't shown up on Cyclingtips yet.
  • 10 0
 Frown paywall must be on its way as well.
  • 5 0
 its ugly im not gonna lie,
  • 30 30
 This man just displayed for you his fine set of rhinoceros balls by tackling this heroic DH feat and you came here to chatter about website sh*t? Shame on you, save your internet nerd remarks for the countless component reviews nobody cares about.
  • 10 1
 @ironxcross: Those bollocks are currently owned by Pinbike/Outside, so you are nuts to think they are off limits.
  • 13 1
 @ironxcross: Tom's balls are the property of Robin Roadie CEO Tesla guy...
  • 2 0
 Welcome to the machine.
  • 3 0
 they didn't add it to Trailforks... Yet...
  • 3 0
 I just noticed GAIA mapping is owned by Outside. I just used their free GPS map app wheeling last weekend. I still don't subscribe to much beyond phone, water, gas/electric, and garbage pickup. Fvkn dinosaur.
  • 3 0
 @sherbet: All hail the squirrel deer!
  • 3 4
 If you're a web developer: inspect element, delete element Smile I wonder if it's possible to make a browser extension to automatically do this?

But... I don't actually mind the menu that much. If it sponsors more Pinkbike content then it's fine. Something's got to pay the bills.
  • 2 0
 @Jaib06: No white bar left if I use ublock. It is completely gone.
  • 2 1
 100% off subject
  • 3 0
 @sherbet: when was outside+ announced?
  • 2 0
 I didn't even notice, until I saw these comments
  • 2 0
 @mkpfaff: I get this occasionally. Just change the resolution and you'll be good to go.
  • 3 3
  • 11 14
 Wow, downvoted for speaking the truth by a bunch of twats born after I created my PB account. You losers deserve to lose your free website.
  • 7 0
 @ironxcross: Downvoted for being needlessly abrasive. Chill, my dude.
  • 4 1
 I upvoted this, but who cares, really? All free sites look like Times Square in the 80s. I just wish there were drugs and hookers.
  • 6 0
 @ironxcross: dude, you're 33. Settle down.
  • 4 1
 @garneau565: @ironxcross: I know right, I have underwear older than 33!
  • 23 9
 I could give a rip about Outside, but they own Pinkbike now. Businesses exist & all of you depend on them and make money...or are you living on mommy & daddy's trust fund?

As long as PB rips - which it still does - most of us who don't melt in rain or lose their flower petals over petty ownership will stay. PB is a great biz-model with cult following, and I doubt Outside wants to lose it. And given how much pollution & horror is generated by our bikes & its products and how many mega-millions are spent in development, raw materials, plastics, tape, cardboard, & petro to wrap & ship them in - and the 1000's of unseen profiteering pathways our bike gear gets to us online & in shops - that none of you seem to be bitching about those money makers. Have you seen carbon plant pollution or 16-hour work-day slaves in China? You don't want to - and you would ride anyway even if you did.

Bitching about Pinkbike is low hanging fruit picked by short people who like low hanging fruit. Never heard such safe-space, precious flower, fake-cult BS in my life. If ya think PB staff & content has sold out then get the f*ck offa here and leave it to those of us who still like it.

Buncha whining B's...Effin' please, with your fake morals and ethics over who owns PB. Pure hypocrisy and petty complaints
  • 3 0
 @Mtn-Goat-13: did you just call me short?
  • 1 0
 Get it over with and rename it to Outbike Razz
  • 1 0
  • 3 5
 Oh come on... FFS why are you so precious about a banner up the top?... Outside bought it yet you keep coming back. Stay away if you hate it so much.
  • 1 6
flag j1sisslow FL (Sep 29, 2021 at 7:55) (Below Threshold)
 Not as long as you whiners have been crying about your dropped binky - get over it.
  • 1 0
 Geeze I didn't even notice it until I read this...
  • 2 1
 @sherbet: something tells me you were born before mountain biking was a thing.
  • 1 0
 @shltler: That'd be incorrect. Not sure the relevance to the discussion. 1990. I was growing up as MTB was.
  • 1 0
 @duncanstrohnd: don't be a clown dude. more money = better products
  • 2 0
 @sherbet: my bad dude! Was talking to @ironxcross
Must have hit the wrong one.
  • 2 0
 @wildmeff: facts! then why does the government suck?
  • 1 0
 @wildmeff: In theory yes, but that's not actually what we're talking about here. If I don't give Outside some of my money, I don't get to use the product I've already paid PinkBike for.

So more money in this case = the only way to keep the product I've already bought.
  • 1 0
 @duncanstrohnd: Totally curious - what product did you pay PB for that you no longer have access to? I didn't know that was a thing. I have TF Pro ($18 / yr or...$1.50/month)... not an Outside member but still using it. Just curious what ya mean...musta missed the post on that.
  • 2 0
 @Mtn-Goat-13: I'm the same as you - I have TF Pro at the same early adopter rate (mine may have been a one time fee, I can't remember). I can still use it for now, but it was stated in the Outside buyout that Trailforks would be bundled into their Outside+ subscription. When that's actually going to happen I'm not sure, but that is apparently the intent here.

I get that it's business, I work in digital marketing and have been involved with many business decisions like this.

I'm not bothered by the amount of money, it's not much. My objection is being told how this is better for me and the wider community when it quite clearly is not. For Pinkbike's community, the merger with Outside offers no more value, but adds more cost, which is being justified by access to a collection of content unrelated to mountain biking that most won't appreciate.
  • 2 0
 @duncanstrohnd: I had TF free then when it was $18/yr, so maybe that initial offer locked it in at that for those subscribers? Anyway - from what I know (could be wrong) you don't have to buy into outside+ or anything to get it - can just subscribe & be done. Same w/ BETA Mag ($26/yr). Am also not into all the other stuff Outside may offer but some of it looks fine - training, Warren Miller library - but honestly - not interested.

Will be coming to PB for sure unless Outside totally tanks it & turns it soft. I'm thinking that since PB is so cult tho they'll wanna keep it like it is. Mostly though, all the gripers are making it crap now vs. anything Outside's doing - even if they do just wanna sell sport & "wellness". I don't have to buy that but the s***-stain of never-ending precious flower complaints already smells to hi heaven. Its fine to just stop coming here or move to other "rad" PB alternates...whatever those are.
  • 1 0
 @Mtn-Goat-13: I don't see myself running to an alternative - PB's news and product coverage is just fine, and the community is right here too. I guess if the community goes elsewhere I'd follow? Not sure though.

In any case, the alarmists can be annoying, you're right. I suppose I've added my voice to that too. I get the sentiment and anger though. PB was this amazing little Canadian outfit out of Squamish with great personality and what felt like a soul. Now it's just a branch office of a larger conglomerate from....? I don't know where Outside is from, or if that's just some shell entity to collect outdoorsy brands under an umbrella. Either way, it feels very faceless, and I hope the same thing doesn't happen to PB.

Maybe it's a Canadian thing - many of us still bristle at the Tim Horton's story - Brazilian food conglomerate RBI bought Tim Hortons in 2014, slashed food quality and raised prices to the consumer and now sells what was bonafide Canadiana back to Canadians at lower quality for higher prices while claiming to be so f*cking Canadian. It's insulting.

So yeah I get the angst - at the end of the day it would have been nice to see PB continue independently, but it's not the way of the world. Success attracts bigger fish.

I'll just ride my bike thanks.
  • 80 1
 This Tom Bradshaw guy is effectively the "Steve Irwin" of mountain biking.

"I have my brakes just fully on! Yee-haw! What a treat!" - good on ya'! Smile
  • 15 1
 Except Tom's a Kiwi...
  • 17 1
 @fartymarty: As an American, am I not entitled to ignore the nuance of nationality, dialect and speaking accent?

As far as we're concerned there are three accents to the english language: James Bond, Steve Irwin, and Canadian. Wink /s
  • 2 0
 @KJP1230: I was winding you up being an expat Kiwi.

Maybe @tombrad can do "Steve Irwin" new time he does a ride video.
  • 1 0
 @KJP1230: every Irish American is raging right now.
  • 58 1
 What a legend!
  • 9 1
 What a beauty!
  • 21 2
 Thanks @NickShepherd - this was a throwback to the hardtail legends of the original Psychosis race!
  • 3 0
 @Tombrad: I did it in 2004. It was f*cking awesome! Stacked field too
  • 4 0
 @Tombrad: phew i am glad someone brought up the hardtail class from back in the day. i did it on a kona kula in 2002. scary as f*ck..
  • 2 0
 @castlemtn: how did it not blow up? I had a kula. Straight up xc machine
  • 1 0
 @makripper: pretty sure we did not know any better back then and i quickly found myself on a santacruz bullet,
  • 1 0
 @castlemtn: haha a had a Brodie freeride hardtail. 2.6 tires and all. It was heavy and bombproof. Man I can't imagine riding my old kula down that. That's metal.
  • 1 0
 @makripper: running a fork with more travel than the head tube was designed for created some nice stress fractures and the BB junction also cracked. i learned quick and got me a stinky-dlux.... way better...then eventually an ellsworth DH bike. WAY better
  • 1 0
 @castlemtn: haha especially for that amount of abuse. What was that move called? Liquid dreams or something? Smoothest part of the track lol
  • 1 0
 @makripper: prejump donkey punch strait into wet dreams or role the rck spine and flow into clean sheets. beautiful names
  • 38 0
 Sorry, Tom!
  • 65 2
 You'll be seeing the chiropractor expense shortly...
  • 13 0
 @Tombrad: so, at sub 15, didn't you annihilate the hardtail category?

Hardtails (from 2008 ) dirtmountainbike.com/news/kovarik-wins-mount-psychosis.html

1 164 Phelps, Kevin Chromag 15:12.8
2 90 Lumley, Trevor 16:35.6
3 166 Ritz, Ian 17:58.3

I'm having trouble finding this years hardtail category results. Bravo regardless!
  • 3 0
 @heckler73: Kevin Phelps is/was an alien being
  • 10 0
 @leelau: “Yes! Foredeen fifty-won, sub fivdeen!” (my understanding that’s 14:51) is what Tom exclaimed at the end of the video. I couldn’t find that anyone else ride in the hardtail class this year. Therefore Tom is the alien overlord?!
  • 4 0
 @heckler73: Only if he did it on the Caged Animal's 2008 26" Chromag.
  • 1 1
 Inspiration for all of us to go out and rag a HT.
  • 22 0
 Nice work Tom. That's one of the best tracks to take a DH bike to, so that probably means one of the worst for a HT. Being only 3:26 behind the winner is solid AF.
Nice to see the road gap was back for the race. Hopefully they leave it there!
  • 13 1
 Thanks heaps Kram! Means a lot coming from you mate - you and Reg's 24 hour record kept my tired hands on the bars over that road gap
  • 1 0
 @Tombrad: So where did you place in the hardtail category?
  • 1 0
 @Tombrad: I don't know how you managed! I've told many people that it's the best DH track in the world, and when they ask why I say one of the reasons is because you use all of your suspension, all of the time. Generally that's a little bit of a hyperbolic statement, but in your case you most definitely were!
  • 2 0
 @Tombrad: You did a ROAD GAP on a HARDTAIL. ???!!! You have a GAP in judgement... lol
  • 25 3
 Nice Pit Viper jersey
  • 185 60
 nice to have tom inside me
  • 98 3
 @Pit-Viper: not sure whether to downvote for the outside+ tag or upvote for the pit viper humor...
  • 11 1
 @adrennan: If you need to ask that question the overlords have you already.... - Outside not Outside+
  • 2 0
 If he wins, he should get the denim jacket. Where are the Brits when we long for a little nostalgia?
  • 3 0
 @vinay: Sorry, couldn't get out of the 80's, what have I missed fellow kids? Are 24 inch wheels still all the rage?
  • 3 0
 @Jaib06: I don't know, but #24aintdead
  • 1 12
flag quesoquesoqueso (Sep 27, 2021 at 18:00) (Below Threshold)
 @adrennan: or just get a life
  • 3 0
 @quesoquesoqueso: that is lofty request for us PB comment section "contributors"
  • 7 0
 @Pit-Viper: They own you now too?
  • 1 4
 @pink505: just delete your account. do it
  • 19 1
 U wot m8
  • 12 0
 @Tombrad is the crazy man pinkbike needs
  • 10 0
 Next year, open to the public hardtail category
  • 3 0
 Back in the day there was a hardtail division if I remember correctly.
  • 10 0
 shot tom for dropping the kia ora at the start of the vid Smile
  • 10 2
 Today’s observations:
1) Tom rips
2) Pinkbike (under outside +) encourages skidding ALL THE TIME
  • 12 0
 I feel like avoiding skidding on this course would be near impossible on a full suspension let alone hardtail.
  • 10 1
 Rear suspension behind a paywall..
  • 8 0
 Something about hardtails and full face helmets that just looks sick!!
  • 5 0
 Ive done quite a few 7 laps and raced it but would never consider riding it on a HT. Conditions looked choice but still wouldn't on a ht.Props for that alone and sub 15min on a ht is one sick lap. Chapeau sir
  • 5 2
 First of all - Jebus H Tom - what a glorious bomb down a trail many of us couldn't match time on full sus. His excitement is contagious, he rips, and who wouldn't wanna ride or hang with Tom? Had to watch this about 3 times

Second - what an honor for Tom to have the 1st & most upvoted comment be a sub-teen, snowflake, whining, B****-fest comment about having seen an Outside+ banner / button. Oh boo hoo hoo hoo effin' hoo !!!

"Hey Tom welcome to PB Tom (and Henry) - here, let us swamp your banger HT Psychosis ride content with irrelevant high-school complaints about PB ownership because THAT'S what matters to us". What a bunch of pathetic ghouls - you mock MTB, Tom, and the long hours it actually takes to make content like this with your never-ending gripes about petty nonsense.

You should just leave PB instead of urinating all over it - it's actually what makes the site suck - not the staff, Outside ownership, or the content.
  • 3 0
 "It's been nice knowing you all."

Tom seems like a decent fellow (ok chap). I'd even peer over the fence and start a conversation if we were neighbours. Smile

EDIT: He has great cheery commentary during the downhill.
  • 4 0
 Gnarliest part of the video is not the lack of rear suspension it's the lack of hand protection. No gloves you madman, Tom Bradshaw.
  • 2 0
 Tom you absolute lunatic to attempt that not only with no rear suspension but no gloves and it looks like no pads at all on your upper body either! Fair play for maintaining the cheerful commentary all the way, down as well. This sort of enthusiasm is what mountain biking should be all about!
  • 3 1
 @Tombrad Top steep section? - Yep, well played. On a hard tail? - we've all made questionable decisions. Cables rattling on the number board? - 100% a bit of an irritation. Not making the horror climb? - sad for you mate. Flappy watch strap for 14 minutes and 51 seconds? - There's something seriously wrong with you.
  • 5 0
 JUST FANTASTIC!!!!! now get rid of the new ugly header on this site
  • 4 0
 So Tom has to race psychosis on a hard tail and levy complains about efficiency tests on a nice safe gravel road?
  • 4 0
 I found myself saying "put some gloves on!" far too much while rubbing my sweaty hands together.
  • 1 0
 Me too! I can almost feel those rocks on the top section shredding my palms.
  • 2 0
 I didn't full appreciate just how tough this course was until I watched the other video with a course walkthrough. Riding this with the drops, gaps and chunk on a hardtail is quite an achievement! Well done Tom!
  • 1 0
 Also just to further stir the pot. The current Pinkbike+ seems more to target those businesses that use the pinkbike buy and sell as their online sales platform. Seems reasonable on both sides to require some sort of cost for having that volume of sales go through the website.
  • 3 0
 You could have instead had someone kick you sharply in the knutts for 15 minutes instead
  • 5 0
  • 3 0
 That's crazy awesome, looks like he's riding at 90%+ travel on that fork the whole time too.
  • 3 0
 Yeah I raced hardtail class in 2004. Was a good time for sure!! The class was pretty stacked back then too. Lots of rippers!
  • 3 0
 “I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed in myself.” Dad? Is that you?
  • 1 0
 Tom has finally matured to the point that he's his own Dad
  • 3 0
 Jesus Tom, you seem way too happy for someone who is probably shitting his pants. Awesome stuff.
  • 1 0
 Pretty sure when I lived in Canmore (2003/4/5) the boyfriend of this chick I worked with at the Drake finished second on a hardtail...not sure what frame he was riding, but I'm fairly certain he had a Monster T on the thing
  • 2 0

Winning time on a hard tail in 2008 was 15:12.80
  • 3 0
 Wondering what the rear tire pressure was and what insert he was running
  • 18 0
 @Zaeius - 25psi with no insert. I chucked a fresh Big Betty in Super Gravity on the rear the night before as the anchor.
  • 3 0
 chromag ht with boxxer, should be "easy" enough
  • 3 0
 Good on ya for paying respect to the Caged Animal, Phelps.
  • 5 1
 That road gap in '08 was closer to 50 feet and Phelps smashed it on the HT, legend.
  • 3 1
 I would like to thank @brianpark for his sadism and @Tombrad for his willingness to be exploited by his Canadian overlords.
  • 1 0
 Looks fun. Is there helmet cam footage or race footage of the other racers? Would like to see Joe Breeden’s and Sherlock’s runs.
  • 1 0
 What a legend, got to see him over the tailgate gap in person yesterday, as a hardtail rider that calls mountv7 my backyard....hats off!
  • 2 0
 Thanks for having us! it's worth a huge shout-out to the Golden Cycling Club who got permission and built that road gap the day before the race and had to take it down afterwards! Couldn't not hit it!
  • 4 1
 SAVAGE! love to see more hardtail's ripping!
  • 1 0
 I admire your meddle and sense of adventure Tom!! Imagine what you could do on a DH or Long Travel Enduro...Next years challenge I guess...
  • 1 0
 Cheers @curendero yea looking forward to some longer travel missions soon!
  • 2 0
 Tom is so rad. All around boss on a bike and he seems so personable. Tom and Christina are the best thing about pinkbike.
  • 1 0
 That pic before the Youtub video link is SICK! The focus in Tom eyes and his expression is priceless. He is hard on the brakes too!
  • 1 0
 sweet vid and Phelps still rides only a Hardtail today and has not slowed down! Respect He rides the Chromag Doctahawk
  • 2 0
 @Tombrad you little beauty...well done!
  • 1 1
 Best way to describe trails in B.C. Crazy. We have this thing for crazy. It's gnar with some more gnar served with a fresh slice of gnar. I love crazy.
  • 2 0
 Full AXS. Atrocious cable ratle.
  • 1 0
 Riding with no gloves scares me more than riding with no rear suspension. he does both.
  • 1 0
 Thanks Tom. Love riding Hardtail. Something about, it just makes trail riding more fun!
  • 1 0
 Awesome Tom!

And that's why I'm keeping my Meta HT - they can do (just about) anything.
  • 1 0
 Man, that is one advantage to getting old...I didn't even notice it till it was pointed out.
  • 1 0
 crap, I could never go that fast on any bike much less a hardtail and he got last place. Jeez.
  • 1 0
 Absolutely top class stuff
  • 1 0
 More videos like this please Tom.. Quality
  • 6 8
 "This is the gnarliest race of all time". So I'm going to race a hardtail with Sram brakes, Schwalbe's, no gloves, and bars with no rise. Wouldn't catch me doing this on a trail bike with that spec.
  • 44 2
 And that's why no one will remember your name.
  • 2 0
 hold my beer...
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Respect Tom, way to represent the awesome hardtail class
  • 1 0
 Somebody get this man a steel or ti hardtail frame to shred!
  • 1 0
Be great to get a full bike check.
Top stuff.
  • 1 0
 Pretty sure he did a month or two ago!
  • 1 0
nice one. cheers
  • 1 0
 Ouch hows the gnards today?
  • 1 0
 Tom you're an animal! Great stuff, that's one to tell the grandkids.
  • 1 0
 i cant tell the diffrence between real life and meme anymore
  • 1 0
 Well ridden! Good job Tom!
  • 1 0
 Hardtail is amazing, number 1
  • 2 0
 *hollering gleefully*
  • 1 0
 post a full top to bottom
  • 1 0
 Pff easy! I do that on my steel ridgid bike Wink
  • 1 0
 Beast mode engage
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Good for Tom!
  • 1 0
  • 4 6
 Has anyone noticed the outside logo on the top of the website?
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