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Jack Moir Picks Up Monster Energy Sponsorship

Oct 6, 2021
by James Smurthwaite  
Jack Moir was hungry for the win today but couldn t quite much the front running pace and slipped back to 4th.

Jack Moir has earned a Monster Energy helmet sponsorship following his season-long battle with Richie Rude for the EWS overall title. Jack announced the sponsorship on Friday night and raced at the EWS this weekend in his new helmet that had been painted the night before and driven up by Image Design Customs.

Moir is the third mountain biker to join the Monster Energy team in 2021 after Marine Cabirou and Camille Balanche also picked up green-striped helmets earlier this year. Moir becomes the third full-time enduro athlete to earn a Monster sponsorship alongside fellow Australians Jared Graves and Sam Hill.

Jack said, “I’m pumped to be riding for Monster! It’s always been a dream growing up to be repping a Monster lid at the races. They are always supporting such sick video projects outside of racing as well so I can’t wait to get something going on the content side of things.”

Now that the EWS season is officially over, what’s next for Moir? “Normally I would go home and go camping and surfing all off-season. But I’m going to have to get my shoulder fixed as soon as I’m out of quarantine. So probably a lot of chilling and rehab!”

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Member since Nov 14, 2018
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  • 380 5
 Does he listen to Limp Bizkit and puddle of Mudd though? Does he punch drywall? Does he have a lifted black dodge ram 3500? Sounds like a poser kyle to me.
  • 12 2
 Can’t upvote this enough
  • 9 8
  • 29 1
 Is his pee orange? Does he get kidney stones? Nah? Sounds like a poser to me too.
  • 23 0
 Also should be riding in white brim sunglasses not goggles. Here in Alberta we have true Kyles.
  • 26 2
 Monster Energy money is good enough for Valentino Rossi, so it should be fine for anyone else
  • 6 0
 @brycemtb: lately its not so much white sunglasses. Its matte black with very brightly coloured mirrored lenses. Or pitvipers.
  • 9 0
 Ok can confirm he is a certified kyle, f*cking legend www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtwuQtlzsaE
  • 8 3
 I'm stoked for Jack, and glad he's cashing another check, but does anyone really dream of repping a Monster lid? I would think the kids today dream of Red Bull or nothing - the same as yesterday.
  • 6 0
 @brycemtb: Bro, he substituted Monster for milk and won the EWS.
  • 1 4
 @shredddr: Agreed. That's like saying you're stoked Ford is sponsoring you while the dude you've been racing against all year has Mercedes.
  • 7 1
 @shredddr: I thought Monster was the big one with Monster energy being all over the Supercross and they are seriously famous and well paid. Plenty of top athletes sponsored by Monster Energy past and present.
  • 5 0
 @shredddr: and this is likely the reason Monster jumped on the offer to get the newly crowned EWS champ on payroll. He’ll contest the generic Redbull athlete profile and is guaranteed to get the maximum airtime on all videos etc.
  • 6 0
 I would crack a Monny or even a Rockstar if they were paying.
  • 5 0
 @mccarthyp: Monster is pretty heavy on the moto/supercross scene, but outside of that I would have said the brand perception of Red Bull is a step above anyone else. F1 team, dude skydiving from space, they just do bigger and more insane sh*t.
  • 10 2
 @shredddr: a red bull helmet definitely has more prestige but if you actually want to drink energy drinks monster has a far better taste. Source: me, a university student with terrible time mangment and a due to day, do today mentality.
  • 3 0
 @brycemtb Give Jack a break, he only just got the sponsorship! I'm sure he'll be getting a 12" lift on his converted animal control camper and he has plenty of time this winter to punch drywall for shoulder rehab...while listening to Limp Bizkit and Puddle of Mudd, of course.
  • 2 0
 @brycemtb: shame they cut the vid just after putting the spoon in his mouth and missed him spraying his cereal all over the camera
  • 107 5
 People are quick to point out how bad energy drink consumption is, but having a few beers post ride is celebrated. Thankfully alcohol is good for you though.
  • 14 4
 This is certainly true.

You could argue that beer is more "natural" even if alcohol itself is more damaging than caffeine. It probably also has slightly healthier carbohydrates than all the sugars in energy drinks.

But yea, neither is great for you.

It's a real shame we don't have more sponsorship money in outside industries than energy drink manufacturers.
  • 3 13
flag ticoslayer (Oct 6, 2021 at 11:24) (Below Threshold)
 We should be seeing these guys in every MTB race/event:

  • 22 5
 @carlostrancex2: non alcoholic beer? Bro wtf. That's like going out for a ride and walking every single downhill section. May as well just drink water and stay inside.
  • 9 3
 @DylanH93: I see how it could look that way, but after 25 miles or ripping single track in SoCal heat, you have 3 of them and you can drive home satisfied with no risk of DUI. BUT I totally get your analogy. Drink up!
  • 2 1
 @spicysparkes: just doesn't look as good to the 13 yo fans, sipping a Sierra Springs vs multi-color 24oz energy cans. Like bringing your own home-brewed coffee travel mug vs the 48oz caramel laced see-through Starbucks cup.
  • 5 0
 Bring back the Evian team
  • 2 0
 @DylanH93: Damn right. After a long sweaty session what's better than a cold beer?
2 cold beers Wink
  • 2 0
 Coconut Water. Just compare the potassium content of the myriad of electrolyte drinks with it and you'll see how much better all natural coconut water is. Now I'm just a weekend warrior so all you mole crunchers and races try it out and let me know what you think...
  • 3 0
 @PHeller: Fully agree on the last sentence. I'd honestly love a Marlboro painted bike.
  • 3 0
 @PHeller: I'm all against energy drinks especially for children.

Natural does not at all mean good though. Tobacco and cyanide are natural. Toilets and soap are unnatural.
  • 2 1
 Yeah- but Budweiser isn't sponsoring athletes with the claim that the product is beneficial for sports performance. Also, we don't see huge numbers of children able to grab a 6-pack from their local gas station and then head off to school. For sure both have risks and neither is going to be ideal through a myopic health focused lens. However, the energy drink market has really cleverly aligned themselves with popular athletes to children and youth, promoted their beverages as performance enhancing, do not disclose growing evidence for mental and physical health risks, and remain available and unregulated for use in children and youth... so these are two really different things you are talking about here. These are my concerns anyways and I do enjoy a beer after a ride.
  • 51 5
 Always the most mixed feelings with these. I hate energy drinks and their problematic use and blatant false advertising- especially with children and youth who are most vulnerable to the influence of role models or sponsored athletes. The drinks are horrible- huge links to increased anxiety concerns, sleep problems, diabetes and the list goes on (yes I am aware of some studies that show in some athletic settings there is some benefit... however this is not really how they are generally used is it?). However, I also love seeing athletes like Jack and Camille receive support and funding for all the damn work they have done. All of the athletes picked up by Monster are so deserving of support for their contributions to the sport and achievements. So Kudos to Monster for providing that support but I wish their was more accountability for making billions off something so problematic with little conscience about it... blah blah blah no one was forced to drink it, free agency, screw the nanny state... but still... in the work I do in mental health with kids the corner of the impact of these products I see is bleak.
  • 55 0
 Ya but have you tried to with Jagermeister? 100% leading cause of new drywall in apartment complex hallways.
  • 10 0
 @sunringlerider: I read that was Coors Banquet... or maybe I saw it on the documentary series Cobra Kai... hard to tell these days... it was also surprising how many choreographed group martial arts encounters happen in high schools in California... also likely correlated to the use of Coors Banquet.
  • 11 3
 Drink Water
  • 8 0
 @snl1200: Canadians will never understand drunken highschool karate culture, you have to grow up here.
  • 4 0
 @konadan: ya but mid 20’s Kyle’s can’t butt chug water, or at least it’s not as fun.
  • 2 1
 @snl1200: dunno man. Back in my drinking days I enjoyed a few Coors. Never felt the urge to destroy drywall, might have been drinking it wrong though
  • 3 0
 Always thought they were crap/crack until I tried a rebull without vodka recently and kind of liked it, honestly. Only got half way through it though and poured it out.

I'd never drink something based on what my favorite rider drank, but then again I'm not 10. Any extra $ these poor pros can get is a positive in my book. Moir certainly deserves it..

I can't even imagine what our sport would look like if they weren't sponsoring. Probably be still be watching freecaster and definitely wouldn't have the best event in our sport in my opinion: Rampage
  • 4 0
 Definitely a mixed bag-DH wouldn't be where it is without the Redbull TV coverage, but I would think very few pro athletes are actually drinking that stuff.
  • 3 0
 @sunringlerider: jump to 1:15 in the video to hear a stuffy old southern lawyer utter the words, butt chugging... comedy gold.
  • 1 0
 @shredddr: that is pure chocolate gold
  • 1 0
 @shredddr: I have so many questions I never want answered after watching that. It is also amazing... just sheer amazing on so many levels... starting with the bow tie.
  • 1 0
 @sunringlerider: definitely drinking it wrong
  • 52 6
 I'd buy Monster and Red Bull if they sold the cans they give to athletes, that is without their drink inside
  • 10 3
 When they sponsored the 2021 Crossfit Games they supplied them with Monster branded cans of water. Although they don’t sell that to the public.
  • 3 0
 Why pay for water?
  • 2 1
 I've worked for/with Red Bull for the past 10 years, and i've never heard water cans being a thing. Athletes are more than welcome to pour out the drink and refill with water on their own, but sealed cans of water are 100% not a thing.
  • 1 1
 @davidrobinsonphoto: they definitely had them at the CF Games. They even advertised it. Initially I thought it was weird that when athletes finished a round they cracked open a can of monster (later realised it was labelled as water) and poured it over their heads.

It’s a product they don’t sell, but have for athletes so they can be seen drinking from a can of Monster all the time.

Imm in a dilemma, I am against all these sweet and sugary drinks from a health standpoint (especially the marketing at younger kids/teens), but for great fuel for all the money that they put into sports and support for athletes across the sporting world. Same with Coca-Cola, Redbull, etc.
  • 3 1
 @mi-bike: I would never pay for water, especially in the UK and Europe where we have good water quality.
“Bottled water companies don’t make water, they make plastic bottles”
  • 1 1
 @CustardCountry: Did you read my response? I don't care about Monster. I was stating the fact that RED BULL doesn't do this.
  • 42 4
 The new millennium version of cigarette sponsorship in sport. Great news for Jack all the same, but bad news for our kids!
  • 5 2
 This is a perfect insight.
  • 21 5
 Energy drinks aren't exactly healthy but comparing them to tobacco seems a bit extreme
  • 13 2
 @chrisclifford: that's how everyone felt about tobacco until long term health studies could be conducted. Unfortunately energy drinks just haven't been around that long, but the short term effects are pretty bad.
  • 5 2
 @L0rdTom: energy drink usage has been correlated with PTSD, aggression, and mental health issues in US veterans: academic.oup.com/milmed/article/183/11-12/e364/5085551

Wouldn't be surprised if further studies show more issues
  • 24 2
 @Dogl0rd: Serving in the US military is also correlated with PTSD, aggresion and mental health issues. Crazy
  • 11 1
 @Dogl0rd: This is an interesting article, but it appears to be a perfect example of correlation =/= causation

"High energy drink use was associated with mental health problems, aggressive behaviors, and fatigue even when controlling for rank and sleep problems. These patterns were consistent across estimated quantitative measures of use (i.e., frequency and volume). In addition, moderate energy drink use was associated with aggressive behaviors and fatigue as well as depressive symptoms." - from the disucssion section

"First, this study is not able to determine causality since the correlations between energy drink use and health outcomes were based solely on one-time point. Thus, energy drinks may lead to an increase in mental health problems, aggression, and fatigue, or energy drink use may be a manifestation of these issues."

So basically military members who drink a lot of energy drinks also have mental health problems, aggression, fatigue, etc. But there is no data saying that energy drinks causes those behaviors or problems. Maybe it is that those personality types buy into the energy drink marketing? The association is there but the causation is not clear.
  • 2 0
 Someone has to pay the bills for racing. Same in motorsports.
  • 5 10
flag jaame (Oct 6, 2021 at 13:34) (Below Threshold)
 Marlboro Yamaha was an iconic design. Tobacco sponsorship should never have been banned. No one is forcing anyone to buy cigarettes.
  • 4 3
 @mtshakira: dude I never said it was causation take a chill pill. Literally said correlated in my comment, jeeezeee
  • 1 1
 @steflund: well it's all relative... The finding of the study was that these issues were even worse in the energy drinkers...

But yeah very classy comment you have made, thank you
  • 3 0
 @Dogl0rd: "dude" I am chill? Just quoted the study because I thought we were having a "chill" discussion my bro. I guess that was above your pay grade?
  • 3 3
 @mtshakira: well you did write a whole essay to say what I already said in one word in my original post: correlated. I love arguing with people on the internet...
  • 4 0
 @Dogl0rd: the article doesn’t even say there’s a correlation. The authors say “associated with” and “related to” instead. That’s pretty intentional language and not the same as a statistical correlation.

I wasn’t trying to argue with you, so I apologize if you felt attacked. Legitimately thought it was an interesting article to discuss but I guess we’ll move on….
  • 1 1
 @matadorCE: Yep, the consumers (kids) are the ones paying those bills.
  • 1 0
 @konadan: You won't get any arguments from me contradicting that energy drinks are bad for you
  • 2 2
 @Jmac888 Or maybe, just maybe, Jack and his sponsors are not responsible for raising your kids? Just a thought.

It's just a sugary drink with some caffeine. No worse for you than a sweet latte, except more convenient to grab on a long drive. Never heard anyone whinge about the coffee industry "pOiSoNiNg OuR cHiLdReN" though. If you're able to not give them coffee then, I don't know, don't give them energy drinks either. It was your decision to have kids, so you deal with them now and let other people live.
  • 1 0
 So true. And isn’t it a coincidence that all the big soda companies suddenly started buying all the fruit juice and bottled water companies up a few years when people started to realise the effects of sugary drinks/tax them more.

As said above. Give it 10-15 years and sugar will be the next tabacco
  • 1 0
 @bananowy: obviously you’re not aware of the power of advertising, especially with kids.
  • 2 0
 @CustardCountry: I am, honestly. I'm not one of those guys who claim to be immune to marketing. Quite the contrary, I don't only sometimes fall for it in the traditional sense, but I also appreciate *good* marketing so much that I'll consciously buy into it in a "see what you did there, well done, take my money" kind of way. Which is a bit meta, but in the end it has worked on me, right?

All I'm saying is that while advertisers work to influence kids' minds, parents should always influence them more and that it's perfectly doable. If you can explain to your kids why they shouldn't binge on coffee, Coke or crisps, why they can't have every single latest toy they see on the Internet and why setting their BMX pallet jump on fire for a TikTok video is not the best idea, you can do the same with Monster. And it's your job to do it, not Jack Moir's.
  • 14 0
 Just need Tim Hortons on board now for the full "Levy Pro Deal"
  • 9 0
 I’ll say good for him, not that long ago, after he had left the Intense team, things weren’t looking so great. Now he has great results, a team that clearly works for him, and a major sponsor. I wouldn’t pass judgment on that at all. Go Jack, do what’s best for you.
  • 11 1
 Tbh, I have never been an energy drink fan. However I began liking Monster Energy just b/c this woman says they are involved with the devil. Hail Satan! www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjB3dO6hVwc
  • 5 0
 She must be a relation of doublecrownaddict
  • 11 0
 I don't think the news here is that "Monster Energy Drinks are Awesome", it's "Our boy Jack has finally hit the big time and is finally getting what he deserves!"
  • 9 0
 I'm pretty sure he is the fourth because Thibault Dapréla picked up a helmet as well.
  • 6 0
 People need to stop talking not educated trash around energy drinks. In moderation they're perfectly fine, like most things. Caffeine, vitamins, with sugar or sugar-free, they're no worse than drinking coffee or expresso, which most people seem to drink like water these days. Personally I drink Monster or Reign before riding or training to give me the boost I need. Other than that I only ever drink water, no coffee, no alcohol, no soft drinks etc, just water, and I'm perfectly fit and heathly.
  • 2 1
 TBF it's the marketing rather than the actual products which people find problematic. It's quite a toughie though, since Red Bull have got such a firm grip on downhill and have been instrumental in helping the sport rise again.
  • 1 0
 Same here, one energy drink a half hour before an especially hard ride. They're perfect for energy and focus. I have maybe three a month.
  • 3 0
 @Freakyjon Thank you for talking some sense in this comment section full of rad dads having a cry over THE CHILDREN while sipping their oversized triple-fat starbucks special and refusing to be accountable for what they and their own kids ingest.

Always the same irrational outrage when one of those top racers finally gets rewarded for their hard work.
  • 15 5
 Drink Water
  • 8 0
 I’m sure he drinks plenty of water but Fiji isn’t paying much in terms of endorsements these days.
  • 1 0
 @sb666 I know right, it's so sad that a top athlete in our sport is going to get properly paid for a change /s
  • 2 0
 @bananowy: Good for him, unfortunate that energy drink companies are the only ones putting money into the sport but glad someone is at least. Not knocking people that take the money, but it's still okay to point out that it's not the greatest situation.
  • 1 0
 @sb666: Why is it unfortunate? Can you clarify?

I mean if you're saying that more non-cycling industry sponsors would bring even more money for athletes, then 100% agreed. If you're saying that energy drink brands are somehow "bad" sponsors, I would like to hear why.
  • 1 0
 @bananowy: They do a lot for action sports and I appreciate that they do, but they aren't exactly healthy.
  • 2 0
 @sb666: They aren't exactly as unhealthy as people make them out to be either, no worse than coffee with sugar.

I just simply wonder if there would be half this outrage if Jack got sponsored by a non-caffeinated soft drink brand like, idk, 7up? Or a coffee brand like Lavazza or Illy. Or even better - a beer brand. You know as well as I do that if he got sponsored by a brewery almost everyone here would be super stoked.

Of all the unhealthy things that get advertised everywhere every day, why do energy drinks get so much hate?

Hell, mtb athletes get endorsement deals with car manufacturers and there used to be whole teams like Volvo Cannondale and Trek VW! In the grand scheme of things cars have contributed to much more death, disease and destruction than energy drinks. Why is that OK and Monster is not?

[EDIT] There's actually one more thing that interests me. Do all the "drink water" evangelists here really never have alcohol, soft drinks, coffee, unhealthy-ish food, pre-workouts before gym and a load of other such stuff?
  • 9 1
 The snippet from his VLOG eating cereal with Monster was hilarious. www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtwuQtlzsaE
  • 4 0
 Remember when Monster was Hansen’s Energy? I remember drinking a Hansen’s Nectar peach berry smoothie at summer camp as a youngster and it was delicious. I still enjoy a Monster Mean Bean every now and again. Congrats Jack!
  • 5 0
 Epic, In an old as article he mentions he grew up frothing over Sam and Brendog on the Ironhorse's, watching old videos during class and all that. Now he's the man that Aussie kids can look up too. Congratulations.
  • 3 0
 Not just the Aussie kids, all of them. He's a breath of fresh air for the sport.
  • 4 1
 Seems to me that Monster Energy sponsors all the top Australian riders, www.monsterenergy.com/sports/mountain-biking
I'm sure if half of you were as good as you think you are, and a major brand ask you to represent. You would jump on board...bills need to be paid,
Jealousy is a curse.
  • 5 0
 This dude doesn't seem to train that much during the off season? Surfing and camping and won the ews? Legend!
  • 3 0
 Watch his vlogs and you will see.
  • 6 1
 He probably listens to SLAYER during off season and just stores it all in to unleash it during EWS.
  • 1 0
 please jack keep away from the bronze whalers this time going surfin
  • 8 2
 But will you drink it?
  • 3 4
 i called it in the photo epic
  • 19 3
 As long as it's not in anyone else's water bottle...
  • 8 4
 They've got sealed cans pre-filled with water for athletes to drink, just like Redbull. No real athlete wants that shit in their system.
  • 4 0
 @jayacheess: just to know, where did you get this from?
  • 14 4
 @jayacheess: "No real athlete wants that shit in their system" is blatantly false, they're people not robots. I cant confirm that no athlete has ever received a can with water in it, but I have had energy drinks (both redbull and monster) straight from a sponsored athletes fridge before... and it was still full of the same energy drink.
  • 1 1
 @MCsession7: no doubt they have real stuff around, of course. But I can also see the need for an athlete to avoid putting it in their system during competition while also still repping the brand. Keep an eye out for it on Ebay. It seems to pop up from time to time.
  • 1 0
 @MCsession7: havent you seen lucky logan, come on
  • 1 0
 @MCsession7: I can confirm that companies will provide water in a branded water bottle or screw-top can, not sure about the normal cans
  • 3 0
 Google monster tour water.
  • 2 0
 @NicolaZesty314: This Cam Zink video where he is preparing for rampage. He says he has cases of monster water and other types of drinks, that are all in monster cans.


He says it in the first 20 seconds
  • 2 1
 @jayacheess: Yep, same in F1 racing. When the drivers are in the garage and someone puts a big branded bottle of "sports drink" on the car in front of the driver...you know they're not drinking that shit during a race!
  • 1 0
 @mtshakira: they supplied cans of water to the CrossFit Games this year.
  • 2 0
 Great to see more support for him! For some reason I thought he had monster sponsorship already. Although he might have been using a black helmet with green details by choice I guess?
  • 2 0
 Dress for the job you want!
  • 4 0
 I wonder if Monster can get him on a plane so he can actually get home. That would be tops. Well done Jack
  • 1 0
 If he was total hard core it should be Knudsen’s 100% Red Beet juice. 19g sugar, bajillion grams of electrolytes, blood vessel dilating nitrates, AND it will turn your pee red (for at least 50% of people) - so hardcore it has cyclist research behind it’s consumption and best to spike it with lemon juice. (Limpbizkit optional).
  • 4 0
 Hustle hard. Jack is just trying to make that money.
  • 6 5
 Thinking back wistfully to the days when Pinkbike didn't treat a corporate sponsorship press release as an occasion for a post. It's sad to watch this site get dumber every day.
  • 6 0
 Dude, just go Outside™ then, alright? Leave this site in the reflection on your Pit Vipers
  • 7 0
 The good old days like pre-2008? m.pinkbike.com/news/monster-energy-sponsors-nps-series-2008.html
Most news sites (not just for bikes) are full of company press releases, this is nothing new and not specific to Pinkbike, even after the Outside online takeover.
(Also check out the advert that muc-off would definitely not approve of, and the comments enthusiastically supporting energy drinks, how times change...)
  • 3 0
 Connor Fearon is sponsored by monster and raced enduro last time I checked?
  • 1 1
 And there are multiple Red Bull athletes in every segment of cycling. What is your point?
  • 1 0
 “alongside fellow Australians Jared Graves and Sam Hill” I was pointing out they forgot Connor. Being Australian, an enduro racer and a monster athlete. Can’t forget that loose ripper.
  • 2 0
 Nice one jack, you deserve all rewards imho. Somebody sack the marketing manager though for sending him a collection of big new era style caps! Not really kevs style is it
  • 3 0
 Nice one moi moi, click clackin monster tinnies while doing circle work in the ute
  • 2 3
 I still don't understand how energy drinks companies even make money. I don't think I know anyone that has ever bought a can of the stuff, and they give so much away free at events that they must be haemorrhaging money. I once went to a night that had free energy drink cocktails all night, i.e. a double shot of booze plus a whole can of sugary liquid. All. Night. I've never felt so sick in my entire life. Anyway, if they've got loads of money to give talented riders, all for it
  • 3 1
 How many of your friends are 15 year olds? Because that's their market.
  • 4 0
 Try any job site with manual jobs and long shifts and you will find energy drink use is common. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same for truck and taxi drivers.
  • 2 1
 Plenty of people buy it. I wish the had the Thai style little glass bottles instead of the cans though. And the Thai pricing.
  • 2 0
 @TimMog I raise my hand. I prefer energy drinks to coffee on night drives. And like the taste from time to time tbh. Surprised you felt so bad after vodka redbulls, it's one of the least hangover-inducing drinks for me hands down.

@catweasel very true, though it's not limited to manual jobs. Plenty of people in my office have an energy drink every now and then if they get bored of coffee. Everything in moderation. A one-off beer and kebab-fuelled night out won't kill me and neither will the odd redbull.

As for whether sponsorship is effective. While I obviously won't buy any energy drink just because of an athlete, when I actually do need/want one I pick redbull over the same thing in a cheaper can precisely because some part of my money supports mtb coverage and athletes.
  • 1 0
 And all my colleagues in the Emergency Services who guzzle the stuff on night shifts.
  • 2 0
 Jerome Clementz was full time monster as well and won EWS
  • 2 0
 Has anyone ever denied a sponsorship from an energy drink company?
  • 4 0
 I believe Josh Bryceland did, but only after washing down a bottle of Jägermeister with 5 cans of Monster.

  • 1 0
 many have ended their relationships with the companies but we wouldn’t really know if someone turned a deal down.
  • 1 0
 Didn’t one of the Norwegian free riders drop his Red Bull sponsorship as he got fed up with the hypocrisy of trying to be healthy while shilling cans of sugar at kids? Or someth
  • 2 0
 Jack's always been a monster.
  • 2 0
 Good on ya mate. Good to see it all coming together for you.
  • 2 0
 Only performance enhancing drink Jack needs.
  • 1 0
 Any idea how much this sponsorship is worth ? Or is it just free helmets? I have no clue how this works
  • 3 0
 Pretty lucrative I imagine. Monster tends to keep it's athletes happy for a long time, Think Hill, Peaty, Brendog, Zink, Graves, Hart, Brosnon, Ropelato. They've all been with Monster for ages, through ups and downs.
  • 1 0
 Best thing that he ever did was stop racing DH on the Intense team. So cool to see him railing it out there.
  • 1 1
 Monster and Red Bull should offer something of actual benefit to athletes, with some proper Organic and Non GMO labels, something that is actually healthy.
  • 10 10
 Second only to a Marlboro sponsorship in terms of adverse public health impact, congrats!!
  • 32 1
 A shame cigarettes are terrible for your health. A Marlboro helmet would probably look sick haha
  • 7 1
 @nickgarrison: Someone might get butt hurt by it though...
  • 2 0
 @korev: People not interested in the little 'butt' pun you threw in there. Well I'm throwing a cheeky upvote your way for the effort.
  • 1 0
 @nickgarrison: If someone had a Malboro Mclaren lid and someone else had a Williams Racing lid that'd be unreal.
  • 1 0
 Moir Monster's were needed.
  • 2 0
 Big year for this man.
  • 3 2
 Jack, take the money just don't drink the shit.
  • 1 0
  • 1 2
 Hope he just takes the money and avoids drinking that shit.
  • 5 8
 If you want to ride as well as Jack some day, don't drink Monster.
  • 1 4
 Wondering why this is news?
  • 1 0
 Because a pro athlete that is well liked by the public picked up a (hopefully) lucrative sponsorship deal.
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