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Final Results: Red Bull Rampage 2021

Oct 15, 2021 at 9:24
by Ed Spratt  

The results are in from Red Bull Rampage 2021 with Brandon Semenuk taking his fourth title. Watch the live feed here.


1st. Brandon Semenuk: 89
2nd. Kurt Sorge: 88.33
3rd. Reed Boggs: 87
4th. Cam Zink: 86.33
5th. Tyler McCaul: 78.33
6th. Kyle Strait: 77.66
7th. Thomas Genon: 77
8th. Ethan Nell: 73.33
9th. Jaxson Riddle: 72.66
10th. Szymon Godziek: 54.33
11th. Vincent Tupin: 0
11th. Tom Van Steenbergen: 0


McGazza Spirit Award:

- Brage Vestavik


Best Style:

- Jaxson Riddle

Digger Award:


- Jaxson Riddle's team of Joel Shockley and Samuel Mercado


Best Trick:

- Tom Van Steenbergen: Frontflip drop


Toughness Award:

- Cam Zink

Live Updates:

Carson Storch's Course Preview

The Best Moments from Red Bull Rampage Practice So Far

10:16 am PDT

Cam Zink is first to take on the course today with a run that has been looking huge all week.

10:18 am PDT

Cam was on a wild run, managing to land the hardest parts of his run. But he cases a jump right at the bottom of the course to end his run.

10:20 am PDT

Cam Zink scores a 49 for his first run.

10:21 am PDT

Next up is Jaxson Riddle.

10:25 am PDT

Jaxson Riddle looked so comfortable on his run but he has to end it early after a rough landing blows his tire.

10:27 am PDT

Kurt Sorge is about to drop in and hoping to be the first to complete a run today.

10:30 am PDT

Kurt Sorge has decided to wait for the winds to drop before starting his run.

10:35 am PDT

Despite the wind, Kurt puts down an incredible run.

10:37 am PDT

Kurt Sorge scores a 73.66 on his first run.

10:40 am PDT

Reed Boggs is next with his beefed-up 165mm travel bike.

10:42 am PDT

Reed was laying down some huge hits and tricks but he loses his tire near the bottom of the run.

10:45 am PDT

Reed scores a 57.

10:46 am PDT

Thomas Genon is now on course for his first run.

10:49 am PDT

Thomas Genon has the cleanest run so far and scores a 75.33 and takes the lead.

10:51 am PDT

Vinny T is getting ready to hit his run, what can he do today?

10:53 am PDT

A huge crash for Vinny T as he comes up short on the biggest feature of his run. Medical staff are quickly over and checking him for injuries.

10:56 am PDT

It's Kyle Strait's turn to hit the slopes as he goes for his first run today.

11:04 am PDT

Kyle Strait puts down a super clean run to secure the top score so far of 77.33.

11:05 am PDT

After the first seven riders the scores are:

1st. Kyle Strait: 77.33
2nd. Thomas Genon: 75.33
3rd. Kurt Sorge: 73.66
4th. Reed Boggs: 57
5th. Cam Zink: 49
6th. Jaxson Riddle: 0
6th. Vincent Tupin: 0

11:07 am PDT

Ethan Nell is the next rider to hit the course.

11:10 am PDT

Ethan Nell has a great first run, it will be interesting to see how the judges score this.

11:13 am PDT

Ethan scores a 72, he now sits in fourth place.

11:14 am PDT

Szymon Godziek is waiting to drop in, he has some huge features on his run.

11:16 am PDT

Szymon Godziek crashes out trying a massive 360 drop, he is quickly back up and on the bike.

11:20 am PDT

Tyler McCaul is getting ready to hit his line. There are only a couple of riders left to take their first runs.

11:25 am PDT

Tyler McCaul gets a full clean and a score of 76.33 puts him in second place.

11:26 am PDT

Tom Van Steenbergen scopes out his line as he gets ready to drop in next.

11:37 am PDT

After landing a huge front flip drop Tom Van Steenbergen crashes on the following jump. Medics are quickly with him and checking for injuries.

12:00 pm PDT

The course is still on hold as we wait for Brandon Semenuk to drop in. We will keep you updated with Tom Van Steenbergen's conditions when we know more.

12:11 pm PDT

A huge over-rotation for Brandon Semenuk, he drops the bike and luckily walks it off. He will now be putting everything on his final run.

12:16 pm PDT

After the first runs the scores are:

1st. Kyle Strait: 77.33
2nd. Tyler McCaul: 76.33
3rd. Thomas Genon: 75.33
4th. Kurt Sorge: 73.66
5th. Ethan Nell: 72
6th. Reed Boggs: 57
7th. Szymon Godziek: 53
8th. Cam Zink: 49
9th. Jaxson Riddle: 0
9th. Vincent Tupin: 0
9th. Tom Van Steenbergen: 0
9th. Brandon Semenuk: 0

12:27 pm PDT

Currently, the start order for the second runs is:

- Brandon Semenuk
- Jaxson Riddle
- Cam Zink
- Szymon Godziek
- Reed Boggs
- Ethan Nell
- Kurt Sorge
- Thomas Genon
- Tyler McCaul
- Kyle Strait

12:39 pm PDT

Brandon Semenuk is back at the top and prepping to drop in for run two.

12:41 pm PDT

Brandon Semenuk stomps his second run with some incredible moves!

12:44 pm PDT

Brandon Semenuk takes the lead with a score of 89

12:45 pm PDT

Tom Van Steenbergen update from the live feed: Tom is being attended to by medical staff after his crash and will be transferred to hospital shortly.

12:48 pm PDT

Jaxson Riddle has a clean second run, but what will his score be?

12:49 pm PDT

Jaxson Riddle secures a score of 72.66 on his second run.

12:55 pm PDT

Cam Zink keeps it upright for his final run and bumps his score to 86.33. Cam now sits in second place.

12:59 pm PDT

Szymon Godziek goes down again trying his massive 360 drop. Luckily he rides away without injury.

13:08 pm PDT

Reed Boggs gets his clean run down and scores a great 87 to take 2nd.

13:09 pm PDT

Ethan Nell gets ready to take his final run with four more riders left.

13:13 pm PDT

Ethan Nell has a wild second run and takes his score from 72 to 73.33.

13:17 pm PDT

Kurt Sorge completes an incredible run, it should increase his score but can it beat Brandon?

13:19 pm PDT

Kurt Sorge scores an 88.33 and flies into second place!

13:26 pm PDT

Thomas Genon smashes his second run and takes a final score of 77

13:28 pm PDT

Tyler McCaul gets ready to drop in with just Kyle Strait left at the top.

13:33 pm PDT

Tyler McCaul completes another solid run, he takes a score of 78.33 and fifth place with only one remaining rider.

13:36 pm PDT

Kyle Strait lands a massive run but he drops a foot, will it be enough to beat Brandon?

13:39 pm PDT

Brandon Semenuk wins the 2021 Red Bull Rampage!

Author Info:
edspratt avatar

Member since Mar 16, 2017
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  • 294 4
 Riddle's score is total garbage.
  • 31 0
 agreed, wtf?
  • 40 1
 Yep hopefully they solve the riddle that is judging soon
  • 71 4
 Agreed.Those big air tricks were some of the most stylish I've ever seen. Perfect execution, deserved a higher score.
  • 15 0
 man wtfff seriously...it was quite a stellar run
  • 15 0
 Agreed, that was a SUPER impressive run!
  • 7 2
 @crys-vb: judges want flips?
  • 26 0
 @crys-vb: Not sure why, but that kid should hold his head as high as possible, he nailed that run.
  • 32 28
 should be in first, judges are semenuk fanboys
  • 42 1
 @Goocha05: Not sure he should be in first but I expected a higher score for sure. Loved the unique and stylish tricks. I'm a fan.
  • 1 0
 Can’t agree enough
  • 9 5
 So you can crash BOTH runs and get an automatic invite to rampage next year?
I think this 10 rider auto invite needs to be re-thought...
  • 31 1
 Was blown away by how off that score seemed. The run and tricks were so fresh!! Doing shit no one else was with crazy style.
  • 16 0
 @ckcost: He earned a ton of new fans today for sure.
  • 9 1
 @ckcost: And Jaxon was robbed huge....
  • 9 0
 not taking scoring into account, super solid runs by everyone. But Riddles was my favorite by far.
  • 30 1
 WTF is up with the judging. Riddle got robbed and Zinks run was amazing to watch and felt like he got robbed as well.
  • 12 1
 jaxson got snobbed ..by some total bros
  • 7 0
  • 3 0
 This kid has a future. I actually picked him to win in the fantasy contest for the Zeb forks. So maybe I’m biased. But he went so big — definitely robbed of a top-3 finish.

I knew the moment Semenuk pulled off his first trick, the win was his. It was pretty damn impressive. But then Jaxson went, and I thought for sure it would be tight. But nope.

Maybe he didn’t have the respect of the judges because he’s a rookie. No, that’s not fair, but his day is coming.
  • 16 3
 so everyone was saying Rampage is too slopestyle, and now we're all incensed because Jaxson's numerous tricks didn't get scored high enough? No question the kid has amazing style on a bike, but his line just wasn't as burly as so many others'
  • 6 0
 @steezysam: I don’t know if everyone signed on to that, though I realize that was the topic of the most recent podcast and some people have expressed this opinion.

Personally, I’ve said I don’t care what the classification is — just get over it and enjoy the show. That boy out on a show.

I’m not saying he was robbed of a win, because I think you could legitimately argue Semenuk was the best today. But I’m going to say he was robbed of a top 3 finish.
  • 4 0
 Ridiculous that he only placed one above a run that crashed after putting on a far better show than many above him. Minus the slopestyle trickery only Semenuk could pull off due to his unique setup and skills, Riddle brought more style than anyone else who placed above.
  • 4 2
 @Goocha05: that’s because he rides for the event sponsor. This is a marketing shoe to sell fizzy drinks
  • 2 0
 @TheR: he as on my team as well but i would say it wasn't enough for top 3, but for sure 4 or 5, same with Genon's second run. Jaxson could def win it in the future
  • 3 1
 @pcloadletter: I’ve heard from guys who can do flips that they are actually pretty easy to throw down. Bit they are super dangerous. I think they judge like that because they look the coolest to non MTB riders.
  • 2 0
 @MTBthoroughbred: Yeah, they should have a Novice Class. Lol.
  • 4 1
 @tacklingdummy: No just confused as to how crashes in both runs can earn you an automatic invite? Seems like 10 auto-invited athletes should be cut to 5. As there was only 12 riders competing today. You didn't have to make it the bottom to pre-qualify. Seems unfair for other athletes pushing for a chance in rampage...
  • 4 1
 @Goocha05: I bet more than 1/2 the field will be on single crown next year - if you can't do the bar spins, tail whips, flips, etc - you won't have a chance to podium. Let them keep their big mountain slopestyle venue and give us another Rampage without the building/sandbags, dirt roads. Rampage Raw!!!
  • 2 0
 @Goocha05: I m sure they all have real size posters of semenuk wearing nothing but troy lee leather underpants
  • 1 0
 @Goocha05: big time. Brandon is clearly a killer rider but there's an obvious bias.
  • 5 4
 Looks like the posted it wrong. For everyone here is the correct top 5:
1. Semenuk
2. Boggs
3. Riddle
4. Zink
5. Genon

Also People's choice to Riddle
  • 2 6
flag skimtb1 FL (Oct 16, 2021 at 8:33) (Below Threshold)

You're so unbelievably off base, it's laughable actually.
  • 2 0
 Do tell. What did you witness @skimtb1:
  • 6 10
flag skimtb1 FL (Oct 16, 2021 at 9:53) (Below Threshold)

Riddle had half extended limb tricks on medium sized dirt jumps.

Sorge had a 50 foot flip nac and mad speed and amplitude down arguably the biggest line on the mountain. Zink was pure gnar mixed with insanity top to bottom. I don't care about the dumb dirt jumps at the bottom.

1.sorge or Zink
2.sorge or Zink
3. Semenboy/Red Boobs
4. Semenboy/Red Boobs
  • 3 0
 Riddle got robbed.
  • 3 2

Maybe he could have been awarded a few more points, but in no planet was he top five
  • 1 0
 Ahhhh. Just what I thought. Figured I'd stepped on your Sorge boner. I'll agree that I could flip flop potentially with Zink and Riddle. @skimtb1:
  • 3 0
 @MTBthoroughbred: I'm just joking around. Imagine the carnage if they had a Novice class where anybody could enter.
  • 2 0
 Maybe judges should be changed, maybe younger peoples
  • 2 0
 @skimtb1: It was one of the more memorable runs for me.
Top 5 on my planet.
  • 1 2

Ok, well so long as CirrusWade's obscure , shitty personal preference is communicated as the primary judging criteria for redbull rampage, then I guess that would be fine for you to dump all over everything as you see fit
  • 2 0
 agreed bro, jaxson's run is very clean and new
  • 148 0
 Van Steenbergen making me nervous AF.
  • 30 0
 He still is
  • 27 0
 I just hope he's ok. That front flip was monumental.
  • 19 0
 I’m even more worried now that they’ve just quit mentioning Tom Van Steenbergen and pivoted to showing us Brandon.

EDIT ok it sounds like they’ve gotten TVS secured and down the hill and now the medical staff need to hike back up to get in place again.
  • 4 4
 I think this is the worst thing happend to rampage - hope he is well though
  • 18 0
 Shit I was thinking "please don't drop in, just go back and skip the first run!!!" ... I really hope he's okay, that crash looked really bad. Such weird vibes somehow!
  • 17 0
 @stupendousman: Really gives you a perspective on things if a guy like TVS stands on top of a drop and is struggling back and forth in his mind wether a trick is even possible.
  • 10 0
 Any news on TVS?
  • 35 0
 @ferenooo: Paul Basagoitia crash that left him paralyzed is the worst thing at Rampage for me. Hopefully TVS does not top it up and he's okay.
  • 4 0
 @BenTheSwabian: definitely... that was one feeling every one of us mere mortals could relate to Wink
  • 14 6
 @pcledrew: got a horrible paul bas feeling about this..... No news for this long ain't been good in the past
  • 16 0
 @Bones87: Let's not put that energy out there.
  • 10 0
 @pcledrew: hear ya dude, im doubling up on my positive vibes
  • 4 0
 @Bones87: Fingers crossed for Romain Grosjean or Ryan Newman outcome
  • 2 0
 @Goodhand: definitely
  • 5 0
 I wasn't sure Semenuk was going to drop after that. Kinda heavy shit.
last insta post before run: "Finals day. All or nothing."
  • 1 6
flag rivercitycycles FL (Oct 15, 2021 at 17:21) (Below Threshold)
 @snomaster: They make it look so easy! I'm signing up next year Smile for Friday Fails, Rampage Edition!
  • 5 0

He’s gonna be okay, he just posted on Facebook. Broke a bunch of hip bones a lower vertebrae and separated his shoulder.

He will be able to make a full recovery!

Best news I’ve heard after watching one of the worst bike crashes I have ever seen.
  • 1 0
 @Saidrick: thank god for that
  • 115 0

Not even joking, that was steezy as shit
  • 18 1
 Ah, just see the judging as funny as it is. Totally laughable, judges pretending to be able to judge two riders to fractions of a point, while they wouldn‘t be able to judge the same run within ten points of each other if they were in different rooms…
  • 9 0
 @FuzzyL: I think the fractions of a point might be the result of averaging...
  • 1 1
 @FuzzyL: I've heard they take other scores into consideration when judging. Not sure if it's true or not.
  • 15 6
 @FuzzyL: look at who the judges are - case in point they have nico vink, mr. realness and art, anti-competition judging. How can you expect good judging when the judges are admittedly biased towards other fest riders
  • 7 2
 @johncee: Jackson Riddle has ridden Fest Series stops, and "won" a Fest event, crowned King of DarkFest 2020 (before they kicked Sam Reynolds out of Fest Series) and Nico Vink raved about him on camera. Semenuk has only ridden a couple Fest events, early on when they were getting started. Sorge obviously has done a bunch, and maybe he was over scored a little bit, but he's a 3x Rampage champ and a bigtime veteran who threw down a killer run, so he's earned it. You could argue that Riddle or Zink would have been in 3rd over Boggs, but they all threw down absolutely insane runs, so hard to judge, really. What an insane Rampage overall, with it coming down to the last rider, and everyone getting second runs for the first time in a long long time. Just hoping TVS is alright, the only black mark on the whole day, and the heaviest crash I've seen in a long time, and that's saying something with the crashes we've see in just the last few days from Andreu, Zink, Storch, and Brage. Hope they're all 100% and back at it next year.
  • 16 0
 @catfish9797: I believe being a bigtime veteran who has "earned it" is exactly what shouldn't be a factor in judging. Sorge didn't just ride fest, he and vink are "founders"
  • 2 0
 @johncee: I agree with you entirely, and voted for Sorge for”who’s run was overscored”. Just saying that Jackson has crushed it at Fest and very much respected by those guys. His run was fast, stylish (most stylish award went to him!) and loaded with rad tricks. Definitely should have scored a bit higher, but I’m not sure podium, because his limited line choice and fast dig time, being a first timer, didn’t let him get some of the same consequential moves and technical stuff in. Nice thing is that at 9th he’s a protected rider for next year where they’ll all be digging at the new site they couldn’t finalize this year, and that will level the playing field. That and another year under his belt and I very much wouldn’t be surprised to see him on the podium!
  • 2 0
 @Linkpin: Of course they are averages, but no way the average of independent votes just ends up that way, they have to decide who they want to be first and second, and then award final points accordingly - that‘s why discussions take so long sometimes.
  • 2 0
 @catfish9797: Sorge tight with all the judges
  • 5 5

Sorge's run was not overscored.

If you think Riddle's run should have scored higher than sorge"s you must have been watching a different event
  • 1 0
 @skimtb1: I think you need to reread my comment, because you seem to have taken away exactly the opposite of what I wrote…
  • 105 0
 Tommy G with the back to back 360s in both directions buttery smooth, ultra stylish switch one footed diipped 360, threw in some style too and scores lower than straits first run, what?
  • 8 0
 USA!USA!USA! ..oh, and Canada! The judges have always been heavily favoring the locals. Think Antoine Bizet in 2017.
  • 2 0
 Strait is a very cool dude, he is genuinely a great person. But the not sure why the judges have a hard on to keep him scoring well when other riders are clearly out performing him. I can understand why riddles run was score lower because it was on a "less difficult" line and his tricks as flashy as they were and awesome to watch werent as technical as someone like Genon. Whom easily should have been top 3
  • 1 0
 @f00bar: Bizets run in 17 wasnt that great. It didn't have any drops within 10-15 ft of the other podiums. All he had was that double backflip.
  • 106 1
 whats wrong the scoring? Jaxson Riddle putting down the most creative tricks, little pedal slip. But seriously, 72? This is absolute garbage
  • 22 0
 Pure bullshit
  • 5 0
 Agreed, that run deserved much better from the judges.
  • 7 0
 Agreed. The scoring is pure mince.
  • 33 12
 Sorge, waaay overscored as usual
  • 10 1
 @sewer-rat: boys club
  • 3 3
 Is he sponsored by the right drinks company to win. This is a marketing shoe to sell fizzy drinks
  • 3 0
 @chrismac70: this mightve been funnier had riddle not been sppnsored by red bull and sorge not been sponsored by rockstar.
  • 5 0
 the "judges" made up their minds that Semenuk would win even before the event started.

How the f*ck do you differenciate 0.67 points between two runs? Not to mention the extra 10 points that the pals of the judges get for literally any clean run. And the unknown rider gets a 10 point penalty. Pathetic, as always.
  • 2 1
 @jaycubzz: yet the winner wears the right brand of fizzy drink
  • 3 1
 @chrismac70: In your opinion, should Semenuk not have won?
  • 3 1

Ya you're f*cking out to lunch dude. Go watch some back to back runs and try to make this bullshit statement again
  • 1 0
 @skimtb1: apparently I’m having a very public lunch as a lot of people are with me, what’s your deluded point?
  • 4 1
 @jaycubzz: no because it was a slopestyle run down a groomed line that took 3 seasons to build. That’s not free ride
  • 1 3

Back your statement up, biatch.

Gimme some cold, hard FACTS
  • 3 1

Sorge, Zink, Semenuk and Boggs were undeniably the top riders. If you think otherwise, you're gonna need to pull some Albert Einstein quantum theory shit to back up your bollocks statements.

Yes, Riddle's run was great, but it ain't top five.
  • 2 2
 @chrismac70: Alright grandpa, who let you have the internet?
  • 1 0
 @skimtb1: regardless what I and others think doesn’t matter, do I think Sorges multiple flips were entertaining to watch and score within 0.7 points of Semenuk, no way, Zink and Straight hit that chute and fair play for that incredible line choice. As for facts and data, if you look at the factual poll on this very website you’ll see I’m far from alone with my thoughts. However sir f*cktard, it’s irrelevant what I , you or the rest of the internet think, it’s done, so you can question my deluded opinion and everyone else’s (like you’ve seen to have done) and remain the number 1 fan of the Sorge fan club, lemme guess, he gave you his goggles right?
  • 1 0
 @skimtb1: oh and here’s the cold hard facts, as it appears you can only respond to comments and not do your own research- you’re welcome

  • 1 2

Ah yes. The vast wisdom of the highly skilled and diversely experienced pinkbike readership. How ever could I overlook such a wealth of meaningful information?!

Give your f*cking head a shake man.

Or you could, like, review the rampage scoring criteria, sit down in your highchair, bang your rattle into you spaghetti-o's like the oversized baby that you are, and just zip it FFS...
  • 2 0
 @skimtb1: only dogs can hear your constant whining now, crack on with your day righting the wrongs of internet comments you complete imbecile
  • 1 0
 @jaycubzz: definitely not.
  • 1 2

I'd just like to state for the record that you have conceded to being wrong in your original statement regarding Kurt Sorge"s rampage score.
  • 2 0
 @skimtb1: I’ve always stated that my opinion is just that an opinion, like my opinion of you being an imbecile. It’s just my opinion, however I believe there are a lot of people with a similar perspective on both counts. Keep defending Sorges run, you’re obviously in the know and waaay more elite then the thousands (I refer to the poll) than those that don’t. So I concede that trying to have a rational debate with a user with a veeeery low iq is a non starter and I’ll concede on that one in the future and focus on debates not mouthy princesses stamping their feet if I don’t match their narcissistic perspective- bye bye sweetie
  • 101 2
 Genon's score seemed a bit low.
  • 21 0
 Yeah especially compared to Sorge's score. Shoulda been at least 4-5 between them. But that's normal. Sorge always gets them big scores. I really hope Reed can link his run. That was looking banger.
  • 18 0
 feel like nells should have been way higher with that lillypad flip
  • 5 1
 Agreed. I think the judges are scared of all the slopestyle trick complainers. Kyles run was smooth and fast but not much different from his past runs (no hander off the drop).
  • 5 1
 @MDRipper: They're not scared they're just EXPECTING it so the scores are low without it. Tough to judge this thing man. I wouldn't want to do it.

I just want everyone to get down safe and hopefully get 2 runs in.
  • 8 0
 Bigly. He was robbed. Back to back reverse 3s etc etc. Politics etc. Judges etc. Jumpedtheshark etc
  • 1 0
 @rookie100: agree. Should definitely be in 1st
  • 25 0
 unbelievable. Only 77 for that second run is laughable
  • 17 0
 And don't mention his second run. 77.00, seriously??
  • 11 0
  • 5 0
 Genon got robbed 100 percent. WTF with these judges...
  • 86 0
 What do they have against Tommy g
  • 13 0
 So underrated
  • 20 0
 @daweil: didn't get the mates rates points
  • 17 0
 He asked himself that same question after his second run i guess. Dude got rightfully pissed.
  • 17 0
 @ORTOGONAL555: everytime he goes there he gets screwed..... Such a shame
  • 2 1
 They gotta give it to their cash cow my guy
  • 74 9
 This is starting to feel like mountain bike's version of squid game. I'm over it. I don't like watching people get hurt.
  • 24 5
 Also just boring to listen to them talk for hours to see a minute and a half followed by a crash.
  • 8 3
 They need to cap the crazy stunt jumps otherwise really bad stuff is gonna happen. I hope TVS is being flown to the hospital and gets the best treatment. I'm scared for him.
  • 3 0
 @pisgahgnar: do what I did. Let it buffer for hours until you can skip through all the talking.
  • 64 3
  • 9 0
 I have to agree. That run was full of style + sass
  • 2 0
 @bravefart: And man, did he go big!
  • 55 0
  • 43 1
 Why was Jaxson Riddle’s run scored so low? Favorite run after Semenuk so far
  • 44 2
 Can we just all agree that this is a difficult contest to judge?
  • 27 6
 Yeah, whenever they get confused they just add more points to semanuks line and call it good.
  • 4 2
 judges be like: oh riddle just did this super clean amazing run? better add more points for semenuk
  • 6 1
 Can we agree it’s not a contest. It’sa show with some vague way of creating a winner so the marketing department can maximise exposure
  • 1 0
 @graniteandrew: 100% it's getting pretty obvious now.
  • 38 0
 That was a nasty one for Van Steenbergen after pulling one of the most impressive moves I've seen on a bike. Really hope he's ok.
  • 48 8
 Funk Rampage and Red Bull the kill rate is too high for me.
  • 15 3
 It's getting creepy honestly
  • 50 3
 Yeah it's not a great feeling at all, like gladiator games. When tvs stood on top of the drop for so long I just thought "quit already, if you're unsure at that moment it's not worth it" it's so difficult, I really really hope he's alright.
  • 4 6
 @daweil: accidentally downvoted meant to upvote
  • 6 2
 Yep…same here. Turned it off after Tom’s crash
  • 2 0
 Don't watch
  • 4 1
 I stopped watching it live a couple years ago. I don't want to watch someone die in live TV
  • 4 0
 The landings are obviously way to smooth still. They need to return to raw so these guys can drop 50 ft to rock and the podium winners are all stretchered out after completing 40% of their runs.
  • 37 3
 I have no idea how Sorge scored so high over Thomas G. Those should have been reversed. Sorge always seems to be in the judges good graces, I'm sick of seeing it.
  • 15 2
 Agreed, 360 drops i feel are overlooked by the judges, people doing only backflips on every feature however get the high scores
  • 9 1
 Some boxers stop their career because of poor judging, I wonder what Thomas Genon has to do. So clean and precise with diversity, I thought he was on the fight for the win...
  • 3 0
 @Clem-mk: You make a good point and I hope the relatively low scores Genon and Riddle got while other less impressive runs (IMO) scored higher this year doesn't put them off coming back and showing the old guard some new tricks.
  • 2 2
 Tommy G's line was fundamentally less difficult than sorge's. Not to mention sorge tricked every feature, was perfectly dialed, smooth and fast, AND THREW A FLIP NAC NAC OFF A 50 FOOT FUCKING CLIFF
  • 5 0
 @skimtb1: he threw about 15 flips which made his line fundamentally boring
  • 1 1

Tommy G is sick don't get me wrong, but he lacked that amplitude and hammer move to punctuate the run
  • 1 0
 @waldo-jpg: flip on the insane exposed ridge at the top which should score insanely high. Not really any other guys doing tricks at the top in the gnar. Flip nac on a 50ft drop other than tom I would say best trick. Step down flip and then corked out flip or 3 (check the pictures) don't forget the massive suicide and superman in the exposure. Compare his run jump by jump to everyone else's and remember that his line scores the highest because it's the gnarliest. He should have won hands down
  • 1 0
 @waldo-jpg: www.pinkbike.com/photo/21489099 just another flip on the last jump right?
  • 1 0
 Sorge rides his line faster into every tech feature than anyone else which really helps and he tricks nearly every feature he can which helps too. Not saying i enjoy seeing flips on every feature but I am more confused by how reed boggs line beat Zink. Is there something that the live feed doesn't show for Boggs line?
  • 1 0
 @DrM12: Definitely super whacky.... Sorge and Zink were 1 / 2 on my score card respectively.

Also, the Rampage camera angle doesn't really show it but Kurt's last "flip" was actually a flat spin/cork flip
  • 36 2
 Sorge should not have gone have 2nd over Boggs, judging favoritism at it’s finest.
  • 18 0
 You mean Tommy G now!
  • 19 2
 Agreed since he did like 4 backflips- should have more diversity
  • 1 0

The final hit in sorge's run was actually a flatspin/cork flippy thing.


So in reality, Sorge's run was Backflip - Suicide - SuperMan - Flip Nac - Backflip - Flatspin
  • 34 0
 Scary crash. Hope VS is ok.
  • 4 39
flag bigtim FL (Oct 15, 2021 at 11:50) (Below Threshold)
 Looks like TVSb has been taking lessons from MVDB. Seriously though, harsh crash, and gutted after such an amazing front flip. Hope he's all good.
  • 33 0
 77 for Tommy G? Seriously WTF? That run was way better than Kyles. So disappointing
  • 34 2
 I really hope tvs can walk away from this. This doesn't feel right to watch anymore.
  • 33 1
 Jaxon's absolutely STEEZY and stylish run did NOT get judged by the same judges that threw Semenuk an 89.
  • 33 0
  • 33 1
 Genon got robbed
  • 31 1
 Riddle deserved more than that for sure
  • 30 0
 Thomas Geeeenooooon !!! ... Robbery of the year!
  • 31 2
 So Zink scores 86 but Riddle scores 72? What.
  • 19 0
 I don't and never have understood the scoring of red bull rampage....
  • 12 2
 @humoroususername: favoritism at its finest, rampage has always been a couple of group of friends who invite a few riders from other parts of the world, but the the first places always stay withing the groups, the boys club i think another commenter said.
  • 1 3
 @humoroususername: it’s simple. Look at the design on the helmet. If it matches the event sponsor then you get 10 more points
  • 6 0
 @chrismac70: Sorge is Rockstar sponsored and he always seems to get overscored also.
  • 2 0
 @chrismac70: not for riddle tho
  • 3 0
 @chrismac70: I didn’t realize monster energy is sponsoring rampage this year eh?
  • 4 1
 Watch zink's run back to back with Riddle's. Zink had big bangers Ang gnar top to bottom. Riddle did half-extended limb tricks on medium-sized dirt jumps. FACTS.
  • 2 2

How exactly was sorge overscored?

What specifically should have made any other rider's score higher than his?
  • 29 2
 Anyone else feel Genon must of given some of these judges partners a better night than they did....... AND THEY KNOW IT
  • 30 5
 My boy Vanderpoel going to smash it today! Be safe be well, Robin
  • 5 0
 The Lycra could give him an aerodynamics advantage in the sidewind
  • 24 0
 People, like Szymon Godziek, who don't make excuses, but instead just take failure as a learning experience are awesome.
  • 1 0
 You could see he was gutted after slamming that same 3 twice. Would be good to see him stomp it next time and podium as he's a class rider and has been a close contender for a long time.
  • 23 0
 Gutted for Van Steenberger. That frontflips the most insane thing I've seen!
  • 25 2
 Judging is extra fucked this year, style seems to be punished. Just do as many backflips as possible to win
  • 24 0
 Ethan's dog was robbed
  • 5 0
 Not sure about that, looks like Norris was absolutely living his best life.
  • 24 0
 Tommy G got robbed.
  • 23 2
 Reed Boggs got robbed- cuz Sorge should not have scored THAT high with 4 backflips. That was a 5-6th place run
  • 2 0
 He tricked way more features than Boggs. I was surprised boggs got third honestly. I thought Zinks line was gnarlier and better trick selection. Maybe it was the 3 off the bigger drop than what Zink did a 3 off of but not sure.
  • 27 9
 This event is too dangerous. It's one thing to film an edit on this terrain but adding in the pressure of competition and the scale of the event is just bad news.
  • 16 3
 Exactly, it should become fest series format.
  • 4 0
 It’s not a competition. It’s a show with a winner based off something no one understands
  • 19 0
 At least somebody there got it right with giving Brage the Mcgazza award and giving Jaxson the style award. That is correct
  • 22 5
 I'm in Italy so it's evening now. Is it true love if I take my girlfriend out for dinner instead of watching it? (but I chose a place with WiFi)
  • 16 1
 I’m in the USA right now so it’s lunchtime now. Is it fair to the boss if lunch hour takes till the end of this?
  • 14 2
 @spro-bro: I'm in my car. Job is done, should head home, bath the kids and put them in their beds.. but.. Rampage.
(They have their mother, don't they?)
  • 18 1
 True love is if she watches Rampage with you at the couch having beer :-D
  • 3 1
 Hope you chose dinner
  • 21 1
  • 6 0
 If he sticks that run it's gonna be so sick. What a dude. Only 20yo too
  • 19 0
 Cam is legit the best broadcaster of all these people.
  • 11 1
 Not hard to beat that Pat weirdo.
  • 2 0
 Definitely, put Cam McCaul on the world cup with Warner!
  • 18 0
 72 for Ethan ?? Ridiculous
  • 19 0
 Jackson got robbed...
  • 18 4
 Good ol' boys ftw again. Sigh. Genon was robbed. Tmac shouldnt even be there. Sorge is up there with the same run he did 4 years ago. Zink is a snore fest....... Honestly, when the commentators are frothing it's like they are watching a different contest. Anyone young or European doesn't stand a chance.
  • 2 0
 Nailed it
  • 16 0
 Wheels got robbed... of tyres.
  • 17 2
 Its hard to watch all these riders getting hurt.
  • 14 0
 All the best runs so far have ended prematurely
  • 2 0
 Yeah it sucks. Hopefully the weather cleans up for a little bit and they can link them. Nell's kit with his bike looks sick!
  • 5 0
 1) love the handle
2) Jaxson gets me hyped.
  • 14 0
 McCaul should do this broadcast by himself.
  • 14 1
 Not gonna lie. I'm stoked the kids are excited and all , but its kinda annyoing to hear em beg for goggles every run.
  • 13 0
 Love Riddle’s style. Damn flat
  • 5 0
 He got robbed! He should of been in the top 3
  • 15 2
 Why did Surge get scored so high? Hope TVS is ok
  • 13 2
 I’m guessing he gets points for being a 3x winner of Rampage. I like Sorge but that run was over scored. Reed should be 2nd & Zink 3rd.
  • 4 0
 @SirWonky: and Riddle and Ethan and Tommy higher at least points wise
  • 13 0
 Please, won't somebody speak up for the poor bikes in the finish corral?
  • 9 0
 Yeah, I know we've been here before, but going to say it again - and I have my right to rant. In my opinion, something needs to change with compensation here, considering risk/reward. This is pinnacle of freeriding, and title sponsor is a multi BILLION dollar company, and Mountain Bike industry is now a mature, billion dollar industry - and not all competitors get paid, and winning run gets a check for a ridiculous 25k. Really? Just throwing off top of my head, why can't winner get 10x that? And every competitor earn respectful amount. I get that freeriding is very small area of sport when most sales in men bike industry come from normal riders, like Joe Doctor who buys $7,000 Santa Cruz, or whatever, but it's not "fringe" anymore. It's big business, big sales and serious media coverage. The purse is insulting, and not fair to world class freeriders who are insanely skilled, dedicated, and take all the risk.
  • 1 0
 edit: mountain bike industry.
  • 1 0
 For the following reasons

1 they don’t have to because enough riders agree to do it

2 the show is about making money for the sponsors

3 do you want to pay even higher prices for your bike to fund the extra prize money as ultimate bike companies only get money to spend from their sales to the public
  • 4 0
 @chrismac70: Yes, I understand.
And I don't know that paying pro freeriders better at Rampage would raise bike prices or component prices. If they did, then yeah, I'd be willing to pay a little more, even for online direct sales.
You're right, these guys can get together and decide to boycott Rampage for better compensation if they wanted to, but I get the feeling they're not willing to rock the boat with their sponsors.
Sure, this event creates huge exposure and makes money for sponsors, and Title sponsor, and sponsors are in it for brand exposure and to make money, just like any company. But risk vs.reward situation here is out of line.
  • 1 0
 Riders are paid for riding in finals, not sure about those who were hurt before finals. So yes, everyone gets paid.
  • 12 0
 72? I know it wasn't super clean but those 2 backflips were tech AF.
  • 3 0
 Yeah that was a BS score
  • 5 0
 @pcledrew: About as bad as TMac's.

They're scoring everything low waiting on Semenuk.
  • 14 2
 Should have been Semenuk, Boggs, Tommy G. Scoring is jacked!
  • 12 0
 Riddle, Nell, Genon all robbed!
  • 11 0
 Nell’s line was f*cking gnarly.
  • 3 0
 Ya it’s too bad he cased those jumps. If it was a clean run he would have been up there.
  • 10 0
 I can’t imagine being Semenuk right now sitting at the top watching all this
  • 3 0
 Just watching made me nervous
  • 1 0
 No easy feat. Waiting and getting delayed can do so much to you mentally.
  • 15 4
 If Strait wins with this stupid run, I’ll never watch Rapmage again!!!
  • 6 1
 No idea how he's winning.
  • 12 1
 Ethan just got robbed...wtf!
  • 4 0
 He had 2 really bad cases on his run. He didn’t land his jumps cleanly. That’s huge points deducted so I’m not surprised.
  • 12 0
 Cam Zink got robbed
  • 11 0
 Ahhh scores are BS… ‍♂️
  • 11 1
 it's currently 2 AM in south east asia, sleep is for the weak
  • 9 0
 Sending out good vibes to TVS. That was just incredible, then immediately followed by an extremely nasty case
  • 9 1
 Well this is a combination of difficult to watch because people get hurt and difficult to watch because nothing happens at all for hours.
  • 15 6
 Ok, I think we have a winner. Very impressive run from Semenuk, well deserved.
  • 6 9
 @Loche: the flipwhip really captured the spirit of rampage
  • 8 2
 @cernoch: I think youre forgetting that the guy still rode down the side of a mountain - off of huge drops and down steep cliffs. Just happened to also do a backflip tailwhip in the process.
  • 5 0
 @BenTheSwabian: he’s just having a hard time realizing how those drops looks like from his keyboard
  • 1 3
 @BenTheSwabian: while the others rode down a fire road, right?
  • 3 1
 @cernoch: Semenuk had a good line, incredible tricks and made it look effortless while landing everything perfect. The judging has been like that for years now. Semenuk is a deserved winner.
I think some others in the 70's (especially Genon and Riddle) got underscored, but I really can live with the result standings wise.

That being said maybe it's time to change up the format. Not "most difficult" run wins (that causes crashes Noone wants to see) but "most stylish/creative" could get lots of points. In that case riders wouldn't have to do their do-or-die monster drop tricks but show off the coolest stuff they can come up with. Like Brendogs line some years ago, or Jaxson yesterday, I'd like to see those runs score higher.
  • 1 1
 @daweil: mostly agree. I just can't get over the fact that he rode several meters wide smooth line top to bottom. It had a steep section otherwise, compared to most others, a glorified slopestyle line.
  • 10 0
 Props to TMac for pulling off those runs after all those surgeries.
  • 12 4
 You can see from Brandon’s body language he knows it wasn’t a clean win. Everyone loses. Expect a worse outcome next year.
  • 20 1
 Naw Brandon's just awkward. His run was by far the most technical and gnarly.
  • 12 3
 can we stop using the term nose-press and use nollie instead?
  • 10 2

lets just call it a cocaine
  • 3 0
 Steve Cab outlawed the use of Nollie for bikes a couple of years ago :wink:
  • 4 0
 nunny hop
  • 1 2
 commentators are pretty rough today
  • 9 0
 Oh man I just hope TVS is ok... That front flip was massive.
  • 15 8
 only 8 riders made it down their first run and several will be off their bikes for a while but somehow this is a slopestyle event
  • 11 3
 Well, Semenuk just killed the DH bike at Rampage. Prediction - next year will see half the bikes if not more single crown.
  • 4 3
 dirtjumpers the next year... it has become Crankworx2 anyway
  • 1 0
 Half of the dudes at rampage can't take advantage of a single crown. He and Rheeder can benefit but idt anyone else is doing a flip whip on a DH bike.
  • 10 0
 Jaxson got robbed
  • 10 0
  • 10 0
 lame ass judges
  • 5 0
 I get that scoring is subjective, but I can’t correlate any sort of weighting or relevance when the second run score barely increases on the first, despite all the commentators saying that it was a significant improvement.

Worked out well that the second place was .67 behind semunik. Teet.
  • 7 2
 Semenuk is one of the most underrated athletes in any sport, sure he gets the recognition he deserves in MTB but his dominance, longevity and constant progression isn't recognized for what it is outside of MTB. He's right up there imo.
  • 8 0
 go Boggs! that run was sick!
  • 4 0
 So in 2017 riders left (not Strait's line) scored like crap with Sorge winning, Zink 2nd, and Nell 3rd. Fast forward to 2021, McCaul, Storch move their lines to riders right because that was what the judges were scoring big in 2017. Nell rides same line in 2021 places off podium. Boggs goes riders left and suddenly its an amazing line with what the judges are looking for (Storch basically did the same line as Boggs tricks and all in 2016 or 2017 and didn't podium). T-Mac takes what is almost a mirrored line to Sorge with almost identical tricks and doesn't break 80 pts in 2021? Riddle drops a killer run and barely breaks into the 70s? This observation in no way is to knock the riders cause they all put down legit runs. Just pointing out the same bias as in ladies figure skating. Judges are a joke with major bias.
  • 1 1
 Hyped for Reed! Always been major bias with judges at rampage.
  • 12 3
 Cam Zink got robbed
  • 9 1
 First freeride zink First slopestyle semenuk
  • 9 2
 Semenuk rolling into this comp like larry bird at a three point contest... "so which one of ya'll is gonna get second?"
  • 8 1
 Just read in Instagram Vinnie T is fine, good to read! Hope TVS is also fine
  • 27 22
 Semenuks line was garbage, sure his tricks were good but it's not JoyRide....... this is Rampage. Total bollocks he is winning
  • 3 4
 He wears the right helmet
  • 8 0
  • 1 0
 Haha yes mate Big Grin
  • 8 0
 Jaxson got robbed
  • 8 0
 riddle got robbed
  • 8 1
 It's a little back flip overkill this year
  • 7 1
 Brandon has got a lot more comfortable on the camera. He was so shy and awkward early in his career.
  • 3 1
 he is the Tim Cook of MTB.
  • 7 0
 Feel like Nell should have scored higher
  • 3 0
 Loved boggs's line! Whatever that trick Semenuk did was awesome, they might need a single crown 40 next year! At least everyone knows its the tricks that win now and you don't have DH riders just getting to the bottom as fast as possible, or someone taking a slow tech line and expecting high scores. Amazing event...
  • 2 0
 single crown 40 would be sick! Honestly people out here getting mad cuz its a "slope" trick but its way harder than a sui
  • 5 0
 Part of me wants three runs right now, the other thinks we would end up with less riders finishing on two legs
  • 11 5
 Get that deformed rat off my tv
  • 6 0
 T-MAC had insane run, so sick
  • 6 0
 So many crashes this year... damn.
  • 2 0
 I know right? I wonder why when everyone is saying it’s “just slopestyle”
  • 9 4
 We need an enduro Rampage where the riders have to ride their bikes to the top.
  • 6 2
 E-Rampage where the riders have to ride the actual course to the top?
  • 6 0
 So I guess the judges don’t reward steeze. cool.
  • 6 0
 How many riders will be sporting single crowns next year?
  • 7 0
 All but straight and zink.
  • 9 1
 Honestly I don't see why everyone doesn't. Obviously just as capable for freeride
  • 25 10
 How many riders in the world do we think can consistently tailwhip a 30 foot drop on a single-crown DH bike?
  • 4 22
flag jtnotsure FL (Oct 15, 2021 at 13:40) (Below Threshold)
 @brianpark: who cares
  • 3 2
 @owenp2: I agree! If you are smooth and fluent, you don't really need a dual crown fork.
  • 5 0
 @DHJohn: Especially nowadays, with the new single crows being so much stiffer and more durable than in the past. but people will still hate because they don't like change
  • 4 5
 @brianpark: Kyle Strait could probably do it.
  • 2 2
 @brianpark: it’s supposed to be free Ride not slope style. It’s supposed to be about creative bonkers lines. Not about spinny flippy tricks down man made groomed lines
  • 2 0
 @brianpark: Rampage needs to take a look at the ski free ride tour. No practice, line scouting from the bottom of the hill with binoculars. Work out what line you can ride and then do it. Spending 3 years to build a line isn’t free riding
  • 3 0
 @chrismac70: no they don't. The consequences of crashing in snow are less than 1% of crashing on these rampage features.
  • 8 2
 love it how nobody standing there gave a crap about semenuk winning hahaha
  • 13 3
 Not even Semenuk himself!
  • 5 22
flag jtnotsure FL (Oct 15, 2021 at 13:43) (Below Threshold)
 semenuk is so lame
  • 5 18
flag onemanarmy FL (Oct 15, 2021 at 13:49) (Below Threshold)
 Because it was prewritten.
  • 6 0
 Thanks for all the great coverage of this event!
  • 2 0
 Happens every year, many of the greats have been robbed at rampage, it's a shambles. Brendog and Aggy come to mind as two whos careers never reached the heights they deserve due to rampage judges. Someone could make a video of all the riders robbed at rampage over the years.
  • 6 1
 Got off work early, made pizza and Rampage is on, I'm doing pretty well.
  • 3 0
 West coast crying
  • 5 0
 If Van Steenbergen stomps this it’s gonna be HUGE
  • 7 0
 Fuck. So close.
  • 4 0
 Concerning that there is still a course hold. Hope TVS is ok. Crash looked bad.
  • 9 3
 Zink got robbed
  • 7 4
 Me every year: not gonna watch the BS hunger games of rampage next year
Me next year: *pissed off, watching riders get injured and foampit monkey winning*
  • 6 0
 Riddle got robbed.
  • 5 0
 Zink's kid asleep on dad's shoulder is giving me life.
  • 10 7
 Semenuk deserved that win, for sure. Zink and Kyle got robbed though – that top chute is the gnarliest thing on that venue.
  • 4 0
 That chute was horrible. So impressive.
  • 6 0
 Any news on TVS?
  • 3 0
 I'm becoming less and less of a fan of judged events. It just seems like there's no dependable way to accurately measure score.
  • 2 1
 so considering 3 riders with 3 different lines: lets say Boggs, Riddle and Genon
boggs got the most natural, technical, least touched terrain. solid consistency and amplitude, carried his own moto inspired moves and style, but no spin combos;
Riddle got a steep, well shaped terrain, went big, has clearly put the necessary attitudes and efforts to earn his spot in this event aside being a rookie, also carried his own style throughout the day but no spin combos too;
Genon has one of the most well shaped venues on the event, has put some serious opposite variantions on very scary features with his solid consistency aswell, but also no spin combos.
i wonder if this is still judged based on slopestyle elements or if freeride already has its own path of judging riders?
given the fact these 3 people had very minor improvements in score while showing their unique characteristics.. is a poorly executed flip table over a huge shaped kicker worth more points than a opposite 360 out of a flat gap? are the judges relying on actual line choice, efforts and uniqueness shown by each rider or they just care about how much spin combos can be thrown in a row? like, does style and trick/spin variety even counts these days?
  • 2 1
 Maybe we need less amplitude to make it a safer event. Rampage 2022 could be held on a steep and loose hillside with no trails and no digging. Give the riders a few days of practice then let’s see them rip on a truly natural surface. Would be truly free ride and probably safer.
  • 2 1
 The event organisers need to take a look at ski and snowboard free ride events i unless they are happy with their slopestyle format. The snow version is much better. Athletes turn up, without their lines from the finish area with binoculars. No access to the hill prior to the event, no building, no practice just 2 judges runs.
  • 1 0
 Honestly Freeride World Tour Is sooo boring to watch, except for like 1 or 2 riders. I like Rampage way more!
  • 1 2
 @NoahJ: I’m the opposite. Rampage is the dull one. I’m not into slopestyle, its boring to watch. It takes alot more skill to ride a raw line with no practice than to trick a groomed line you’ve spent 3 years building
  • 1 0
 I wonder if Rampage should be approached as more of a social event rather than a competition. A few reasons why i feel this way.

-Riders risking their lives only to find out at the bottom of their run that they never even stood a chance because they have been working on the wrong line for a week.

-Very talented riders are pushing the boundaries of the sport and injuring themselves on course before the "competition" even begins.

-A single person winning this event seems odd when you consider how many people put in time to make each run happen.

-scoring different routs down the mountain against each other suggests that trail conditions/gnarlyness plays a major factor in each score. Yet as near as i can tell, a back flip with a terrifying side wind scores the same as a backflip in perfect conditions off the same jump.

I think there are too many variables to declare a definitive winner.
let the best riders in the world risk their lives on their own terms while the rest of us celebrate the progression of the sport! Everyone wins.
  • 3 0
 Burgers are on the grill, beer is cool. All the best to all the riders. Stay safe! Let’s goooo
  • 4 0
 Kicking things off here at 4am ! Livin the dream
  • 2 0
 1am here in the west
  • 14 13
 Whoever that photographer was taking pictures of TVS right after he crashed is a real a-hole. It was clear to anyone watching that it was very serious. Showed no concern for the rider at all....smh...
  • 35 7
 Eh, that’s his job. He can always decide later what’s appropriate to do with the photos, but if you don’t take them in the moment, you’ll never get them
  • 13 8
 @BagelMan: while I understand, ill have to disagree. All the medical staff rushing past her to get to someone who is clearly injured bad and she is still trying to get a shot around them of the downed rider like he is a spectacle. Just seemed like very bad taste to me.
  • 11 1
 @Speedgoat9: Yup, totally get that. I just know the attitude of photojournalists is Shoot Shoot Shoot, moralize later. If you don’t agree, that understandable, I just don’t think this particular photographer was doing anything unusual.
  • 7 0
 @Loche: even my 6y/o noticed and asked why are they taking pictures.
  • 3 0
 You all know you were watching her take those pictures via a camera taking pictures of the exact same thing, right?
  • 1 0
 Reed has been on the back foot for a couple of years - Been an alternate a couple times for crankworx slopestyle and hasn't gotten the break he really deserves. Fingers crossed for a podium!
  • 6 1
 Zink always gets robbed.
  • 4 0
 That's it. TMac and Strait can't beat Brandon.
  • 4 0
 Sorge, Riddle and Genon robbed
  • 4 1
 Rampage 2021 snack recipe:

1/4 cup popcorn
1 Valium
1/2 stick grass-fed salted butter
2-3 beta blockers (to taste)
  • 1 0
 Wow just wow what a spectacle, thoughts go to those who didn't walk away. Looks like spinny flippy tricks beats pure style and going big these days. McGazza would not approve but would still be smiling and stoked.
  • 2 2
 It’s just kind of disappointing when you have any como whatsoever that Semenuk shows up to, knowing that if he lands a run, judges will automatically give him way more points than anyone. He’s an amazing rider, but it just kind of ruins the vibes...like an automatic spoiler alert. Those of us who have watched events for the last couple of decades just get bored now. Redbull certainly has their favorites, and Rheeder was never one.
  • 1 1
 so as predicted semenuk does a fairly safe, uninspired rampage run but tacks on some flippy twirly crap on a totally man made groomed dirtjump and gets marked way too high to get another empty and all to predictable win #popularitycontest
  • 3 0
 Tyler!!!!! Good on you dude!
  • 6 3
 Riding a bike is realy cool way to live. But avoid Utah.
  • 7 4
 Glad to see the judges are in the bag. What a SS.
  • 6 2
 Lets go Brandon!
  • 3 1
 Randy got robbed. I mean his run should have been a 69 but all he got was 28.99.
  • 4 0
  • 4 0
 I'm happy nobody died.
  • 1 0
 I saw almost no difference between Nell and Boggs, and their scores were so different. And then Riddle of course... Judging is messed up
  • 1 1
 This isn’t slopestyle, get rid of scoring it like it is. I miss the old rampage days. No gay slopestyle. Do a slopestyle contest on it , if you want it. Don’t ruin the good contest
  • 5 3
 So who would of won if the mates rates wasn't added
  • 1 0
 This is bonkers. Nothing 100% thrown down yet, guys keeping some things for run 2. Some mechanicals. So much stoke.
  • 3 0
 More canyon gaps please
  • 2 0
 Apart from McCaul the commentary is just painful. Good grief. Volume down.
  • 2 1
 Every year we watch rampage, and we know deep in our hearts that "Norby got robbed."
  • 2 0
 Pretty sure Norris has got wood
  • 7 6
 I think we’ve just witnessed the end of Duel
Crown forks at Rampage… what a shame.
  • 3 0
 Yep, because we’ll see everyone tailwhipping 30 foot drop next year aight?
  • 4 0
 @jeiR: If you can do a 30 foot gap and you can do a tailwhip, you can tailwhip a 30 foot gap.
-Van Homan, 2001
  • 8 7
 It must be difficult judging when you're not allowed to let people outscore semenuk.
  • 1 0
 Congrats to Brandon, impressive run!
Also T-Mac’s run was steezy, should have been in top 3!
  • 2 0
 Riddle’s run and Swag was amazing! Who cares about his score.
  • 3 4
 Amazing runs by everyone. I'd like to see rampage split into two events. One where the apparent evolution to slopestyle tricks on steroids continues and one where we get to see the rowdy raw lines be the focal point.
  • 2 0
 Semenuk just killed dual crown forks market.
  • 2 0
 I can't wait until next year when Brage get's robbed
  • 2 3
 What a surprise the event sponsors slopestyle rider ‘wins’ a free ride show by doing more spiny flippy things than other riders. I hope it sells enough cans of drunk to keep going
  • 2 1
 Judges have a hard for Kurt Sorge, shouldn't have won in 2017 or gotten 2nd this year, then Ethan Nell gets 8th
  • 3 1
 waaaahhh waaah waaah. the internet every day.
  • 2 0
 Best dog Award: Ethan Nell.
  • 1 0
 Gotta say, extra points to Cam Zink for carrying his 3yo the entire day after riding a bike. Love seeing Cam with fam!
  • 1 0
 Judging booth needs an enema and some fresh blood. Clearly a bros club at this point.
  • 3 1
 Let’s go Brandon!
  • 1 0
 who wants Super Sunday when you can have Rampage Friday!!!!
  • 10 11
 Total fail for the judges and judging. It’s officially a poorly built slopestyle now. Shame to the judges and everyone involved in the event but the riders.
  • 4 2
 Turn it off.
  • 5 0
 Yup. It's more like a crime series atm
  • 1 0
 Genon on a Canyon DH prototype?
  • 1 0
 Nah he’s just riding the torque frame
  • 1 0
 Pimped enduro bike
  • 1 0
 how come no one rides fox 40s
  • 11 2
 Fox moved all their freeriders to Marzocchi for no discernible reason last year
  • 3 2
 Because Fox (which owns Marzocchi) puts their freeride athletes on Marzocchi.
  • 2 0
 Fox sponsored riders use Marzocchi. It's just a marketing thing. the Marz 58 is pretty much a performance elite 40.
  • 1 0
 Riddle and Norbs both got robbed!!!
  • 1 0
 I did not win the fantast contest.
  • 1 0
 When are you too old to use the word “steezy?”
  • 1 0
 Can somebody make a edit of Brandon versus Nikolai celebrations
  • 1 0
 Standard dodgy judging again….
  • 1 0
 JaXson got robbed and I'm bored of backflips!!!
  • 1 0
 Lets go!
  • 6 6
 Lyle was robbed…does the scale end at 80 this year?
  • 5 0
 They leave headroom for second runs where people add more tricks.
  • 2 2
 @tbmaddux: I‘m aware of that. Judging will be even funnier than usual in the year when someone shows the best run in the first round.
  • 2 1
 nope, same old tricks
  • 7 1
 @chefjoel68: Should be called the Red Bull Backflip Competition
  • 4 9
flag jtnotsure FL (Oct 15, 2021 at 14:12) (Below Threshold)
 @DHJohn: props to semenuk for ruining free ride
  • 5 0
 @DHJohn: props to Riddle for trying to un-ruin it
  • 1 0
 Punteggi bassi per ora
  • 7 6
 It’s so boring
  • 1 0
 3 backflips 1 tailwhip
  • 2 1
  • 1 0
 How's TVS? Any news?
  • 2 1
 Judges are on drugs.
  • 1 1
 Redbull Crankwork Virgin Slopestyle
  • 11 12
 Can we agree that mini dogs do not belong. Ffs at least being a trail dog.
  • 9 9
 That wasn't a dog........ But a big rat
  • 15 6
 Any dog under 50 pounds is a cat, and cats are useless. -Ron Swanson

(I have 3 cats and no dogs)
  • 1 2
 @SangamonTaylor: nicely done I must say
  • 2 5
 Loved brendogs ghost run - he got robbed again!!!
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