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Madison Saracen & Danny Hart to Part Ways at the End of the Year

Oct 13, 2020 at 2:00
by James Smurthwaite  
The top qualifier held it down and quite a phenomenal run it was too trumping Pierron s barn-burner by 0.66.

Danny Hart and Madison Saracen will be parting ways at the end of this season after Madison announced this morning it will not be renewing Danny Hart's contract. Danny joined the team at the start of 2018 on a three year deal after a move from MS Mondraker and has delivered one World Cup win, eight World Cup podiums, and a World Championships bronze medal in a successful period of his career.

Alongside his success on the race track, which includes two World Championship titles, four World Cup wins and two senior National Championship titles, Danny Hart is also owner of Descend Bike Park in Hamsterly Forest and a strong advocate for mountain biking in the UK and beyond. The news of Danny's departure was unexpected and we were surprised to see it relegated to one sentence at the bottom of a press release. We understand Danny already has a deal lined up for the next three years although there is no word on who the brand is at this time.

Dominic Langan, CEO of Madison, said: "I would like to thank Danny for everything he brought to the team over the last three years and I wish him every success for the future."

Danny Hart said:

bigquotesAll good things come to an end at some point, but not quite yet. I’m proud of the things we’ve achieved as a team, but let’s not forget there’s still time for more success in the upcoming races, and that’s what we’re focused on.

Madison Saracen are bringing in some new riders and team members and hopefully setting themselves up for further success in the future, it's awesome to see.

Obviously we’ve jumped the gun on ourselves a little with this news – for sure there’s exciting news to come from me in the near future, I’ll share more later this year. Thanks again for all the support, buzzing to be back racing.

In other Madison Saracen news, the brand have announced that it has signed two new riders and brought in a former rider as an Assisstant Manager.

The big signing here is Veronika Widmann, who makes the move over from the FS Team. Widmann finished the 2019 season as the third ranked woman in the UCI rankings after she earned four World Cup podiums over the season. Veronika said: “I’m beyond stoked and grateful for the opportunity to begin with Madison Saracen. It’s a dream setup and I can’t wait for the new season.”

Veronika Widmann with another strong showing in 4th. Another podium would be a good conclusion to her season.
Widmann racing for the FS Team at Snowshoe last year, it's great to see her getting the chance to show what she can do on a Factory team.

Next up is Junior Jordan Williams, who comes on board after impressing on the British domestic circuit while racing for Maidson's development team. He will be mentored by Matt Walker who will be staying on the team and hunting down podiums and wins.

The final addition to the team is Harry Molloy. Molloy raced for the team in 2011 before moving on to form his own team with Widmann as one of his riders. Harry will be supporting the riders at races as well as taking on some individual challenges on Madison Saracen's sponsors' products.

Will Longden, Team Manager said “I’m excited to be heading this talented team of riders, who each show a fresh enthusiasm and determination to achieve their best. It reignites my passion for the sport and I’m looking forward to the challenges ahead. Getting stuck in to what Madison Saracen Team is all about, developing talent to the highest level and inspiring everyone to get out and ride.”

Dom Langan, said “I am delighted to see Jordan Williams move up from our development team to follow in the footsteps of Matt Walker, as the development of young talent is key to the ethos of the team. The Madison Saracen team enjoyed early success with our first female rider, Manon Carpenter, and I am very pleased to have Veronika joining the team with a very promising future ahead of her.”

Press Release: Madison Saracen

After a year where it’s fair to say that things haven’t gone to plan in the downhill world – or the sports world in general – here at Madison Saracen we’re looking forward to 2021 with a renewed sense of optimism and some changes to the line-up.

For 2021 we’re introducing a well-rounded team capable of great results in three different categories. First up is Jordan Williams, an exciting young talent who joins the Factory team to ride in the junior category after two successful years as a development rider. We’ve been committed to developing young talent at Madison Saracen, and with our Elite Male rider Matt Walker there to mentor Jordan he’s in good hands. Matt himself has his sights set on more World Cup podium success at the Elite level next year and we’re really excited to see him back on the hill on race weekend again.

Brand new to the team for next year is Elite Women’s rider Veronika Widmann. Ranked no.3 by the UCI, Veronika has shown tremendous improvement and determination to make it onto the World Cup podium and we’re incredibly excited that she’s chosen Madison Saracen to be the next chapter in her career. Veronika will be a valuable addition to the team both on and off the race track, and her presence and interaction with fans makes her an excellent ambassador for all things MTB.

Veronika said: “I’m beyond stoked and grateful for the opportunity to begin with Madison Saracen. It’s a dream setup and I can’t wait for the new season.”

One final addition to Madison Saracen as Assistant Manager is Harry Molloy, returning to the team where he was one of the original riders back in 2011. Harry has gone on to manage his own team whilst continuing to race, picking up knowledge and experience that will help all the team riders as he supports them on and off the hill. Harry will also take on some individual challenges and events that showcase the best in our sponsors products. From gravel to big mountain, it’s time to share some adventures.

Looking forward to 2021 Will Longden, Team Manager said “I’m excited to be heading this talented team of riders, who each show a fresh enthusiasm and determination to achieve their best. It reignites my passion for the sport and I’m looking forward to the challenges ahead. Getting stuck in to what Madison Saracen Team is all about, developing talent to the highest level and inspiring everyone to get out and ride.”

Dom Langan, CEO of Madison and Sportline, said “Firstly I would like to thank Danny for everything he brought to the team over the last three years and I wish him every success for the future. I am also delighted to see Jordan Williams move up from our development team to follow in the footsteps of Matt Walker, as the development of young talent is key to the ethos of the team. The Madison Saracen team enjoyed early success with our first female rider, Manon Carpenter, and I am very pleased to have Veronika joining the team with a very promising future ahead of her.”

As you may have realised by now, we have made the decision not to renew Danny Hart’s contract for next season. Thanks to Danny for a great three years including a memorable World Cup win in Snowshoe and best of luck for the future.

Author Info:
jamessmurthwaite avatar

Member since Nov 14, 2018
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  • 115 0
 The way the announcement that Hart is leaving is almost a footnote in the offical press release and phrased the way it is, would in any other line of business suggest that the ending of the contract is not completely amicable.
  • 54 0
 To announce it with four world cups left to go is also a big indicator to this also. Interested to see where he heads
  • 13 1
 Danny's dad (I think he is the real one) replied on comments on IG madison saracen post...
  • 14 0
 @ricchirock: Please share.... for us not on social zedia..
  • 80 0
 @CantClimb: he said something like "the truth will come out. He's better off out of such a toxic environment"

Danny has traveled to races on his own for a while now, in his own van with his own people. Also had a kid. Lots of changes, and he's probably better putting his own program together. Seems to suit his personality.
  • 28 1
"pauljameshart - The truth will come out. Seriously he is better off out of such a toxic environment."
  • 96 0
 @Hogfly: Bet Danny is like 'Daaaddd, shut uuuuup'!
  • 53 8
 @djlucas: Yep.

Not the first time his dad has gone full weapons grade idiot.

Well known for this.
  • 35 0
 @djlucas: Hope Wyn can find him for an interview at the next race. Should be fun.
  • 1 2
 Yes good observation. Probably got stale.
  • 53 4
 The very fact that they’ve done themselves no favours whatsoever here with that press release (seriously who is the PR!?) leads me to think his dads probably right on this one.
  • 10 0
 @CantClimb: pauljameshart on other comment: "absolutely nothing to do with money" and ask to madison saracen to tell the truth

For sure something has gone wrong
  • 23 3
 @HuckersNeck: as much as Paul can fly off the handle, he’s dead down to earth if you’ve met the guy, and no doubt Danny is gifted but if not for Paul pushing him not necessarily coaching on the bike, but travelling uk wide and internationally as Danny was growing up, and being a life coach to him, Danny wouldn’t be where he is today. I doubt in this case Paul’s words aren’t with out reason. Something’s gone wrong, he didn’t have the impact on Saracen that he had with mondraker, that bike suited him so well. Fingers crossed he’s moving back there or maybe even propain as run by ex rider Ben Reid I believe would be a good fit
  • 6 0
 @freerideglory: I thought he finished Mondraker a year early due to a similar situation?
  • 10 3
 Danny is probably the most underpaid rider in WC DH. But to realize the benefits, you need gravity oriented bikes that are accessible in the countries that mtb is most popular. I know Chain Reaction sells MS bikes but they dont seem like a good deal and other than Danny getting podiums on them, what evidence is there that they are any good and worth your$5k?
  • 10 7
 Danny likely fired them, already has a deal, and they are trying to save face, "We are not renewing". gets dafukoutta heaa
  • 18 2
 I'm here for the drama! Both sides comments seem non-pro, but Danny's been on half the teams in the pits by now. He's smart to sign three year deals, because it seems there never is a follow-up. Nothing wrong with that, careers are short and athletes should maximize their earning, but perhaps some of the problem is on Danny's end... And as other's have noted, his Dad sounds, in polite terms, challenging...
  • 7 1
 @shredddr: I have heard from some pretty close/direct sources to Danny that his dad is indeed.. 'challenging'
  • 1 3
 @giantmtballtheway: I'm sure Danny and mondraker was only ever a 2 year contract., could be wrong but I'm sure he had a good relationship with mondraker, after all 4 back to back wins.
  • 5 3
 @HuckersNeck: "full weapons grade idiot" lol
  • 5 38
flag Narro2 (Oct 13, 2020 at 11:22) (Below Threshold)
 this was definitely his dad, on the other hand DH racing has turned into an Athlete sport (which i like btw), I always saw danny more as an old style freerider that just likes to race, he should've stepped out of DH racing at the top, like bryceland or fearclaugh.
  • 2 3
 It sucks to hear Madison Saracen has not heart for Hart.
  • 12 4
 I wish they would be less cagey about what happened, or just totally cagey. They could have said nothing. That would have been more professional in my opinion.
As it goes I think everyone has heard different stuff. Lapierre wanted to keep him but Giant offered him a ton of cash I believe. I think Giant wanted to keep him but he wanted to do something different. Mondraker I'm not sure what everyone has heard but from my understanding the split was entirely on them. As for this one, maybe they tried to give him a covid pay cut and he didn't accept it, that's my guess. A lot of companies have got rid of people, tried to cut people's contracts down and used covid as an excuse. Pure conjecture on my part: Madison tried to give him a one year deal at 20% less than he makes now. They used covid as an excuse, but Paul Hart cracked the shits because he knows every model was sold out this summer due to covid. No fookin way he's having that. Now Danny is off to another team, even though he really likes the current bike because they made it for him in its current guise.
Let's see where he ends up. I bet it's not Mondraker.
  • 4 1
 I think madison wanted danny to be a team player who helped out other riders on the team. When you trying to win world cups, you need to focus on yourself and task at hand. I think he just prefers to do it on his own. During the Wyn tv Danny was driving himself to the next race. Now he has a kid too. Thats a lot to juggle.
  • 11 7
 @slayerdegnar: Sounds like Madison Saracen isn't up for the task of supporting a pro level athlete trying to compete at the top end of the sport. They should go sign some journeyman who's just happy to make the start gate. Danny deserves better.
  • 4 1
 @slayerdegnar: good angle, I didn't think of that. You might be right.
  • 1 1
 @jaame: cant see it being money, madison have made more money this year than in the history of their business.
  • 6 1
 @Narro2: That's silly. Hart won a WC last season. Slightly more than a handful do each year. He's still competitive at the top.
  • 8 1
 @Narro2: he just won the last world cup...
  • 4 1
 Hart Bikes to be launched in Jan?
  • 2 2
 @lincoln3: I'm hoping it'll be like Heartcarve Skis! If so, it'll be legendary.

  • 18 2
 @Narro2: what are you on about? Bryceland stepped away from DH racing because he fell out of love with it after Peaty retired along with his views on environmentalism. Danny has been a title contender for the past 9 years, won 4 races back to back in 2016 and won the last world cup round. “Should have stepped out” what are you smoking?!
  • 2 1
 @Narro2: ummm what? He won a wc last season.. he is still one of the top riders
  • 3 2
 @freerideglory: Dead right he was good on Mondraker, go back and watch him blasting in A Bigger Slice adn then compare it to the same tracks on the Saracen in Between The Races, it's like night and day.
  • 1 7
flag freerideglory (Oct 14, 2020 at 6:27) (Below Threshold)
 @TobiasHandcock: he was much more at home on Mondraker he was able to work that bike much harder than he can the Saracen. The tracks on a slice of British pie and between the races are at the bike park he and his parents own. Also my local and having seen him up there on both bikes he was much more at home on the Summum. The geometry and suspension kinematic if the summum suited him so well with his very dynamic and active riding style, similar to Laurie Greenland. It would seem those linkage driven 4 bar designs with dual compression where the shock compressed from both ends, he’s most comfortable on. Would love to see him join Brannigan on propain bikes
It’ll come out in the wash at the end of the year who he signs with, at this point we can only speculate but he is very pally with Minnaar and Vergier so SCS could be possible
  • 1 0
 @freerideglory: I don't think that's likely myself. They would have to get rid of an existing rider and I don't see that happening. My bet is on his own programme, but the frame sponsor I can't guess at.
  • 2 0
 @Rubberelli: I'm pretty sure Danny's deal with Madison was one million for the three years! That's a pretty good deal!
  • 2 0
 @skinnersession88: Not when you're responsible for travel and that's the amount pre-tax, pre-paying off his manager and/or agent and considering a majority of professional DH racers have an incredibly short career that could end at any time. Also that amount is based on the assumption you personally saw his contact which I highly doubt.
  • 1 4
 Why was my comment downvoted? ????
  • 3 1
 @freerideglory: Because that's what pinkers do.
  • 2 0
 @skinnersession88: mate money isn’t worth shit if you’ve got a team full of ass holes. Not saying that’s the case here but just an example
  • 2 0
 @chriskneeland: i'm charging $5 for upvotes. DM me. i take venmo and paypal (friends and family only)
  • 2 0
 @jaame: could be scott bikes haha or atherton bikes haha
  • 94 0
 Development of the top tube testicular support device Didn’t go to plan?
  • 1 0
 Hahahah yessssss
  • 5 0
 I heard they spent 2 years redeveloping a saddle specially for him, but he quit when he still couldn't sit down.
  • 62 4
 Not a fan of how Madison Saracen worded this, sounds like they're getting the first dig in early hinting that he's been dropped. It's a step in the wrong direction for them and he's worthy of a bigger team anyway.
  • 20 67
flag mattwragg FL (Oct 13, 2020 at 3:39) (Below Threshold)
 How is that so? Danny established them as a race-winning team, but Matt Walker came up through their junior development programme and his potential for the coming years is enormous.
  • 29 4
 @mattwragg: he's a top 5 rider and on his day unbeatable. Future potential and current performance are two very different things.
  • 15 0
 They probably cant afford him dude
  • 13 0
 @Imabigboy82: my first thought. All they needed to do was say they are parting ways, comes across as salty the way it was worded.
  • 47 1
 @mattwragg: I feel like that lady named Manon made them a winning team, 4 world cups and a Worlds. For an American that had never heard of Saracen Bikes, I'd have to admit it was her and Sam Dale that brought them to my attention.
  • 137 2
 @mattwragg: "Danny established them as a race-winning team."

You spelled Manon Carpenter wrong.
  • 2 2
 Yeah fuck them for this for sure.
  • 14 65
flag jaame (Oct 13, 2020 at 12:00) (Below Threshold)
 @dingus: here we go again. There is a world of difference between winning in the elite men and any other category. The women, juniors, vets, masters... as you know they don't really count. Elite men, that's where it's at.
  • 32 9
 @jaame: f*ck off you sexist c*ntbiscuit
  • 6 0
 @jaame: here we go again is correct.
  • 16 35
flag jaame (Oct 13, 2020 at 14:50) (Below Threshold)
 @nickism: why am I sexist? Why am I a c*ntbiscuit? Is it sexist to state the truth? Nobody cares about any category other then senior men. That's how it is whether you like it or not. Winning a category of four doesn't carry the same weight as winning a category of 100. Never has, never will. And if we're being objective and fair, the junior men are getting a shitty deal in terms of coverage. It is the second fastest category after all. Not getting the second most media coverage despite being a lot more competitive than the women. Now that's sexist.
  • 5 0
 @jaame: yell your "truth" to the Transition Factory team!
  • 1 0
 @thedjfitz: and he dont crash often either
  • 51 2
 Get on a Commencal Supreme. The fastes biker in the world deserves the fastest bike. Learn from Gwin, don't waste years of your career developing a bike. Just get what's proven and prove your the best, Danny!
  • 4 2
 Don't think that intense was anything slow, had good results under Moir and Dean, probably just not his style
  • 7 2
 Waste? He’s had years of crushing it on multiple brands, hardly a waste.
  • 6 17
flag bigmeatpete420 (Oct 13, 2020 at 7:39) (Below Threshold)
 Gotta day the tues is slow as shit compared to the m29. The intense is a really really good bike. I think he just got unlucky
  • 9 1
 Pinkbike isn't ready for the truth in this statement lol.
  • 5 2
 @freeridejerk888: Breh, The TUES had a Gold and Silver at the Worlds the other day....Intense? Gwinner wasn't held back by the TUES' slowness in their days together either. Neither was Vali or Andreu or.......c'mon man. I think it would be awesome if Danny finished up his career wining races on a TUES. But the M29 is faster, so no chance of that..............
  • 5 2
 The rider makes a way bigger difference. I’m just telling you my 1st hand experience riding both bikes back to back during a demo day. It felt noticbly slower and less composed @suspended-flesh:
  • 4 1
 @freeridejerk888: OK fair enough, but to say the bike is 'slow as shit' isn't backed up by (lack of ) results. Like you said, it's the rider......
  • 2 0
 Example. The trek session isn’t fast. Yet it just won? Read Paul astons review. He said it wasn’t very good. Race results don’t matter. Reviews are better places to look than that. To me yes it was slow. Clearly the demo is fast yet all the reviews say it shines more as a park bike. Confusing I must say @suspended-flesh:
  • 5 0
 @suspended-flesh: I think its funny how this is this connotation of "fastest bike". While I agree that many bikes are more suitable for racing than others. I think people forget one major aspect. Subjective rider preference. While many bikes are very good, what bike is best for what particular rider? I don't think Gwin leaving YT had anything to do with the bike. Gwin wanted his own thing, and Jeff Steiber seemed to want a similar vision. I believe Jeff wanted to go back to the good old days of building bikes, and Aaron wanted his vision. I don't believe Saracen had the funding to support Danny as a rider by really focusing on making the bike work for him. Not saying they didn't try. Reality is Gwin won on a Tues, Danny won on a Mist. Speaking in women's catagory, the playing field isn't as tight. Vali Holl won on a bike that was too big for her... She's a phenom. This season she's on a mullet... much more suitable.
Reality is, bike setup and characteristics built for the rider is key.
  • 2 0
 @jomacba: Sure. No argument.
  • 5 0
 @jomacba: also keep in mind that many of these pros are riding one off shocks, linkages, spacers,etc. These guys are always showing up with custom parts to modify the ride of these bikes from stock anyway.
  • 2 1
 @jomacba: Danny had that weird custom brake arm added last year to the bike, although I'm not sure he actually raced on it. Obviously he didn't like something about how it performed if they were making dramatic changes like that to see if it would improve.
  • 3 0
 @sino428: Agreed, and to my point. As I stated, not that they didn't try.
  • 2 0
 @mtb-sf: Yup, its a floating brake arm. Its designed to isolate the braking forces from the suspention.
  • 1 0
 @jomacba: I've never ridden a bike with one of these floating brake arms but the concept seems like a very simple solution. I've always wondered why we don't see it on more bikes. Is there a significant downside to it in some way?
  • 1 0
 @sino428: they were super common about 15 years ago. Not entirely sure why they arent used on single pivots anymore..... probably something to do with them not being very pretty
  • 9 0
 @sino428: its not a new concept. Its something that was became somewhat popular in the early 2000's. To answer your question though, its not so simple to say better or worse. What it really comes down to is riding characteristics. Single pivot bikes generally experiance a phenomenon known as "brake jack". This essentially means that braking forces translate into suspention forcing the bike to dip into the travel. The first V10 was a bike that used a floating brake arm. Then every iteration after didnt see the same concept.
Horst links were designed to isolate braking forces by using the seastay to mimic a floating brake arm, essentially keeping the caliper level through the travel.
Why is this something we don't see more of? Thats simple... sort of. What characteristics do each manufacturer want in each bike?
Many linkage designs can drastically reduce this force, and some almost completely eliminate it.
Take a minute and picture a complete bike. Under braking forces what happens? Well one thing that's almost certain is the fork will dive. So in theory if the frame sits into its travel, the geometries will remain neutral. This is a positive... the negative being the suspention stiffens and essentially will pack out.
Keeping the brake forces away from the suspention maintains small bump compliance, but pitching the rider forward in return.
Frame designs are simply checks and balances. There is one right or wrong way as each platform will perform very well when done correctly, but will it perform for the particular rider. Danny is a guy who's known for not really using his brakes, so its same to say when he does, the effects are likely less drastic. Adding in the low pivot point, makes the bike more susceptible to feedback on smaller bumps due to the limited rear axle path, the effects woukd be minor, but enough to gain traction under the correct pilot.
  • 1 0
 @mtb-sf: These have been around for years as an upgrade and used on many frame designs, I'm not sure it was that weird a thing to see on a bike?
  • 1 1
 @GrandMasterOrge: Right, I'm not saying it was a novel concept, but if he thought the stock bike needed it then he must have thought the stock bike wasn't working for him the way he wanted.
  • 1 0
 @freeridejerk888: nah gwin stepped the pace up but the rest of the field caught up, now those young frenchies are the next gen pushing things forwards as gwin starts to get left behind..just like sam hill did etc..downhill keeps getting faster I think, and it’s normally some younger talent at the forefront of that..the bike, while higely important probably isn’t as big of a deal as you’re making it
  • 37 0
 Seems strange to announce this before the next few races are done?
  • 46 13
 Just putting this out there for people who might not know it....Danny's Dad is a massive bell end and hangs over Danny like a bleak shadow of saltiness. It probably makes any kind of negotiation with Danny himself more of a headache than it has to be. I'm interested to see what his version of a "toxic environment" is given his natural ability to create them himself.
  • 12 7
 Clearly dont know Paul that well. He's opinionated & outspoken yes, however, when something shady is going on, he'll be the first one to call them out on it. Paul doesn't beat around the bush..
  • 15 7
 Paul might come across as hot headed but anyone that's met him will know he's a nice guy. He speaks his mind and there's nothing wrong with that.
  • 15 2
 @Reignrob: I was on the uplift bus once and there was a group of very young children riding ponies up the road out of the valley, there wasn't enough space on the verge for them to get off the road, so they held him up for maybe 30seconds. He wound the window down and had an extended rant at them all. He needs a muzzle.
  • 7 2
 @pbuser2299: Hard to argue with that. No coming back from deliberately upsetting a group of young children. Case closed. I generally never pay any notice to riders, teams or connected people's personalities and personal lives but when the words "young children" appear in any remotely factually accurate story then they're done. Thanks for sharing.
  • 4 0
 @Reignrob: In light of what pbuser2299 has said below, I'd say there is a lot wrong with it if you are speaking your kind to a group of young children.
  • 9 0
 @mccarthyp: I think this is probably the exact reason they haven't extended his contract, who wants to be associated with this sort of behaviour. The industry is too small for them to slag past teams off, other teams will be looking at the way they act and think no thank you. I remember reading once that he called Danny's team mates on MS Mondraker 'no hoper' and 'silly surfer boy'!
  • 6 0
 @Charlton1992: Were you at the busy DH venue the week before a race when he started pulling riders bikes off a full uplift trailer so Danny could fit more laps in while giving it the "Do you know who my son is?" crap. Do you know how many fist fights he's caused or narrowly avoided at events like the BDS?
  • 4 0
 @pbuser2299: He used to be the same at Hamsterley years ago before they had a regular uplift. There's a very rough road directly next to the DH track which is always full of riders and he used to scream up and down all day long in the pickup truck running Danny's personal uplift service. If you got in the way or slowed him down you'd get a torrent of abuse from him.
  • 2 0
 @TommyNunchuck: Well this says it all, I don't think any team deserves a back lash from them. They're the unprofessional ones slating teams left right and centre just shows their true colours. I bet there are plenty of respectable riders out there who deserve a ride more.
  • 2 0
 @giantmtballtheway: Danny's ok, Pauls a dick, but to be fair he probably wouldn't be where he is today if his dad wasn't. I guess don't be too hasty to tar them both with the same brush.
  • 36 0
 Was he too expensive for them ?
  • 20 1
 Probably, it looks like Saracen is focused on the domestic market so it does not make sense to spend too much money on a world class level rider..
  • 2 0
 That was my guess too.
  • 27 0
 @max2max: Hi! I can´t think in any rider more domestic than Danny Hart for the UK market.
BUT!! keep on mind Im always wrong Smile
  • 37 0
 @max2max: You don't see many Saracens about and I live right near him, even the locals don't really seem to have jumped on the bandwagon in the same way they did with Mondraker. Their bikes fall into the 'nice, but you wouldn't actually buy one' category for me, if Danny isn't making them sell, then I don't think anyone will.
  • 16 70
flag lkubica (Oct 13, 2020 at 3:24) (Below Threshold)
 @Vicenbici: He's a domestic rider but with a world-level salary, that's why.
  • 3 0
 @pbuser2299: I only know 2 people who have them, and I'm one of them
  • 5 5
 @pbuser2299: Not anyone? Reece Wilson would.
  • 8 0

So what do the world champ wins (2) WC wins and multiple podiums make him?
  • 2 0
 @pbuser2299: always jags of sarcens at hammers
  • 3 1
 @lkubica: give owa
  • 2 0
 @pbuser2299: I had one that I bought from joe Breeden he won the welsh national and 2nd in the bds on it. There’s a lot of riders at Aston hill ride them in the nationals. They are good bikes but you’re right they aren’t common but do seem to be raced a lot.
  • 2 0
 I did break my wrist on my second run on my first day on it and promptly sold it Frown
  • 4 7
 @lkubica: I think you may have Covid 19.
  • 6 0
 @daza: took the words out my mouth haha there loads at hammers even see loads with the Maddison Saracen pants on ????????
  • 2 0
 @liamadam1: you can rent them at hammers, obviously part of the deal Danny had that they have them for rent at DH park. Whether that was anything to do with it i dont know. Was there not long ago, saw plenty of Mondrakers but no Saracens.
  • 2 0
 Well yeah there's the stuff around descend that's most likely 'fell off' the back of his van, but its not like the Mondraker days? Every man and his dog seemed to be on them... ish.
  • 2 0
 @danielstutt: Hamsterley put their rental bikes up for sale a few days ago, it was on their FB page. When they got them for rental they probably got them direct from Madison for cost price.
  • 1 0
 @philv: ha ha I think cost is unlikely. They would have got a good discount but I doubt it wod be that good!
  • 1 0
 @jaame: not sure how it works in the UK. We also may have a different definition of "cost." In the US, typically cost and wholesale are interchangeable and don't refer to the manufacturer's actual cost to produce the bike but rather the price a retailer pays to aquire the bike. And it is also fairly standard practice in the US to get some kind of discount off of wholesale for a rental/demo fleet....not unheard of to get 15%.
  • 1 3
 @gally-nh: cost refers to the importer/distributor selling it for what it cost them to bring it in. i.e. they don't make any money on it. I doubt any for-profit business would sell things on for no profit. They would have done all that work for no reason.
  • 2 0
 @jaame: right, that's why I said I think we have different definitions and explained what it meant in the US.
  • 1 0
 @philv: Interesting, fair enough.
  • 37 0
 21 season: Grim Donut
  • 9 0
 This is the best timeline.
  • 6 0
 I didn’t see it coming but I have a feeling I will hear it coming.
  • 44 12
 Atherton bikes, sign him up!
  • 2 1
 wanted to say the same!!
  • 5 0
 this would be mint, would be surprised if they could afford him this early on though
  • 14 0
 Why would he want to do that?
  • 3 0
 No way not happening!
  • 1 0
 @CM999: 100% agree
  • 3 0
 Good shout. Maybe Giant too? Massive budget, previous connections...
  • 1 1
  • 1 0
 thats where i think hes going !or scott bikes
  • 28 0
 The hot word is Danny will be riding a Viathon DH next season for the Walmart World Team. After the Walton family sold Asda to Blackburn's Petrolli brothers this week, they will use the £6.1 Billion to develop a World beating 42/36" wheeled, long travel, Hybrid/Hydrogen mullet.
The bike will be called the "822.96" in Europe and "The Whole 9 Yards" in USA, Liberia and Myanmar.
Available in 7 different Rainbow colours.
Prices start at £1.99/$1.99/€1.99/C$4999.99
  • 5 0
 Going to have a linkage fork too
  • 4 0
So you saw the Press Release as well... Nice Beer
  • 3 0
 42/36" supermullet DH? Im sure if you were to ask @mikelevy he'd also be tight lipped about selling the Grim Donut design to them for the XC wing of the team
  • 3 0
 @Dropthedebt: yep... never miss an issue of "Shed Enthusiast Quarterly"
  • 1 1
 You joke, but the Walton family is super into MTB, so maybe...
  • 4 0
 @Linc: hence the reason for using them in the skit. It's how the set-up works, a little bit of reality woven into a pile of horseshit. Rolleyes
  • 31 7
 This is a really disrespectful way to announce a rider like Danny Hart is leaving your team - as an afterthought. It's pretty vindictive to release a statement like that days before a World Cup. It's like they're trying to scupper Danny on purpose. It's a shame, I hope they learn from the blowback, which will come from this situation, but having listened to podcasts featuring former riders from that team, it doesn't sound like a pleasant culture at Madison Saracen. I won't be buying anymore Madison clothes now that's for sure.
  • 24 8
 I actually think the opposite. This kind of highlights how absurd the break up process is in mountain biking in the first place. This is a business. Riders switch teams all the time. All these sappy end of year ‘parting ways’ announcements are just so silly in the first place. They should all do it this way. Just make an announcement that the rider has moved on to a new team and be done with it. There really is no need for all the BS.
  • 3 4
 @sino428: couldn't agree more, I would say this has benefitted him and allowed him to find another ride. I think the team has done the right thing with early announcement.
  • 4 0
 I’d love to see Danny win this weekend!
  • 19 0
 What about Nukeproof? I know they obviously have the EWS team, and therefore perhaps not the budget for a DH team too. But given their bikes seem popular and decent (please correct if you know otherwise) it seems like it could be an opening??
  • 14 0
 Was thinking the same thing. Pagey could pull another blinder like he did with getting Sam Hill on board!? Danny's mentioned before the benefits of being on a UK based team!? Him, Brayton and Scotty Derg back on the track walks! - good times!
  • 4 0
 Back on giant or yt to splash the cash again?
  • 4 14
flag T4THH (Oct 13, 2020 at 3:32) (Below Threshold)
 @CantQuitCartel: It hurts to think about the fact that his legendary run, quite possibly the best run of all time, was done on a Giant. Really hope he goes to a team we can back
  • 57 0
 @djlucas: Would love to mate but we have Sam Hill already so don't have budget for 2 big riders. Good luck to Danny, he's am amazing rider! cheers
  • 1 0
 @Pager72: shame, just trying to imagine them both on team vids! Golden! P.S. can you put a Scout 29er size XL to one side for me?
  • 1 0
 @djlucas: Pagey's last podcast explaining how he signed Sam would explain how Danny could be a great match with them. Chilled team, family friendly. Would be mint.
  • 25 0
 @Pager72: I love Nukeproof so maybe we can all help. I've got £10 cash, a bag of Fruit Pastilles, Woolworths voucher, 34 doublers from the 2006 world cup sticker book (including some silvers) and a signed picture of Monty Don to throw in the pot as an offer. You can't say fairer than that.
  • 2 1
 @DidNotSendIt: imagine 10-20k Nuke owners putting/sending 10 pounds/$$/euro each and finance Hart as a Nuke team rider. Nothing more glorious could ever happen in the mtb industry. #nothing!
  • 3 0
 Worth it for the headline Danny's Downhill* Descent on a Dissent Doesn't Disappoint.

*Downhill used in reference to discipline, before anyone mentions that all hill-based descents are downwards.
  • 1 0
 @DidNotSendIt: Faire....fai....fairr...fai. You're right you know, i cant say it..
  • 2 0
 @CantQuitCartel: YT makes total sense as they need a big name even though Trummer is doing a great job.
  • 19 0
 I think he will go on his own, choose his sponsors etc and just ride for himself moving forwards
  • 8 0
 Be a good business move as he already has the bike park and could do more coaching bringing young talent through as he gets older.
  • 79 0
 Also he surely would have to call it D.H. Racing
  • 18 3
 Hardly a surprise. Danny never seemed at home on the bike. They were always chopping shit up trying to make it better and his results never really showed what he is capable of. Can't wait to see where he goes
  • 3 1
 you could argue that the change to 29 wheels had just as much of an effect on him
  • 12 0
 Really happy for Malloy and Widmann. Seems as though Harry has had to work twice as hard running a team and racing. I think it was last year his team was set to get that big investment and and new bikes only for the sponsor to pull out at the last minute. Great news for him, happy to see them get a higher level of support again.
  • 3 2
 Harry Malloy is an emerging Martin Whiteley, although probably faster on a bike that Whitley was! This is how new managers and leaders in the sport grow. And props to Veronika Widmann who is both fast and gets excellent media exposure. It's funny reading about Danny's dad. When I was a race organizer we used to say we did the events for free but if we made money it was compensation for the one or two dads that caused 90% of the problems. Not knowing anything else, I'd would predict that Malloy will handle the relationship with MS management with considerably more dexterity than his predecessors.
  • 19 5
 Almost got a Hart attack reading these news. hopefully he finds a good team for next year
  • 10 0
 A bit hartless...
  • 7 0
 This news is a bit Hart to swallow.
  • 4 0
 Hart to danny that this news comes as a huge surprise
  • 4 0
 He'll be Hart to beat
  • 7 0
 Hope he doesn't have a hart time looking for support, he deserves it
  • 5 2
 Whoever wrote this press release must be Hart-less
  • 1 0
 @LukeDaws: There's a Hart to them for sure
  • 3 2
 I don't think the new team will be a Mystery for long, Summum will be bound to snap him up soon
  • 15 1
 Something that doesn't require a floating brake as an afterthought
  • 6 1
 They totally lost my respect when they did that. Basically saying "our production bike doesn't work, but we'll still sell it to you for five grand".

I sold my Myst at the first opportunity and bought a Comm. Like everyone else.
  • 12 0
 Just see what hire bikes they start stocking at his bike park.....kind of gave it away last time!
  • 12 0
 Why would you release the teams best rider? Budget constraints??
  • 2 0
 absolutely, hedging the bets from a big salary and more marketing
  • 3 0
 They didn’t release him, his contract was up. He was free to go and it sounds like he preferred to go elsewhere.
  • 13 0
  • 8 0
 “After a year where it’s fair to say that things haven’t gone to plan in the downhill world – or the sports world in general”

Correction - things haven’t gone to plan in the world world. (Not a typo)
  • 7 1
 Check out the Maddison Saracen Instagram post comments from Danny’s dad (as already mentioned above) for more info.

To summarise:
Not about money.
‘Toxic atmosphere’ in the team.

There’s obviously more going on here than meets the eye, but we’ll find out in due course.

  • 8 2
 Not surprised. I remember a while back someone was asking pros, "What bike would you like to ride if you could ride any bike?" Most dudes ducked it and said, "My current sponsors bike." Danny just looked straight into the camera and said, "My summum." I don't think he got along with the Saracen much.
  • 2 0
 Where’s this vid you speak of?!
  • 5 0
 You just know either Hart's camp or Saracens camp is straight up fucking Butt hurt about something..... No way this needed to be posted before the end of the season unless there was some seriouse shit hitting the fan behind closed doors.
  • 5 0
 If he continues to work with Scotty Mears as his mechanic, which seems likely as they are best mates, then he could create his own program based around a Santa Cruz frame. Mears' bike shop has been a Santa Cruz dealer for years so he obvs has a good relationship with the brand. However, if choosing his own frame and parts to ride, he may well go back to the tried and tested Summum. Leaving that brand at the end of the winning streak he was having always seemed a crazy move into the unknown while in top from.
  • 9 2
 First, my Hart sunk, then I realized it's the crazy 2020 and CANNONDALE is about to launch their DH factory racing team Wink
  • 6 0
 I thought they canned the DH team? Hence Moir signing for canyon ews team.
  • 2 0
 Shjhhhh;hhhit this would be INSAAAANE ????
  • 8 0
 stay on your bike Danny.!!
  • 6 0
 I think he is signing for Orange:

See 12:47 here:


The futures bright, the futures....
  • 1 0
 Good catch dude tup
  • 1 0
 for those that don't see uk advertising

  • 3 0
 With Danny on DH and Joe Barnes in EWS they truly would be representing British dads on the world stage
  • 2 0
 @johnnyboy11000: probably very accurately targets their usual customer (I’m including myself in that)
  • 1 0
 Noticed that too!
  • 8 0
  • 4 0
  • 7 0
 muddy fox
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 @ROOTminus1: Schwinn of course ... BTW they still produce the Stingray
  • 1 0
 Hu... Hu... Huffy!
  • 2 0
 @TheLoamDeranger: God bless you.
  • 4 1
 In this testing time we should see it as a good thing that Madison are not closing shop entirely. Does not surprise me that Danny has been let go as I am sure he cost more than the other riders put together. The good thing is he is a world class talent and we can now all speculate where he goes next. Im saying Atherton...... haha
  • 4 2
 I just don’t get why people are shooting their mouths off about Madison Saracen being the only bad guys in this split. Ok the press release about him going wasn’t the best but its done. The way I look at it is you are paying a pro rider pro rider money which is probably more than most of us earn in a year to get results which Messers Hart and Co haven’t been doing really. He had 1 win and 1 second place for the whole season and finished 4 for the year, that’s not a lot of silverware for the shelves. In any sport if your paid the bucks you’re required to get results or get a pay cut, which his old man wouldn’t stand for (even though his a grown lad and make his own decisions). From what I can see he didn’t want for anything, as many bikes as he wanted, branded kit all paid for by his team. Don’t get me wrong, when he is on it he is the best in the world but with that you need consistency which at the moment he’s not IMO.

The other thing to take into account with Madison/Saracen is they are bringing young riders into the sport with sponsorship, these are the lifeblood and future of this unique sport.
  • 7 0
  • 3 0
 Massive indeed
  • 5 1
  • 7 0
 Raleigh M Trax??
  • 7 1
 Danny will create his own team... Watch This space.
  • 4 0
 I just hope he gets PAID. He is so important to the sport. No lead is secure while he is still at the top of the mountain waiting for his run.
  • 3 1
 Saracen going direct to consumer from next April.

“ Saracen will cease to be offered to the trade at the end of 2020 and that is because we have not had the traction or the commitment from the IBD we had hoped for with this brand and it was unprofitable to continue. This is not the case with Ridgeback or Genesis where we are very much focused on ensuring we have a quality network of IBD stockists who add value to the brand and in whom we are looking to invest in in-store branding and other support initiatives.”

Quote from the Madison CEO.
  • 4 0
 For any team manager, this is a sound investment: an easy way to bring a new bike to the spotlights.
  • 9 3
 Danny Hart to Cube.
  • 24 2
 Oh god. Please not
  • 2 1
 I was thinking the same thing
  • 5 0
 I´ve seen him riding in Schladming the other week on a bike looked like the new cube.
  • 2 0
 @arek-hs: nah, don't think so. The shock was mounted in the odd twisted direction cube sports the new DH. Can't tell tho...
  • 2 0
 On tonight’s race Rob mentioned Cube too
  • 4 0
 Hey Danny! you would look on that new Devinci Wilson high pivot we saw a glimpse of a few weeks back...
  • 2 1
 This has the same feel as when YT released Aaron and Neko from the team.

“We are no longer going to run the YT mob program”

Follows up with a press release announcing a new roster without Aaron and Neko and saying they won’t be participating in World Cup races.

Like many have said, Danny probably got fired because he cost way too much for the company.

If he sticks with a UK brand, I think the Atherton’s should sponsor him. Or maybe he goes back to Giant.
  • 2 2
 Not renewing someone’s contract isn’t the same as firing them, deciding after 3 years that they either can’t afford or simply can’t justify the expense of him then it’s perfectly natural to end the contract. Bit of a cruddy way to announce it mind, after the season would have made more sense.
  • 1 0
 @pimpin-gimp: you do realize AG and Neko contract ended with YT, and they were in talks to renew it. They were never fired. They were limbo. This exactly the same thing that is happening here.
  • 1 0
 I don't know Danny at all, but ran into him at Whistler last year right after he won at West Virginia. Can't say enough nice things about the dude.....just a straight up cool bloke (my attempt at British speak). He won me over right then and there and I wish him nothing but the best in the future.
  • 9 4
 Gotta ride for OrangeSmile
  • 9 0
 I would love to see an Orange World Cup team, but I can’t see it happening.
  • 14 8
 He's too good for their archaic suspension design
  • 12 6
 @thedjfitz: its not archaic its quirky... and pretty bad
  • 3 0
 I'd love too see that but unfortunately don't think it will ever be a reality.
  • 4 1
 Danny can "Make Orange Great Again"
  • 8 1
 @T4THH: Orange's suspension is only a problem when you're on the brakes hard. Danny barely touches his.
  • 3 0
 @chakaping: Which means when he touch them, he brakes hard.
  • 5 0
 Team Vitus
  • 2 0
 He seems to be in the perfect position to start his own team to me. I get the impression from the way he seems to like to do his own thing anyway, it would suit him more.
  • 1 0
 Id love to see hart back on giant.. and Marcello isn't riding or Elliott, just Dickson riding on his own in the team so I can see this as a possibility if the budget is right....
  • 1 0
 Classy and professional statement from the man himself..........not only teaching guys how to ride bikes but also how to write marketing statements! - Jack of all trades that man!
  • 4 1
 Danny on Transition. You heard it here first.
  • 1 0
 Not until they start producing 29" TR11s to be 100% honest.
  • 4 5
 @Ajorda: Danny was beating the 29ers on his 27.5 Summum. No cheater wheels necessary.
  • 3 2
 @chriskneeland: And 29ers are still beating the game in terms of overall speed.
  • 3 1
 @Ajorda: Not really. Mullet's with 27.5 rear still beat the 29ers 5-3 last year. Danny struggled on the full 29er and didn't find success again until he went back to 27.5 in the rear. It's not for everyone.
  • 2 0
 I could see him doing really well with the Syndicate or Unior Devinci race team. What does everyone else think?
  • 1 0
 Devinci seems like it could be a nice home for him.
  • 3 0
 Perhaps he’ll find former Glory on a former team
  • 2 0
 He's going to be the Walmart Hyper team. Walmart havr offered free camper parking with wifi as well
  • 1 0
 All the best to Danny. One of my favourite riders. His bike park Decent well worth checking out for anybody that hasn't been.
  • 2 0
 my guess is he will go scott bikes or atherton bikes
  • 2 0
 Trek or back to mondraker
  • 4 0
 Doubt trek are looking for more riders since they have the world champ now
  • 4 1
 Not a chance of him going back to Mondy, unless Laurie Greenland leaves. There were issues between them previously apparently and not of Laurie’s doing.
  • 7 0
 @markyp1965: DH needs a gossip column!!
  • 1 0
 @nojzilla: vital MTB rumour thread always good for a giggle
  • 3 0
  • 1 1
 Two riders that can fill the time slots are cheaper than one rider sitting outside of the top 10. More publicity for half the price. Welcome to sports!
  • 1 0
 He'll do a peaty when he left gt and sign with orange. New prototype with old skool bumblebee paintwork Big Grin
  • 3 0
  • 2 0
 Danny should race for Atherton Bikes
  • 2 0
 im saying atherton bikes!
  • 1 0
 So Danny said to Wyn before leaving the race "The future is bright". Does this mean Danny is moving to Orange bikes?
  • 1 0
 Danny said ‘the future is bright’ on WynTV. Danny to Orange is my bet
  • 5 8
 Wow, what a bunch of gossiping granny’s. I take it you all know Danny, Danny’s dad, Will Longden and the contractual agreements with the madison team very well? It’s bell ends like you guys that make this sport suck. Why don’t you keep your opinions to yourself and go back to wanking yourself dry over 2021 bike kit you’ll never have..
If you don’t know the facts, don’t make up your own shitty assumptions and then wank all over each other online about it afterwards.
Just because Danny was World champ doesn’t make him an angel. Just because Will didn’t smile at you at a race doesn’t make him a c*nt.
That might all be nice, they might all be c*nts. You will never know.
Don’t believe everything you read or see online kids. Now step away from the key boards before you get another RSI and you can’t ride you bike for a week. You probably can’t even get out of the f*cking car park anyway.
  • 1 0
 here here
  • 3 1
 Team up with Brosnan
  • 6 1
 I don't think canyon can afford any more
  • 1 0
 Good luck to Danny for the future !
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Will be on a Forbidden when they release their long long travel bike.
  • 1 0
 Stay on ya bike Danny !!!!!
  • 1 0
 Would be cool if to see him win the majority of this world cup.
  • 1 0
 what a rider, you defiantly deserve more.
  • 1 1
 All the brands would be jumping over eachother to sign him IMO....
  • 1 2
 No way that’s his dad on insta Danny doesn’t even follow that account so likely it’s a troll
  • 4 0
 Danny probably hears enough from his dad without following him on Instagram.
  • 4 7
  • 1 2
 Would be rad!
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