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Canyon Gap Removed from 2024 Red Bull Hardline

May 29, 2024
by Sarah Moore  

After Jim Munro's heavy crash while testing the Red Bull Hardline canyon gap, Matt Jones announced in the Red Bull Bike Instagram stories the gap has been removed from this year's event.

bigquotesWe’re a good way down the new top section. The plan originally was to hit these berms, flat out, head across the hill, and then down to the almighty river jump. It’s been decided now that the river jump has been excluded from this year’s event. Obviously, Hardline's going to be around for a few years, and we will see that river jump happen in the future, but not this year. I think that’s a good call. A lot of the riders have mixed emotions but we get to focus on the original track from here on down. We’re going to join the step up landing, hit that huge drop, and head down to the 90s.Matt Jones

After testing the gap earlier this week, Matt Jones, Bernard Kerr and Jim Munro said that the lip needs to be modified and a safety net installed, but with the event this Sunday, there likely isn't enough time to make though changes.

For how to watch and the rider list, check out the Pinkbike Primer for Red Bull Hardline 2024.

See footage from the canyon gap below:

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sarahmoore avatar

Member since Mar 30, 2011
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  • 598 21
 Good. I don't want to see someone die.
  • 246 8
 Not even for a DH racer median salary of $30k/yr?
  • 64 28
 @Dogl0rd: THIS is exactly it. After a friend recently was sent to the ICU from a big crash where he nearly lost his foot, I am left wondering WHY ? Why exactly take such risks ? When I was in my 20's I wasn't asking these questions , but now it just seems haywire. What is the payoff for all of this risk ? They are independent contractors who, when they can't do their job anymore are cast aside as the next younger generation throws themselves off of more dangerous obstacles for the cheering masses. Once they are used up physically , they are left out in the cold. Not unlike women working in the adult industry honestly , but they make less $$ !
  • 118 6
 Thank God...

Aaron Chase said it best (to paraphrase):
"Riders should be the ones pushing the limits of what is possible on the features of a course - NOT the other way around..."
  • 19 7
 glad to see that only 4 people disliked this message and secretly hoped to see riders down the scaffolding. Good call but still it was cool to watch Kerr, Jones and Monro hit the thing.
  • 26 2
 Impaled on scaffold is a noble way to go
  • 19 2
 It's going back in next year. The lip has already been modified.
  • 12 1
 Not sure why they waited for people to test it one week before the event. Put in all that effort....
  • 3 0
 @jimmythehat: That's a buzz lightyear quote, right?
  • 4 48
flag shredddr (May 29, 2024 at 12:32) (Below Threshold)
 Love the semantics. It’s not a canyon gap - it’s just a measly little river jump. Pretty sure I saw Jackson do a river jump on his run bike 15 years ago.
  • 24 4
 @shredddr says its a "messy little river jump" lmaoo OK Kook, you hit it
  • 3 0
 Good decision, and good to hear they are thinking safety nets. Should be more of that!!
  • 8 2
 @dgwww: I think it really depends on who your sponsors are. I think that for instance Johnny Waddell received some good support when he had to leave gravity racing and I've got the feeling that Red Bull also puts a lot of effort into patching up their injured athletes. If it wasn't for them, I doubt any of the Atherton siblings would be able to ride bikes the way they still can. They've all gone through some potentially career ending injuries. The other part of the story of course is, you really need to want to do this. If it is about risk vs making money, there are better options. If this is the kind of riding you want to do, this is where to do it. Building soccer stadiums for a World Championship is a much more lethal profession and doesn't even seem to be as much fun.
  • 4 0
 thanks for that I was going to have a crack at it on mi BMX this weekend too
  • 5 7
 @SKNKWRKS821: riders designed the course???? how is it "the other way around"
  • 4 6
 @dgwww: you're absolutely right, why do these risky things for less than working in the adult industry? I've decided to give up extreme freeride mtb and I'm going to work in the adult industry as a woman.
  • 5 0
 @SKNKWRKS821: I love this. Make great rideable courses, then let excellent riders find the best ways to ride them.
  • 7 0
 @Compositepro: ya im also bummed. I just got my nephews run bike prepped for the send. (My plan was to push him down the run in).
  • 2 0
 @stiingya: how would a safety net work? Would need to be high enough to catch but then to high to get off, of low enough to get off then it’s like a full on stunt man fall, I think Dan has had too many bangs on the head honestly
  • 1 23
flag Mtbdialed (May 30, 2024 at 11:17) (Below Threshold)
 eh....I have seen people die. you get used to it. chin up, old boy!
  • 10 1
 @Mtbdialed: moronic response
  • 5 0
 @mariomtblt: he probably did hit something before writing that comment
  • 2 0
 @vinay: business is business, its about what you negotiated in your contract too ! As for the Atherton's, I think the main sponsor might be intergenerational wealth.
  • 1 7
flag Mtbdialed (May 30, 2024 at 19:10) (Below Threshold)
 @mariomtblt: youre so brave and strong for your response!
  • 3 0
 @Mtbdialed: likewise, old boy
  • 3 0
 @mariomtblt: my sarcasm didn’t translate well. My point was that them calling it a river jump totally understates the risk of the feature.
  • 3 0
 @jdkellogg: Did they? I mean, yeah, two riders came up with the idea, but left the actual design and execution to a third party contractor who had no clue how mtb jumps work and didn't supervise, let alone test it. Some pretty experienced riders/builders straight away said it was poor just from the photos and the riders who actually hit it confirmed it. Not to mention all other hardline competitors only learned about it a week before the race. "Rider designed" is a bit of a stretch for this feature. Hopefully v 2.0 works if they plan to go for it next year.
  • 1 0

They would be hiring the scaffolding, would have had to get permits, pay qualified crew to build etc.

Would have been a very limited window for testing.
  • 1 0
 Was this a required feature? Seems like leaving it up to the individual rider might be a good option but there was probably massive peer pressure to ride it.
  • 1 0
 @dgwww: "As for the Atherton's, I think the main sponsor might be intergenerational wealth."

@dgwww: Isn't their dad a teacher? Teaching is a surprisingly badly paid job in the UK.
  • 1 0
 @korev: I dont know, but it takes alot of $$ to get 3 kids to pro level riding. The math of their careers & business endeavours hasn't always added up. Our PM was a teacher , while being a member of a super wealthy family dynasty.
  • 1 0
 @dgwww: There are probably different ways to get to a certain level. Money is one thing, support is another. They loved jumping BMX bikes on dirt as kids and used that as a getaway when their parents divorced and as such have become great supports and motivation for each other. They thought mountainbikers sucked and only later got into the sport. Gee was soon enough getting decent results but insisted to cling together and never accepted a sponsorship deal without taking his siblings along. Obviously they still got a lot of support from their parents but during their younger age this was primarily their dad carting them around to the races. Yeah, money is important too but it would have taken a huge lot more money if they hadn't put in the hard work, loyalty and support towards each other.
  • 257 11
 Massive scaffolding doesnt seem like it belongs anyways
  • 37 2
 The lip looked too sharp and short from the beginning. A long ass booster like that should have a longer lip that isn't so sharp. I understand that they might not have had space.
  • 15 0
 So who actually jumped this Franken feature? Just the 3 Guinea pigs or did gee and dan and others test it before?
  • 144 0
 @xice: Dan did it at night on Arna's strider bike watched only by an owl and a fox. He didn't like the attention though.
  • 23 7
 Total sidebar but I wondered how they got permitted to do it in the first place? Just from an environmental impact standpoint that wouldn't fly in many places here in the USA. Doesn't matter if it is on private property or not. All perennial streams and water ways in my area have a 100' resource protection buffer on them. Any and all impacts have to be permitted and if allowed, mitigated. I realize GB left the EU but i still feel like they have tighter environmental regs than we do. Maybe not though?
  • 6 1
 They're saying they've got a permit for the structure for 5 years. We'll see it again.
  • 50 12
 If you have to create a massive scaffolding for a mountain bike race, I'm not sure we can really call it a mountain bike race anymore.
  • 13 1
 @Struggleteam: I'm surprised too. There's definitely tight environmental regs here. It's part of what made the HS2 train so expensive. We had a new flow trail in my area refused permission because of nesting birds. And Hardline is in a National Park, where changing the environment is more tightly controlled. Red Bull seems to know how to get things done...
  • 9 74
flag fentoncrackshell (May 29, 2024 at 11:55) (Below Threshold)
 @paulskibum: The brothers are definitely inbred. Not sure how, but Rachel turned out okay.
  • 8 2
 @mattg95: it's privately owned forestry and a temporary structure.
Nothing to see here.....
  • 12 55
flag flattire (May 29, 2024 at 12:31) (Below Threshold)
  • 5 8
 @Struggleteam: there is a reason you don't see many world cup style tracks in the US. most land owners wont allow val di sole style steepness here for erosion reasons.
  • 9 3
 @adrennan: Weird, since there are plenty of steep tracks as soon as you cross the border into Canada.
  • 12 0
 @mattg95: Red Bull has years of experience putting race tracks through people's houses. Whats a river?
  • 2 0
 @dotman: yup just posted all over the internet. Super stealth.
  • 19 0
 @mattg95: thanks for the insight. I own a civil contracting firm here in the states. We are very tightly regulated. Right now we can only clear trees on large sites during certain months because of a long eared bat mating season. I wish my mating season was that long.
  • 13 0
 @jayacheess: yeah, almost like it’s a different country or something.
  • 14 1
 @fentoncrackshell: have you had a DNA test? You come off as 100 percent inbred
  • 6 1
 @jayacheess: well aware of that. canadian land owners clearly don't see it the same way as the US forest service who owns the vast majority of the land our mountain resorts are built on...
  • 8 0
 @Struggleteam: the fall to a certain death was 105 feet, which exceeds the 100 foot resource protection buffer. Brilliant!
  • 5 3
 What if it was made of wood instead of metal? Plenty of scaffolding all over the woods of BC. It's just a different material.
  • 6 1
 @Ih8Hondas: Then again said B.C. scaffolding is *deadfall* wood that was laying right there next to the structure in it's natural environment.

Not store bought milled lumber hauled into the forest that doesn't fit the aesthetic.
  • 2 3
 @50percentsure: the athertons own the forest they cut and use timber onsite
  • 2 2
 Coming soon to rampage a Virgin Desert hillside in Utah I'm sure....


Smile Smile Smile
  • 5 0
 @waxed: *Scaffolding* As noted, is metal. That's why Honda suggested wood.

Then again maybe they are swinging picks between runs to extract minerals on site then smelting ore and rolling it into pipe those Athertons are endlessly resourceful...
  • 1 0
 @waxed: they have land with trees and a sawmill ,and bike park at Pantperthog

I don’t know if hardline is on their land. At Dinas Mawddwy

Yes they have access to trees and Mr Rachel Olly Davey Atherton makes beautiful saunas
  • 2 1
 @Saucycheese: say the guy with two heads
  • 1 5
flag Mtbdialed (May 30, 2024 at 11:18) (Below Threshold)
 @Struggleteam: jesus this might win the thread for comments made my a menstrating human.....
  • 5 0
 @Struggleteam: we have a policy in the UK where water utility companies are allowed to dump sewage in rivers as long as pay the occasional paltry fine.
  • 2 0
 @cowboyray: Can you confirm that?
  • 2 1
 @gcrider: correction: the athertons own A forest and cut and process timber for use in their own bikepark and at hardline a few miles up the road..
  • 4 2
 @50percentsure: i was obviously referring to your statement "Not store bought milled lumber hauled into the forest that doesn't fit the aesthetic"

f*ck pinkbike this place sucks the life out of mountain biking these days i would love to know the average age of people in the comments section im guessing mostly children!
  • 3 1
 @Mtbdialed: So wait you are saying its that time for you? Yeah i own 40 pieces of heavy equipment and move dirt and lay pipe for a living, I'm a total bitch boy. My industry is regulated heavily here in the states and was curious how you could pull that off in what i believe to be a more regulated country like the UK. It wasn't some tree hugger comment so ligma. I was hoping for some insight from folks that live over there, not a dim witted American. Learn to read and comprehend brother.
  • 2 1
 @Wyndbrook: Gotcha, maybe they aren't as tight as aI thought in the UK! My wife is German and they are very tight on environmental regs there.
  • 1 8
flag Mtbdialed (May 30, 2024 at 19:12) (Below Threshold)
 @Struggleteam: do you like being as regulated as you are? you seem like you endorse government as daddy, here and abroad. The UK is a giant nanny state, and the US is becoming one rapidly. Your simpleton accepting of that is the cause. grow a set.
  • 3 0
 @Mtbdialed: not sure where you see my ringing endorsement here? I loose time and money to regulation everyday. I believe in some level of environmental conservation / protection sure. However most of the regs we deal with everyday aren’t practical and are dripping with bureaucratic bs. I guess I should take my 40 pieces of iron up to dc and lobby congress with them? I have worked too damn hard building this business over the last tens years and I have 75 employees counting on me. I have to play by the rules. You really are clueless brother.
  • 2 0
 @Struggleteam: You are right - environmental regs are a necessity because historically people ran rough shod over the environment in pursuit of the dollar/pound/kroner/deutschmark etc. The rules in the US do seem specifically rigorous but then land ownership and usage is weird there too. Much of BC/Canada as a whole, is crown land and trail fairies work their magic where ever they like. In the UK there is a network of public access paths, Scotland has a right to roam on open land, possibly Wales too (not sure I havent lived there since 2013 and there was a move for it at the time).

An event like hardline would need local government approval and would need to have sufficient H&S consideration but the rest of it I think just needs the nod from the land owners - not sure if that is the Athertons in this case - huge areas of woodland with no planning rights come quite cheap in UK.
  • 155 5
 Damn, shame. Just put in a skinny option
  • 6 1
  • 17 0
 should've brought in dangerous dan for a remix edition of the hampster wheel!
  • 29 0
 I believe the hamster wheel you're referring to was done by Sam Brown. Sadly bringing him in for Hardline would be quite difficult.
  • 18 1
 Skinny with a net seems like a totally valid, still cool, but far safer option.

I can't say I've ever seen a skinny in a race before?
  • 1 0
 @j-t-g: lest we forget his epic self trained blacked out helicopter piloting - stay away from trafficking drugs across international borders kids !
  • 6 0
 @j-t-g: It's You could legitimately argue a Sam Brown style hamster wheel on this race course would be an authentic piece of mountain biking infrastructure, more so than a metal scaffold jump which looks like it was made for a movie shot involving explosions. It would be quite something to have such a feature on a race course where the riders had to come briefly to a complete stop!
  • 2 0
 @j-t-g: oh wow this took a dark turn.
  • 2 0
 @ocnlogan: Come out to North Vancouver for one of the NSMBA Fiver races! There’ll be (I think) three skinnies on tomorrow’s course, and often more. They’re mostly optional and usually not the fastest line though.

I’ve not seen a skinny in elite level races. Canada/BC has been pretty influential in the history of mtb but not quite that influential…
  • 128 3
 cant wait for @scott-townes to chime in
  • 86 2
 can't wait for @scott-townes to show us how to jump that gap
  • 52 0
 @KondziuNS: i heard he flew over and pulled the plug himself, feature was too easy for hardline.
  • 49 4
 @KondziuNS: can’t wait for @scott-townes to fall in a canyon.
  • 30 0
 Kinda funny to me there are usernames you remember on anonymous sites like pinkbike that you remember solely for being an absolute tool box. The vocal minority really do be vocal.
  • 7 0
 @lepigpen: you should see his online alter-persona on other websites. Newschoolers anyone?
  • 3 0
 @lepigpen: hey i recognize you from vital...
  • 11 1
 I’m sure he is contacting them to tell them they are wrong, he knows better than the organizers and athletes do
  • 11 0
 scott-towns energy drinks. Active ingredient: radioactive water.
  • 6 0
 @dungeonbeast: oh my god. I just realized he’s skiierman. I thought the name was familiar. Wow.
  • 9 0
 @BrianColes: Wait what? Professional internet troll across all sport if that's true.
  • 29 100
flag scott-townes FL (May 29, 2024 at 11:39) (Below Threshold)
 @EchoLimaTwoOne: "I'm concerned over the safety of others and if you disagree, I hope you die!"

Leave it to the brainless, gaper bandwagoners to be the biggest hypocrites. The adults were able make the decision on their own without input from the PB comment section goon squad, that must be shocking to you dummies.

By the way, they're having it next year. OMG you guys better start planning your protests! LOL
  • 15 0
 @scott-townes: Scott, are you skiierman?
  • 10 0
 @Struggleteam: i swear @scott-townes just flew over my house
  • 6 0
 @2004hyuandielantra: shhh don't tell spomer. Hash tag double agent.
  • 1 0
  • 18 0
 @scott-townes: this has to be Gee and Dan's burner account
  • 13 2
 Scott’s favorite word, “gaper” …
He’s obviously looking in the mirror all day!
  • 9 0
 In the meantime you can catch up his amazing 9/11 jokes and wit here. Not kidding. He's more Core-er-er than us...

  • 5 1
 @MarkusFinholt: Here's the amazing pods where Scott, as Skierman, regales the planet with his wit, wis-dum, and wonder. linktr.ee/skierman
  • 4 0
 @Foxmulder666: And does he mean 'gaper' or 'gapper'? Is he likening us to burrowing clams? I feel some clarity is in order...
  • 12 0
 @scott-townes: aww shit homeboy just came out moms basement
  • 13 3

Yeah right, Scott.

As soon as I witnessed this unsafe monstrosity I marched right upstairs and told my Mom what the big bad Bull had created. She made me a sandwich and gave me my anti-anxiety pill and recommended I speak my mind and sign a petition so that my feelings remain safe from bad events like Hardline.

Plus she’s already agreed to fund a therapy pet for me next year if this feature threatens to return.

Don’t you feel dumb.
  • 6 0
 @scott-townes: bro never disappoints
  • 13 0
I didn't took part of the discuss on the different PB articles you was commenting but I had really goodtime enjoying the people vs Scott.
I just saw that you wasn't so active on this comment. Can you please come back and keep commenting bullshit like you did before ? Reading the annihilating comments towards you was sastisfaying and I enjoyed it a lot.
Thank you in advance.
  • 8 0
 @brewson7: I would only add that it's Scott vs The People. Yeah we can be smug, sarcastic and downright antagonistic but Townes takes it to a higher level and brings the hate right outta the gate - pretty much just starts throwing rocks. One thing to have wit, call people out & counter other riders here - another to act like Townes, which is fully outta the spirit of it.

in the meantime, enjoy his Moms Basement zingers in his pods linked above. You'll never laugh so... actually you won't laugh. Its sad.
  • 5 0
 @Mtn-Goat-13: You are right, thank you for the correction! Gonna come back in few hours to read the comments, can't wait.
  • 4 0
 @brewson7: adding bro / heavy metal finger imaginary emoji here> Wink
  • 4 0
 @Mtn-Goat-13: Holy moly that's terrible content
  • 1 0
 @scott-townes is the appitamy of a mountainbiker
  • 4 0
 @Saucycheese: If I didn't even have context for the guy it still wouldn't be funny. Like watching a methhead rummage through your van or something...
  • 74 5
 Good call. The double compression before the lip was idiotic.
  • 62 0
 I wonder how many of the other riders said "not a chance I'm hitting that"?

Even with the addition of a safety net, there's still the issue of coming up slightly short and face-planting into the edge of the landing/scaffolding...
  • 64 1
 Not to mention coming into it having ridden hard over much of the course and potentially having muck all over your tires, slime on the ramp.... you name it, there are too many variables to have the 'perfect' conditions to hit that thing. Also given the natural beauty of that valley, a big scaffold stunt like that didn't really fit the ethos of the track.
  • 14 1
 It would have had to have been one all encompassing net for sure. Running at race pace, somebody riding off the side of the takeoff was very likely as well. It would have needed to be like 200' wide, all the way across and the entire scaffold crash pad'ed on the receiving end.
  • 21 0
 @jon-boy: it was an accident waiting to happen. We saw what happened to that lad who clipped a pedal doing the famous train gap in Whistler.
  • 13 0
 @jon-boy: 100% agree, it was ugly AF
  • 10 1
 @thenotoriousmic: Dude, my thoughts exactly. That video is savage. Feel like I have PTSD from watching it. Poor Tommo.
  • 6 5
 @jon-boy: Why aren't you also worried about muck on the tires or slime on the ramp when it comes to the road gap? There isn't much room for error there either.

I understand why they cut the river gap out but when reading the comments it seems pretty arbitrary where people seem to draw the on what they deem acceptable.
  • 60 4
 I still can't beleve Bernard Kerr is walking around, never mind guinea pigging stuff like that after his horrific crash when his bike broke appart. The man has Gee level resilience!
  • 21 0
 dude has taken some bad slams in recent years, remember the 2022 Hardline where his front wheel exploded on landing the second 90 footer, and he was up walking around right away.
  • 17 0
 @gramboh: He took a mega slam at one of the urban dh races and while back down some steps and popped right back up. Dude is durable AF.
  • 9 1
 He even had a crazy slam that I think folded the front wheel at Ft Bill between then. He has 'moto guy' levels of survivability. I dunno what it is but you have to be like that to even sniff at dirt bikes in the manner he does. Soft people don't last in that realm.
  • 49 0
 Whereas recently I slept a bit funny and woke with a crook neck and didn't ride for 2 weeks.
  • 3 0
 3 lives left
  • 4 0
 @bigtim: I feels ya mate, I feels ya.
  • 53 1
 Considering BK nearly missed the landing and Jim didn’t make it across with his bike, this is evidently the right call (amongst other reasons). They were even saying how the conditions were ideal when they did their test hits. Any muck/rain/wind would be a disaster for that ramp…

Stoked on the change!
  • 4 1
 Jesus, I forgot about the wind that can come out nowhere in a canyon like that! Impressive feature, but not for racing.
  • 6 0
 LOL. In Wales "ideal" conditions are your tires caked in peanut butter (look at BKs tire when he drops in on his POV) and then hitting slick wet painted wooden features without chicken wire.
  • 51 7
 This thing was never meant to be ridden in the race. Just look at the list of high-profil riders they have lined up. And no chicken line around it. No way they expected the likes of Tahnee or Dunne to clear this when they have a whole WC season to throw away. Great publicity stunt though
  • 17 3
 LOL I know right. Canyon gap, tons of scaffolding. This jump screams publicity stunt.
  • 11 12
 I called that exact thing 3 days ago and got dv'ed for it! Viral publicity stunt totally right
  • 9 3
 That is an excellent point. Didn't consider this before. Smart if true
  • 6 3
 It was a marketing gag - and a successful one at that.
  • 10 1
 @bridgermurray: Not sure calling it smart is right. If anyone crashed harder the risk of death is genuinely real. Hardline killing bernard kerr doesn't sound like a great publicity stunt to me. I think it's just general delusion, mixed with a bit of sunk cost fallacy. Having spent thousands of hours on making the track, getting permits for the construction and spending money on the scaffolding adds up.
  • 3 4
 Sounds like lots of riders are disappointed it's not in this year and it's going to be in the race next year. It also sounds like it's going to stay up for at least a few years.
  • 3 3
 This is a top marketing stunt. Unfortunately, the rider survived. Next year this will certainly be better planned
  • 4 2
 Isn't the entire event a publicity stunt for Red Bull? The jumps further down the course are bigger IIRC. The canyon gap fits right into the spirit of the whole thing, which is pushing limits and going bigger and bigger.
  • 3 0
 @MarkusFinholt: Yeah. It definitely wasn't smart. No idea who engineered the ramp, but they did a poor job. Radius was way too small. Last guy who got tossed off his bike likely would have been fine with a more mellow takeoff.
  • 29 2
 There is a line between a 'hard' race course and an Evil Knievel stunt. They finally found that line.
  • 20 0
 May have worked fine if they'd just put the finish line halfway between the take off and landing, so finishing on your bike and alive was just one of four options
  • 22 2
 Surprising! Seems like they took all the proper safety precautions with those pads below the landing
  • 27 0
 Those were just to keep blood off the rental scaffolding.
  • 20 1
 But RedBull gives you wings no?
  • 7 0
 Definitely, but Monster athletes gave a no go.
  • 3 0
 Yes, but every now and then the wings are made of concrete.
  • 17 0
 Icarus had wings, too
  • 13 0
 Every rider has to weigh risk vs reward and decide when the equation tilts out of balance. It's cool to see the world's best riders on the world's hardest racecourse, but even for them, there's a point where the risk stops making sense and it becomes a contest of who's willing to take the most risk. That's not fun in the same way. A giant scaffolding construction also sort of stops feeling like mountain biking and starts feeling ilke engineering. Good riddance.
  • 15 2
 Maybe removing it from the course is the actual sign of progression in the sport. Just not in the 'stunt' field but rational decision making, awarness, risk management and respect for the riders. And if someone still want to risk-a-lot in a russian roulette style there's ongoing war in europe not so far away, literally with russia...
  • 15 1
 If it was a test , why not a net was considered form the beginning, are they pros or not?
  • 10 0
 If you listen to Gee's interview with Rob and Elliot on Just Ride, you get the feeling that to the Athertons, safety stuff is secondary. Sure, make a jump, ain't nought wrong with that, but do it in a safe manner.
  • 8 1
 Exactly. This highlights just how unprepared they really were. Regardless of making changes to the ramp, it should never have been built that way in the first place, let alone have someone ride it.
  • 5 0
 @handynzl: Safety has never been Gee's middle name
  • 14 1
 Oh well, something needed to happen. Will still be great event without the canyon gap.
  • 10 1
 Red Bull Still-Pretty-Hardline
  • 2 0

So...course diggers can now be affectionately called 'fluffers?'
  • 12 1
 Having a man made feature where there is a strong chance of death or permanent disability is just plain lunacy. I don't want to see any of these riders hurt. Good riddance!
  • 15 2
 Good. Hardline should highlight the Welsh landscape, not Brians scaffolding.
  • 2 6
flag Ih8Hondas (May 29, 2024 at 16:05) (Below Threshold)
 Ah yes. All of the dozer work to create the on-off and the massive gaps really highlights the natural Welsh landscape.
  • 8 1
 @Ih8Hondas: Even altered natural material in a natural landscape looks fitting. This giant steel industrial looking mess just looks heinously out of place in this beautiful landscape.
  • 5 4
 @gnarnaimo: The dirt work looks heinously out of place as well. If you want to showcase a landscape, use the landscape with minor alterations like they do at Rampage. If you're bringing in heavy equipment, the landscape has gone out the window.
  • 7 0
 @Ih8Hondas: No, it looks like people worked with the natural resources they had and made something beautiful out of it. Plus, give that natural material a few years, and it will blend right back in with its surroundings. That giant metal structure looks like something that should be in an urban setting, and in a handful of years would be just as heinously ugly.
  • 3 0
 @Ih8Hondas: @gnarnaimo: I think you might be saying the same thing... and I concur.
  • 2 0
 @50percentsure: How sure are you?
  • 4 0
 @Ih8Hondas: "Minor Alterations" at Rampage? Have you seen the amount rock they chip away, dirt the move to build landings, the thousands of sandbags they use?

That scaffolding is doing much less damage to the landscape than any dirt feature they on that course. Take that scaffolding down and you'd likely never know it was even there. You are never restoring some of the dirt sections of that track to what they originally were.
  • 12 2
 Fixing the lip to the riders spec and adding a safety net for next time seems like a good idea. For now, removing it is the best option
  • 2 1
 It's definitely a usable obstacle. The way it was built made it seem like there was a math error when determining the radius for the takeoff though that resulted in a radius that was a fair bit smaller than it should be.
  • 23 12
 Too bad someone had to get a concussion for what appears to have been a marketing tool all along.
  • 10 2
 too bad? its a f*cking miracle nobody fell down straight to those pointy construction pipes.
  • 20 8
 Good to see it removed.
  • 12 2
 it's supposed to be Hardline, not timed Rampage anyway
  • 4 25
flag TIZZASPAIN FL (May 29, 2024 at 9:54) (Below Threshold)
 now it will be Softline event
  • 12 2
 @TIZZASPAIN: because potentially killing yourself is the coolest and manliest thing you can do right?
  • 2 3
 I mean, wasn't it already basically timed Rampage anyway?
  • 14 6
 I was worried this year but I can't wait to see it next year after they've put more work and testing into it. Great idea but awful execution.
  • 2 0
 I agree, details matter a whole lot. In theory it could work, but to your point the execution left a lot to be desired.
  • 2 1
 Definitely, with some more thought, work, and testing I think it can be done. Think of the road gap on Hardline, its massive but IIRC most of the riders are saying its one of the easier features on the track because its simply built so well
  • 12 3
 Jim made it across and still almost died, that was one of the best case scenarios lol
  • 4 0
 I’ve been watching people crash bikes for like 30 years now and that was easily in the top five worst looking bails I’ve ever seen.
  • 2 1
 @MegaStoke: The way he was flying the way he landed reminded me of the crash that earned a jump at Millville the name Chadapult.

  • 2 0
 @Ih8Hondas: User name and video link checks out.
  • 10 2
 I don't question the riders ability at all! I'm sure they are all capable of hitting it. I question the ramp build itself. It just looked half-ass and janky
  • 8 0
 After seeing how close to the edge BK landed I was surprised that it took so long. No idea how safe that would have been in a race run.
  • 1 0
 Yep. It’s pretty amazing that happened given how careful and precise he was in lining it up. It showed that the compression and pull was happening so fast that it was super easy to get offline. Add the race-timing pressure that does not exist at Ramoage and potential issues like mud on ramp/tires, and you could easily see someone else getting catapulted like Munro…with maybe not such a best-case bad landing. I was excited to watch them hit the gap and now it won’t be quite as exciting, but I also don’t want to see someone get badly hurt just because they were trying to push their time.
  • 7 1
 I trust in the Athertons' vision for this event and hope to see the canyon gap in the future with the improvements needed. Similar to the now infamous road gap, these types of features push riders beyond the comfort zone.

My most memorable moments from racing DH is learning/mastering scary new features practice...then hitting it on race run. That feeling is cloud 9.
  • 6 0
 It is exciting to watch athleets perform amazing feats like this, but I'm happy that RB erred on the side of caution. Climbing turned into the glorification of risk at the elite level, and it started to turn something beautiful into pointless risk taking.
  • 7 0
 Excellent, that feature was an example of things going to far with drastic consequences and the likely hood one of the riders was going to die.
  • 11 5
 They just need to alter that stupid massive drop to flat landing now. That one that Jess hit perfectly last year and broke her ankle
  • 2 2
 Has that taken anyone else out ever?
  • 6 0
 @paulskibum: Not sure, but there were loads of people really glad it was removed this year (until it wasn't)
  • 5 0
 I high 5 my buddies clearing 7m gaps. When you are the best of the best & say maybe not this year, we'll do the 90's instead I'm pretty sure that thing is wayyyyy more terrifying than a photo or GoPro.
  • 2 0
 It's poorly built. I'm sure these guys would be fine hitting it if the radius on the takeoff was bigger.
  • 7 0
 That run in and the lip was crazier than the gap. Who designed that radius lol
  • 5 0
 Seriously. There had to be a math error to end up with that radius on a ramp that had to be hit with that speed. Third guy probably would have been fine with a larger radius. Kerr may not have gone so far left too. Bad ramp build ruined a perfectly usable obstacle for these dudes.
  • 9 0
 I am really confused how all these experienced riders - including Dan - didn't look at it and just say "that's f*cked. Start over". For that lip.
  • 2 0
 @Ih8Hondas: If the transition between the run-up ramp and the lip weren't so close, the radius probably would have been alright also. Either way, there were some miscalculations here, it looks like.
  • 9 1
  • 7 1
 just highlights what Brendog achieved at rampage. Good decision I reckon. And fair play to Jones and Kerr for sticking it
  • 7 0
 I'm sure Super Dave Osborne would have sent it!
  • 4 0
 Good call...but dang was that thing hype! Matt Jones made that look like nothing. BK with the nards of steel to guinea pig that. Jim, just insane. One of the most legendary crashes ever. Sending healing vibes...
  • 3 0
 Im really happy to see this. When we saw the first photo hit Gee’s instagram page I thought “I’m not watching hardline this year just to watch someone die”. I’m all about pushing it, but when a course is ridden by so many riders and half of them feel uncomfortable hitting a feature that has obvious mortality implications... it’s just begging for one of them to go beyond their limits for the social clout. Leave stuff like that to individual riders and their crews on their own time. Anyway, really mature move on the org’s part to cancel this.
  • 2 0
 On some of their YouTube vlogs there’s a few riders saying they’re disappointed to not be jumping the gap. . . Not quite sure if they’re joking!!! Glad they have changed the beginning of the track to keep things fresh. And riders are saying the 90 footers could be bigger!!! Looking forward to watching all the racers trying to get down the track
  • 6 0
 Someone must have watched the Bart the daredevil episode of simpsons
  • 1 0
 I was more thinking they were trying to make track truly warranting the name Helltrack
  • 4 0
 I hope that RedBull kicked down some extra $$ to Bernard, Matt and Jim for that awesome publicity they got. Those dudes laid their lives on the line for that feature.
  • 2 1
 Having to take away a main feature a few days before the event takes places makes this big MTB event seem so professional.
Planning, building and testing in the year since the last hardline couldn't be sorted ! MTB is a sport we all want to get more popular and taken seriously in the sporting world....and then amateur sh*t like this on a main stage!!
  • 2 1
 Probably a good call. I know the Dan’s idea for Hardline was to try to push a DH as far as it could go without being held back by anything, but I’m glad they’ve realised they went too far this year and are willing to reel it back a few steps.

Maybe in a few years time hitting a huge canyon gap mid-race run will be much more acceptable and doable, but we’ll see.
  • 4 2
 It'll probably be doable next year if they build a proper smooth jump
  • 4 1
 @kanioni: They already have. You can see in various track walk vlogs that it's changed.
  • 3 0
 We have reached peak insanity with these extreme events. Time to just get better and make progress on these already amazing tracks and lines.
  • 2 1
 It crossed my mind that they had no intention of including this in the race and the whole thing is just a publicity stunt, its certainly got everyone talking. I have very mixed feelings about this jump, if it’s true that none of the invited riders knew about this new feature I think that would be fairly shitty of the organisers , but who knows.
  • 2 1
 Redbull simply does not give a fuck about the rider's health. But, in a world where sponsorship is scarce and no one wants to leave burned bridges, most pros need to follow along. You never know what door you need to knock on next year for having your bills paid.
  • 1 0
 Too bad. With a slight lip modification, the thing would be perfectly doable for riders on this level. Now, what's left is a rather dull wide and smooth flow line with just a few technical bits, drops and jumps. The lines of previous years were way more varied, gnarly and thus interesting to watch (I bet also to ride)
  • 3 0
 I'm sad they removed this feature because of how wild it is but at the same time I don't want to see someone die.
  • 8 3
 Fine. Good riddance.
  • 2 1
 I think Pinkbike is not telling us the whole truth, or maybe they're not allowed to due to the Athertons wanting to keep the Hardline hype going.

  • 4 0
 Replaced with crocodile moat jump
  • 5 0
 Sharks with frickin laser beams
  • 3 0
 @Dogl0rd: might be too much. I vote for sea bass.
  • 25 25
 So I guess Matt Jones, Bernard Kerr and Jim Munro didn't actually sign up for this and didn't actually know what they were getting themselves into, eh? Bunch of sissies, right pinkbike?
  • 2 0
 I guess there gets a point where Hardline is hard enough. I mean, how hard does it need to be?
  • 4 5
 I vote cancel every feature someone could get seriously hurt on. Will be pretty interesting to navigate what to do if someone comes up short on the 100' or 90' jumps. Prob should cut down any tree that someone could hit too..
  • 3 1
 Good call by Redbull, a fail on this feature is not the press the sport needs.
  • 1 0
 Red Bull Rampage, Paul Basagoitia paralyzed, Gee's serious crash last year, Kyle Straight's broken back, Tom Van Steenbergen back, hips and legs. Hardline Tasmania took out Goldstone....Whats your point?
  • 1 1
 And it will be back next year anyways.
  • 2 0
 Will there be a Jonny Walker edit?
  • 1 0
 The question is how will they across that valley now? Splitting the course?
  • 2 0
 Good. It was corny flo-show style anyways.
  • 1 0
 where is the video of crash ? article states crash and show success landing
  • 3 1
 Hardline is turning into Rampage with split times... Frown
  • 1 0
 I hope every cycling enthusiast can keep themselves safe while riding or racing, life is the most important thing!
  • 1 0
 You how the camera makes stuff look smaller.... yeah well it didn't work this time .
  • 2 0
 BK is a bad man!
  • 2 1
 Very good call guys. Thanks for doing the right thing here.
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Nice piece of Viral marketing that Gap.....
  • 1 0
 Was never meant to be in the first place! All of this was just RB mkt!
  • 6 6
 They are soooo gonna hit that Canyon gap once the cameras are off
  • 1 0
 Brendog got robbed?
  • 2 1
 Ramp Robbed
  • 1 0
  • 12 14
 All the commenters who said this gap wasn’t too dangerous…are the rest of us (who thought it was) still wrong?
  • 14 3
 Not only are we wrong, but I believe one fine individual called us with that opinion "gapers" and "we're in the wrong sport" and various other well thought out musings.
  • 10 0
 In my opinion, it was never about whether or not the commentators thought it was too dangerous. The only opinion that matters is whether or not the riders thought it was too dangerous. If they don't think they have enough time to sort it out this year, good for them for calling it.
  • 3 1
 @jsnfschr: I would have thought the event insurance company had the final call
  • 6 1
 The gap is only 'out' because they couldn't get a net in time, according to videos posted today. They've already modified the takeoff lip, and the plan in the future is to have a net, and presumably crash pads in front of the case pad/landing. With all of those precautions in place, it's no more dangerous than the 90 footers, and potentially safer given the speeds and kinetic energy potential are lower.
  • 4 0
 @jayacheess: Yup. Just watching BK's track walk and sounds like it'll be in next year and should be up for a few years. Not coming down anytime soon.
  • 3 0
 @jayacheess: maybe a wider landing in future to give riders more space for error.

Whatever they do in the future, they’ll need to keep the old track ready as the fickle welsh weather will no doubt play a big part in it being used in future races.
  • 3 1
 These riders are perfectly capable of hitting it. The problem was the radius on the takeoff. Way too small for the speed required to make it across.
  • 2 3
 Gapped that once … on my unicycle…
  • 3 4
 It looks well designed. I'd jump it.
  • 2 4
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