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Opinion: Muc-Off's New E-Bike Drivetrain Tool is Silly

Feb 9, 2022 at 12:11
by Mike Kazimer  

My inbox is constantly filling up with press releases announcing the latest and greatest mountain bike products, everything from new carbon enduro superbikes to brightly colored tubeless valve stems. Every once in a while one of them will contain a concept or a claim that stops me in my tracks. Enter the new Muc-Off e-bike drivetrain tool.

For $35 you can be the proud owner of this gadget, a stubbly little tool that can be set up with a 5mm, 6mm hex, or T30 Torx. It's not meant to loosen or tighten bolts – you'll need a different tool for that. Instead, it's designed to make it easier to lube the chain on an e-bike, since the chain doesn't rotate when you turn the cranks backward. Apparently, some riders (and even a certain editor at another MTB website) have been flipping their heavy bikes upside down in order to lube the chain, unaware that there's a much, much, easier solution.

That solution involves sticking something into the chainring bolt that will stick out far enough for the crank to contact it. That will engage the chainring, making it possible to lube the chain in the typical manner. Muc-Off claims that their “revolutionary bit of kit” is the right tool for the job, one that was developed “after months of real-world testing.” The short length eliminates the risk of sticking something through the bolt and scratching your frame, and the rubber covering keeps those fancy carbon cranks from harm.


The thing is, you can accomplish the exact same result with an Allen key or multi-tool; even a stick from the side of the trail will work in a pinch. The latest wave of eMTB specific parts and accessories reminds me of when the word 'enduro' began sweeping through the mountain bike world. That was the season when everything was baby blue, and you couldn't find anything that wasn't purported to be enduro-specific.

Granted, this tool is actually pretty e-bike specific, mainly because there's not much else you can do with it. I think that's what got under my skin – the fact that it's meant to fill such a tiny, tiny niche, to accomplish a job that most riders probably already have the tools for. It does come with a carrying strap and a carabiner, though, so that's something. Just don't get me started on the concept of e-bike specific chain lube...

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go whittle some custom e-bike lubing sticks. They're 100% sustainably sourced, fully biodegradable, and can be used to keep small dogs entertained.

A three-way wrench makes it easier to lube an e-bike chain too, and it can also be used to tighten and loosen bolts.

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mikekazimer avatar

Member since Feb 1, 2009
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  • 602 6
 Boooh pinkbike ! They get paid by big three-way wrench to write this ! Boooh shame booh
  • 20 3
 Haha that's funny mate Wink
  • 18 3
 Just shot snot out me nose laughing at this. Good one!
  • 22 1
 That reminded me of Cartman: booh Wendy booh ahahhahahaha
  • 13 1
 Aw Muc-off…..
  • 3 0
 Ha ha ha not true the people at Big Threeway Allen wrench would never do some like that! Now go be a good consumer and buy buy buy!
  • 3 0
 @PaulinhoCascavel: You beat me to it!!!
  • 29 3
 I work in the bike industry and seriously the majority of people who buy an ebike will literally buy anything you tell them to buy if they think it will make their whole ebike ownership experience whatever it is they think it is, or some shit.
  • 1 0
 so stupid and funny- absolute perfection.
  • 5 0
 It reminds me of the fake pedal item that Park Tools sells among their range of tools. I wonder if someone even dared to buy it...
  • 2 0
 @danstonQ: It is used in the video on their site along with this wonderful tool!.. Big Grin
  • 4 0
 @danstonQ: that tool is pretty good in shops especially when building bikes. Only problem was how quickly it would wear down and not grip the pedal threads enough
  • 1 1
 @streetkvnt-kvlt: is that why you can't sell reliability?
  • 2 3
  • 2 3
 i have never bought a single muc off product let alone this crap
  • 3 0
 you're a big three-way wrench
  • 1 0
 @mechatronicjf: ha OK... but every workshop's got spare pedals that perfectly do the job... without slaughtering the threads of the cranks Smile
  • 2 0
 @PaulinhoCascavel: hahah know one even knows what a drivetrain tool is boooh lol
  • 4 4
 Fukk Off Muc Off
  • 3 0
 @funkzander: That escalated quickly...
  • 305 12
 I can't support a brand that refers to a normal bike as "analogue" (acoustic is also unacceptable). A regular bike is a BIKE - bicycle is also acceptable.
  • 30 2
 First time I heard that terminology, I was like, wtf are they talking about, a guitar? ffs.
  • 141 4
 Same. 'Muscle bike' is my preferred word usage.
  • 5 1
 @stiksandstones: Oh, that is gold and now part of my vernacular. Thank you.
  • 21 7
 It'd be like calling an e-bike a dirt bike with cranks. Wait.
  • 22 1
 Motor-less bicycles is going to be the next big thing. You heard it here first.
  • 20 2
 "Analogue" is dumb but I always thought "acoustic" was tongue in cheek
  • 3 0
 I maybe, kinda sorta, to some degree and among other reasons, named Digit Bikes and Analog suspension to poke fun at this ;-).
  • 1 0
 @stiksandstones: This is great, thank you.
  • 2 0
 @stiksandstones: my bike prefix is a little more marbled.
  • 2 1

How about a ME-Bike, not an E-bike....haha
  • 34 5
 Agreed. We don't need to rename the bicycle. We've had names for vehicles with motors for a very long time. A motorcycle that also has pedals, it is called a MO-PED.
  • 14 24
flag pargolf8 (Feb 9, 2022 at 17:36) (Below Threshold)
 @gnarcissist: having both a yt decoy and ktm 350 id say you have completely missed the mark, friend
  • 16 4
 Here here. My absolute biggest gripe about e-bikes is the terms acoustic and analogue for a regular ol bike. Muc off using that terminology on their packaging pushes me away from them
  • 9 4
 I nearly worked for a guy that called then “acoustic bicycles.” Needless to say I took a different job offer.
  • 6 2
 @boozed: I get “analog” but “acoustic” is a word having to do with sound so I feel that people just sound dumb calling it an “acoustic” bike. Like, this is my sound bike, it works with sounds not pedals. Full disclosure I ride an eMTB, but I agree, we don’t need to rename regular bikes. There is already a name for them. I like the term “muscle bike” too, perfect description of eMTB’s
  • 2 1
 @Rusty-Russ: me-bike, my-bike, mi-bike
  • 1 0
 @AndrewFleming: That is Gold's...Gym
  • 4 6
 @Upundu: It's "cute" word play based musical instruments. "Electric" guitar (needs power) "Acoustic" guitar (air and earth power).
  • 2 0
 @stiksandstones: Nice, but I'm upvoting you at 69
  • 1 1
 It's stupid, but no more so than "WiFi" which has become normalised.
  • 4 1
 @Upundu: I don't understand calling regular bikes analog because analog stuff still uses electricity.
  • 11 0
 As soon as I've finished reading this I'm off upstairs to brush my teeth with my analogue toothbrush.
  • 1 0
 @h82crash: Understood, but sometimes theres a need to distinguish. What is a push-bike then?
I googled this, which I find hilarious: "A push bike is a bicycle which you move by turning the pedals with your feet. [British, old-fashioned]"
So, like a bicylce?
Honestly asking, because I use it to point out what I´m talking about. Is it the little bikes for kids?
@stiksandstones: I like muscle bike as well, but it´s so biased.
  • 7 1
 I'm with you on that brother.... Acoustic bike boils my piss
  • 1 0
 @stiksandstones: nice one Stikman ahahah

In your case it would be a stikbike then ahahhaha
  • 10 3
 @vRidge: exactly. Its a bicycle with a motor so its a form of a moped. No hate towards e bikes but nobody will ever convince me otherwise
  • 6 2
 I agree, you are either riding a bike or a motorbike. That’s the 2 options
  • 3 0
 @stiksandstones: Any bike that can allow me to peddle up hills at Word cup race speeds, is great in my eyes?
  • 1 0
 A normal bike aan bio-bike!
  • 3 2
 @mtbwillems: A disabled e-bike?
  • 2 0
 @HPdeskjet3630: You mean cyclists don't want to track their tire pressures, suspension settings, gear ratios through a series of apps while out in nature trying to escape this overly teched world. well our market research shows us that you do want that.
  • 14 1
 I am a guitar player, so the whole “electric and acoustic” thing really strikes a chord for me.
  • 15 1
 @m-t-g: imagine if a electric guitar would help you play the hardest guitar solo's, like a e-bike makes climbing easier...I bet the hardcore guitarist would complain about this new breed of fake e-guitarists that are destroying music ahhahahahahahahah
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 And I won't buy any of their other products when 1 of their products is a total gimmick...or their PR is.
  • 1 0
 @m-t-g: tee hee
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
I would buy that guitar Smile
  • 221 9
 First they tell Pierron to go educate himself because of his Instagram video post, but they were very keen on having very sexually explicit ads with women selling their lube.

Then they say that we should all do our part for the environment and they're selling their "punk powder" (this isn't punk at all by the way) that can easily be replaced by soap and water that we all have at home.

Then they release this f*cking useless piece of shit made of plastic that replaces anything that anyone already owns.

Two-faced marketing at its best! Sorry but I can't stand those business practices and I won't ever buy any MucOff product.
  • 61 3
 Fucking usless piece of shit made of plastic...Solid fucking gold statement right there.
  • 35 1
 Agreed that’s some hypocritical BS right there. Never bought Muc Off anything and never will.
  • 9 0
  • 8 2
 I don't buy muc off because you have to scrape their dry lube off with a screwdriver after it dries on.
  • 29 2
 Tony Seagrave can make a controversial statement about trans racers while we're sponsoring his team and we'll say nothing. A black person posts a photo on instagram using the n word and we'll remove his team's funding and put him out of a job in the name of anti racism. Then we'll send his white friend for re-education when he re-posts it. Hypocritical wankers.
  • 1 0
 @commental: What did Seagrave say?
  • 2 0
 @chakaping: A while ago, I think during the Leogang world cup (maybe 2017, 2018?) Tony Seagrave, who at the time was Tahnee's team manager posted how it was "concerning" and "interesting" that a trans athelete, (Kate Weatherly) was on the podium.
  • 13 6
 @vladtheinhaler: Thanks.
Well, he was certainly brave to put that out there and IMO it's wrong to dismiss such concerns out of hand as "transphobic". I remember they were shared by many fans and I understand many sporting authorities are now taking a more thoughtful approach to where trans inclusion is fair in women's sport.
But Commental's post above is childish whataboutism anyway, and Muc Off reacted like any other brand would have to the racism claims (I've worked in corporate social media crisis management).
  • 5 0
 Their products are expensive for what they are. There's better products out there for the same price and there's equivalent products for cheaper. Feels like their customers are paying for marketing
  • 5 0
 You and me are thinking a like. I always hated how MucOff markets their products. I never fell for it. Their "special" punk powder that is just soap and water or any of their special products.

I just keep using what I have been using for 20+ years on my bikes. Carwash and not a product that is marked up 5 times and it has fancy pink label.
  • 5 0
 @chakaping: For the record I have no issue with Tony Seagrave's comments, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy from Muc-Off. Perhaps you can explain to me what's racist about a black person using the n word or giving his white friend corn rows?
  • 5 1
 @chakaping: "corporate social media crisis management" Jesus christ, I mean I know what it means, and I know why it exists, but how many people work on a "corporate social media crisis management" team? I know a girl who was a social medial director for a very large company and she made a seriously good living for a 20-something straight out of school who's primary responsibly was Facebook/Instagram/Twitter. I transferred a guy out of my group for too much time on social media (low productivity, but I know the reason), and here's this girl making damn near six-figures for posting on twitter all day.
  • 3 3
 @commental: say nothing? People freak out about any little non inclusive statement towards trans. No matter how many female professional athletes stand on the side of reason…
  • 3 0
 Absolute toss. And their wet lube can get in the sea. "Muc-On" more like.
  • 2 1
 @commental: I deliberately said "racism claims".
Sometimes the headline overwhelms the fine details of a story and a brand finds itself under a lot of pressure, in which case it will often do what it's being lobbied to.
Muc-Off don't have a particularly strong case to answer on that one, IMO.
  • 2 0
 @BikesBoatsNJeeps: I used to help run social media crisis wargaming sessions, where PR people would respond to pretend comments and pretend breaking news stories about their products. It was fun but didn't pay me particularly well.
  • 2 0
 @trellis-opportunity-red: It was even worse that Finish Line Wet for gunking up, eh?
  • 19 11
 @commental: Seagrave didn’t say anything racist or derogatory. He stated the facts. Calling, or “identifying” yourself as something doesn’t make it so. If a top 15 male racer who is tired of finishing off the podium decides to identify as a woman so he can win races probably wouldn’t go over so well. As the father of 3 daughters I would be pissed if a man, who calls himself something different, competed unfairly against my daughters. And it is not a fair match. Men are born inherently stronger as a whole and that’s just the way it is. There is not a single top level pro sport where a natural born woman can compete against a natural born man. And please don’t start with “but they would smoke you”. Of course they would. I have great respect for the women pros. They are all far faster than me. I accept my lack of talent and ride for the fun and joy of whatever I can do with my limited skills. This nonsense of “identifying” will backfire at some point. There will be someone who figures this out in one of the lucrative sports such as tennis. They will identify as a woman purely for the money. Martina Navratilova, one of the best players of all time, stated she couldn’t beat the 100th ranked male player. So if you are a consistent 100th ranked male, you decide to identify as a woman for the money. If you became a top woman player it would be very lucrative. Play the game for a few years, take your many millions and then decide to identify as a man again and laugh all the way to the bank. I know many will say this would never happen. After you pull your head out of the sand, just look at what the human race has done historically for money. It absolutely will happen.
  • 1 1
 Their yellow chain degreaser is fantastic though, best on the market.. other stuff, yeah, trash.. any recommendations for other degreasers so I could avoid buying fucoff all together?
  • 2 0
 @GZMS: Motul makes a really good chain degreaser.
  • 2 0
 @commental: it's Black and White
  • 1 1
 @endoguru: Please refer to my comment where I state I have no issue with anything Tony Seagrave said, you're putting words in my mouth.
  • 1 0
  • 7 0
 @commental: I did not intend to put words in your mouth or claim you had issue with Seagrave’s comment. I f that is the way I came off, I do apologize. I was commenting on the overall subject and the insanity of it all.
  • 1 0
 @endoguru: it is already lol
  • 2 0
 @endoguru: No worries, I think we're in agreement on that score.
  • 8 4
 @endoguru: Athletes are not finishing off the podium and then deciding to 'identify as a woman purely for the money' and saying so is irresponsible. Rather than asserting that you know anything about what it's like for a transgender person to live a day in their life, let alone what they have to go through to gain acceptance or compete as an athlete, go ahead and ask a few questions instead. Having daughters qualifies you to be a father, but does not put you in a position of knowledge about trans people and athletes - this is not a topic that can be covered by your 'hunch' or what you grew up believing. Of course you want a fair playing field for your daughters, but even more important is helping them understand what it means to be transgendered and how to frame their thoughts about it and be decent empathetic people because this is the world they're growing up in.

Think about how much hardship and abuse trans people go through. Does that seem like something someone would sign up for voluntarily, or is it possible that maybe - just maybe - it's because being told from a young age that you're a certain gender never feels right until you open your mind to the possibility that M or F isn't always as simple as what a doctor decides based on your appendages at birth? Imagine the upheaval that comes into your own life and those around you when you realize you're not what you were told you were from a young age, especially if it's as fundamental as gender - something that defines so much of your identity. This is not about podiums, it's about identity and dignity, and life that extends well beyond anyone's time as a competitive athlete.

It's also not about the money. It's not about getting beaten by men and then snapping your fingers and saying 'I identify as a woman now' and then ticking a different box on an entry form so you can make it so. It's baffling to me that you think it works that way, but I guess that just illustrates how much more education is necessary. First of all, there are steps that need to be taken that enable a trans athlete to compete against other women. That part is still a work in progress because it's not a simple situation, and I certainly understand why some confusion is natural. Not that they're perfect or anything, but the IOC has recognized trans athletes and permitted them to compete since 2004. That was 17 years ago. Do you know when the first openly transgendered athlete first competed in the Olympics? Last year. Doesn't sound like we have an epidemic of men-turning-into-women-for-the-money to me.

You can envisage all the far-fetched scenarios you want to about athletes flipping and flopping between genders like you put on an outfit in the morning, but you're wrong. The stakes are far higher and far more important than advancing one's competitiveness in their chosen sport. I realize that it's a very complicated thing to imagine trans athletes on the same playing field, but get used to it. Set aside the cynicism and open your mind to the possibility that there are some things that are hard to comprehend at first, but that with a bit of natural inquisitiveness and empathy, become more clear.
  • 2 0
 @roggey: maybe…it could be….both? Complex world with complex issues.
  • 3 0
 @nvranka: I'm not the expert and I'm also not saying it's black and white. But point me to an example of an transgendered athlete that even mayyyyybe did it for the money. Just one. @endoguru used ladies tennis as an example - that is a lucrative sport for the top-ranked women (and men) but well known to be a sport that is disproportionately top-heavy: the top ranked players make a ton, but those lower down barely make anything. How many pro sports are 'lucrative' for women (and this is a separate issue but also a big problem)? It's a short list. Single digits, I think.

So, once again. Transgendered athletes doing it for the cashola. Find me one. Then we can say 'maybe...it could be...both?'
  • 1 1
 @roggey: maybe because only considering that you could do it for the top of the top (position and money) is valid. But what if some lads that dreamt of becoming Pro no matter what see the opportunity right there ? When I was young it was always my dream to be paid to ride my bike (or race alpin skiing) or even just to not have to work and just ride my bike. When I realized that I would never be good enough for that it was devastating but what was even more devastating was to be able to beat the girls at the race I was doing, who were starting to go to some WC while there was no chance in hell I would. So I am not saying I would have transitioned 100% sure but if it was 2022 it would definitely have been part of my last resort option to live my dream. Now I definitely never was dedicated to the level of those lads going to live in Morzine in the forest for a whole summer with 5€ in their pocket so I probably would have never done it but for those crazy dedicated and yet not good enough to cut it in the boys I can see how some would take the jump. No worse than pumping yoursef full of EPO and steroid while being a mid pack road racer or bodybuilder.
  • 2 1
 @Balgaroth: What do you think transitioning is, out of interest? Taking steroids or living in a forest are both quite a long way from changing your body into that of a woman and living your whole life as a woman too. I might be wrong but I think many people who are thinking about this issue in terms of sport really underestimate the magnitude of what it means to transition.
  • 4 0
 @Linkpin: depends of the definition you use. UCI and most sport organisation only state it as having a testosteronne level below a certain level. It is the oppositte of normal doping but not sure it is any worse than having to wake up in the middle of the night to pedal in order to be able to not die like it was on the road tour a while back. Play a bit of an act around it to say you feel like a girl (or you don't know you got a vitamin infused bottle) and you are sorted aren't ya ? While I absolutely agree that transitionning is a very hard place to be if that is actually what you feel, the rule book at the moment makes it rather easy to identify as a trans to be able to race against the girls. I might be cinical but cheating is really widespread in sport because people would do pretty much anything to acheve their life dream of being a pro athlete and abusing the rule book (and somewhat mocking real trans people in the process) that was created out of good intention in first place would really not surprise me. Problem is, you can't differenciate real trans from cheaters with just one blood or pee test so how do you do ? Time might tell, if some of these athletes transion back to being man when they are done competing, but by then a lot of damage will have been done to women's sports. Drawing the line to fully transitioned man (so, chopped of) might definitely discourage most of the cheater that would have it easy enough nowadays but then many that are actual trans and need more time to finish their transition (or don't want to) will also be excluded from competing on a fair playing field (as they are weaker than normal man). Didn't say the issue is simple, but smuggling drugs and tcheating drug tests isn't easy either and it doesn't stop a lot of people of doing so regardless.

Ps: I get how making doubt about the reality of one's will to change sex can feel degrading as it would be a really sensitive topic for people that are actually suffering from this. But aren't all the rules enforced to honest people because of a few people that cheat ? All top athletes have to pee in the cup, some (most ?) aren't abusing PEDs and yet they still have to go the the pee of shame because some are cheating.
  • 4 0
 @roggey: I feel the debates around people transitioning and trans gender athletes competing are two very different conversations. I know this is an emotive subject and I really don't mean to cause any offence to anyone here.

I have some experience around someone transitioning, my mother's ex partner transitioned a few years ago. Unfortunately she's not the most feminine in appearance and has to live with people laughing at her in the street and pretty much daily ridicule from the kids who live near her. The mental strength she displays around this is unbelievable and her default position is that she's much happier in herself now compared to when she was a man, so all the crap that goes with it is a price worth paying. Massive kudos to her, I know what she did took more bravery than I'll ever possess.

When it comes to sports things get complicated very quickly. The IOC and UCI have set testosterone levels as the prerequisite, many scientists will tell you that there are a lot more inherent advantages for someone who was born male that testosterone reduction won't address.

It seems to me that the only truly fair solution is a different category for trans and inter sex athletes (I acknowledge in many sports this wouldn't currently be possible due to numbers). Interestingly I had a fairly long conversation with a trans person on this site a couple of years ago who agreed with me. Whilst I feel very sorry for someone who wants to compete with people of the gender they identify as and having to take all the flack that goes with that, by the same token I also feel very sorry for the athlete who misses out on the chance to compete because they were out qualified or not selected due to someone who may well have an inborn advantage. I think the fact that this discussion is only ever had about male athletes who transition and never their female counterparts is very telling.

There are always going to be losers in this, whether it's the trans athlete or the person who doesn't get to compete or misses out on a podium because of the trans athlete, but I believe that fairness for the majority and having a level playing field in sport should be seen as more important than accommodating the minority.
  • 1 0
 @endoguru: " what in the hell is the world coming too?" -Sheriff Buford T. Justice.
  • 12 1
 @roggey: I do know what is involved in declaring yourself to be another sex. One of my very close friends decided he was a woman. I watched him go through the entire process of sex change (on the physical level). It was extremely traumatic for him and certainly did not lead to a better way of life for him. I don’t believe I am envisaging far fetched scenarios. It is already happening. Read up on the case of the Penn State swimmer in the US who is dominating his college swim team after declaring to be a woman. Look into the story of the man who identified himself as a woman to gain entry into the girls bathroom and then raped a young girl. I never said a high level pro athlete had done this for money, I said it will happen. The nonsense of this is starting to rear it’s head already in the aforementioned cases. If you think it will stop at this, you are wrong. California is debating changing the dedinition of a pedophile because it is offensive to pedophiles. If anyone supports this kind of madness they are blind or foolish at best. I don’t care how many body parts one cuts off or has sown on, or how many pills they take to try and mask their true sex, it doesn’t change what they are. Nature makes it indistputable which sex one is at birth. If one took an animal and cut off its body parts and pumped it full of estrogen, would anyone honestly say it is a female? It’s just a male animal with missing parts. Only humans would try to make such claims about themselves. When society loses its mind and therefore its ability to make sound decisions, chaos will follow as we are already seeing. And you drive decent parents who love their children to take the law into their own hands when society turns it’s back on them, and force them to take matters into their own hands to protect them. This never ends well either. Common sense and truth are the only way.

Let the downvotes begin. I really don’t care. I will stand for what is true and right.
  • 2 0
 @endoguru: I couldn't agree more!
  • 3 1
 @endoguru: if your close friend transitioned, you wouldn't be referring to them as 'he/him' anymore. Because your close friend would have explained to you now that they now have new pronouns and their gender is female. You can claim it's a habit you haven't broken yet, but if you care about your close friend - and that person is not a fictional construct you've used to try to 'win' a comment war - you would make that adjustment smoothly.

Your whataboutism is disgusting and you lack empathy. Pointing to one case here or there of something distasteful or unrelated (what the f*ck does pedophilia have to do with this?) or using a misinformed example involving animals doesn't make your case, it just illustrates how desperate you are to remain bigoted and ignorant. This isn't opinion, it's science.
  • 2 2
 @roggey: The science qualifies transgenderism as mental disorder. This isn't opinion, it's science.
  • 125 4
  • 86 0
 Shimano started rating shoes as "E-Bike compatible" so people wouldn't get confused. Which is important because the downward thrust force to watt ratio of an E-Bike pedal stroke could get dangerous with regular mountain bike shoes.
  • 8 1
 fucking priceless! lol
  • 13 1
 I had to throw away my toothbrush because it wasn't ebike compatible
  • 4 0
 @n734535: I just bought my first etoothbrush, it's great!
  • 12 0
 @tpfenning: i now own both an analog and e-toothbrush. The nice thing about the e-brush is that I can get so many sessions in my otherwise cramped schedule!
  • 3 0
 @SimbaandHiggins: That's awesome! Where are you finding your etoothpaste? I'm having a tough time finding etoothbrush compatible paste.
  • 76 3
 "...the chain doesn't rotate when you turn the cranks backward". I just learned something about e-Bikes that I didn't know. But I know basically know nothing about e-bikes except they are harder to catch up to than normal (non-eBikes) bikes.
  • 7 0
 I also just learned this, and I've even ridden an ebike, granted it was for a 1.5 mile loop at a demo day but still..
  • 9 3
 Yep they are a bit like a hub... also they have quite a long throw - 9deg on my Bosch - before they re-enage forwards... as a result almost all ebikes have a built in OChain... so hardly any pedal kick back no matter what the suspension design. That plus the weight does make the rear end noticeably calmer when descending!
  • 6 15
flag mi-bike (Feb 9, 2022 at 20:22) (Below Threshold)
 Yesterday in the city, I saw a guy ahead of me mashing away on a funny looking bike and going at a good clip. Rolling up to him at the traffic light gave him a friendly nod, but then sure as heck made sure to leave him in the dust with my lighter bike + muscle power.
  • 14 0
 @mi-bike: sure - you are amazing!
  • 29 0
 @mi-bike: And then everybody clapped.
  • 4 0
 @spicysparkes: I was there, im the funny looking bike.
  • 2 9
flag mi-bike (Feb 10, 2022 at 3:57) (Below Threshold)
 @spicysparkes: if they did i didn't hear it as i was well clear of mr silly bike Smile
  • 3 0
 @mi-bike: what's the point? My bike is light and I ride way more than my wife, but she'll kill me on her pink e-bike every time. I can't even ride faster than 35kmh on a road bike.
  • 74 0
 Why would you purposely scratch your bike? Or not just use walk mode when in a stand? Do e-bikers even need to lube their chain? I rented an e-bike and just used my buddies tears.
  • 64 1
 If you look at the whole body of work, muckoff is the only candidate for the biggest bullshitter in the cycling industry. Their wear results in tests zero friction cycling are shockingly bad despite a $100 per bottle price tag and truly elite level claims in their marketing copy. Many of their product “features” are actively harmful. But hey, “ceramic nano particles” sounds really cool, so who gives a f*ck if it’s exactly what you would put in a product designed to eat chains? Half their products are overpriced wipes and soap. Their product packaging is itself a clear sign they’re focused on the show over the product, but given the proven issues with their products it’s almost gratuitous to bring it up.

So it’s no wonder they came out with this. Mold 10 cents of rubber over 10 cents of Allen key and market the shit out of it to the market segment with the most disposable income. Don’t buy muck off products. They’re a blight on the bike industry offering an inferior product with insane marketing claims in an area that consumers have no ability to independently verify.
  • 24 1
 Oh, they also published test data comparing their race chain to another companies that used an invalid methodology that artificially reduced their competitors performance. It was widely known in the industry that this testing method caused friction to rise unrealistically for lubricants like their competitors, so either they intentionally selected the method to present a false picture or they were too incompetent to conduct the test properly. And when this issue was pointed out they refused to retract the data or address the issue. They just left known fraudulent data up in their marketing material. Sorry. End of rant.
  • 15 1
 A solid candidate for least favourite brand in the industry... And I didn't even know about the lube testing thing.
  • 14 0
 I had no idea $100 bottles of chain lube exist...

I've been using hi-tack chainsaw oil for a few years now. Think I paid $20 for the 5 gallon bucket currently in my shed. Says it's biodegradable so the fish should be happy. Works well.
  • 1 0
 Last year I bought enough muc off tubeless sealant and tape to last me a few years. I definitely wouldn’t have touched them if I had read that review prior. My hope is that the discounted price at the retailer caused muc off to pay them a rebate.
  • 4 0
 @Lylat: It's for roadies who really want to limit drivetrain losses, also see hugely expensive ceramic BBs, and oversized derailleur jockey wheels
  • 4 0
 I had three sets of tires that wouldn’t hold air on a set of wheels and thought they needed to be re-taped. Struggled with it for a couple of months after trying different tapes, cleaning the rims over and over. Then thought “maybe this Muc-Off sealant just doesn’t work.” Threw in some Orange Seal and all of my tires hold air for weeks without losing pressure now.
  • 2 1
 @AndrewHornor: no one could be disliked more than Mike sinyard or Tony Ellsworth.
Muc off: “hold my beer”
  • 28 1
 OK, I've had enough of the use (mis-use) of the term "analog" or "analogue" for anything that isn't an e-bike. It's one thing to use it in comments on PB, but now we have the term used on product packaging? Fellow engineers of PB, are you with me?

That said, I am contemplating starting a new line of bike apparel specifically for riders with a BMX background...
  • 1 0
 Taj beat you I think
  • 19 3
 Pedaling a shimano steps motor backwards aint good for them firstly. (forcing it backwards through a locked crank, listen to it)

Put it in a stand (if you are strong enough) and lube it going clockwise

If you really have to, Just wedge a torx tool in there as per above image or put the bike upside down. If you buy this tool you are a tad dense IMO.

e-tard out!
  • 1 0
 What? got any data on this? would love to hear more about this...not saying I don't believe haha, just have never heard this.
  • 36 4
 "if you are strong enough"

They're riding an ebike, of course they're not strong enough. That's why I'm working on an ebike specific stand with an electric lift aka eStand.
  • 26 0
 @reindeln: I'm never gonna financially recover from this
  • 4 3
 @jeremy3220: yeah for sure, I'm a 6'1 somewhat strong lad and I have trouble loading mine into the stand to work on it.

I wouldn't dismiss the average ebike owner, down here fast boys are using them as training tools now. Shuttle the un-shuttleable (is that even a word)
  • 6 3
 @Brasher: Sorry bud, but if you are having difficulty putting a 25kg bike in a stand you are certainly not strong - and would get kicked out of our shop.
Some city bikes with full kit are heavier than that…
  • 1 5
flag inked-up-metalhead (Feb 10, 2022 at 4:33) (Below Threshold)
 @Brasher: somewhat strong? Is that like being somewhat fast on strava? I can easily one hand my ebike into my stand or over a 4ft gate, if you're struggling may I recommend skipping leg day?
  • 1 0
 I got an error message on my gen3 Levo doing the torx key hack... I don't know how big of an issue it is to force the cranks backwards, but I try to throw it up into a stand whenever possible now
  • 1 0
 @TCarl11: it's only like rolling the bike backwards, no?
  • 1 0
 What are you basing this off of?

All you're doing is engaging the freewheel.
  • 1 0
 Levo SL here - I use the Specialized sanctioned method of jamming the SWAT tool in there and backpedaling the bike.

Every_single_time_ I have to yank and wobble the thing out of the chainring bolt so now I have a lovely scratch mark on my cranks.

I think I may well be the 0.0001%.
  • 1 0
 @jasonwd: hex key and heat shrink tubing. Just saved you $27.
  • 17 1
 What this reminds me of is all the super-specific kitchen gadgets that exist only to do the one thing that you do for one specific type of food and nothing else. You know, the kind of gadget that you buy for your mom for Christmas at the kitchen store because you can't think of anything else, and she says "oh thanks dear, that's wonderful!" and then it sits in a drawer until next year's gadget gets put beside it.
  • 2 0
 I used my pin-boning tool not that long ago thank you. Took me forever to find it though.
  • 1 0
 My mom bought me an avocado tool, its more difficult and time consuming than a knife by leaps and bounds.
  • 1 0
 @RonSauce: now I kind of want to try one though…
  • 2 0
 @Mike-Jay: next time we hang out you can have mine.
  • 1 1
 Stupid countertop mixers when there’s a perfectly good drill in the garage.
  • 16 3
 Can say the same about all their cleaning products.
I’ve never used anything more than water, and the some washing up liquid on the drivetrain. And funnily enough, I’ve never had any problems with bearings...
  • 12 0
 Muc off.. I have a trade account in my shop. Great products, no doubt .. but

The relentless email promos

The non stop drive for “product development”

The relentless email promos

Etc etc etc

They are the only company I deal with who chase accounts that have even 1-2 products left in their shopping basket. No one else does that.

9/10 shops stock it
It’s everywhere online
It’s all over the high st.. even in Aldi

  • 10 1
 Is it actually a great product though? Like, what evidence is there to convince you of that beyond their marketing claims? And one might suspect that the marketing copy is just as overblown as all those other tactics you listed.
  • 1 0
 @Blackhat: The 'normal' ceramic lube is great IMO
  • 1 0
 I like their tubeless sealants and rim tapes. I was given a can of one of their silicone sprays, and it is pretty good but I wouldn’t pay retail for it when it costs twice what the competition charges. Ironically I get the other silicone spray from Aldi weekly specials a couple of times a year at an even lower price
  • 3 0
 Some of their products are OK but it's surprising how naff and unrefined their marketing is, considering the size and scale of their business.
And I thought a lot of their products were gimmicky before I even knew about the one discussed above.
But respect is due for building a business on a fundamentally pointless product (the bikewash) - Fairy Liquid does me just fine.
  • 2 0
 @chakaping: back in the day i tried Muc-off bike cleaner. Unfortunately i brought the bottle in afterwards and put it on the window sill in the kitchen. Took the paint off.... Needless to say the missus wasn't very impressed and i have never bought it again. I have no idea whats in it but it cant be very good !
  • 2 0
 Great products? Their wet lube is grim. It's the dirtiest lube I've ever used.
  • 1 0
 @trellis-opportunity-red: Probably using a wet lube when a dry would do.
  • 1 0
 @MikeyMT: nope, on my commuter which i've been riding every day through winter. Finish Line, Morgan Blue and a bunch of others I've tried, none gunk up as much as Muc-On.
  • 1 0
 @MikeyMT: I don't want to shit on your experiences, so I'll share my own: I swore by Pro-Link. Wasn't an evangelist or anything, but someone once told me it was great and I had no way to know any better so it's what I always got. One time I saw Leonard Zinn mention that he tested it as having higher friction in his road tests, but just kind of blew it off as a mistake or unimportant. But then friction facts showed up and started testing a wide range of lubes very scientifically. And Pro-Link was near the bottom. Zero Friction Cycling came after and found that it ate through drive trains quite quickly. Zinn went to Friction Facts to test their claim that it conditions the metal to reduce friction over time. It did not.

Anyway, Muckoff's results vary from respectable to shockingly bad in these independent tests. I'm sure it works in the sense that you drip it on and it smooths everything up. But if that's all your after motor oil will work fine too, for a lot less money.
  • 1 0
 @Blackhat: I'm no evangelist...simply saying its worked fine for me and no gunk issues...10 bucks for a decent size bottle that lasts a couple months. So what is a superior lube I should check out?
  • 1 0
 @MikeyMT: Wasn't trying to accuse you of evangelizing, sorry if it sounded that way.

My personal preference is hot melt wax. You don't need all that fancy Molten Speed Wax if you don't want, common parafin from the hardware store will do for much cheaper and almost as good. If that's too much doings, squirt or smoove are excellent, but you still need to clean the chain really well before doing it. All these are dry lubes that reject dirt really well. If you don't want the chain stripping hassle of wax, rock and roll gold always seems to test pretty well, and True Tension is a small brand that somehow has two really great wet lubes in ZFC's tests.. I'm not aware of any decent dry lubes that don't require you to strip the chain before application, because the dry lubes like wax don't stick to metal contaminated by grease.
  • 1 0
 @Blackhat: honestly immersion waxing chains has been a revolution for me. I spent about $20 on ingredients and a slow cooker, and I’ve been enjoying perfect drivetrain performance since.
  • 2 0
 @Blackhat: Im anal about keeping my bike clean which may be why I've had no issues with the Muc Off stuff...hell I was using it on a high pivot bike and never had the noise issues people complained about...but I was the bike and completely clean the chain and drivetrain every couple of rides....basically if I get noise I clean the whole bike/drivetrain. WIll try the Rock and Roll stuff, thanks.
  • 14 1
 Just wait for e-tubes they keep all the air in the tires without the messy sealant.
  • 11 0
 Muc off is one of them greenwashing companies. Got to be one of the worst offenders for making things that don't need to exist.
  • 11 0
 Well said Mike. This tool is almost a metaphor for a lot of the current bike industry
  • 12 0
 I have an EBike specific saddle on my Amish bike.
  • 5 0
 You shalt burneth in hell for such blasphemy!
  • 8 0
 This has some real Artisanal Firewood energy: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBb9O-aW4zI
  • 8 0
 Bike industry: "OK, OK....after the high pivot thingy we should stop taking the piss...."

Muc-Off: "Hold my beer"
  • 5 0
 For all stupid marketing specialists... one more time:
According to The Cambridge Dictionary...
ANALOGUE is ...a system in which information, such as sound or images, is stored or sent in a continuously changing form, such as electrical signals, radio waves, or film.
  • 7 0
 I’ve been thinking it for years now, muc off have become a bit silly, always looking for a gimmick to sell.
  • 9 0
 When your core product is soap in a bright colored package for 10x the regular price...yeah
  • 7 0
 Does eBeer (beer for after an eBike ride) have fewer or more calories. Discuss.
  • 6 0
 It is similar to regular beer but comes with an electric motor to raise the can up so you can drink it more easily.
You can drink 4 times as much for the same effort as drinking one “acoustic” beer
  • 1 0
 @boss-of-dentists: now, I know you're taking the piss, but that actually sounds handy...
  • 1 0
 Clearly LitE 3.2% beer is the answer here. Easier to drink more with a smaller chance of catching a buzz. Just like an Ebike where you can ride further without the worry of accidently getting fit.
  • 4 0
 For all the good stuff they do with biodegradable lubes and washes and minimizing packaging and such, this thing is a complete f*cking waste of materials. 3 bits, only one of which any single bike is going to use, a bunch of plastic to hold them all, the packaging; all wastefully useless if you just use a wrench you have, or even just a damn stick you found.

Also, Wyn did it first (well, shared it widely first), and his way, use nothing more than a bit you probably have already, doesn't waste anything.
  • 3 0
 Ffs. I've literally just made my own with an old hex key and a piece of heat shrink tubing. All that time, wasted, If only I'd known someone else was putting in the 'months of real world testing' I could have saved myself 15 seconds...
  • 3 0
 Muc-off are only down the road from me, maybe i should go down and educate them about what Analogue and Digital really mean?? I think their marketing department arent riders. Its a shame as they used to be a great company. For those who remember, they used to be X-lite producing really nice machined Ali products. then they created Muc-Off, X-Lite werent doing so good, and that shut down but Muc-Off really hit off. I think they are still family owned which is good.
  • 1 0
 90s Korev really, really wanted a pair of vlue anodised X-lite barends Big Grin

I had to make do with black Onza ones Frown
  • 5 0
 A better way of doing the same job much cheaper and also works on spiderless chainrings: a resuseable zip tie.
  • 4 1
 A bit of string, an old shoelace maybe. Who knows, just set £20 on fire and be done with it.
  • 5 1
 But does it work on a Bosch 'spiderless' chainring? I think not. I will always credit Wyn Masters for discovering this trick years ago!
  • 3 0
 Yep, learned it from Wyn too (and our eBike is long-tail cargo bike that's a giant, heavy PITA to flip over and too heavy to go in my stand)
  • 2 0
 surely theyd of been better off making a multi bit t-handle wrench or torque wrench with additional rubber bumper to stop "potential" crank damage when used in this situation, rather than a tool that is almost immediately made obsolete by anyone with an allen key or tywrap
  • 6 0
 Big ups Pinkbike, great review!
  • 4 2
 Yeah, Pinkbike finally ripped a product. But a not insignificant number of people are going to see this, think “this actually makes sense” and impulsively order it online. If they were smart they would put this on Amazon and pay to make sure it comes up at the top of a search.
  • 5 0
 This used to be a huge issue for me. So I bought a non electric bike....problem was solved.
  • 3 0
 I have a different solution. Throw some muc off soap onto the floor so it gets slippery and your wheel spins forward when you move the crank.
  • 4 0
 Silliest products in mountain biking. Sounds like a podcast episode to me, @mikelevy
  • 3 0
 Finally a product that can utilize all those millions of IKEA Allan keys clogging up the planet. Thanks Muc Off for saving the world!!!
  • 3 1
 Anyone else feel like PB wrote this hatchet job for an advertiser's product as some sort of blood sacrifice to silence the critics who claim advertisers get more favorable reviews?
  • 2 0
 Muc-Off have really been cranking up their bullshit recently. I've had more "new product" emails from them in the past month or two than the past year it feels. Peak bullshit for me was a silicone funnel for pouring stuff into their bottles. Waste of a product, but also £5 for one when you could go on Amazon and buy 4 for the same price, including one in the exact same colour of pink.
Those margins are probably also why they are now title sponsors of a supercross team this year.
  • 2 0
 Hard-hitting, in-depth, independent journalism
  • 1 0
 @CleanZine: I'd say peak BS was the "punk powder" - which aside from alluding to Brewdog's tarnished marketing model, just makes me think of amphetamine - a disgusting, dirty drug which is only related to cycling in that roadies used it before EPO was discovered.
  • 1 0
 They could also just have made a silicone sleeve to slide onto the allen key for all weirdos scared about scratching their cranks. Sell it for $4.99 with a much less R&D investment but 20x higher margins and less waste of resources. And then make it from ocean plastics so all E-Bike Joes can even feel good when buying. I bet and fear this will be a success anyway. Poor world!
  • 2 0
 Wera has full sets (exclusively Allen or Torx keys) available that are sleeved. Each size in a different colour.
  • 1 0
 “It’s been a dream of mine for years to design a guitar that includes some of my favorite vintage specifications but with a modern spirit and aesthetic. After two years of study and refinement, the Silver Sky is my vision of what a reboot of the electric guitar should look and feel like.” – John Mayer
  • 3 0
 Muc Off have been rinsing this one for some time. Take a regular can of degreaser and put ebike on it. Lame. But the people that get conned are lamer.
  • 4 1
 Best way to lube use stand abs walk mode. No need to spine cranks by hand duh
  • 3 0
  • 2 0
  • 4 0
 literally thought this was april fools for a second
  • 2 0
 Can I patent a technique for flipping e-bikes upside down? Would making a YouTube video showing people how to rest a bike on the bars and seat get millions of views?
  • 2 2
 Not that I am an E bike hater at all, but it’s entirely possible that this “tool” is meant for the freshly minted noob who is straight off the couch and now on the trail. Kudos that they are getting out there, of course… But just know that a noob and their money are soon parted. (Heck, I still fall for shiny, too). Probably a pretty easy pitch for someone who doesn’t have tools just yet, read these threads, or know XC from Enduro, but wants to try to take care of their new expensive toy.
  • 2 1
 Mike - if folks are spending $12K USD on an eMTB, then $35 for a frivolous tool is beer money. It's understandable that MFG's would want to be in the windfall in this environment.
  • 3 0
 When I saw their bicycle specific pressure washer I decided I'd never buy anything from these overly capitalist fu(kers.
  • 2 0
 You are acting like this isn’t the same company that sells a bad power washer as a bike tool. . Wasn’t it over at that point?
  • 2 0
 Environmentally this is really poor. Creating more consumption of things nobody needs. That will either end up just sat in a toolbox or ultimately in landfill
  • 2 0
 By now I'm pretty sure most of what muc-off is knock off rebranded crap. I'd be surprised to find out that they are as eco as they claim to be.
  • 1 0
 I will stick to the spare hex key wrapped in an old inner tube and save myself the money on something that's actually worth buying
  • 4 1
 Make sure you use e bike lube on your chamois
  • 6 0
  • 4 2
 And yea, the editors dared criticize a current product. Even if it's an irrelevant current product. Baby steps, I guess.
  • 2 0
 e-bike owners should be forced to play 'ice cream machine' in order to lube their chains.
  • 3 0
 Thank god they didn't call it an "acoustic" bike on the packaging...
  • 4 0
 humans are in decline...
  • 4 0
 Sick ‘em, Kaz!
  • 1 0
 ive got one tool until i loose it. otherwise using the tool box. these one off's are huh. actually can't i took the time to write this.
  • 4 1
 I mean, clearly ebike owners make bad financial decisions already
  • 3 1
 The e bike angst is such a crack up.
I prefer the term "Vintage Bikes"
  • 2 0
 When i first saw it i checked the calendar to make sure that isn't April's 1st yet...Damn.
  • 4 0
 Muc-off can f*c-off
  • 1 0
 can we please bring some of that recession some people are taking about so the market gets rid of this stupidities for a while?
  • 5 2
 did Muc Off stop placing ads with Outside?
  • 2 0
 I´d prefer your custom e-bike lubings sticks, but I don´t believe it works as you tested them on an analogue bike
  • 1 0
 One minute they’re releasing Punk Powder to cut down on plastic and the next they’re selling pointless plastic (and metal) tools
  • 2 0
 I'm holding out for DOWNCOUNTRY labeled tools and accessories. Won't someone please fill that void?
  • 1 0
 Doesnt work on my bosch motor and chain ring! pointless idea - I think also @wynMasters invented it about a year ago now!??!??!
  • 2 0
 Whittling your e-bike lube stick to entertain your dog?
  • 1 0
 Is the dog e-bike rated or acoustic?
  • 1 0
 This is the end result of researching product ideas by stalking people with 3D printers.
  • 3 0
 Is it April already?
  • 1 0
 Omg just rig a few 2x4’s to keep the rear wheel off the ground and spin the pedals whichever way you choose.
  • 5 3
 Next time put this crap behind a paywall
  • 3 0
 This is genius. Take the ad payout from mucoff and then put it behind a paywall where no one will ever look at it. win win.
  • 1 0
 It will never take off .... not nearly expensive enough, triple the price and they will sell like hot cakes.
  • 1 0
 Local lube Co Squirt has "ebike" lube. It lasts for the same or less time than the previous formula.
  • 1 0
 The difference is I find the standard "Squirt" to be brilliant..... unlike Muc off yellow dry and the blue, yellow being clearly the worst chain lube I have ever used..
  • 1 0
 Yip ... and the l-bike lube costs more LOL
  • 1 0
 @HairyLegs: Maybe the e-bike model is more conductive to improve grounding and dissipate stray voltage ha ha
  • 1 0
 This s41t's as good as their mobile jet wash that can't be plugged into a 12v socket, pure genius.
  • 1 0
 I use a toe strap on a Bosch chainring. As for lube there’s wax in a dry world or Dumonde tech and a rag where it is wet.
  • 1 0
 Most e-bikes have a walk mode that works a treat if you lift the back tire up
  • 1 0
 I mean, I suppose its no worse than a wheelie leveller that attaches to your stem I've seen floating about recently!
  • 1 0
 that one's a joke though.
  • 2 0
 Nice catch Mike
  • 1 0
 The Multi-Tool Cabal is coming for you @mikekazimer
  • 1 0
 Is this like “bike tools for dummies”?
  • 1 0
 Shut up and take my e-money!!!!!
  • 1 0
 OMFG that is SO awesome! I’m gonna NOT get 1. Fukn stupid
  • 2 1
 My non acoustic bikes chain rotates when I turn the cranks
  • 1 0
 Muc-offs xmas card list just got one name shorter.....
  • 1 0
 Thanks Mike for calling a spade a spade
  • 1 0
 Newsflash! Angry old man Mike Kazimer shakes fist at cloud!
  • 1 0
 there's an ass for every seat
  • 1 0
 April fools day is still 6 weeks away!!??
  • 1 0
 no e bikes and so does this
  • 1 0
 No one steal my idea of e-bike specific co2 cartriges. I called it first.
  • 1 0
  • 1 3
 It's kinda like when bike companies and bike websites call a full suspension mountain bike things like Enduro, down country, trail bike etc...... Its just a f word bike.
  • 1 1
 Next up from Muc-Off: Bottled snake oil.
  • 1 2
 Do people really have this hard of time cleaning and lubing their chains?
  • 2 0
 If your cranks freewheel, yes. But this isn't the solution, it's a waste. The solution is just get a single bit that fits your bike, and use that, Wyn Masters style.
  • 3 0
 @justinfoil: Guess I don't really struggle with it. I pick up the bike and pedal it. Ask a homie to put the lube on.

Or put the saddle on a tree branch or a work bench or a work stand or a.... and do it myself.
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