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Video: Christopher Walken Stars in New YT Jeffsy Teaser Video

Jan 10, 2019 at 6:20
by James Smurthwaite  

The YT Jeffsy with was first teased with a controversial but admittedly effective video teaser campaign back in 2016 and it looks like the German brand might just have trumped it with this latest edition of the bike.

Hollywood legend Christopher Walken fronts the video describing his experiences with friendship and Jeffsy while sat in a study. Nothing more, nothing less. It's totally out of left field but I'm definitely a fan. There's no shredding here but we do get some fleeting glimpses of the new bike at the end. I've posted the screengrabs I could get below.






bigquotesWe’re born alone, we die alone. And in between we spend our lives looking for something, a connection. That’s all we want. Every once in a while we might find it, in a true friend. Many friendships will come, only to fade as quickly as a firework. But some, a rare and precious few, turn life up to 11 and keep it there. You got to hold on to friends like these because, just like air, you’ll miss them when they’re gone. No one else gets “it” but they do. Cause they know what’s in your soul, your heart, your mind. They can blindside you - come out of nowhere but you’ll know them right away, you’ll click as perfectly as a jack plug into an amp. They’ll know what you’re thinking before you’ve thought it, anticipating your every move. They’ll understand the demons as well as the angels inside of you. Never judging you for it either. And together, you’ll uncage a thrill that makes you surge with life. But don’t be fooled: friendships are not easy. You’ve got to put the effort in and take as good care of them as you do your own flesh. There will be good times and epic, adrenalin filled challenges where it seems there’s no way you can make it. But, if you trust in one another and commit, you’ll find a way. Coming through together, closer, stronger. Even so, you, they, the world in time, everything and everyone changes. Slowly that boiling energy of young friendship will cool and be replaced by the bonds of a deep, mutual history, complete with the scars that tell the stories of a lifetime well lived. It’s as inevitable as ripples altering their size. So don’t fight it, go with it. Ride it out. Together. Just like Jeffsy and I.Christopher Walken

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jamessmurthwaite avatar

Member since Nov 14, 2018
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  • 897 14
 YT seems to be really struggling to figure out what to do with the money they were paying Gwin...
  • 344 4
 They decided, that they wanted more cowbell.
  • 342 4
 I'd like to see the transcript of that marketing meeting:

"So, who should we use in the new Jeffsy teaser?"

"Uh, how about Andreu? Cam? Maybe Jord..."


[everyone starts partying]
  • 249 32
 I beg to differ, I think YT just won everything. That was incredible. Thank you, YT. Thank you Christopher Walken. My life is complete.
  • 212 3
 @scott-townes: can anyone photoshop on a bike so he can be Christopher Ridin?
  • 39 7
 Obvs didn’t save enough as I felt this was designed for Morgan Freeman.

If you’re gonna have Christopher Walken at least have him dance or threaten to stab you in the eye with a screwdriver!
  • 20 1
 @MTBrent: YT still have access to 'ludes.
  • 2 13
flag chuoi152 (Jan 10, 2019 at 7:58) (Below Threshold)
 @Boardlife69: ????????
  • 24 3
 @chuoi152: I'm not saying it was cocain. But, it was cocain.
  • 5 1
 @MTBrent: Partying to the sound of Fatboy Slim... and then... this comes out .
  • 48 0
 "And now, little man, I give the Jeffsy to you."
  • 21 14
 First Gwin, now Christopher Walken... And everyone was wondering why the prices of their bikes went up $500 over the past year.
  • 24 4
 Yeah, it was nicely done. It's a shame that there seems to be some uncouth, shallow ass cynics on here.
  • 2 1
 @Boardlife69: Wow. Now its time to break out the champagne!
  • 52 9
 Next thing you know, they have their own Space program
  • 9 4
 @WasatchEnduro: I was waiting for this one! ;-) But how did he hide that Jeffsy from the g00ks???
  • 2 0
 @scott-townes: No, because he didn't dance.
  • 22 0
 @Gruta: I guess you could say it's his "Weapon Of Choice"
  • 1 0
 @SnowshoeRider4Life: Well played sir!
  • 2 0
Reminded me of this.
  • 18 0
 @CantQuitCartel: That should have been Tippie sitting by the fire. Guess he was busy.
  • 9 1
 @telebiker: Certainly would have made more sense.
  • 1 0
 He's the doctor in Human Centipede
  • 27 1
 Obviously no one knows that Christopher Walkens nephew is part owner of YT... hence why he did this ad..
  • 8 50
flag RollinFoSho (Jan 10, 2019 at 11:21) (Below Threshold)
 Another dark and weird marketing fail by YT
  • 3 1
 Who knows how much that promo cost? It could of been cheap or uber expensive.
  • 4 1
 @chuoi152: Next you're going to tell me you don't know what "this one goes up to 11" means. Hear ya go, enjoy! vimeo.com/241311990
  • 3 0
 @SJA59: I'd say you'd be 100% right on that - How do you know?
  • 4 7

Hail Satan. \m/
  • 4 22
flag RollinFoSho (Jan 10, 2019 at 11:55) (Below Threshold)
 I'm surprised YT didn't pick someone like Kevin Spacey
  • 3 0
 @WasatchEnduro: literally my favourite scene from a film!! can't help but think they should've left the last line out but hey its Walken
  • 3 20
flag RollinFoSho (Jan 10, 2019 at 12:35) (Below Threshold)
 Also, this whole Jeffsy thing is cheesy. I'm not looking for a (bike) friend, I have friends, I just want a bike.
  • 1 0
 Explore the space!
  • 1 0
 Obviously we know that you're quite judgemental, and arrogant... Hence using the word hence.
  • 1 0
 @SnowshoeRider4Life: BAHAHAHAHHA!!!

  • 3 0
 @WasatchEnduro: he aint fittin that up his arse!
  • 1 0
 @MTBrent: hilarious
  • 3 1
 They are one of not so many German manufacturers who actually have good bikes. They can do as they please, lord knows I need a Tues in my life really bad and I would not consider anything else out of Germany.
  • 3 0
 This Christopher Walken guy is a legend
  • 5 2

"oh good mowning. I'm Frank Underwood. This evening, Jeffsy isnt going to know whut hit him. I'm going to be taking him down some dark, dirty and tight alleyways and I do expect he'll be put into some compromahsing positions. Still, as long as I come out with a smahl on mah face, I do believe that all of his thrashing and hard riding will be woyth it....."
  • 16 10
 Damn, this ad just didn’t work. The script is shit, it was like an amateur screenwriter was trying to force a Christopher Walken rhythm but has no clue about wit or humor. So he has nothing to go on, not even a word with more than 3 syllables to play with. I can picture the director being, “hey mr Walken, can you sound more like Christopher Walken?” What a waste.
  • 1 6
flag omegalung (Jan 10, 2019 at 20:46) (Below Threshold)
 @RollinFoSho: Y T is not that hands on. Just look at their customer service.
  • 1 2
 Exactly what I thought
  • 1 2
 @blackthorne: yeh this was all I got from it, had to stop watching as it was hurting
  • 1 2
 @SnowshoeRider4Life: They will put him on a mechanical Jeffsy for him to ride it like they had to with his horse in Sleepy Hollow Big Grin
  • 1 0
 "Nipples altering their size"...???
  • 3 1
 @CantQuitCartel: It's , " Talk to him that way again, I'lll stab you in the face with a soldering iron ..."you twat....Just sayin...Joe Dirt was the movie.
  • 1 1
 I love it
  • 244 21
 Spend money on customer service rather than Hollywood stars innit
  • 37 4
 After reading the comments from the YT article earlier this week, your comment was the first that entered my mind.
  • 54 2
 Or perhaps on making some of the bikes they claim to sell, but never make available.
  • 12 5
 @codfather1234: Exactly..! Shit is never in stock!
  • 26 3
 @codfather1234: I think they limit stock on purpose for hype
  • 65 2
 @thompsy01: I was hyped. Then I was consistently unable to buy one. Then I bought a Process instead. Hype fail.
  • 7 1
 @codfather1234: Reign SX here but same otherwise.
  • 4 1
 All I could think of was The SNL skit where CW plays “The Continental”, and the POV woman is actually YT, and he’s trying to seduce “her” into having enough stock of the bike he wants.
  • 6 0
 @thompsy01: The 'Supreme' of the bike world then?

Except I'd pay money for a YT and wouldn't even wipe my arse with a Supreme t-shirt.
  • 1 0
 @thompsy01: That's a pretty iffy business model.
  • 19 2
 CS is not something that you just throw money at and things magically get better. Anyone who has experienced just how difficult it is internally at a company to grow at the rate YT is obviously growing they would totally understand the challenges. From what I can tell YT is taking steps to improve things and it's clear there are a lot of VERY satisfied customers out there despite there also being some issues from being overloaded from the rate of growth. Not everything is black and white.
  • 9 5
 Odd, my friend was able to buy one no issue and its an incredible rig. I guess people have too high of expectations nowadays with inventory.
  • 8 11
 Yeah, never in stock, terrible customer service across the board, cheap carbon fibre, poor shipping practices, terrible inventory management... We don't give a fuck if you can pay Christopher Walken YT, just make good bikes and improve your customer service to even substandard levels. The good customer service people you do have you're shitting all over by not supporting them properly.
  • 20 3
 @ckcost: It is precisely having worked at a growing company as CS manager that makes me so disgusted with YT.

When Howie ran things from Reno, they were great: best customer service ever. YT decided they were too expensive (because stupidity) and now here we are.

They are playing by the numbers so they rake in profit, meanwhile they ship things with USPS using shipping options so bad I didn't even know they existed. They hook certain customers up and charge others every penny they can. I could go on and on but I actually like the US customer service reps for YT, they're good guys. However, YT is f*cking them in the ass by not giving them the budget they need or the resources they need to do their jobs well.

It seems to me as someone who got CS departments going for startups for 12 years, and successfully I might add, that YT cares more about money than customer experience. They're pissing on $100 dollar bills to not have to let go of the pennies they're clutching on to.
  • 8 6
 Or, if you do spend the money on a Hollywood star, at least spend the money on a professional screenwriter to do the script you give them!
  • 1 0
 @thompsy01: All that does is make many go elsewhere... Ain't nobody got time fo Dat!
  • 3 2
 @codfather1234: I hear Ya.. Said Fuk it and went sb130! I can't be waiting around.
  • 12 4
 This is a company that spends on big money athletes, movie stars and shiny things, yet they don't make enough bikes to even reach their potential revenue all while having a pretty bad customer service. That business model just doesn't seem to be a good one.
  • 2 6
flag Poulsbojohnny (Jan 10, 2019 at 11:45) (Below Threshold)
 @codfather1234: bike fail
  • 2 2
Not everything is black and white.

But my Jeffsy is
  • 3 1
 What if they knew Walken and he did it for very little? The did move from Reno to San Clemente so they may be in a transition period where they were not settled and customer support was compromised.
  • 3 2
 @tacklingdummy: Someone posted on up there he is related to one of the owners, so yeah, probably what happened and all the ones on here saying they should spend their money on this or that are just kinda wasting bandwidth
  • 7 0
 @patrickbatemanworldtour89: Actually, just a bit of info I picked up about the Reno spot from someone who worked there and shall remain nameless. Geographically, it was a royal pain in the a$$ to receive the containers at the Port of Oakland (subject to longshoreman strikes - my first one sat there for 2 weeks) and then truck them over Donner Summit to get to Reno. That's 200+ miles over a 7,000' hill. Now they probably offload at Pedro or San Diego. Being a lot closer to an INTL business center probably makes sense on a lot of other levels, too. Now if I could just run their CS (That's what I do, but in tech), all would be well.
  • 4 1
 @KUNTHER: Well, if they can do all of that and be cashflow positive, it seems like a pretty good business model to me.
  • 4 4
 @codfather1234: Same for me, got a Slash, Capra was sold out non stop. I felt this script felt forced, I also like the Capra but the whole Goat head kidnapping thing, I don't get it.
  • 1 0
 @endlessblockades: That does make a lot of sense. Reno is a serious trek from Oak-town anytime of the year especially in winter snow. But Tahoe and Reno have some good riding.
  • 2 1
 @codfather1234: loved my Process! sweet alternative
  • 1 0
 @endlessblockades: Haha, that's how I feel. Just hire me guys, all these issues will go away.

That makes a lot of sense about the shipping. Reno pushed so hard to make the airport more direct but that didn't go as well as planned and of course you can't just build a deep sea port where ever you want one.
  • 1 1

agree and if they're conservative in their forecasts they don't have to sell discounted to clear out inventory later. plan conservatively, sell out of some models, keep the riders chomping at the bit. that's good business. learn from the orders and website analytics and increase the next production run... but not by too much.

i think alot of shops have gotten screwed trying to manage their inventory and forecast demand. this is one reason why more big brands are doing direct web sales, so the shop doesn't have to carry as much financial risk. of course there's a flip side to that too.

  • 1 2
 Another dark and creepy video by a company called Young Talent.
  • 1 0
 @scott-townes: nope just with quality, customer service and resale value. If Gwin lands on Trek I'm buying a new session if he doesn't I'm buying a new session.
  • 2 0
 Gwin went to Intense
  • 87 14
 Maybe some of that budget money could have gone into inventory production and customer service? I'm honestly super disappointed in YT. But on the bright side, we now know where their priorities lie. And it's not in customer service lol.

This would have made a great Cannon Camera TV add some years back! "Image is everything"

Hats off to Christopher Walken though. The man is a legend. Maybe he can put in a good word to YT for us that they need to take care of their customer base?

Party on dudes!
  • 20 6
 Do you own a YT and have you had issues with one?
  • 16 2
 @ryan83: read the comments below the article about the new line-up. There are many who are very unhappy with customer service of YT in North America (and if their experiences are what they picture them like, rightfully so)
It seems, there is a huge gap of quality in customer service between NA and Europe. It's a shame, really.

I guess though it has to be taken with a grain of salt, since tendency online is always that you hear/read much more about things/people failing than going well.

I for one am really happy with my YT and customer service as well.
  • 5 2
 I've been pretty happy with the guys in Canada.
  • 7 0
 @nzukiwski: The one guy, you mean. Dude is great when you get a hold of him but I've had some nightmare issues with YT customer service. Weeks to 1month+ waiting for somebody to contact me. It really lagged behind our southern US neighbors, but I've heard now that they shut down the Reno warehouse and moved it to California service has dropped off considerably. My latest YT customer service experience was pretty good, and a quick turnaround on a dropper post warranty exchange, so I think things are getting better. From the beginning, YT needed more staff in Canada to handle the workload.
  • 30 4
 My advice- Cruise the YT forums on MTBR and Pinkbike if you want more than random stories. The vast majority of people never have issues with YT quality or service. The grumpy are always the loudest and there is always another side to broken frame stories...
  • 12 0
 Owned 2 YT bikes, had two friends who owned them. I had to get the guide brakes warrantied and it was super quick and painless. New master cylinders were here before the week was out so I could ride that weekend. One friend had the same issue with the brakes. Same story. One had a shock fail and it took time to ship it in and get it back. He bought a new shock anyway but heard back from them quickly and got the process going fast. Can’t attest to anyone’s bad experiences as mine have been quite good.
  • 11 0
 @gbeaks33: Been super happy with the CS in NA. Broke a DT axle, overnighted me one no cost and threw in a mech hanger. Apparently SDG seat post on my Tues needs a replacement part so they sent me the fix without me evening hearing about it. Better than most where they send out a PR and then say, ok go talk to your LBS, good luck. Also to those complaining about them never being in stock. 1. Buy it when they come out and you'll get one. 2. They are not a global company and haven't been for very long, it takes a lot of capital and resources to be able to supply global demand. I doubt when they decided to move into NA they had all of the resources available to keep up with the demand. It's not like they can call up Taiwan and say, make us 1000 more Capras stat. Just doesn't work that way. You have to consider the time it takes to get build the bike, the factories availability to actually make it and the timing to get new inventory into the shop when 2019 inventory is right around the corner. Scarcity can some times be a good thing. I'm sure prospect YT owners were clamoring to the site to buy the MY 19 Capra and i'm sure they'll do the same for the new Jeffsy.
  • 5 1
 There's a lot of anecdotal story telling of issues and successes.

Think everyone needs to keep in mind that the error/problem rate for most bike companies is pretty low. YT may have a few more issues where they may have had quality concerns. They also probably need to over compensate for assembly error from owners than a brand that sells through an LBS. That's not to say an LBS doesn't make errors but, on average, they make less.

Even if YT bikes have more problems than other brands on average, it truly seems like the vast majority of bikes work great and have no issues. People seem to be so absolutist with this stuff.
  • 6 0
 U another LBS owner?
Half of the guys is here whinnying are though!
  • 1 0
 @daugherd: Yeah totally, I get it. The problems I had could have easily have happened at a shop, too. They hardly ever have stuff in stock, either. I def went through the growing pain phase that YT was having when they opened up operations in Canada. I really hope that things have turned around, as the bike is fantastic.
  • 7 1
 Bought a jeffsy last year when i took the bike out of the box I noticed the frame came with a defect so I called yt and I was able to get a hold of someone right away they said come on down and will resolve the issue and they did,I ended up with a new bike the very next day. Thanks yt ????????
  • 4 2
 There's nothing wrong with YT's customer service, they were very quick to tell me the wrong shock dimensions when I was looking to upgrade the stock one on my Jeffsy. In all seriousness, I'm glad Fox CS were alert enough to catch the error and stop me from ordering the wrong one.
  • 10 0
 When you’re based in Europe and you buy American bike brands, you get used to having to put up with the crappy customer service from importers.

Whilst YTs US problems are inexcusable, it’s pretty normal over here.

Also, I’m kinda not crying for you because your incredibly cheap direct bike lacks good customer service. You accepted that when you went direct.

You pay for what you get.
  • 3 0
 It is annoying that they don't have bikes in stock but their factory could have limitations. It is a rare strength to have higher demand than supply.
  • 4 0
 Had a frame bearing bolt back out after 4 days at SnowShoe on my Capra. My fault for checking and maintaining my links and bearings. Emailed YT, one day later had two new bolts (only needed one) mailed no questions asked...
  • 3 0
 @ryan83: @ryan83: @ryan83: I've owned two YT's and I've had zero issues with either. The frame pivots are easy to service, the bike performs great...and I saved at least 2 grand on the purchase.

I dealt with customer service back in 2015 and it was excellent...but I am concerned about the new CS arrangement based only on what I've heard on PB comments. The issue I had in 2015 was entirely operator error, not a warranty thing, and they hooked me up anyways.

Their adds are un-inspiring IMO, and the name Jeffsey is pretty silly for a mountain bike. But watching Gwin crush the world cup and watching almost everyone at Rampage riding a Tues pretty much overcomes any lame marketing approach....

If you wrench your own bikes....why not go direct?
  • 1 1
 I guess Christopher Walken doesn't care if his buddy will hold his water bottle.
  • 1 1
 Another dark and creepy video by a company called Young Talent.
  • 1 0
 @RollinFoSho: I thought this video was good. The last video really had me creeped out, but how good the bikes were set me at ease. Lol.
  • 65 2
 The new jeffys is pretty sick. You'll be faster than walken up or down a trail, that's for sure.
  • 41 1
 It would certainly be my Weapon Of Choice
  • 3 17
flag LA-Law (Jan 10, 2019 at 7:08) (Below Threshold)
  • 1 1
 @scottishmark: maybe my Bikes of Fury
  • 2 0
 @scottishmark: Doesn't look much different really!
  • 1 1
 @bohns1: Hint: Google “Fatboy Slim Weapon Of Choice” ????
  • 52 1
 Christopher riden.
  • 35 1
 Advertising Budgets Redefined
  • 3 4
 They have to justify raising the price of their bikes somehow.
  • 2 3
 Another dark and creepy video by a company called Young Talent.
  • 32 2
 So he hid it in the one place he knew he could hide something. His ass.
  • 26 1
 Weirdest Fatboy Slim song yet.
  • 25 2
 But, what about my water bottle?
  • 2 0
 @jtm12090 TT mount incoming
  • 50 0
 "Live uncaged"
  • 7 0
 @kookseverywhere: so that's what that means.....
  • 4 3
 I also mentally whine about this and then realize that I've never installed a cage on my all-mountain bike.
  • 2 0
 Have a closer look at the last picture. No cage fitted but definitely means to mount one, and the shape between the down tube and seat tube above the Bb definitely looks bottle shaped to me
  • 5 0
 Walken puts it right beside his watch. I'm sure you could fit yours there as well.
  • 22 0
 Would be sick if there was a cut into sick riding footage of Walken
  • 18 0
 Who in the world foresaw a Gwin to Walken team change. Not the nerdiest Pinkbiker there ever was could have picked that up.
  • 16 1
 I think expensive marketing actually works on people that can afford new bikes, not PB punters that piss and moan about the economic divide between dentists and everyone else. Besides, everyone knows that dentists and hedge fund managers love Walken.
  • 7 3
 Speaking of economic divide, why do dentists get all the sh#t? Why do mechanical engineers get a pass? Those guys make bank.
  • 7 0
 @TheR: so i went to a new dentist yesterday. He seemed like a nice person, and would be the kind of persons i’d gladly have a chat with on the trails. He did tell my the to my next visit would run me €800 though.

So my out take of the whole PB dentist thing is:
1) Dentists are people too, and don’t deserve the bashing they get here
2) The rate they make money, no wander they can afford the XX1 spec to go on top of their Porsche
3) It’s your own fault that they make so much, cos you don’t bloody floss!
  • 4 1
 How do you know it was expensive to make that video? Perhaps they know Walken.
  • 3 3
 so they actually saved a bunch of cash on Walken by buying direct. Apparently when Walken’s arm suddenly fell off, it too four months and a lot of hassle to get a replacement.
  • 1 0
 @Mojo348: It's a joke, a meme, a state of mind - nobody gives a fvck how yall make money.
  • 3 0
 @endlessblockades: ... im jus sicking up for my dentist Bros out there. And funding their lifestyle, one crown at a time...
  • 2 0
 @Mojo348: @Mojo348: Depending on how you look at it, I'm either a dentist's dream or their worst nightmare. Floss every night and never had a cavity in my life. Easy check-up, collect easy money. Or maybe they would prefer my mouth was jacked so they could collect more. I don't know.

Those engineers, though. Always making the money, rolling on Yetis and Unnos.
  • 2 0
 @TheR: I'm just a lowly diesel mechanic.. Just copped me an sb130 and stoked.. There not that unattainable. You just gotta roll in a shittier vehicle is all... Haha, I'll take it.
  • 2 0
 @bohns1: Cats out of the bag, now. Diesel mechanics have as much disposable income as dentists!
  • 3 0
 @TheR: I wouldn't say that.. I'd say that perhaps I just prioritize my priorities.. All my hobbies are body powered only... No boats, jet skis motor bikes, holiday trailers, atv's or any of that stuff.. Just bikes and boards bud!
  • 3 0
 My dentist conspiracy: the country in which sugar consumption is the furthest off the scale is also the country in which the social pressure to have film-star teeth is the highest.
  • 2 0
 @TheR: @TheR: mechanical engineer here... I drive a 2015 GMC Canyon, while my dentist and his kids are swapping between Bimmers and Mercedez Benz once or twice a year. I dont know where you got that from....
  • 1 0

Yeah, but they can't afford that Porsche until they pay down that $300k in school debt and $___k in practice debt.

I for one wouldn't assume that much debt just to be able to scrape sh*t out of people's mouths. They're basically sadistic trashmen (and women).

They're in their 50's before they can go XX1.
  • 24 7
 I love my Capra and I really love the YT brand. Haters gonna hate, but no one can deny YT bikes shred.
  • 18 3
 Am I the only one who thinks this is a great ad? Sure it will costs money but nothing is for free.
BTW would love to see Mr Walken actually ide that bike
  • 17 1
 It's a great ad.

My 2 cents... I'd always ridden bikes from big brands, mostly because I either worked for them directly or worked in a shop that sold them. I held on to my old Trek for years after moving to Germany. It was a great bike.
I'm not directly involved in the industry anymore and because of that I couldn't afford the top end model from (insert big brand here). So I bought a Jeffsy on sale at the end of the year. I've been riding mountain bikes for about 18 years, and can say without question that this is the best feeling bike I've ever ridden out of the box.
On top of that the spec for the price is simply unbeatable. Outside of upping the fork travel, changing the chainring and cassette, I haven't touched anything on it. I ride everything from my flatish local trails to the alps to the occasional bike park outing with it and it's taken everything in stride.

The service in NA seems abysmal. I can't say personally but from what I've read on the internets it seems to not be going so well over there. Really too bad as I can't say anything bad about it from this side of the pond. YT could really do well to steal some established employees from bike brands over there.

Pricing... yeah, they got more expensive (and will continue to). Welcome to our capitalist society! Various factors influence price, and yes - you the consumer pay for betterment and change (and you demand it!). Get used to it.

Does it look the same as the last version? Yeah, for sure. There are subtle differences, but the basic shape stays the same. Why? Because it works. There's really not much point in a complete aesthetic overhaul unless you really have a reason. And let's face it: bikes today work well - really, really well. Kinematics and building techniques are better than they've ever been. What I always find funny is that no one can accept a new standard, but if a new model looks like the previous one, everyone starts talking about how boring it is.

Water bottle? I can see just from the screen grabs that there's more than enough space for one. In my opinion the Thristmaster was a little stupid, hopefully they get rid of that. I run a Fabric on my size large.

Last but not least: Seat tube. Man oh man. For me the seat tube length on my Jeffsy is totally fine, but granted a little more room with the seat slammed would be welcome.

  • 7 0
 @ssteve: Finally, someone talking some sense on here. Kudos to you my friend.
  • 2 0
 He is a cat guy who never leaves the house according to an interview I read, but this collaboration in genius!
  • 11 0
 A significant shift in advertising happened in the early 1900's when corporations decided they would sell more product if they sold "emotion" and attached it to the product than if they objectively described the benefits and characteristics of the product. One of the first major efforts was in 1929 when Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, branded cigarettes as "Torches of Freedom" to sell them to women- as lung disease and respiratory problems had been a man's game up till then. I'd say most of modern advertising currently is selling us emotions and hoping we associate those emotions with their product. This was a blatant example of that. Love Walken- It was great art- but a bike- and specifically theirs- as providing the same safety and warmth as a human relationship? I love my bike and as a tool it helps me feel better and experience the world in a far more rewarding way. I'd go far enough to say I love my bike even. Not like a human relationship though. That was a lot of money to tell me how I should feel about something and no money into telling me what it is. I'd be fine with less of this and more on the product. Yep- TLDR- I get it- probably wrote this more to organize what doesn't sit well with me than anything else. Still liked the art- just hate the manipulative BS we are flooded with.
  • 5 1
 As someone who learned lots about good old Bernie who was one of the first and most influential with selling emotions I can tell you that half of the things you tell your woman is manipulative BS... first to jump into her pants, then to make her let you go ride a bike, close an eye for your purchases, ot just to leave you alone. It works because we apply it in our everyday lives. Often on ourselves. Whether it is more or less conscious doesn’t really matter that much. Hell is paved with good intentions and heaven smells excuses. “I saw the devil today and he looked just like me”.

The strongest message of this commercial is “Look we can hire Christopher Walken, nobody in MTB advertising has done anything even remotely close to that. The impact of that move can send ripples across the whole sport.
  • 2 1
 @WAKIdesigns: Means Fuk all if stock and customer service issues are out of order..

That being said, my wife doesn't question my purchases or need to let me go to my hobbies.. As long as the bills are paid and investment obligations are met.. She can do what she wants as do I.. Its a great way to live life.

Guess I have manipulated her in the child discussion area hoeever as to why we don't need anoth one. But that would honestly be it.
  • 3 0
 @bohns1: I honestly don’t care... never bought a complete mountain bike, even second hand and probably never will. The only brand new complete bikes I bought were my daughters Hotwalk and Commencal Meta HT20. Hence I do appreciate YTs will to put their balls on the advertising table.
  • 2 0
 Century of Self - Ytube series which does well to explain the use of Psychology in marketing to try and get people to stop being rational about their purchases.

It has led to the Me syndrome in Western Society and all the baggage that it entails (snow flakes, safe spaces, me too campaigns, etc)

Lucky for some, there is the Internet which helps us bring rationality back into purchase decisions.
  • 2 1
 @gnarterrorist: watched every single documentary from Curtis, didn’t see anything about leading to Me syndrome. It is much more complex than this and marketing/PR is not an orchestrated social engineering exercise capable of creating egocentrism. “Emotion selling” works because it stimulates programs engraved in psyche of all of us, just like politicians can stimulate our tribal mechanisms, like a manipulative, prettywoman can make you do almost anything for her if she can give you hope for shagging her; mothers are great at waking up guilt, fathers loyalty, religions the existential angst. When it comes to snow flakes, social justice warriors, the exploited complexes are often the need for social confirmation, building identity, appearing as ethical individual, with the opportunity to relive sadistic tendency to put others down, justifying your stance. They often prtray the world as the field of battle between good and evil, hence it is so easy to hoax them, like that feminist article where the author purposefully as a social experiment, took passages from Mein Kampf and exchanged “Jews” with Men and patriarchy. The result was terrifying. And you have to remember that students show high interest in morality. So Ironically, because they are so concerned about ethics and not afraid to speak their minds, they are easiest to manipulate in this sphere. Not only manipulate in terms of what to think and say, but also easiest to convince to commit dramatic acts to serve greater ideology. No wonder apart of physical predispositions, 20yr olds make great soldiers, but also agitators, activists, torturers. Once you turn them on, they are hard to stop.

As you can see there are forces, demons in our minds much stronger and more terrifying than those which makes us buy a bloody bike. Power of a bike or car marketer is nothing, compared to what football can do. From making you spend money on stupid shitty beer to monthly fee for sports channel, go to matches, to make you worship players of yourfavorite team and genuinely hate members of the other. It can make you beat someoene up. I haven’t talked much about what a priest can do,...
  • 1 0
 @WAKIdesigns: I've never bought complete either.. Its always been frame onlys and then a parts swap on whatever I have on hand then upgrade slowly..

The little man's will all be second hand for a long while.
  • 14 1
 Well, now we know why they fired Gwin. They needed money to pay for Walken.
  • 15 1
 Christopher's no longer Walken anywhere but shredding it seems...
  • 11 0
 I hid this uncomfortable piece of metal up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give Jeffsy to you.
  • 1 0
 Haha nice reference
  • 2 0
 Props for both Pulp Fiction and Douglas Adams references Smile
  • 10 1
 regardless of if youre buying a new bike or not, this definitely hits home. cycling is my anti depressant. spent years on various drugs trying to be happy, but cycling ended up giving me more than those ever could and i get to keep a clear head doing it.
  • 13 2
 I like it, it's different, the world doesn't need another generic video of someone 'shredding the gnar'. Jesus..........
  • 12 1
 Giant leap for mtb..don't think I've ever seen an A lister or any movie celeb promote our beloved sport
  • 2 0
 You ever see the Ben Stiller interview?
  • 11 1
 "Just like air, you'll miss them when they're gone" - gonna have to save that one!
  • 7 49
flag theronsta FL (Jan 10, 2019 at 6:27) (Below Threshold)
 A plural pronoun referring to a singular noun... awesome grammar.
  • 22 0
 @theronsta: He is referring to the Friends he mentioned in the sentence before.
  • 6 1
 @theronsta: take that
  • 2 9
flag Ian713 (Jan 10, 2019 at 7:09) (Below Threshold)
 @theronsta: I feel for ya dude. I was thinking it but couldn't bring myself to put it down.
  • 5 8
 @Morrrice: technically, he's right; it's a clumsy use of the language : /
  • 16 0
 @Ian713: technically he is not. There is no plural of "air".
Here is the complete sentence:
"You got to hold on to friends like these because, just like air, you’ll miss them when they’re gone."
  • 1 0
 @Morrrice : Why shouldn't there be a plural though. 3s google search.

It's nerdy but fun Razz
  • 1 0
 @stupendousman: I did the google search. This is what it says:
"Air is a mass noun. It has no plural form."
  • 17 6
 No bottle cage? I'm Walken away from this one....
  • 12 5
 YT has been disrupting the status quo in the MTB industry since they arrived on the scene. Anyone remember the Capra GOAT campaign? Weird as shit but refreshingly different than all these slow mo, rear hub sounding cookie cutter 1 minute clips. Don't get me wrong, I get off on that shit too. But when a brand or producer goes outside the box it's like the PB simpletons can't wrap their heads around it. Cheers YT on still disrupting!! Pony up on the customer service a little more and you'll see these haters jumping on a JEFFSY!
  • 2 3
 @skidmarkbro That and not having any stock or replying to emails as to when they will.. No hating here tho after jumping on the new yetis tho.. YT is a fading memory on how they can't deliver in my eyes..

Cool ad but it doesn't get the bad taste out! I'll just leave it at that.
  • 3 2
 Honesty, this ad was pretty boring. Last years Capra ad was embarrassing to watch but still entertaining. Big companies seem to always make ad stuff that is kind of delusionial to what they actually sell. I don't really care though, let them use their money as they like.
  • 10 1
 now we know why they bumped their prices on everything!
  • 14 9
 Congrats to YT for trying to mix it up a little bit. That said, hearing the thrill of the ride described by someone who clearly doesn't participate isn't very effective. To me this campaign is more about 'lets get people talking about the YT brand' rather than 'let's sell this particular bike', which I find lacks authenticity and comes across as desperate.
  • 3 1
 Good point, but how do you know that he doesn't ride?
  • 3 3
 @ssteve: Because then YT would have shown him riding, obviously.
  • 5 0
 @DOBer-street: I suppose... but I'm not sure seeing an older man ride a non motorized bike would get anyone in the mood to buy a new bike. I'm only 35 and the target demographic would yawn vigorously at a video of me riding. :p
  • 2 1
 @ssteve: Exactly. So why use Walken in the first place? He has no other ties to the company or the bike industry... he's just a famous person*. From a relevance standpoint, they might as well have had Cher do the ad.
It follows then, that the only reason to cast Walken for this ad was to stir up conversations around the brand, rather than a specific product. Consider that they could have used any other bike in their line for the ad and it would be equally relevant. Heck, Remington could steal the ad, dub over the name of one of their guns, and throw in some studio shots of it at the end and it'd work just as well.
Back to my original point, to make an ad purely for shock value makes it seem like the ad's primary goal is to remind people that YT exists, rather than showcase an inherently interesting product. It smacks of desperation rather than pride in one's product, stating that YT have money to spend, just not on bike design.

*nothing against C. Walken, who I find hilarious and awesome in everything.
  • 1 1
 @DOBer-street: Ya they need to remind people YT exists cuz they never have the damn bikes in stock so peeps end up moving on... I couldn't even get them to answer my emails regarding as to when perhaps they would have stock.. Blessing in disguise I guess.
  • 1 0
 Maybe using Harrison Ford would have been more effective as he's known to ride MTB.
  • 1 0
 @stupendousman: I think he just rides touring bikes these days. Wink
Great username btw.
  • 9 3
 Kick ass campaign - I love it. The concept is brilliant. One of the best launch alongside some of the notorious ones from Santa Cruz. Kudos to YT for thinking out of the box.
  • 5 1
 Loved this! Way to go YT. This Walken performance is right up there with what I feel is his best, in the movie "True Romance" with Dennis Hopper.

  • 6 1
 You guys can tease, but Walken has almost all of the KOM's in my hood. All the rough nasty ones too, not just spins in the park.
  • 3 0
 I don’t know if some one of his family,or he, is in love with mountain biking,cause if it is not the case it is a strange but at the same time wonderful thing this clip,congratulations to YT ,and to the man who wrote those words they are true ,but this life is just a joke a big joke in the end ,so I just laugh when I think of it ,ride on
  • 7 0
 Needs more cowbell.
  • 8 1
 I got a fever and the only prescription is more Jeffsy
  • 6 0
 Congrats to YT for marketing outside the nut and bolt box!
  • 4 1
 Christopher Walken has worn a lot of different shoes, but now he is identified with YT, making it seem like the only mountain bike on Earth. The likely fact that he doesn't even ride makes absolutely no difference at all.
  • 3 1
 Polarizing ad for sure. Just for the fun of it, I'll attempt to break down both sides.

This is what the ad does well (or at least attempts to do):
- Stand out by taking a radically different approach to selling bikes
- Bridge the divide between sport and pop-culture
- Appeal to consumers who value being different, being on the so-called leading edge of pop-culture, and by extension, value 'cult status' of brands or products.

This is what the ad lacks:
- Product explanation & demonstration
- Opportunities for the consumer to identify with the product or use of the product
- Appeal to consumers who are won over by being able to 'see' themselves in the usage scenario

That's all. I clearly have too much time and brain space.
  • 2 0
 Most interesting thing here about the actual bike (not the ad money) is that I'm fairly certain it has a full Eagle Drivetrain. You can clearly see GX Cranks and an eagle chainring and it looks like an eagle cassette too. Interesting to see the move away from E-Thirteen when they didn't move away from it on the new Capra.
  • 2 0
 New Jeffsy looks like a nice bike!
I feel badly for ppl who’ve experienced shabby customer svc because I’ve been blown away with their service and e*thirteens svc. Can’t say I’ll ever buy e*thirteen components for any of my future bikes but they sure have great service and fast when I’ve contacted them, same with YT.

I’m really hoping they offer frame only option in the US, I may be interested in a frame update if they do.
  • 4 0
 I love YT. It's not just about the money.... it's about the experience. Thanks YT for loosing money for the sake of radness!!!
  • 5 0
 lot of people watched it and are talking about it. Looks like the advertising worked
  • 4 1
 People whining about budget and customer services. Seriously, what you think it cost Wken to take 5 mins of his day? 10k mane, hardly going to change your whole companies customer service is it.
  • 7 1
 Brav - to the MF'in - o
  • 3 0
 Hire a professional to do some gwinning to persuade enthusiasts Hire a popular figure to persuade regular people that in turn seek advice with persuaded enthusiasts
  • 1 0
 break'in it down. Nice.
  • 1 0
 @Thema I'm a regular people and the popular figure in turn hasn't persuaded me to seek advice with persuaded enthusiasts tho.
  • 6 1
 Marketing gold, right there!
  • 3 0
 Genius. Now I would like to see Jack Nicholson do the Evil Offering video. As a overworked bikemechanic...All workshop and no play makes Jack a dull boy
  • 3 1
 Hats off to Donald Draper at YT
  • 1 0
 On second thought, it woulda been better if the ad started with a guy in a full face that's about Walken's height and build ripping down a trail on a Jeffsy, then cutting to a close-up where the rider removes his helmet and, surprise! it's Walken. THEN he could do his thing.
  • 1 0
 Always interesting to read criticisms of a company from consumers, as if you matter.

It’s a business, and it’s not your business, ride their Nike’s or don’t, it’s not personal, so don’t make it so.

A bike is not a friend, it’s bike... but they’d love for you to be so attached. That is the message.
  • 7 2
 So good!
  • 13 10
 Ran out of money to proofread the script I guess. Should be "Just like Jeffsy and me"
  • 6 12
flag BeardlessMarinRider (Jan 10, 2019 at 6:49) (Below Threshold)
 *and I
  • 12 2
 That is correct! You would not say, “just like I” which is what people seem to forget. I love how there are those that believe it is always “”and I” and they always use it or correct others incorrectly. Oh well.
  • 4 8
flag sstrait (Jan 10, 2019 at 7:38) (Below Threshold)
 @BeardlessMarinRider: Nope. Kinda hilarious to sign Walken to bring the class and drama, and then whoopsie daisy the climactic finish to the ad ends with a grammar face plant.
  • 4 0

Unless the i was a deliberate reference to electricity....

The whole video was littered with ebike clues....
  • 8 4
 Incorrect. It's "Jeffsy and I."

I will go on record as saying this is the dumbest video ever, but they got that right.

Here's the full sentence: "Ride it out, together, just like Jeffsy and I."

"Jeffsy and I" in this instance is in the subjective case, which is usually the case when using the word "like," because it's generally comparing whatever follows to the subject of a sentence. It's completely interchangeable with the subject. The understood predicate is "ride it out." Essentially, the sentence means (You) ride it out, just like Jeffsy and I (ride it out). To make it simple, you would never say "me ride it out."
  • 9 0
 Seriously people? That video is grammatically incorrect. Correct options would be:

"Ride it out, together, just like me and Jeffsy." You would say, "Ride it out, like me."


"Ride it out together, just like Jeffsy and I do." You would say, "Ride it out, like I do." (or replace "do" with "ride it out.")

You would never say, "Ride it out, like I."

@TheR For your point to be correct, you need to end the sentence with "....ride it out." It's grammatically incorrect to leave that out.
  • 1 4
 @underhawk: No. You're wrong.
  • 2 3
 I spent waaaay too much time trying to check myself on this one. My typical trick of removing words (Jeffsy, I) seems to work, as does the trick of adding the implied phrase (ride it out), but each trick leads to a different implication.

If "like" is viewed as a preposition, it should be followed by an objective pronoun (me).
If "like" is viewed as a conjunction in place of "as" (informal, but common), it should be followed by a subjective pronoun (I).

The prepositional interpretation (me) sounds less formal, is apparently "acceptable in informal or neutral English," and it's the one I prefer. Taking "like" as a conjunction (I) is more formal, sounds awkward to me, but it's fully legitimate.

Short story: I think the ad sucks and the last line sounds awkward, but it's grammatically correct, and AFAIK the way I prefer it would be OK as well. Grammar lessons in the Pinkbike comment section, f*ckin' eh!

Source: www.druide.com/en/reports/i-or-me
  • 2 1
 @yetibikes3: Ding, ding! Exactly. It is not used as a prepositional phrase here.
  • 1 0
 Was not expecting this much attention to the little jab. Kind of a funny place to see a debate on grammar, but it’s pretty cool to learn something on PB beyond “looks like a Session”, “no bottle cage”, Randy, and dentist salaries. Thank you PBers!
  • 1 0

No Colonel Sanders, you're wrong.
  • 1 0

Should be: "Ride it out, together, just like me Jeffsy and myseIf."

Now back to the Yeti forum, Dr. Troll, DDS!
  • 3 0

he flies, he rides, he walken.
  • 2 0
 Looks like modest geometry changes: 76 degree seat angle, 465 mm (L) reach. Head angle and chain stays look the samish. Looking forward to ridding.
  • 2 0
 Someone on a german MTB forum did a scaled layover over the current frame to an image from the video (super nerdy haha). You are correct, maybe 77 STA and possibly slacker HTA with shorter offset fork as well.
  • 4 0
 Did anyone else notice the goat head on the wall?
  • 4 0
 Hats off mr Walken. Next up darth vader.
  • 2 0
 My relationship with Jeffsy was a firework, due to piss poor support. For all the current owners and new buyers, I hope they have that sorted.
  • 4 0
 That was a great video. But I cant get over that name. Jeffsy
  • 5 0
  • 2 0
 I think a number of you missed the constant references to electricity ...........I guarantee there will be an ebike version..... His parting words were Jeffsy and i.....
  • 3 0
 As long as they make a jersey with Walken shooting laser beams out of his eyes then I'm all good with this.
  • 3 1
 I dont get why nowadays a lot of the bike companies teaser their new products, I could not care less. So annoying. Just bring out the new model with specs and pricing.
  • 3 0
 The rumor is the next video will feature Kevin Spacey shredding a jump line in a prison outfit.
  • 2 0
 I just want to know when they are going to know when they are going to partner with Amazon so I can get free two day shipping with Prime. LOL
  • 3 0
 I don't get why YT spends money on advertising. They've already got more customers than bikes
  • 4 0
 the scariest guy in the movie history making a MB video, how cool is that.
  • 1 1
 Based on their US site, the alloy model is the old frame and is the only "new" one in stock. Pretty disappointed that there isn't a redesigned alloy one available and that the actual new one isn't available until May except in some higher end builds.
  • 6 2
 thats pretty cool.
  • 4 2
 Zoom into the last pic, looks like YT may have copied the SWAT sandwich stash
  • 2 0
 As if they didn't hear enough sh!t for omitting a water bottle on the Capra, they've gone and done it to their trail bike!?
  • 3 0
 Seems like there is something going on on the downtube where the water bottle was. There's a black strip and looks like two little holes to screw in a cage. I wouldn't rule out bottle cage yet. I sure do miss one on my Capra though.
  • 2 0
 my guess is a magnet bottle mounting system
  • 2 1
They were selling their "special" water bottle cage for a lot of money, but people figured out that you can use some cheap standard cages.

Maybe YT was thinking..."Shit we must make it impossible for them to not buy OUR cage"

I wouldn't be suprised if it's some magnet YT only use stuff.
  • 3 1
 looks good, I like the low frame, really nice, anyway they could show up with the rest of line up...
  • 2 0
 Half expected to see Christopher start dancing on the ceiling, when he stood up to leave....
  • 3 0
 Not a bad switch from Gwin to Christopher freakin' Walken!
  • 6 2
 YT do media like a boss!
  • 2 1
 now if we could just get room for a proper water bottle
  • 1 1
 @H3RESQ: Frame-mounted water bottles look like ass.
  • 2 0
 Looks like the Jeffsy CF based on the paint. Hope CF Pro will come with Fox Suspensions...
  • 1 0
 It's a little bit stolen from the Cervelo R5 launch video "till the end" - music, emotional story of man and machine...similarities at least...

  • 4 0
  • 2 0
 I'm honestly more interested in Walkens pay from YT for use than I am of Gwins
  • 3 1
 Does that mean that Christopher Walken will e reading these comments? Not sure if I can take the pressure
  • 4 0
 Love it .....
  • 2 0
 Nice to see where the Gwin budget has been spent! ????. Awesome Walken though and the bike looks good!
  • 2 3
 I would have a greater appreciation for YT if they took some of their $$ and gave it back to more responsible endeavors. Joining 1% for the planet would be a good start, ensuring fair labour practices in their suppliers factories, greater environmental sustainability in manufacturing, etc. Like the Patagonia clothing company does.
  • 1 0
 is that what your other bike brands do?

and that's needed to help the all-consuming all-dancing crap of the world Patagonia customers feel better about themselves (TD paraphrase)
  • 1 1
 @WasatchEnduro: what a c*nt comment.
  • 3 0
 That was a cool promo. Totally outside the box.
  • 3 0
 Cool Factor +1 *Achievement Unlocked*
  • 1 0
 some people say the bike shouldn't matter, it should be the riding that you care about. YT has christopher walken try to convince you their bike can be your girlfriend
  • 3 0
 YT raised the bar on this one!
  • 3 0
 My prediction: magnetically mounted water bottle.
  • 3 0
 i get so thirsty when i think about YT's
  • 1 0
 @Christopher Walken So this is the next generation YT was talking about! Seriously, YT couldn't have asked for a better promotion! Wink
  • 2 0
 Damn, can't wait to see Charlize Theron or Jennifer Lawrence in of these Wink
  • 1 0
 @MTBrent: You just transported me, to the part where there is a big party in "The Wolf of Wall Street"
  • 3 0
 I lost all trust in this video when he said we are born alone
  • 1 0
 This! Surprised not more mention of this.
  • 3 0
 I've always loved that man
  • 1 2
 All this hype makes me vomit! Seriously, bike brands stopped with new standards for a while now, looks like they finally get it that people had enough, now we get hype over new bikes that arent really new, delayed releases just to keep people talk about it some more, team rumours and what not. Super secret rumours! Its free commercial. God forbid anyone would know anything until the certain date. Whatever. Its freezing outside but I ll rather go ridin...
  • 2 0
 "Your father gimme the bike, I wore this uncomfortable hunk of carbon up my @ss for two years..."
  • 1 0
 The DOP and director of this commercial should refund his fee. Very poor production. I really like the updated Jeffsy though.
  • 1 0
 This was really uncomfortable to watch. Horrific script saturated with marketing cliches. Even one of the greatest actors of our generation couldn't get it to work.
  • 21 21
 But Why?.......

I scrolled through skipping 10seconds at a time to see if the talking at stopped and the trail riding had started...
  • 3 5
 I'm with you.
  • 2 0
 like a cripple, will alter their size? Great video though
  • 6 0
  • 2 1
  • 2 1
 Christopher Walken was awesome as the voice of King Louie in the live action Jungle Book.
  • 3 1
 So no adrenaline fueled, fast paced adventures anymore, just scars?
  • 2 0
 YT starts a new direct to consumer cinema called Jeffsy!
  • 3 1
 Walken we exspect from the sooo "new" Jeffsy..??
  • 3 1
 ... United States of Haters :-P
  • 3 1
 Script was too long. Amazing commercial / concept though.
  • 2 0
 well that was a different approach
  • 2 0
 My Heart !. Christopher Fucking Walken !. I Dig It.
  • 2 0
 Wow. Walken in a riding ad. Finally riding just became cool ????
  • 2 0
 Epic! The portrait of the goat killed me hahaha
  • 2 0
 I guess it's better than McConnaughey jabbering on about his oldsmobile.
  • 1 0
 Im sure someone else spotted it...….doesn't look like much room for a waterbottle mount
  • 1 0
 AAAAH! I was really looking forward to another trail bike without a bottle cage
  • 2 0
 epic speach...if you own jeffsy you will understand
  • 1 0
 Threaded BB? There is still hope they will get that right this time - loving the change to eagle though
  • 1 0
 Christopher Walken is one of my favs, such a well composed dude. I think YT just got to me.
  • 1 0
 i'd like to see Christopher Walken doing some sick riding on the Jeffsy otherwise I'm not buying.
  • 1 0
 How do you get Christopher Walken to star your ad and not come up with a better claim than this pathetic nonsense?!!!
  • 2 0
 just replace the name with your buds and boom best bestman speech ever.
  • 1 0
 the most cringe worthy thing ive seen! almost fell asleep watching it after a minute!
  • 1 0
 Greatest mountain bike commercial, or really best any commercial in a lonnnnngggggg time! Total winner!
  • 1 0
 Did Walken just walk away?
  • 5 4
 The owner at my LBS swore to me the mark up on bikes were not that high..
  • 2 0
 Needs more Scotch.
  • 2 1
 I noticed their bikes are in stock now.....???? Gwin effect?
  • 6 5
 Now that's an ad campaign.
  • 1 0
 So Christopher - what happened to Natalie?
  • 1 0
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 uh, still has a seat tube brace...
  • 1 1
 thats a thing... and that seat tube is so long. I like my buddy's XL jeffsy but at 6'4" and with a 150mm post that post is buried to the clamp. At 6' I would only be able use a 125mm post at best.
  • 2 0
 @Dudeclimbsrocks: Buried to the clamp? As in, no post showing? I'm 6'5 and have an XL Jeffsy 29 with a 150mm dropper and I have 60-70mm of the post sticking out above the clamp. I could still run a 200mm dropper easily. Unless your buddy has regular sized legs and a massively stretched torso, that doesn't sound right.
  • 1 0
 As long as they knock 30-40mm off the seat tube length at each size then it will be ok. The top tube looks lower than the current Jeffsy but it's hard to tell how much shorter it is.

Agree the current ones are too tall. I ride a size large at 5'10" and couldn't fit a 150mm dropper (shorter legs than average). Had to swap to 125mm and have about 10mm of the post showing. Annoying, would prefer a 150 dropper for steeps.
  • 2 0
 @gramboh: Buy a shorter stack dropper like one up.
  • 1 0
 @gramboh: At the time when this bike came out, the tall seat tube made sense. Almost everyone was riding a 125mm dropper. There were only a few 150mm dropper posts (my KS Lev was the only one available before the Reverb was made available with 150mm and then everyone else followed suit). For anyone riding a L or XL, any shorter of a seat tube and the bike would not be rideable with a 125 or 150mm sticking like 100mm out of the frame. As seat tubes get shorter, droppers get longer, but there still is only one company that makes a 200mm dropper (9point8, I think? Not sure if anyone else is yet). I would bet the seat tube might be a little shorter on this version, but probably not by much. I'm buying a Fox Transfer or Oneup the second they announce a 200mm or longer post.
  • 1 0
 @gbeaks33: The seat tube and standover on the new Jeffsey appears to be much lower than previous models. Also the new frame has some irregular surface features (not sure how else to describe it but look at the head tube photo). This adds a nice aesthetic that they lost from their frames after 2015. Also appears to be kitted with SRAM GX and Rockshox suspension. Could be wrong, I guess.
  • 1 0
 @mountaincross: Looks damn near the same as the last gen one to me.. Seems like not a ton of effort was put in on the actual bike and more so on the ad campaign
  • 1 0
 @bohns1: If the seat tube isn't lower at least on the size L and up, that would be a fail on YT's part.
  • 1 0
 @mountaincross: ya plus with all the love lately for 77d plus seat angles they need to get that right as well..
  • 1 0
 @gbeaks33: That is basically the case hahaha. I have long legs for a 6 footer but still would be unable to use any 150 post on that bike.
  • 3 2
 I don't get it... Cool story bro.
  • 3 3
 Really well done! Don't get the choice to use incorrect grammar "Jeffsey and I"... weird?
  • 1 0
 It's the correct use
  • 1 1
 Now i'm not so sure it is...crap
  • 2 0
 Looks like a Capra
  • 2 0
 That was incredible
  • 2 1
 Aaand - yup, it's sold out. Sorry guys, gotta wait til 2020 now
  • 1 0
 DJ Brant - My money is this is his new sponsor
  • 2 0
 Next level x
  • 1 0
 Biggest news I think is they are offering a frame kit. Finally!!
  • 1 0
 It would be cool if pulled a ring out of his ass
  • 1 1
 Is this a new Movie coming out or just a stupid bike called Jeffsy with internet hype? Oh the connections...
  • 2 1
 Had me at Walken. Lost me at no water bottle
  • 2 0
 Why do you assume there's no water bottle?
  • 1 0
 Nice Baphomet head in the background. ..
  • 1 4
 It's not wise to hire such a character. He and this short movie will outlive this little company called YT. You really doesn't matter compared to such entity. For those who know who he is YT is just a joke of history. A noname company making bikes in China. He on the other hand is the one who transforms your being and your core. One of the greatest actors ever lived. Die already YT. Leave Christopher Walken alone.
  • 1 0
 don't cry, @goroncy... Walken and YT can both coexist in the same multiverse without one diminishing the other.

Walken took a gig doing a bike commercial. No conspiracy. We're all jokes of history. YT gave the consumer what they wanted and my man Walken's been doing that since I was on training wheels.
  • 1 0
 Every MTBer obituary from now on....
  • 1 0
 Looks very similar to the old Intense 951. Loos good.
  • 1 2
 they got me with their first one. Bought a non boost 24mm wobble rim soul sucking pedaling suck machine that I hated. Just got me again.
  • 2 1
 @Buc-Nasty Don't fall for it. You're better than that!
  • 1 0
 Does it come with a cow bell?
  • 2 1
 You know it’s gong to be lame, but you keep watching anyway.
  • 1 0
 Should have used Brett Tippie.
  • 1 2
 It looks really good. The angles look nice on it, but after reading some of the comments about head tubes cracking on YT bikes I'd say I'm a bit turned off.
  • 1 0
 That aint Christopher Walken, that's Christopher Ridin'...
  • 1 1
 f*ck, only one AL option and just the base one, why YT why???? How fast you sold out the AL capra in nice spec?...
  • 1 0
 Jeffsy AL is the same design as prior year, no AL comp in the US
  • 1 0
 Amazing....Now I have to watch it over and over to keep it at 11.....
  • 1 0
 christopher riden. not walken anymore.
  • 1 0
 Really, that was bullshit. Waste of fucken money.
  • 2 0
 i wonder if he shreds.
  • 1 0
 someone has friends in high places... Walken's is awesome!
  • 1 0
 Glad someone in the bike biz has balls still.
  • 1 0
 Yeaaaa, I’m just not sure about that right now...
  • 1 0
 I love the maybe slightly underlining message about friend ship here.
  • 1 0
 Awkward performance. Bad casting. Hyperbolic script
  • 1 0
  • 11 13
 As cool as the guy is why would you get an pensioner in a house to sell your bike over filming someone shred down some awesome trails?! Epic Fail!
  • 5 7
 Maybe YT should stop blowing so much on ads and change their priorities, maybe focus that budget on improving their customer service and stock?
  • 1 0
 Walken, Riding...
  • 1 3
 If I can’t fit a decent water bottle in there (from the brand of my choice) YT won’t get a cent/penny/dim to pay for this nonsense!
  • 2 2
 Just got an actor to read off an autocue. I expected better.
  • 2 2
 Another 29 inch trail bike with FSR Suspension. Cool story bro.
  • 1 0
 frank white
  • 1 1
 Could have been an ad for literally anything. *Insert product at end*
  • 1 1
 is this why their prices jumped up so much in 1 week?
  • 1 1
 YT live uncaged - German for no bottle cage
  • 1 0
 79 degree seat tube?
  • 1 2
 This much money and effort, and almost the whole ad is out of focus though o_O
  • 1 1
 Im sold, I want one! Oh wait, "out of stock".
  • 1 0
 Most Excellent
  • 1 1
 Jeffsy is "OUT NOW" !!! --- Available 5/8/2019.... SMH
  • 1 0
 Shark Jumped.
  • 1 0
 nup, pass.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Mike TYSON!
  • 1 0
 Jeff Bridges please.
  • 1 1
 Looks like a... tracer?
  • 1 1
 Totally about Aaron Gwin
  • 2 4
 I'd love it if Robert de Niro was in the next TY teaser!
  • 6 1
 Morgan Freeman
  • 1 0
 @rrolly: ...or Bela Lugosi. Big Grin
  • 1 0
 Sigourney Weaver can sell anything.
  • 4 7
 I Walkend right into that.
  • 3 6
 No wonder YT couldn't afford Gwin anymore!
  • 2 4
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