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Aaron Gwin’s Race Bike Stolen in Edinburgh

May 28, 2019 at 6:37
by James Smurthwaite  

Aaron Gwin’s race bike was stolen last night as the team were en route to the Fort William World Cup.

The Intense Factory team were stopping over in a hotel near Edinburgh airport last night when the van was broken into and Gwin’s large race bike was stolen. The van was left damaged and the trailer was also targeted but nothing else seems to have been taken. A cash reward has been offered for the bike’s return.

The missing bike pictured in Maribor

bigquotesPlease be on the lookout for Aaron Gwin’s M29 large race bike stolen from team van in Edinburgh last night. Cash reward for return.Intense Factory Racing

Aaron was switching between a large and XL frame in Maribor so hopefully he will still have a frame and enough parts to practice and race with in Fort William this weekend. We’ll update this story when we get more details.

Update 14:00 PST: Team Manager Todd Schumlick says that the team has another Large M29 being built tomorrow for Aaron thanks to Intense UK!

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jamessmurthwaite avatar

Member since Nov 14, 2018
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  • 906 8
 If he can win without a chain does he really need the rest of the bike anyway?
  • 564 7
 He will just run down the hill yelling "BRAP" and win by .03 seconds.
  • 67 3
 When the thief is found they need to send him/her down the course with no brakes and only wearing underwear. If he/she can't get to finish line within 4 minutes then he/she goes to jail. I am sure the injury report would come up for this jerk pretty quickly.
  • 67 3
 They heard there was a prototype non production E13 crank on there...
  • 68 1
 @headshot: hope the thief has strong ankles then.
  • 8 1
 @dobermon: it’ll already be smelted and turned into Irn Bru by now Big Grin sorry
  • 33 2
 @vjunior21: Ride it like you stole it.
  • 2 2
 @vjunior21: best idea of the decade!!!
  • 55 1
 Just so everyone attending the world cup knows there's been bikes thieves operating here in Fort William ahead of the world cup. I've had pals have there bikes nicked or stripped of decent parts in the past 24 hours and cars attempted to be broken into. Be vigilant
  • 1 2
 @headshot: I see what you did there.
  • 2 2
 @vjunior21: Just send him down with the bike as is and if he has a run that would put him in the top 10,he can keep the bike. If not, go to jail.
  • 21 1
 @felimocl: Be vigilante
  • 3 1
 @Matt115lamb: smelted carbon, neat trick. Big Grin
  • 2 0
 @ashlemon: ah the similar two words with different meanings conundrum. That's unless you are wanting me to become a vigilante and go hunting for stolen bikes? Which I'd happily do!
  • 2 0
 @headshot: only one of them.
  • 6 0
 @Matt115lamb: na. It’s now an intensely battered deep fried bike.
  • 8 15
flag heavyp FL (May 28, 2019 at 15:36) (Below Threshold)
 I wonder why one of the most important bikes in the world is stored in a van with windows and not the big safe secure box Intense were towing ? and why was it full built anyways if they only just arrived in the country ?
  • 19 16
 Has not blamed his mechanic yet?
  • 37 2
 @felimocl: Just so everyone knows, if you are in the UK, your bike is not safe anywhere at anytime. As an Englishman who has had countless things stolen before moving to Australia, I can testify that the UK is full of thieving scumbags.
Since being in Australia, the supposed land of the convicts, all my stuff seems to be safe so far. (9 years to date) Pretty safe here in Adelaide anyway.
  • 4 16
flag vjunior21 (May 28, 2019 at 16:16) (Below Threshold)

I am an anarchist
Don't know what I want but I know how to get it
Cos I, I wanna be anarchy!
Anarchy for the U.K. it's coming sometime

Paraphrasing of course. LOL
  • 7 13
flag bigmeatpete420 (May 28, 2019 at 16:20) (Below Threshold)
 Because you know very little. Race bikes are built at the start of the season and live in Europe for the whole season. us race bikes live in the us. It was in the van because that's where it was. Anyone could have stolen it no matter where it was @heavyp:
  • 4 14
flag loopie (May 28, 2019 at 16:40) (Below Threshold)
 If they didn't want it stolen, it wouldn't be stolen. But they felt more like playing the odds I guess...really shitty odds. They lost.
  • 3 4
 On Instagram, Aaron posted a video that said that the trailer and van were broken into, and that the bike was the only thing that was taken. Scottish goons
  • 28 1
 @Mntneer: Nah this happened in Edinburgh, there are no Scottish people in Edinburgh
  • 3 0
 @JiminOz: Totally agree! You wouldn't catch me leaving a bike in the back of a ute in the uk, but in Oz its ok...
  • 7 0
 @chrish: I'd hate to invoke Murphies Law on myself or others, but in Oz, people keep an eye on your bike, notice who owns it and if see people mucking with it, will jump in a sort the bastards out. Plus with limited population it's a lot harder to move stolen equipment without someone IDing it...
  • 8 0
 @freeridejerk888: Yeah pretty hard to steal it out of a hotel room that the rider/ staff are sleeping in. Bike owners have to be sensible and security conscious every minute of every day, thieves only have to be lucky for three minutes. To para phrase a US movie: "If it wasn't for dickheads like this there would be no thievery in the world"!! Total Rookie error.
  • 3 0
 Who lives in Edinburgh now, the Swedish?@HankBizzle:
  • 6 0
 @JiminOz: Yeah it's the murdering, not the thieving you have to watch out for in Radelaide!
  • 1 0
 @headshot: this needs more up-votes
  • 3 0
 @JamesR2026: Normally bodies in barrels not bikes haha
  • 1 0
 @vondur: who do u think?
  • 8 1
 @PocoBoho: I'm surprise nobody blamed John for that broken window. Ford told him it was an old version to throw out !
  • 3 2
 @JiminOz: came here (GB) not long ago but i’m horrified by it, looks to me like nation of thieves
  • 5 6
 @vondur: Edinburgh is 52% American tourists, 37% English students and 26% “others”
  • 1 2
 ah ah ah
  • 2 1
 @tacoma73: that’s the next Minecraft update
  • 2 5
 Hey Bike Industrie. Lets make bikes less expensive, so dumb assholes dont steal them anymore. And we the riders are able to buy more sweet bike tech haha
  • 2 1
 @Mntneer: It could have happend anywhere, don't u think?
  • 6 1
 @JiminOz: Had a bike stolen out of my lounge while I slept upstairs, had gypos from the fayre kick my door open and steal two bikes too. Can confirm, the UK is full of thieving scumbags.
  • 3 0
 @JiminOz: You are dead right!! I am still devasted by the theft of my ibis and a load of other kit, they cleaned out my entire garage. THIS IS ORGANISED AND TARGETED CRIME. These people are organised and not opportunist!!
  • 1 0
 @scottishmark: 52 + 37 + 26 = 115% ?
  • 1 0

They got a lot of people there it sounds like. Lol
  • 1 0
 Going to bite my tongue here, this is a rather dubious comment mate.
  • 1 0
 @mtbikeaddict: It wasn’t a post to be taken seriously ????
  • 1 0
 @scottishmark: Figured not… can I also be silly? Ah, I see, forgot the emoji. Mea culpa. Smile Wink
  • 586 196
 God wanted it this way...
  • 155 459
flag chasejj (May 28, 2019 at 6:43) (Below Threshold)
 You are a douchebag...literally.
  • 317 31
 @chasejj: amusing douchebag though
  • 15 14
 Ha ha...
  • 24 19
 Lol...pure gold bro.
  • 30 20
 @chasejj: .....but he’s not delusional.
  • 33 33
 @wakidesigns spot on!
  • 27 170
flag pinnityafairy (May 28, 2019 at 7:11) (Below Threshold)
 @ WAKIdesigns If God was in charge he would have already put you in the hot seat and you wouldn't be on this site commenting
  • 101 31
 I doubt Gwin's ankle is healthy enough to ride Ft William. The Alex Jones part of my brain says all this Gwin drama is a calculated plot to keep in in the news.
  • 14 43
flag pinnityafairy (May 28, 2019 at 7:16) (Below Threshold)
 @tomo12377: douche nozzle not bag.
  • 83 190
flag 541freeryde (May 28, 2019 at 7:31) (Below Threshold)
 Everyday I dig scroll through miles of comments just to find waki's to give it a thumbs down. Every comment, every day.
  • 132 1
 @foggeloggliod: Instead of scrolling you could use CTRL + F Wink
  • 238 13
 @foggeloggliod: Your life is sad, and Waki controls it.
  • 55 121
flag Garpur44 (May 28, 2019 at 8:01) (Below Threshold)
 @chasejj: not sure why you’re being neg propped. Guy is a tool and about as funny as a malignant tumour
  • 84 2
 @hamncheez: I doubt they broke the window and staged this whole thing just to remain relevant...he’s not Jussie Smollett lol
  • 4 0
  • 25 9
 He almost never mentions this anymore - comment seems unwarranted.
  • 7 10
 @nateisgrate: Comment win for today sir! Big Grin
  • 8 8
 ..part of his "plan"
  • 36 6
 thoughts and prayers. If he really wanted to keep the bike, he wouldn't have dressed like that
  • 16 0
 @nateisgrate: were there any Nigerian bodybuilders in the vicinity though?
  • 2 0
 @chasejj: you forgot the "wow..just wow"
  • 18 8
 God works in mysterious ways
  • 9 2
 @nyhc00: ouch lol. over most ppls heads here. #justice4jessie
  • 8 40
flag suspended-flesh FL (May 28, 2019 at 9:29) (Below Threshold)
 If A 'Job' G turns up with a skin condition next, I might start to think there might be something to this religion thing after all... Naw not really. Then Satan went out from the presence of the LORD and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head......
  • 17 2
 He wants him to ride the XL
  • 131 25
 Aaron, it was just a joke, we love you, we don’t care what you believe in, we hope you get your bike back, that you can race. It’s just another day on Pinkbike

  • 18 3
 @endlessblockades: wtf are you going on about
  • 20 9
He may be a douche- but he's our douche and we love him for it.
  • 34 12
 @CircusMaximus: drinkin’ moonshine and writing. Very dangerous. Can put you in bed with your cousin
  • 7 8
 @WAKIdesigns: do not insult the prophet! XD
  • 3 5
 @WAKIdesigns: too soon, bro, too soon!!!
  • 3 1
 @foggeloggliod: u must be busy then
  • 12 10
 U should get your on TV show or weekly story on pinbike ..the world needs you

U got my vote

  • 18 20
 Don't mock his imaginary friend.
  • 5 1
 Sorry @tomo12377, didn't mean to reply. Went to upvote but my screen jumped unexpectedly. I've been burned by the Wak-meister more than once but still respect his dedication and creative posts, even if most of them are troll-esque.
  • 12 5
 Don’t ever stop Waki. Your comments and minor controversy that you generate always puts a smile on my face or gets a good chuckle.
  • 18 1
  • 7 0
 @gonecoastal: I can not pronounce it any other way.
  • 11 46
flag cheezario FL (May 28, 2019 at 13:19) (Below Threshold)
 F### off Waki. What do you believe in? Seriously, PB moderators, maybe don't ever give this turd any coverage until he learns some tolerance
  • 11 10
 @tremeer023: I rarely intend to burn. You are all my friends. Let’s hug it out. Only that pompous impotent @Keit gets on my nerves
  • 15 4
 Waki, I’m a Christian and I found your comment to be very amusing and funny. Well done.
  • 6 1
 @tomo12377 @WAKIdesigns : new movie name, instead of Beautiful Idiot we have Waki's "Amusing Douchebag" coming out summer 2019
  • 3 0
 The Loam works in mysterious ways
  • 2 2
 @PtDiddy: If you're a Calvinist, then you very much believe God wanted it this way....
  • 1 0
 hahahahaha gold
  • 14 0
 @hamncheez: I’m more of a Calvin and Hobbist.
  • 2 2
 @WAKIdesigns: Hallelujah. Praise Jesus!
  • 2 2
 @WAKIdesigns: Better your cousin than your sister.
  • 3 4
 @Lovro1107: thank you for providing accurate information on how to speed up my thumbs down process! You're the man!
  • 7 2
 As was written on the sacred tablets. "Thoust Sprinter wilst rupture and the holy one's steed shalst rise to the heavens!"
-Masters 27:5
  • 6 0
 Surely his mechanic has a load of parts that were recalled for safety issues hanging around that should be in the bin to make a bike with?
  • 340 5
 Gwins van driver will make a public apology tomorrow
  • 3 0
  • 91 5
 After Gwin throws him under the bus...or van.
  • 27 4
 Could be a bankruptcy trustee collecting assets before Intense's liquidation.
  • 3 2
 @vjunior21: damn, low blow...
  • 4 0
 @vjunior21: Could be true
  • 9 1
 @vjunior21: LOL Gwin's bike just got repo'd.
  • 1 0
 But seriously. That would be social media gold. They should own it and take in those views/likes
  • 241 7
 It was likely done as payback for parking across three spots.
  • 209 0
 I didn't know Brian lopes was gwin's driver
  • 15 2
 Definitely should've put the trailer in one spot, unhooked then parked the van next to it. Trailer would've for sure been there in the morning. lol
  • 4 0
 @zede: this is the best comment. Ha ha.
  • 8 2
 @dobermon: But it not England
  • 22 2
 @dobermon:Scotland is not England.
  • 2 1
 They have a trailer so it's not like it would have fit in one Razz Still, +1
  • 19 1
 @zede I used to think Lopes was a bit of a dick, mostly based on what other people said about him, until I listened to the Vital podcast with him. He's a pretty chill guy and they talk about that parking thing. It was one year at the Downieville Classic and apparently parking is a bitch there. Mark Weir was using his personal vehicle to shuttle random people up so Lopes thought that was rather commendable of him and held a parking spot for Weir.
  • 8 1
 @h82crash: don't worry, I know the story, it's just a joke.
I wouldn't think someone is a dick based just on Pb/vital comments
  • 12 0
 @h82crash: there was an old website called herboldcutthecourse.com, it had a whole page called Brian Lopes is a dick. There was multiple pictures of his van double parked at various events
  • 14 1
 @h82crash: Tbh if anyone judges someone they don't know, based of gossip etc, its pretty clear who the dick is.
  • 8 11
 @shredright: there’s been a very long comment thread where I tried to defend Lopes saying that exact thing but most people came to say that he was a dick.
  • 7 1
 @dagzin: Listen Doctor Who, the map is however 'Murica draws it!
  • 6 3
 @shredright I didn't base my opinion on one or two comments about Lopes, it was after hearing years of neg stories, and there's likely some truth in them. Are you telling me you've never formed a bad opinion of someone you've never met? You basically just called me a dick and you've never met me - that makes a you a better person how?
  • 2 4
 @h82crash: Most of the time, yep. Judgemental people are idiots. Just sayin!
  • 16 1
 @shredright: Do you even realize the irony of this statement? Just sayin?
  • 1 7
flag shredright (May 28, 2019 at 13:57) (Below Threshold)
 @ashlemon: You're just being pedantic, and haven't thought that through enough. See ya!
  • 3 2
 @shredright And you're not being judgemental? Nobody likes a hypocrite.
  • 1 5
flag shredright (May 28, 2019 at 14:52) (Below Threshold)
 @h82crash: Nope. Thef*ckyoutalkinabout?!
  • 3 1
 The driver said he was going to take the bike out of the van, but didn't want to get dirty because he was down to his last set of clean clothes.
  • 5 2
 @h82crash: I don't think Lopes is bad person, but he's a hero to a lot of people. When you meet your hero and they don't treat you well, you remember it. You probably share the story with others 'cause it's more of a story then hey I met ****** and he was a cool guy. Lopes has definitely had plenty of Diva moments over the years so he's got a bit of a bad rep. Still one of the best bikers of his generation and his fitness was simply nutty.
  • 1 1
 Good observation and sizzling burn!
  • 118 6
 Must've put 3-year old locks on the van they had kickin' around the shop.
  • 29 1
 Nah they were 3 year old windows.
  • 20 2
 Oh don't use those. They're defective if you're going to depend on them, but if you're just any ol' rider they're 1000% safe to use.
  • 1 0
 @rezrov: I take it you got the same message I did.
  • 10 0
 Nah Intense UK supplied a 3 year old van that didn't have the latest safety features despite Ford telling them to leave the old model in the garage and start using the latest model immediately, Intense UK will be doing a Q&A on Pinkbike tomorrow with Gwin, acknowledging their fault.
  • 109 3
 Who's bright idea was it to leave it in a van with 'Intense Factory Racing' plastered all over it overnight, ffs people wise up it was a walking advert to all the thieving scallys to take a look!
  • 3 2
 I thought same. Underground parking anyone?
  • 15 0
 This is actually a really interesting point. My dad always refused to allow us to put stickers on our (clapped out) camper when I was a kid for this reason.

However, at this level it's expected and makes a big difference to your presence in the pits. Which is important if you want to sell bikes. I guess the fix is a) better security, whether that's in the form of a better truck (a 5 year old transit isn't exactly the most secure vehicle vs the truck YT/Spesh/Canyon have).

Shitty deal, but you have to have your brand on it I guess.
  • 36 0
 @jamesdunford: or you just don't leave the bike inside overnight Smile simple, efficace!
  • 40 3
 @jamesdunford: Yeah, that means that they should have brought the bikes into their rooms with them, like anyone else with a brain would have done.
  • 8 0
 @jamesdunford: I get the need for the cool stickered up truck for branding purposes but a simple solution would be to not keep the most valuable things in that truck. Bring that one along but also bring an unmarked van to carry the bikes or other very valuable items in.
  • 9 2
 Well, how else would you expect the team to advertise sponsors - pretty much every single sport of this kind does the same, cycling, motorsport, etc etc. As for taking the bike into the hotel, maybe, but some hotels wont allow bikes in the room so there another problem. Pretty sad state of affairs that not only do we blame the victim for the actual crime but that in the future teams will have to go to elaborate means to keep bikes safe.
  • 16 0
 It does seem to be a surprisingly regular thing, race teams getting bikes robbed from vans, or distributors. Not being funny but when I held up the hot end of mid pack senior category at the Pearce series I used to bring the bike into the hotel room with me on a night, rather than leave it in the car park. It takes like 2 mins to take the wheels off a bike and just bring the frame in!

I don’t get the logic here of leaving a £15k race bike in a stickered up van in a car park
  • 5 0
 @justanotherusername: There is a difference between victim blaming and pointing out the carelessness of leaving the bikes in a truck with what is essentially a big sign advertising what valuable items are in the truck.
  • 11 0
 NEVER leave your bike in a vehicle overnight. EVER. it's like the number one rule. I learnt that one the hard way. Thieving cunts don't care if you're a world cup champion.
  • 48 0
 Or if your bike has 26" wheels, you can just leave it leaning on a nearby park bench. A would be thief won't bother to carry it, since its obviously unrideable.
  • 9 0
 @jackalope: they'd be a fool to try and ride it.. In case the wheels break and its impossible to find replacements
  • 9 1

Right? The real security question is could you trick thieves by putting 26" wheels on your big wheeled bike when you don't won't to mess with actually securing it? Basically, it would create a whole new market for 26" wheels and be sold as a "system" using "unrideable technology".

I mean if you rolled a 26" wheeled bike into a pawn shop, you're likely to get beat up.
  • 59 1
 @jackalope: I've got a 26in hardtail, people throw change at me when I stop.
  • 2 0

Well then you sleep in the van. I don’t mean to be a dick but leaving bikes in a van with advertising wrap on it like that, this is what you can expect to happen. Thieves will break into a plain white van just to see what’s inside, when they saw this thing I’m sure it got their full attention.
  • 6 0

Or maybe maybe live in the van...down, ya know, by a river.
  • 1 0
 agreed, I know that they want to get the most bang for their buck on getting the Intense name out there, but if you're going to keep expensive stuff in your van, maybe just have a matte black van with nothing on the sides as your stash-van and the blinged out one just for PR.
  • 2 0
 Agreed. It's laughable. Honestly, in 2019 people still do these things. Why?

There are sh1tty people everywhere just looking for a quick score, and those who seemingly serve it to them on a platter.
  • 1 1
 @dualsuspensiondave: Do you check the stolen section of the forum?
  • 20 3
 Bikes get stolen from warehouses, garages, hotels, cars, bike racks, boats... and it all sucks. They had the bike in a locked vehicle and it was stolen. Sh%& happens. I'm assuming there are times when everyone has left a bike somewhere that could have had a more secure alternative. Rather than designing doomsday bunkers for bikes- lets just agree that it sucks to lose a bike- Aaron I'm sorry for the loss and the impact it may have on your racing- and blame it on the thieves who are the selfish a*sholes here. Let the victims learn from their mistakes without the unnecessary social scorn. They lost a bike- if the f'd up they probably are well aware of that at this point. They didn't get a bike stolen because they left it out- they got a bike stolen because some dick took it.
  • 2 0
 @sino428: totally agree would also add that if you can't/are too lazy to bring your bike in with you they make an amazing product called a lock some of them are so nice they give you money if it ever gets cut.
  • 2 0
 @jamesdunford: do these more advanced modern trucks have windows made of some material other than glass?

I would personally not stay at a hotel that didn't allow bikes in the room, if I had my bike. Even leaving it outside on the car roof when I'm in the motorway services gives me the sweats. I always eat my burger king in eyeshot of the bike, ready to jump up and run out if someone tries to half-inch it. I've also post a bike from the roof rack before. Never again I hope.
  • 2 0
 @jaame: same on all those protective measures. I live in San Francisco though where anything left out long enough will be stolen, so I have a different perspective than a guy from San Clemente.
  • 5 0
 having stickers in your van does not mean someone has the right to open it...this country is fuck, end of the story..
  • 2 0
 @oskimtb: of course not, no one has a right to take anyone else’s things. But... there are certain levels of basic precautions you should take. If you leave your car unlocked with the keys in it that doesn’t mean someone has the right to take it. But it’s def going to increase the risk that someone does right? It’s always the fault of the theif, but risks can be reduced.
  • 5 1
 That's the kind of victim shaming that's going around lately, it's bad. You should be able to leave your bike out, unlocked and still be there in the morning. No one has the right to take what's yours.
  • 5 0
 @jackalope: I just leave mine upside down. No one wants an upside down bike!
  • 1 1

Welcome to the real world. It's not victim shaming, it's reality. If you leave your bike out, unlocked you can't expect it to still be there in the morning.
  • 2 0
 @rglasser: Just put 26" wheels on it. Who the hell wants that sh1t? Best anti theft ever!
  • 88 4
 If you don't find this bike, be sure not to put "3-year-old" cranks on the new build.
  • 2 0
 Lol.....I thought the same thing!
  • 21 5
 Carbon spoils after two years. Everyone knows that.
  • 10 12
 Too soon!
  • 80 0
 For Sale: Intense M29 never raced or crashed ridden by my wife for 2 months
  • 174 1
 Brand new cranks
  • 13 5
 @nsteele: winning comment of the whole week
  • 3 1
 Shots fired!!
  • 2 0
 To big for me. Damn.
  • 73 1
 Apparently the thieves are systematically going around stealing high end DH bikes in order of size, they are still believed to be at Large.
  • 5 2
 Slow fucking clap
  • 75 5
 There's a special place in hell for bike thieves.
  • 16 1
 So they all get their own place and get to hang out together....?
  • 6 3
 Sorry I hate theives as much as you but they should have some sort of tracking on that shit. Sherlock ftw.
  • 32 18
 Yeah next to your president's seat haha Smile
  • 9 1
 @kubaner: They're all forced to ride e13 carbon cranks until their ankles break.
  • 5 13
flag commentsectiontroll (May 28, 2019 at 8:22) (Below Threshold)
 There is a special place in the stupid prison for people who leave that much bike in a stickered van in a car park. And I doubt it with AGs call
  • 61 0
 Should we bring the factory race bike inside?

Nah, just leave it in the flashy factory team van.
  • 6 2
 The stupidity of this almost overpowers my anger for the theft. Arguably the most important bike, heading to the 2nd most important race (WC is #1), cruciall to the highest paid rider... "Meh, we'll just leave it in the van covered in flashy stickers." What the F were they thinking?!?! That bike shouldn't have left their sight for one second! This is either fake news, or there are several complete idiots getting paid by Intense.
  • 66 5
 It was Edinburgh, I'm surprised they left the van behind.
  • 34 0
 Carbon footprint acitivists went too far this time.
  • 26 0
 Live in Edinburgh, have had bikes stolen. It’s a huge problem here and the police could not care less from my experience.

Appreciate it doesn’t usually result in direct harm to an individual but the associated financial losses are significant.

Hope the bike is found and karma catches up with the individuals involved. That said leaving the bike overnight in a van covered in branding probably wasn’t the smartest decision.

Will keep an eye out.
  • 18 1
 Edinburgh is a joke. It has one of the highest rates of motorbike and bicycle theft in the UK and yet the police seem to be powerless to do anything about it. Two well known bike thieves went to jail last year and motorbike theft went down by 60%!!

The younger kids do the scouting or the quick steals like this one, and the adults come back later and do the bigger jobs like garages and sheds. The police know who it is but can't do anything about it.
  • 34 48
flag humoroususername (May 28, 2019 at 8:09) (Below Threshold)
 @andrewgbarlow: Am I alone in wondering why we make so much fun of Americans for their gun culture on this side of the Atlantic? If you exclude the gang problems they have it seems like a much safer society. Like they definitely seem to have less casual thievery and burglaries over there and I'd imagine that the threat of getting shot plays a big part in that. Also, I like the idea that you can actually defend your property without the risk of getting sued for injuring a burglar as happens here on occasion. I honestly don't see why someone who is trying to burglarize your home or possessions shouldn't expect to be shot at.

I say this as someone who knows that if I found a thief in my home the response time of the police is likely to be well over 30 mins and even then they will be unarmed police. We are pretty much defenseless over here.
  • 54 17
 This is a sound argument if you disregard the thousands of gun killings us Americans endure each year.
  • 32 11
 @humoroususername: Yes, you're alone. I don't think there are too many things worth killing for. Nicking tv's isn't one of them.
  • 4 2
 @andrewgbarlow: I was under the impression Edinburgh was a decent safe city, obviously I’m wrong, shame.
Maybe Scotland should go independent and help bring down our crime rate and we’d get Brexit for better or worse !
Joking obviously.
  • 12 2
 @humoroususername: I wish that were true. Property crime and theft are not taken seriously here either. I work for a university and students are routinely robbed often at gun point because thieves know that guns aren't allowed on campus and the students will give up their phones, cars, etc. without a fight. The school will then send out an email summary of the event with completely useless description of the assailant(s) (two human shaped blobs wearing blue jeans and hoody) because they are so PC they don't want an angry mob of whining students. I guess we are supposed to report every human shaped blob wearing jeans and a hoody.
  • 24 2
 @humoroususername: explain me how having a gun is gonna help you preventing thieves from stealing a bike in a van parked outside while you sleep.
  • 19 4
 @humoroususername: "Like they definitely seem to have less casual thievery and burglaries over there"

What exactly is this based on? Even if you just read this site, let alone the follow the actual newspapers here in the US you would know none of that is true.




Also, most states's laws here in the US do not allow you to simply shoot someone who might be stealing your bike. Like i said the laws differ but most of the time you have to be in some kind of life threatening danger. You can't simply go out and open fire on someone breaking into your car or shed. Anyone who did that would be charged with murder.
  • 20 8
 @sino428: I've lived in the states a couple of times and I felt overwhelmingly more safe in middle class areas of the USA than i ever would in the UK or Ireland. There still seem to be very large parts of the USA where locals feel free to keep their houses completely unlocked. I remember staying with cousins in New York state who never locked their house and had no alarm. That's pretty unthinkable over here nowadays. All those examples you gave are in California, doesn't california have some of the most restrictive gun laws in the US, amongst the lowest gun ownership rates and the largest gang problems? I'm not saying that negates your point but it certainly doesnt prove anything. I know this is a complicated issue but I know if I was a thief I would absolutely think twice before going into someones home if I thought they had a gun inside.
  • 20 12
 @Bob-Agg: Yeah, you see I disagree there. I think breaking into someones home in the middle of the night is something that some people deserve to get shot for. How many times does it happen that some scumbag enters an elderly persons home and beats them to a pulp to get their life savings? Very regularly is the answer. People who break into peoples houses "just" to steal TVs are usually capable of much more violent crime as well. f*ck anyone who enters someones home to take stuff. They end up harming the victims far more often than the other way around so if a few of them get shot every so often then so be it.
  • 16 7
 @chelsearockefeller: Statistics? This isn't anywhere near accurate. "Thousands of killings" are done by drivers using cars - which ironically, is also a machine designed to convert a small amount of chemical energy into a "lethal dose" of kinetic energy.

A tool is a tool, and it can do as much bad or as good as the user wants. A car lets you kill 10 people easier than a firearm.
  • 9 5
 @humoroususername: We should also disregard mass shootings and school shootings while we're at it. Love the US but be glad you don't live in a society where anyone can handle a firearm.
  • 6 2
 @sino428: texas disagrees. not too long ago an old guy shot and killed a couple burglars running down the street after they robbed his neighbor while he was still talking to the 911 operator who told him to wait for the cops. he's a local hero.

Also, charged with murder/manslaughter and convicted are not the same. I would bet that a jury of my peers wouldn't convict if i shot someone on my property in the process of committing a crime.
  • 7 7
 The UK police aren't allowed to do anything because every f*cker they arrest is allowed to sue them for some BS reason... We've all been screaming for Human rights for the past few decades and this is the consequence: All the f*ckwits also get these rights too.
  • 11 3
 @humoroususername: Dude, in a society where guns are easy to access, the people breaking in often have them as well. It doesn't make you any safer.

And the lack of theft in those specific places you mentioned is more related to how rural/small town those areas are.
  • 5 1
 @Bob-Agg: I agree in theory, but there's no guarantee a thief isn't going to also hurt you or your family, so I think getting shot and killed should be part of the game when you choose to rob people.

The problem is societal and the solution needs to be along the lines of elimination of poverty and fair distribution of wealth, but if an intruder enters an inhabited home he's risking death and I have little sympathy if they are killed.
  • 4 3

This is the top search result on google, also most car “accidents” are accidental, the same cannot be said for most gun deaths.
  • 1 0
 @sk133872: Thats why I said "most" states.
  • 6 3
 @humoroususername: I agree that there are parts of the country where people do feel very safe and may even leave their doors open. But it has nothing to do with gun ownership or people being scared of being shot.
  • 7 4
 @humoroususername: "How many times does it happen that some scumbag enters an elderly persons home and beats them to a pulp to get their life savings"

WTF? Elderly people are being beaten to a pulp on a regular basis? And what do you think Elderly people don't use banks? They keep their life savings in cash in the house?

Also, most burglaries occur during the day when no one is home, not in the middle of the night. Most of these people are not stupid. If they want your shit they aren't going to go in while you are there, risk getting sceen, etc.
  • 27 9
 @chelsearockefeller: statistics are meaningless without context. www.quora.com/If-you-take-gang-violence-out-of-gun-statistics-does-the-USA-gun-homicide-rate-look-similar-to-other-G20-countries

65% of those 40,000 are suicide, 15% are police killings (us police can be a bit trigger happy but most of these are considered lawful), 3% are accidental and 17% are actual gun violence and the vast majority of that is gang related. And of that 17% the numbers are clustered in a handful of cities (25% happen in 4 cities alone). Now to me that sounds like the average US citizen is never likely to encounter gun crime in their lives. And having lived in a good few countries I can say that America felt far safer and appears to have much lower levels of petty crime than any other western country I've been in. Walk around Paris, Rome, Barcelona or any of these cities as a tourist and you are very likely to encounter pickpockets. I've never experienced that in the US. America has its flaws but it's definitely got some things right and the right to defend yourself and your property is one of those.
  • 3 0
 @andrewgbarlow: Similar story here in Canada. In Toronto there was this guy named Igor Kenk. The bike community was well aware of him and the police knew about him for years and did nothing. Public outcry eventually forced the police to do something. They found multiple storage locations around the city full of thousands of stolen bikes and parts.
  • 2 0
 Gwin's bike getting stolen (hopefully in the media there) should be the catalyst for the politicians to do something. You might call or write them and mention how bad this makes Edinburgh look.
  • 8 8
 @humoroususername: I don’t get my context from quora and in what reality is a cop murdering someone not considered violence? Also I do know a fair bit about gun violence personally. In my experience I know a total psycho who murdered 2 old people in their home, also 2 friends of mine where murdered in a stick up. I live in the US and I don’t mean anything political when I say this but guns are dangerous and the ability to kill another citizen doesn’t add anything positive to our society.
  • 7 5
 @humoroususername: LOL.. sure dude. More like: if you are tourist in those places and the WORST you'll likely encounter is a pick pocket. Tell me - have you ever had a gun pulled on you or brandished? Cause that happens here and ain't so fun. Losing $50 to a pickpocket ain't such a big deal compared to the potential death and injury that happens when having fire arms escalate matters.. and fast.
  • 8 7
 @usmma2013: If you need to identify the tool, look for the NRA stickers.
  • 4 3
 @CarlMega: I just read a news story about a 2 guys tailgating each other in the next town over and they both got out of their cars with guns. Lucky there wasn’t a shootout, and over what?
  • 8 5
 @jayacheess: did you just say that if you’re facing a criminal with a gun that having your own gun wouldn’t make you any safer?

Regardless of politics, being an unarmed victim is probably not fun. Ask the sheep how they feel....
  • 8 13
flag humoroususername (May 28, 2019 at 12:50) (Below Threshold)
 @chelsearockefeller: you don't get your context from answers on quota which cite verifiable statistics from reliable sources but you entirely trust editorialised articles from the NY Times which cite no stats? Cool, your so academic. And in this actual reality, a cop "murdering" someone who is waving a gun at them is not considered murder but a lawful killing. The vast majority of people killed by cops in the USA have done something to aggravate the situation. US police are pretty trigger happy but despite all the media hype most of those killings are justified.

@CarlMega: lots of people get held at knife point in all of the cities I listed. A knife is often even more lethal than a gun when it's in range as the wound it would leave is far bigger and if you are robbing tourists you are very likely to have them within your range as they will have their guard down. I've never once in my life heard of a friend or family member being held at gun point while on holiday in the USA. Having a gun brandished at you in the us is incredibly rare unless you go into a very bad neighborhood. It's not South Africa I'm pretty sure you know this.

Almost every girl I know who has been in Barcelona or Rome has been pickpocketed on the street or had all of their valuables stolen from a hostel. It's rampant over there. The whingey segment of American society really don't realise how lucky they are and have this utopian picture of other countries that doesn't exist.
  • 7 12
flag chelsearockefeller (May 28, 2019 at 12:57) (Below Threshold)
 @humoroususername: you claim to know about a foreign police force based on what? You ask for context and you say no middle class Americans know victims of gun violence and yet here I am. You aren’t very smart and I’m glad that the only guns you can get are in your dreams.
  • 7 6
 @humoroususername: also i never said your country is some utopia, I’m sure it sucks for reasons all it’s own.
  • 2 0
 The police budgets have been cut and have stated “they will not investigate push bike thefts”, it’s a British problem not just Edinburgh !
  • 3 1
 @Bob-Agg: you’d be correct if I kept my TV on my front porch, but I like to watch TV in my house with my wife and kids.
  • 3 2
 @jayacheess: it evens out the playing field though. I’d rather die getting off a few rounds then curled up in a corner.
  • 2 1
 Wow, every other country sounds so effed up.
  • 3 6
 @humoroususername: gun crime at police stations is super rare i would imagine and also at gun stores and gun shows. Maybe because everyone at these types of places is armed?
  • 2 0
 @sino428: if I'm not home I cant shot them
  • 1 0
 @bikeetc: you the Sundance kid ?
  • 13 7
 @humoroususername: ok dude. Except - I've visited the places you cite and many more in Europe...and I live here in the US now. My experience is polar opposite of what you claim. What you think you know about guns in the US is...rubbish. simple things do rise to violence and threats - first hand. It is not "incredibly rare": from traffic incidents, to robbery, to neighborhood arguments to mass killings - luckily I've avoided witnessing mass killings but I lived in several areas that had school shootings here in CO. The traffic and other petty squables - yeah, been there. But I'm sure you know more from 2K mi away. The gun trolls are out down voting... whatever.
  • 6 5
 @Matt115lamb: ha ha. No just a guy that dosn’t want to be a helpless victim and exercising my rights to protect my family. Nothing more.
  • 5 5
 @chelsearockefeller: Not sure how protecting my family from an intruder makes me Dirty Harry? I’m game, please explain.
  • 8 1
 @bikeetc: because you are living in an action movie if guns make you safe. I don’t care, I hang out with a bunch of gun nuts, but to say that having a bunch of guns around makes people safe is preposterous. One time years ago a bike was stolen from my basement, I don’t think that killing the intruder would have made anyone any safer. Guns sure are fun to shoot though.
  • 3 3
 @chelsearockefeller: a gun might make you more safe if someone was, oh I don’t know, shooting at you with a gun?

Not trying to start a debate or get political because I don’t want to. Just pointing out something obvious.
  • 4 3
 @chelsearockefeller: living in an action movie because I own a gun? Kind of a stretch my friend. Glad that intruder didn’t want anything else, or you didn’t surprise him and back him into a corner. Might of had a different outcome, the intruder possibly being armed and you standing there with only a flash light. You my friend might be living in a Hallmark movie.
  • 3 5
 @chelsearockefeller: I also own a fire extinguisher in case of a fire.
  • 10 2
 @bikeetc: Do you carry your fire extinguisher around with you daily? Do you talk about it with your friends on a daily basis? Do you go out and shoot it off every weekend just for "practice"? I am actually pretty pro 2nd amendment myself but this fetishization of firearms isn't really making the world safer. I partake in owning firearms myself but the idea that brandishing one daily is really a good idea for the average citizen is as archaic as the wild west. I also dont see how the continued lowering of the requirements for concealed carry really serve public safety either. Eventually most people get careless with the tools they own and with the old adage that "every problem looks like a nail if you have a hammer" comes around and the people that will use their gun in a road rage incident or a civil property dispute or in an argument is ever increasing because the fetishization of firearms is rampant.
  • 4 2
 @humoroususername: I live in Texas. Theft is a small thing. Deadly force at night is authorized to retrieve property and you'll be immune from civil suits. I'll lock my doors at night and have motion sensing alarm systems, but these things are cheap and easy to do and I've never needed them really. I also have a KAC AR15 with suppressor and Gen 3 night vision, a pretty average rig around here. I know a suburban house wife that has a nicer gun than mine.
  • 2 2
 @matjtom90: nope, I keep it at home. Don’t brandish it and only brought it up in response to some asinine comments made. I just don’t see how my comments of owning a fire arm legally to protect my family in my home is out of line. Might want to actually read my comments before making your funny comments. Taking away peoples rights is another discussion.
  • 6 0
 @TypicalCanadian: being able to shoot back doesn’t make you more safe. It just makes the other guy less so.
  • 8 5
 @JohanG: And this is whats wrong with your country. Have fun down there. As robin williams once said 'you guys (canada) are like a really nice apartment above a meth lab'
  • 3 0
 @sk133872: but you’d still be a murderer and have that on your conscience !
  • 2 3
 @timbud: that’s because the also human you plank !
  • 4 0
 @DangerDavez: Only law abiding citizens can handle and own firearms. Criminals cannot. Wink And agreed!
  • 2 1
 @Matt115lamb: that was my point kiddo.
  • 3 1
 @paulclarke: because we don’t have any meth in BC right?. Shut the f*ck up dude, don’t act like our country is all perfect hahaha
  • 6 2
 @humoroususername: citing the quora article just shows your lack of intelligence.

Not only the stats of pretty much every comments are wrong but they are also terribly skewed.

"Let's remove the gang related gun violence from US stats and compare with other countries including their gang related gun violence" genius, really.

"Let's remove the suicides from US stats, but not from the stats of other countries" genius again.

"Let's consider that a drug user dying from an OD is exactly equivalent to a guy that gets shot by a crazy guy that bought legally a gun" oh you're really a smart guy aren't you ?

Guess what, I would rather have some gypsy stealing my wallet in Paris without me noticing than being held at gunpoint by some random guy "should be in psychiatric hospital but US health system blows and we let them buy guns because business matters more than life" in US with the risk he decides to press the trigger.
  • 12 0
 I've always followed the gun control debate with interest. I used to be firmly in the 'no guns' debate but I'm now less swayed. I think guns are demonised here when the real problem is the person holding it, and there are lots of people out there who are responsible who would be punished. The problem in America, as I see it, is that there's now too many guns to change things significantly.

My thoughts -
The argument that a gun is just a tool is a good one - it is and the decision to use it and how ultimately falls to the holder. However, not every owner is responsible and it is easy for criminals and irresponsible people to get hold of them. Perhaps I'll be educated here but, taking school shootings into consideration (where there is no argument that the shooter was right) the us has a lot of them. In the uk we had one in the mid 80's which resulted in increased gun controls and we've not had another. I feel it reasonable for me to suffer additional controls to safeguard people - not owning a gun is something I am happy with. The argument that you need a gun to defend yourself from a gun works both ways - for the criminal and the person who is being wronged - so that seems a flawed argument to me. Additionally holding a gun changes your psychological outlook - you feel more powerful and are more likely to use it. Again that works both ways. More funds means more people hurt, sometimes seriously, and I would guess that 50% of the time the person hurt is the criminal and 50% the innocent party. Isn't there statistics to say a significant proportion of cops in the US are shot with their own weapons?

Here in the uk you can own a gun. Shotguns are most common, and you also have some sporting pistols and the like. This is strictly regulated. Some get into criminal hands, or others are smuggled into the country. We do have shootings and we do have a problem with their use. However this is mainly confined to criminals using them against each other and rarely touches the general public beyond covering the medical bills for the person shot. I struggle to justify any violence of this nature but this is better than innocent people getting hurt. The reason we have comparitively few shootings is because of strict gun controls.
We can also lawfully defend ourselves from attack - in the last year a guy killed a burglar and it made national news. He didn't get prosecuted. However, the guys live has still been ruined, having to live with killing someone and moving house for fear of repercussions. It's very easy to trivialise killing someone, but it is not something we are used to in civilised society and it is impactive in ways you'd never consider.

Guns do cause harm and this is not confined to the US - that mountain bike got shot in France and killed by a hunter recently, Pinkbike will show clips of people being shot at whilst in the Canadian wilderness, people will be held up at gunpoint in a Robert of their bike in South Africa, etc. Some of this is irresponsible and wouldn't have happened without the gun. The criminal stuff may have happened without the gun regardless, but I'd rather try and escape a knife than a gun.

So overall I think that, in a perfect world, it would be absolutely correct for anyone who wanted a gun to have one, but we don't live in a perfect world and real people get hurt. In a balance of what is more important to me, the right to bear arms is less important that the risk that people get hurt.
  • 5 0
 @sino428: yes, elderly people are regularly badly beaten for their money in the UK. it's a sad state of affairs where crimes like this seem to be minimally punished. don't forget that their life savings may not be a lot and if you aren't particularly mobile getting to a bank or cash machine might not be easy.

Burglaries here seem to mostly happen on a night, i think their have been three attempted break ins on my estate now (which is a nice one in a nice area) all seemingly to steal reasonably high end German cars. someone also tried my front door at about 8pm whilst my girlfriend was home alone. Someone on the estate recently had their garage broken into overnight and their bikes stolen. Thieves aren't scared of breaking into your house whilst you are there. Police recommend leaving your car keys half way up the stairs as if someone breaks in and will risk coming half way up, they will most likely be happy to come into your room and threaten you at knife point for them.
  • 2 9
flag JohanG (May 29, 2019 at 5:09) (Below Threshold)
 @paulclarke: Mainly whats wrong with my country are the minority groups committing the crimes. But I see your country is importing thousands of them. Enjoy that.
  • 3 5
 @zede: yes zede...you are super clever and have shown me the light. I really never knew that information could be presented and interpreted in different ways before.

you do realise everything you have said up there is a complete straw man argument designed to avoid the points I riased. You'll notice that I'm not the one that has spoken in absolutes once in this debate. You and your other halfwit buddy up are the ones who have things like "you can't even understand stats" and "well this stat shows X which proves beyond argument that guns are bad with no exceptions".

Your both just throwing your opinions around as facts and behaving like morons. I can't believe you actually believe you would be getting the upper hand on me or anyone with this tactic. The only people you are appealling by insulting your opponent and talking in absolutes are people who already agree with you. I'm pretty confident most people on this forum can see that is your debate style and that you aren't actually making many decent points. But please continue telling me how much of a "stupid guy" I am.

That last paragraph is hilarious and incredibly out of touch with reality. I'd imagine the odds of being pickpocketed in Paris near the Eiffel tower are probably something like 1 in 50 or 1 in 200. I'd guess that the odds of being held at gun point by a junkie in Time Square are something like 1 in 10,000 or more. If you would actually prefer accept those odds in Paris then you really are a paranoid fool who is out of touch with reality and doesn't understand probability. Kind of like people who won't go to Paris because they are afraid they wil be killed in a terrorist attack. Ludicrously paranoid about something that is incredibly rare.
  • 6 2
 @JohanG: wow. Racism. Yet another thing. This is getting easy for me.
  • 2 0
 @slimboyjim: excellent writing, thanks
  • 3 1
 @TypicalCanadian: im not. Just saying their countries more f*cked up x 100.
  • 3 0
 @bishopsmike: Auto correct messed up bits, but thanks! Unfortunately people are people, and some are dicks who ruin it for everyone else...
  • 1 3
 @paulclarke: well as a shitty photographer you’re clearly an expert on living conditions in countries other than your own. Thanks for making us look like pompous douches bud haha
  • 1 4
 @paulclarke: Facts are facts. But stick to your name calling. Your country is essentially importing crime while deluding itself with thoughts of some moral victory. I will laugh heartily at your violent streets in the near future.
  • 1 0

They need to GPS track decoy bikes. I am sure the thieves prep for this in some experinced rings, but there is a window of time when it is traceable.

It worked a few years back when bikes were getting stolen up at a big event in the US or Canada I believe. Chased down a van on the highway and caught some people.
  • 5 3
 @Matt115lamb: I would feel a 100 times worse if my family was murdered and I could not do anything to defend them and protect them. I own a gun because I love my family and will do anything it takes to protect them and keep them safe. That's my job as a father and a husband.
  • 3 2
 @slimboyjim: nicely written but what caught me most is "at knife point"
You can take one weapon away and a different one will pop up.
Not the weapon but the person
  • 3 0
 @brncr6: however an AR whatever with a bump stock can do more harm than a kitchen knife ! Can you guys not just have one pistol per household for self defence then to preserve your manly duties , then all other weapons to be keep at the range ! As for hunting , I don’t know !
  • 4 1
 @brncr6: As above I agree - there will always be idiots out there who will arm themselves in some way or another.

I still stand by my opinion that people having guns will increase the chances that they'll be used. I believe guns run a higher risk of innocent people being hurt - it's one thing to stab someone and another to shoot from range, and even a trained person (which most shooters over here are not) will suffer the consequences of panic/fatigue/adrenaline/etc.
Clearly I'd not want to be faced by either a knife or gun - both are deadly weapons - but I'd fancy my chances of escape against a knife as higher (you just need to be able to run faster, which you can't say about a gun)... Please don't think I'm diminishing the effects of knives though - we've a problem with those over here for sure!

I would like a world where responsible people could own guns for hunting / sports / etc. but sadly I don't think that is possible in the world we live in. The main reason to own a gun seems to be protection from other armed people - the gun controls here have meant that that argument is far less valid to me. If I lived in the US I may feel very differently about owning a gun (perhaps I may even consider it as much as I don't like the idea - the threat is different) . I believe I wouldn't own a gun but I'm not in that position and won't judge people in different circumstances by my own. I will say that I'm glad to be in a position where the threat of facing a firearm is so far removed to be inconsequential to my daily life because of the controls that are in place.

I think most countries could do more to help those who are prone to using violence and removing the causes though!
  • 2 2
 @humoroususername: more bs stats. So smart.
  • 1 1
 @slimboyjim: if some one is out to harm someone it will not matter weather they have a gun or a knife.
Watching the news they use bombs cars bats what ever they can get there hands on. My dad was a hand to hand combat instructor in the military and he will tell ya the most feared combat is hand to hand. Your in a knife fight your gonna get cut.
I do agree with most all of what you said. But still some one wants to do harm they are going to it regardless of what weapon choice they have.
  • 4 2
 @humoroususername: If you live in a place where you feel that you need to be armed to be safe you are living in the wrong place.

Listening to people like you try to justify your positions is laughable.

I am a firearm owner. I own long/shot guns and pistols. They are for sport, not self defence. If I'm not on the range or in the field they sit in the safe. It's 2019 not 1889 wild west.
  • 3 4
 @m1dg3t: shit, I thought cops used guns for self defense. Turns out there just shooting them for fun on there lunch break, and using their words to stop an armed assaliant. Laughable
  • 4 3
 @bikeetc: I'm not talking about police dipsh1t. I'm talking about everyday idiots like you & me. Your lack of reading comprehension is not surprising.

Dunning Kruger is strong in this thread.
  • 3 4
 @m1dg3t: no you were talking about guns being used for fun instead of self defense. f*cktard
  • 2 3
 @m1dg3t: "they are for sport, not self defense"
  • 2 3
 @m1dg3t: You're totally right. Be safe.
  • 2 4
 @m1dg3t: so when bad people enter your home to do bad things to your family your going to leave the guns in the safe, just ask the bad people to leave and they will. That's how things work in the real world.
  • 1 3
 @brncr6: We just have to move to a place where bad people don't harm good people, and we always feel safe. Also need to have awesome trails with perfect dirt year round.
  • 2 3
 @bikeetc: yeh just the other day I saw a sign right out side of this little town that said "no bad guys are aloud to harm good people with in town limits"That's where I going to move to.
  • 1 0
 @brncr6: @slimboyjim This has been (for the most part if we ignore some of the people throwing shit about) a really interesting read about your combined opinions about the weapons debate. Thanks for the input both of you.

I know I come from a country where there are strict gun-ownership laws (The U.K) and have lived in another one for over a quarter of a century (Japan) and have had the pleasure of the company of a wide variety of Antipodeans, Europeans and North Americans all of who have brought their own opinions to the table about the issue.

One of the themes that keeps coming up for me is how much damage the weapon of choice will have, on both the intended target and innocent bystanders.

I'd be interested to hear what you'd both think about the following, which is my personal take on the situation after years of considering what is best...

As brncr6 says, people who want to hurt you, are going to hurt you whether it be with a gun, knife, pencil (John Wick) or whatever, and as slimboyjim points out, the availability of anything, weapons or otherwise, has been shown to tend to lead to an increased chance of them being used.

However, as far as damage is concerned, there has been a large body of evidence to show that the type of weapon matters, and very much. But i want go beyond that, to the damage caused to the innocent bystanders who get caught up in the melee..

And it seems to me that John Wick and his pencil are far less likely to cause as much 'collateral damage' as a drive-by shooting from someone armed with a higher-calibre semi-automatic.. and I am prepared to believe that there is likely a linear (or close to) relationship between collateral damage and weapon as we move through the pencil-knife-small arms hand gun-semi automatic assault rifle continuum.

So, for me personally, I, similarly to slimboyjim have no way of knowing if our opinions would change if we lived in countries with alternative histories, yet am happy to suggest that countries that legislate for reducing the potential for bystanders to get hurt will have just that, fewer bystanders that get hurt.

And I am happy with that, even at the expense of not being afforded the freedom to own weapons to protect my family. We don't feel under any danger though, and that is something I think no-one should forget when discussing the weapons-control debate

Will the threat ever be zero? Of course not, just look at what happened at a elementary school bus stop in Japan the day before yesterday. A guy armed with two sushi knives cut up 17 people killing an 11 year old girl and a young man in the process (you have to go back to 2001 for anything similar here so they are few and far between).

Thanks for reading both of you; enjoy the day and stay safe out there people. There are some idiots about with weapons of all sorts.
  • 2 5
 @bikeetc: Do you understand context? f*cktard. When you can read at a higher than gr 2 level maybe we can talk.

Till then, eat shit.
  • 2 5
 @brncr6: I don't live in fear. My penis, although small, is big enough. No need to over compensate.

I've been a victim of home invasion, and other crimes. You aint gonna see me living scared.

Did I mention that I live in Canada? We don't have wanksters running around with guns everywhere like south of the border.

You seriously trying to talk to me about the real world? Holy Dunning Kruger Batman! LoL
  • 4 2
 @m1dg3t: dont care about the size of your penis, but maybe you can defend your family with it?
  • 3 2
 @m1dg3t: grade 2 level....eat shit??? you got me Smile
  • 1 2
 @brncr6: yeah, but I think l know that town and there is also a sign that reads 'Don't play your music too allowed'
  • 1 2
 @TypicalCanadian: No need to be an expert. Its kinda in your face these days. I can do it the other way around. Here we go. Switzerland is known to be of the nicest countries to live in on the planet. Violent crime is very low. Murder rate is very low. Plus theyre neutral. No war for Switzerland!
  • 1 2
 @JohanG: our country isint perfect. I wish I could say your country is still a great place. But come on.... Unfortunately something went very wrong at some point. I love some places down there though. Nyc is amazing. Alaska. Hawaii....
  • 4 1
 @orientdave: stop it with your rational thought, critical thinking, and pragmatism.
  • 3 1
 @orientdave: @brncr6:

Guns lead to an increase in collateral - in the recent terrorist attack in the UK (London Bridge) an innocent member of the public was killed by a police bullet if I recall correctly? Clearly there is no question there over the deadly use of force there but I use it only to illustrate that trained people under difficult circumstances can miss with serious consequences. When you more away from trained persons to criminals that likelihood increases.

Knives are no joke though and, despite my flippancy above about running away from a knife, in the circumstances of a serious and determined attacker the knife injuries would likely be much more serious. Luckily that is a very rare thing, but that same that will always exist whether in a country with strict gun control or without.

Debate has been good though so cheers brncr6 - happy trails!
  • 7 4
 Has everyone noticed the amount of insults coming from the supposedly peace loving anti gun people? From what I can see most people here are being respectful enough but @zede, @m1dg3t, can't seem to have a conversation without telling people to "eat a dick" or call them idiots. It's almost like they have no intention of being reasonable or having a civil conversation but just want to shout their opinions down on everyone and force them to accept them as fact.

@zede, for the record the reason that people remove suicide from the stats is twofold a) "gun deaths" isn't a stat that is quoted often about other countries and usually only gun murders is quoted b) suicide by gun is far more common in the us than other countries (51% in the us Vs 9% average in Europe) jech.bmj.com/content/62/6/545

Similarly, gang membership in the US dwarf's all other western countries combined. Gangs on the scale of crips, ms13 are not a thing in more of Europe (although they are growing). If you take out the gang murders in Chicago, Baltimore, LA, (all heavily gun controlled cities) then you have roughly 300 million Americans living with more guns than there are on the rest of the planet combined with a murder rate similar to other G20 countries. And some states are even safer than average despite having guns everywhere. So yes America has problems and the gun exacerbates that in certain places but there are many caveats to this and large parts of America with huge numbers of guns are amongst the safest places in the world. Now if you can't have a civil conversation about it without shouting your uninformed 14 year old teenager level arguments then STFU.
  • 1 1
 @paulclarke: ahh ok, I see the television told you some stuff and you automatically know everything without living there. Maybe try being less of a judgmental cuck without complete information? Just some advice for you, or you can just keep making us all look like idiots...
  • 1 4
 @humoroususername: I said "eat shit" not "eat a dick". You must have the same education as the other guy.

Arguing on the internet is like paying a hooker to watch you beat off.

I've spent more time than I should have already 'discussing' this here.
  • 1 1
 @TypicalCanadian: You know countries keep data on this stuff right?
  • 1 0
 @paulclarke: ok so you’ve studied all applicable numbers and statistics on these other countries, got it. Very cool that numbers on the internet can completely encapsulate what it’s like to live somewhere. Incredible.
  • 4 0
 @m1dg3t: I'm sure the conversation you are imagining in your head has you emerging as some sort of intellectual titan here. You should enjoy that because in reality you are coming across as someone who is ignorant, uninformed and lacking curiosity...but mainly as bellend to everyone reading this.

I'm done anyway. Ciao.
  • 3 2
 @TypicalCanadian: heres a simple stat for you. LA has approx 6 times the murder by firearm deaths that the city of Vancouver has per capita. Its very simple. You dont always have to argue against everyone and everything you know.
  • 1 1
 @paulclarke: ok so that one stat encapsulates an entire country that has 9 times the population of ours? Cool. Great work bud.
  • 3 0
 @paulclarke: your comparison is apples to oranges, 2 completely different citys with completely different types of environments. There are so many other factors to take in to account that it is not even funny.
  • 2 0
 @paulclarke: You’re missing the point bud. One internet stat that you throw out doesn’t describe life in a large country with like 300 million people in it (9 times ours). I’m aware that your first stat was per capita, but it still doesn’t describe all of life in another country. I’m done with this, since this seems a little complex for you.
  • 2 2
 @TypicalCanadian: no prob. Sikply saying that their crime is way higher. And their country way more f*cked up.
  • 1 0
 @slimboyjim: A very thoughtful and engaging perspective and comment Slim! Thank you for your thoughts.

  • 2 3
 @boxxerace: thoughtful and engaging yes BUT wrong , the average knife wound isn’t worse than the average gun wound !
  • 2 1
 @Matt115lamb: www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5nufmq/serious_people_who_have_been_shot_and_stabbed

The people in this thread seem to completely disagree with you. I certainly know which one I would choose having read through that.
  • 1 2
 @humoroususername: stabbed with a Rambo knife or shot with a M60 ......,,let me think!
  • 1 0
 @Matt115lamb: you would actually choose being stabbed with a 15" double sided serated knife? Either way you probably won't survive either of them if they strike you near a vital organ so I think I would take the less painful option which, according to everyone in that post who has experienced both, is being shot.
  • 1 0
 @humoroususername: wtf has all this gun crap got to do with a bike theft anyway ?
  • 1 0
 Because if Gwin’s bike had a gun on it, it wouldn’t have been nicked
  • 24 0
 Was wondering for a good few seconds how'd they get that lage bike trough the broken windshield but then I also figured it out all by myself.
  • 3 1
 We had our stuff stolen after someone broke our window car in Barcelona a few weeks ago and a lad was like
"it's sure a kid who did it, who else could have sneaked through that hole ?"
  • 7 12
flag Tinus96 (May 28, 2019 at 10:56) (Below Threshold)
 Maybe to just open the door from the inside....
  • 16 1
 @Tinus96: Unlikely. Most likely they disassembled it piece by piece, starting with cranks. I am pretty sure about that!
  • 2 0
 Yes me too then I figured out that they stripped the bike in the van and posted the bits through the broken window. Mystery solved
  • 1 5
flag cuban-b (May 29, 2019 at 12:07) (Below Threshold)
 or they could just open the door once the window is broke
  • 17 1
 This makes me ashamed to be Scottish. At least it's a rare bike belonging to one of the most famous mtb riders in tge world so it'll likely be too hot for the scumbags to try and shift it.
  • 6 0
 They'll strip it for the parts and probably dump the frame somewhere. That's the sad part about it.
  • 10 3
 Don't feel that way. All Scots are not thieves. If you are not a thief then feel no shame if someone else, who happens to have been born near you, is. Might have been something else. American even. Who knows? Definitely a c*nt, but the nationality is not so clear.
  • 10 1
 It’s not a reflection of Scotland, thieves are global and shit happens everywhere. I hope the bastards get caught and their hands get cut off.
  • 12 3
 Don't worry he was probably from Quebec Wink
(you don't get this joke if you've never been to whistler)

I'm kidding! chill out people
  • 9 7
 Don't be ashamed, be proud. I thought all Scots were thieves but now you've got me thinking that one isn't.... you.
  • 9 5
 @konabigshed: I dunno man, the UK is absolutely rife with thievery. Ireland is fairly bad but England, Scotland and Wales in particular seem to be riddled with these pond dwellers. I have friends who work on building sites and they say it is a constant battle to prevent stuff getting stolen. Its even a pretty big risk to own cars like Golf R's, Fiesta STs in lots of cities and towns as the risk of them being stolen is so incredibly high. In my experience the people in US, Canada, Australia and lots of the continent are far less concerned about their possessions being taken. Americans barely seem to worry at all about this kind of shit.
  • 14 3
 It was probably someone from Surrey BC in Scotland on vacation.
  • 8 1
 @humoroususername: It’s true enough that everywhere I go with my bike around the UK there’s always the feeling you can’t leave anything for a second without the risk it won’t be there when you return, it’s heartbreaking that we have to live this way.
I don’t know what the answer is but the situation is certainly getting worse, my wife works in a primary school and often gets told to Fu#k off by 6 year olds !!
  • 8 0
 @humoroususername: Agreed. Didn't Hans Rey also have a bunch of his bikes stolen over there recently? I feel like the UK has worse petty crime while we have the whole gun violence / mass murder thing on lock over here.
  • 1 0
 @TrevZ: hahahahaha
  • 2 1
 Ad4m - I don't think anyone needs to be embarrassed - at the end of the day people are people. Most are decent, but there's an element that are not...
  • 2 1
 It's not your fault. Their are shit birds all over the globe. It's bad here in parts of Canada too.
  • 2 0
 Don't be ashamed, we don't even know if the thief is Scottish.
  • 4 7
 What if the thief was called Bogdan?
  • 1 0
 @TrevZ: lol, that's my home turf. Guildford.

Pretty true - though my new home in Red Deer is pretty bad for bike theft.
  • 2 1
 @konabigshed: she probably deserved it ! Lol
  • 2 3
 @Dustfarter: Totally agree i’d rather have my bike nicked than be shot ! At the end of the day Aaron Gwin having his bike nicked is far worse than so poor kid having his Xmas gift nicked , I’m sure he’ll get over it !
  • 1 1
 You know what I mean !!
  • 1 1
 @konabigshed: lol means joke
  • 1 1
 @Matt115lamb: I know, I have three teenagers ????
  • 1 1
 @konabigshed: I’m sure she can take it !
  • 19 2
 We hang bike thieves in Colorado.
  • 12 3
 Nice borrow from Wyoming.
  • 3 1
 Apparently they shoot at them in Texas.... that came out in the Lenosky news a while back....
  • 2 1
 @mbh1013: Too funny and yes. I got the sticker on my roof rack I got years ago from the early days of the Laramie Enduro 100k .... I believe it is an old Pedal House sticker with the Wyo reference .... rang true for this post. Bike thieve bastards.
  • 15 2
 @mbh1013: people in Wyoming say they hang bike thieves in Colorado?
  • 4 4
 I knew a plastic surgeon who hung himself!
  • 19 3
 Intense story.
  • 2 0
 This whole comment thread is going Downhill.
  • 3 0
 Hopefully Gwin will still be able to crank out decent results with the other bike.
  • 15 4
 Sad to read the comments here. Gwin is one of us. He is a fellow human being and a fellow mountain biker. I see more sympathy for the crooks who stole it than for the guy who lost his race bike. He's one of us. Nobody deserves to get their bike stolen. It sucks that this happened to any mountain biker, including Gwin.
  • 10 1
 these teams dont track there bikes ? you would think a team travelling the world would have better security measures. unlucky though hope they find it not an easy bike to hide.
  • 5 0
 This is an good idea. A small gps tracking stick on somewhere inside the frame? Imagine how sweet it would be to track the bike and bust the losers who stole it...
  • 1 0
 bikefinder.com Something along the lines of this?
  • 5 0
GPS trackers could be a solution, especially with a carbon frame.
But there are some disadvantages to this too:
- won't work if there is not at least low GSM signal. Almost all GPS trackers have LBS positioning so you could find at least the area in which the bike is located
- it is a pain to install (most frames don't have access points and head tube would be the most accesible)
Even with a small 500mAh battery it's almost sure you'll have to get the tracker out of the original case before installation.
-you need to install a SIM card and get some Data Plan. With these guys traveling a lot over the world means they'll need more SIM cards.
- they're not always reliable and documentation is not that good
- you need to get a little experience with configuration
But there is no other sollution ....... once the BIKE LOCK fails! I have an old beaten bike but I still lock it inside the car (some anchor points are not so hard to find inside).
Or just take it with you in the room as others said.
  • 11 0
 Someone’s posted a video on YouTube of the robbery.

  • 3 0
 you magnificent bastard. you beat me to it. Take your upvote.
  • 1 0
 @fruitsd79: an American getting robbed in Glasgow. First thing that popped into my mind.
  • 8 0
 For sale:
Aaron Gwin signature grips
Aaron Gwin signature bars
Aaron Gwin signature brakes
Aaron Gwin signature stem
Aaron Gwin signature pedals
Maxxis minions, logos removed
  • 9 0
 Cant be far with only one crank arm
  • 9 1
 I thought the bus he threw John Hall under would’ve been bigger...
  • 5 0
 And the people of Edinburgh take the p1ss out of Glaswegians for lacking morale fiber.......to be fair if it had been Glasgow there'd be no van.
  • 5 2
 Sorry for his loss, but seriously who, don't care if it was Gwin, driver, mech, etc, who the hell leaves their bike inside a vehicle, especially one with a giant billboard on it??!! That's just plain dumb as f#ck! Stupid is as stupid does.
  • 6 0
 Who doesnt bring their bike into the hotel room at night? especially a one of a kind?
  • 3 0
 I can't help thinking that the rates of thieving would change if the market for dodgy bits disappears. If people buy 'bargains' online without checking for proof of purchase then 'we' are providing the demand. I know I am guilty of buying on trust, but these stories do make me think. Hope this one has a happy ending.
  • 7 0
 I hear there’s a syndicate operating in the area..
  • 3 0
 @jamessmurthwaite you really just say "I hope they can build Aaron another bike to practice on"..... dude this is a factory team, if bikes exist they can get one for him.... they'd make sure he has a bike before any other human.
  • 4 0
 While not really an AG fan, hope the bike is recovered and tge theif hauled off to Edinburgh Castle, locked in the dungeon naked and have their testicles whipped hourly with a frayed shifter cable wielded by Shaun Palmer.
  • 1 0
 Thanks to austerity, Aaron will get a police incident number for the insurance company to process the claim. That's about the extent of the police work in cases like this.
  • 1 0
 That sounds fun except the Shaun Palmer bit
  • 5 0
 Doesn't exactly strike me as an inconspicuous target a few days out from a very well publicised event
  • 5 0
 I wonder how the thief would put the ads. “Intense M29, previously ridden by world cup champion”
  • 15 0
 The thief probably won't have any knowledge on the bike, so it'll be advertised as 'incense mountain bike with triple clamps and disk breaks'
  • 1 0
 @nordland071285: one lady owner !
  • 2 0
 These bikes are so Unique why would anyone bother stealing it? You would have to immediately part it out (not a lot of these parts on the market) so selling the parts would be fairly obvious as to where they came from. I hope he gets it back in a timely fashion.
  • 3 0
 That's my thinking. No way they're gonna be able to sell it complete and selling the parts will backfire too. The suspension codes will tie to the team. Everything is custom and the market for a full DH bike is already small. I don't think they know wtf they got. Either that or it's a rival trying to distract Gwin going into the race. LOL!
  • 2 0

@onemanarmy: You re thinking like a mountain biker, this may never see a mountain again, they will flog it to someone in their circle, friend, someones mate that wants a bike for their kid ... , take all the stickers off, jam on some daft bars and a big padded seat and use it to go to the shops to buy cans of beer . .. and you will weep as you see it under the ass of a ten year old kid, having trouble riding it as its several sizes too big, nope, more often than not its just cos "they want a bike".

Other theory is, its Fort William, a known event, gangs will come from all over to see what they can rob, strip and sell for parts (note - not online - too much hassle, sell to a mate of a mate of a mate down the pub) to those that dont give a hoot where it comes from,
  • 1 1
 @onemanarmy: someone will buy it somewhere. See countries have people who don't understand English, will not hear about this, will not ask or care of it's stolen. There must be a market or they wouldn't do it.
  • 1 0
 @jaame: Most thieves don't have networks like that. $7-15k bikes get stolen in my hometown almost daily.

Most of them show up at the flea market for sale, in ditches ditched by homeless or being ridden by tweekers. Either that or they get taken apart and the pieces end up on 8 different bikes and then those are sold.

Something like this might get sold to some idiot that doesn't ask the right questions. But the first time they try to get it serviced they're going to lose it. Everything on that bike is registered in a computer somewhere.
  • 1 1
 @onemanarmy: There is this thing in Europe called free movement of people. All the countries in Europe do not share the same values or wealth. Who knows where that bike will end up? If a mechanic inputs the codes into the Fox system they will flag up probably, but maybe not. I mean we have seen a lot of cases of thefts where the frame numbers of the bikes were not ever recorded in the first place. And who is to say the guy working on it doesn't know it's stolen and just inputs the id from another identical fox fork or shock, or just services them without logging the service.

A stretch maybe. It might end up in a ditch or parted out. It would seem that someone knew what they were going after though.
  • 4 2
 Man that makes me mad I feel so sorry for Aron and the intense team I had my bike stolen along with my bmw while I was a sleep in my house the government and the police need to do something about this it’s been nearly a month and I’ve herd nothing from the police grrrrr ????????????
  • 3 1
 Reno why the hell does the government need to find your BMW/ Bike, it's down to local government, police, and elected police commissioner to do something, or, look after your own shit first.
  • 4 2
 Really!!? They have no better place to keep his rig than in some shitty little van? I bring my bike inside my hotel room when I travel and my rig might be worth $4k...I don't even trust the "secure indoor hotel storage" Could be a blessing in disguise for Gwin as he probably wouldn't have raced with his ankle so shredded....maybe he can play the stolen bike card instead of the injury card. My ankle has looked like that before and it was a couple weeks before I could ride without tears from the pain....I cant imagine trying to race or even practice for a World Cup DH with an ankle in that condition....he'd just be asking for disaster and likely more injuries.
  • 3 1
 I feel like theres a lot of assumptions going down ,if you follow any of the team on insta AAron,john,jack and jack's mechanic were all traveling/flying the day before so presumably being meet at Edinburgh.which leaves one mechanic to be driving it up. Also big team like intense will have Europe bikes and if you follow them they post about trail bikes and E-bikes(im guessing 1 or each per rider)so were up at least 10 bikes so everyones say he should bring all of them in? but then where do you stop frames,carbon wheels spare forks?
You can see the van is wrapped with blacked out windows so you cant see in,those suggesting blank vans and graphics vans in sure they would love you to pay for the extra vehicle drivers and costs involed.I guaranty other teams are leaving bikes etc in in vans,I think intense just got unlucky could have been any team
  • 5 0
 He will ride the extra large and win.
  • 5 0
 You could easily track it from fallen pedals...
  • 2 0
 I’d have stuck the van and trailer in my garage over night if they had asked, wouldn’t have even taken a penny for it....

Edinburgh is awful for bike theft just now... usually idiots leaving on top of cars though....
  • 4 0
 There's only so many places you can ride that bike. Where does this thief think he's gonna ride?
  • 3 0
 Any icecream shop will do. How big is the chance of getting caught? I probably wouldn't recognize a M29 as Gwin's bike.
  • 1 0
 @Muckal: I might be old and out of the loop here - but what's an icecream shop?
  • 1 0
 @neimbc: not sure if this is an actual question...
  • 1 0
 @neimbc: eine Eisdiele, ffs
  • 1 0
 @colincolin: It is! Is it a literal icecream shop? I'm not getting the adage then/
  • 1 0
 @Muckal: What?
  • 1 1
 @neimbc: jawohl Kamerad!
  • 2 0
 I feel bad for Gwin, but he's from California, where every trail head sign says Do Not Leave Valuables in Car. Actually, I think every trail head sign everywhere says that. Lesson reinforced.
  • 3 0
 Clearly the thief used something more significant than an E13 crank to break the window probably a crusty dinner roll or he wrapped his fist with Cushcore.
  • 5 2
 Whoever these f*ckers are deserve to be shot with an M16 or a Carbine! Or maybe teams can consider stationing a Sniper on the rooftop to guard their bikes?
  • 3 2
 Far too many people on here and other social media platforms saying it’s the teams fault for leaving the bike in the van, as if they deserved to have it nicked, as if it was them giving consent to the twats who did the job.

That’s the same as saying having your curtains open to your living room and your tv being stolen is giving consent. Grow the f*ck up
  • 2 0
 There's nothing I hate more than bike thieves they have no shame! I don't see them getting very far with such a recognisable bike hope they get caught!
  • 3 0
 One must learn to leave nothing of value outside - including inside cars/vans in the UK. 5 sec's and it's gone!
  • 1 0
 I’m not surprised at all. I have to thinking driving around in one of these rolling billboard vans just says come take my $hit criminals. In any case robbers will be robbers.
  • 1 0
 Local people here would suggest him to try to recall if he ever pissed at random spot in the wood. Somehow he seems like followed by bad omens since 2018. Busted his thumb, busted his ankle now this
  • 2 2
 Use vehicles that don't have brand stickers on them(there are cons to getting people's attention) - hide content of vehicles from onlookers(no windows, separate LOCKED compartments as case may be) - avoid being seen using your transport vehicle as much as possible(famous faces also attract the attention of thieves) - park in secure places or at least places where you can observe your vehicle(doesn't your vehicle have an alarm?)... PS: In selling things like my used PS3 to strangers, I'd meet in front of a Police Station as a security measure - how about using hotels(etc) near Police Stations & parking your vehicle outside(in view of said Police Station) or even leaving your vehicle on the Police compound(if they'll allow it)... How about hiring someone to do security & or taking shifts watching your vehicle? I'm sure you can use something - if not all - from what I've stated... =]
  • 7 3
 Wouldn't have happened on a YT.
  • 10 0
 It literally did last year. YT had about 20 bikes stolen in one go from a demo event at the Forest of Dean (UK).
  • 1 0
 Not a funny point obviously, just adding to the general ‘what the f*ck is going on in the UK’ question
  • 3 0
 Even more less likely if it were a Sick Bicycles bike, Cant steal non existent bikes haha
  • 6 6
 Weapons will not solve the problem. Only bring more deaths. The problem is more likely to be related to social inequality and this is a big problem that you can not easily solve. There are very exciting studies in this topic => Google it.
Here in Germany we also have no solutions for this big problem, but therefor an insurance, which is responsible for thefts (if it was in the house or garage). This way, I've twice come to new bikes and the pain is quickly gone while search for the rig :-)
  • 9 2
 @maintrail People can be poor and not be criminals and vice versa. Nor does being poor excuse criminal behavior.
  • 3 1
 Some people just like the crime. That's why there are rich criminals, otherwise they'd stop after making an average wage.
  • 6 2
 My mom was an immigrant from Brazil. Raised me on her own for a long time. Worked two jobs to put me in private school. We were poor, but she taught me right from wrong. All this liberal crap about social inequality is just excuses for shitty people. Nothing wrong with a few more dead criminals.
  • 2 0
 TBH what did he expect leaving a bike in a van with race decals on it in Edinburgh. Be thankful they didn't meet the junkie that stole it.
  • 3 0
 THIS JUST IN: In related news Neko Mulally and Jack Moir's bikes were just reported stolen...........by A-A-Ron Gwin.
  • 5 0
 You done messed up, A-A-Ron!
  • 2 0
 Just watch for the add on PB that says “fits like an XL” oh wait that’s pretty much is own category. Downhill / enduro / XC / Fits like XL
  • 2 1
 Food for thought. That used part going for a very cheap price. Ask questions. If you buy stolen parts your a scumbag just like the thiefe. Would thieves steel bikes if we didn't buy the stolen goods?
  • 2 0
 theyre just gunna sell it for a normal price
  • 1 0
 @housem8d: so you buy stolen bike parts?
  • 1 0
 @Sshredder: so you assume everything?
  • 1 1
 If they ever find the thief I’d like to employ him for something challenging one day. I struggle getting my bike through the back gate most days! Cant imagine a regular smackjock getting their heads around the bar twisting & saddle dropping required in getting a 29er through that window. Deffo pros at work??
  • 2 0
 Likely used a shrink gun.
  • 5 1
 Welcome in UK.
  • 1 0
 It could’ve happened anywhere , shouldn’t have left a race bike in a stickered up race van , asking for trouble !
  • 4 1
 Damn, how did they even know where to look??
  • 1 0
 Il keep my eyes peeled if it makes its way down south london and sussex area be warned if i see you with it you better run fast
  • 2 0
 I’ll take it off you for a monkey
  • 5 2
 what was you saying about mexico?
  • 7 5
 That people get mugged, tortured and killed and no ones gives a damn? That pretty much every cop and politics are corrupt and those who aren't are running away from there?
Trump is a moron, Mexico is beautiful, but it's also far from safe
  • 3 0
 aye is he gonna trade it for a caravan?
  • 4 0
 Periwinkle Blue?
  • 1 0
 I get teams want to be flashy, but honestly don't understand why the graphics that scream 20k+ worth of stuff in here for you to steal.
  • 2 0
 Welcome to the United Kingdom.
I’m sure true to form the police will have zero interest.
  • 2 0
 How can thieves from Santa Cruz, California afford to fly to Scotland?! That's perseverance!
  • 3 0
 That vital pole got a bit outa hand then.
  • 1 0
 what can they do with a bike that has no Chain, and no rear tires?? and probably no brakes, cause I dont think Gwinn uses them anyway, ahahahaha
  • 1 0
 Happens everyday. I had all our luggage stolen in Rome. Never appeared on the news. It's material...get a new one...DONE.
  • 3 0
 How wuuude
  • 3 0
 Shit Luck
  • 1 0
 Was the new shock that Fox was testing in their Dialed episode on this bike?
  • 2 0
 Dang, just put new cranks on there too...
  • 2 0
 What a time to be alive !
  • 1 0
 thats stupid every momuntain biker in he world knows where he gonna ride that at?
  • 2 0
 Always sleep with your bike.
  • 1 0
 good luck to whichever asshole tries to ride this thing without getting recognized, hope they get jumped.
  • 2 0
 oh noooo man is he going to race!?? NOOOOOOOOO!!!
  • 2 0
 Should be easy to find. Just look for the bike with only 1 crank on it
  • 2 0
 Damn, that must have put the team in tense waters.
  • 2 0
 that is awful, who would do that; I hope Aaron can ride.
  • 1 0
 Horrible! theft is a terrible evil against neighbor. I hope the police find the bicycle.
  • 1 0
 If they actually never told him and just built up another bike, would the Gwinn actually notice?
  • 3 2
 Size Large bike won’t fit through that window.
Sincerely Sherlock Holmes
  • 3 0
 No but a hand will,
to unlock the door.

Then the entire door can be opened using the handle


Clouseau maybe...
  • 2 0
 Sad that nowadays you have to lock your stuff up in a locked car.
  • 1 0
 A cash reward is not what should be offered. A savage beating should be guaranteed!
  • 3 1
 How it is possible to squeeze 29 inch bike through such small window ?
  • 1 1
 they dont. as happens when someone smashes a small window in a house. its to get their hand in, to unlock the door...
  • 1 1
 Awaiting the upcoming press-release errrrr interview between Aaron Gwin, Intense, and the automobile glass window company that outfitted the van.
  • 1 0
 Sad to hear but can't believe they don't bring the WC-bikes in over night, seems very risky to leave them in the truck :/
  • 2 0
 Death penalty for bike thieves is still not a thing?
  • 1 0
 "that escalated quickly"
yea! I stabbed a man in the heart with a trident! "
  • 2 1
 If anyone picks this bike up on the black market, I would consider swapping out the cranks before riding it...
  • 2 0
 I’ll dispatch the GWambulance stat.
  • 1 0
 Probably the same guys who stole Lenosky's bike's. Its a world wide conspiracy to destroy the mountain bike world!
  • 2 0
 Don’t talk smack in gwin, pink bike is full of nothing but fanboys
  • 1 1
 Millions in athlete contracts, millions in manufacture bike sales, massive media coverage of races - competition sabotaging another team???? Looks like a hit job to me.....
  • 2 0
 Did his mechanic install the glass window on the van?
  • 1 0
 Seems the bike has been recovered according to Singletrack fb. Was up for sale for £800 on gumtree
  • 1 0
 Rumor has it that Bruni got caught with Gwinns bike. He stole it so Aaron couldn't race.
  • 1 0
 What about jail time in return?
  • 1 0
 "Cash in return" -> we will give you a symoblic EUR in return :-)
  • 2 0
  • 4 4
 Well fancy leaving stuff in a van with Intense factory racing plastered all over it ! .....in Scotland ! ....
  • 2 0
 Fookin teeves
  • 1 0
 Good thing he was testing both sizes.
  • 1 0
 what the hell is going on with bike thieves in uk...
  • 4 0
 Heroin addiction.
  • 6 24
flag thesharkman (May 28, 2019 at 13:33) (Below Threshold)
 Uncontrolled immigration. The people pouring in don't view the citizens as "neighbors" and justice is not found in their home countries so they go ahead and do as they please.
  • 11 1
 @thesharkman: f*ck off with that shite
  • 3 0
 Who shat in your cereals this morning ?! @thesharkman:
  • 1 7
flag Golden-G (May 29, 2019 at 5:13) (Below Threshold)
 @thesharkman: you may be correct.
  • 3 0
 @thesharkman: Kindly f*ck off, "neighbour" (I believe this is the British spelling), my taxes is what allows you to sit on your ass in your council house so you could show some appreciation. Go suck Nigel's dick.
  • 1 0
 Poor guy. What a mental battle
  • 1 0
 His year is off to a good start.
  • 1 0
 All race bikes should have a stealth gps bit in the frame...just sayin!
  • 1 0
 Some Scottish yobbo be rolling in style tonight!
  • 1 0
 Cue in Grondkeeper Willy:

  • 1 0
 it was the shinning
  • 1 0
 Shitty people are everywhere! Stay vigilant!
  • 4 6
 God has created plagues, diarrhea, black heads, mosquitos, cancers, vegans, religions, believers, naive van drivers, and Wanky Design`s `sense of humour`.

God definitely hates us all.

Tom Araya
  • 1 1
 Crowd fund a bounty on the thieving bastard head. €10K and the scum will be found hung,drawn and quartered in 24hrs.
  • 1 0
 All of the UK is on the hunt for that bike.
  • 1 0
 Good luck ever riding it.
  • 1 1
 Has anyone else been watching every hour to see if its posted for sale on here ? ????????????
  • 1 1
 When I comes up for sale on pinkbike I'll let you all know how much I paid for it....
  • 1 0
 Ride it like you stole it!
  • 1 0
 Maybe the rest of the field have a chance now.
  • 2 0
 DEATH to bike thieves
  • 1 0
 Probably flip it to fund their crank habit..
  • 1 0
 Dungey will buy him a new one. He can afford it.
  • 1 0
 the hits keep on coming Frown persevere!
  • 1 0
 The M29 will looking good next to the Honda bike in my swiss chalet
  • 1 0
 That's just been sold for 3 bottles of Buckfast and a bag of skank.
  • 2 1
 trust in allah - but tie your camels well...
  • 1 0
 the suspension setup is too stiff, has i suspected!
  • 1 0
 The L or XL?
  • 1 0
 read the caption, looks like he's going to be on his XL.
  • 3 3
 I wanna know how they fit a 29er dh bike out that window
  • 1 0
  • 2 2
 Offer a heroin reward and the bike will be back in no time
  • 1 1
 ring ring, YT's calling.....
  • 1 2
 when you want to go Pulp Fiction on the thief with a pair of pliers and a blow torch
  • 1 0
 *Sad Bagpipe noise*
  • 2 2
 How on earth could anyone pull out a DH rig from such a small window?
  • 2 2
 Once you have broken the window you can open the door.
  • 2 1
 The Russians did it!
  • 2 0
 There's no proof!
  • 1 0
 That's pretty Intense
  • 1 0
 is the bike still lost?
  • 1 0
 is the bike still lost?
  • 9 11
 Don’t worry Gwin god wanted this to happen. Maybe the 3 year old frame was going to break.
  • 11 13
 Obviously not been praying to God enough recently.
  • 3 5
 Yes!!! LOL!
  • 7 10
 Gwinn will be so happy, this has to be the best excuse in his book of excuses not to win a race.
  • 14 17
 All part of God's plan. Probably.
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